Imágenes de páginas


Olney, Friends at, by Rev. J. Ivimey

Northampton, Friends, by Rev. T. Blundell.

Weymouth, Subscriptions, by Rev. W. Hawkins

Nairnshire, (N. B.) Society for propagating the Gospel, by Rev.

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S. 2 4

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A Friend to Missions, Newark, by Rev. W. Perkins
Lincolnshire Drill Man, by Mr. Dyer

Donation 1


Newcastle on Tyne, Auxiliary Society, by Mr. Fenwick
Trowbridge, Female and Juvenile Missionary Society, by Mrs.
R. Harris.

Bluntisham, Friends, by Rev. S. Green

Glasgow, Auxiliary Society, by Mr. James Deakin

including the following Sums.-

Hutcheson Town, Relief Congregation, Auxiliary
Missionary and Bible Society, by Mr. A. M'Caul

Second Donation 10 0 0

Glasgow, Female Association
Carmunnock, Bible and Missionary Society, by Mr.




31 14




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Kirkintulloch Missionary Society, by Mr. Baird... 2 0
Penny-a-week Association, in Rev. Messrs. Kid-
stone and Brash's congregation, Glasgow, by Mr.

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Legacy of the late Mr. John Peters, Airdrie ...... 19 1


Newcastle on Tyne, collected by Miss Angas

Friend, by Rev. C. Neale

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Committee for conducting the Youth's Magazine,' by W. B.
Gurney, Esq.

Second Donation 40 0 0


Birmingham Society, for Schools in Calcutta, by Mrs. Blake




10 0 0

J. BARFIELD, Printer, 91, Wardour-Street, Soho.

Baptist Magazine.

MARCH, 1823.


is in the world, particularly from the contagion of bad example, and to inculcate a strict regard to the duties of piety and morality.

In comparing the present state of the christian church, when its boundaries are so much enlarged, with what it was in the last age, the great danger to be apprehended is, from too much con

WHILE the genius and talents of many are employed in endeavouring to perpetuate the fame of those who have attained to worldly distinction, and in exhibiting the principles by which they were actuated, though alas! their splendid career has not unfrequently terminated in bitter anguish and disappointment; it surely becomes the professors of religion to cherish the remem-formity to the world, and remissbrance of those who, in their humble and retired spheres of life, have acted upon principles more congenial with the spirit of christianity; and who, by patient continuance in well doing, have sought for true glory, honour, and immortality.

Of this number was the late Mr. Daniel Sutcliff, a few particulars of whose life are here recorded. He was born of religious parents, residing in a secluded part of the vale of Todmorden, in the West Riding of Yorkshire. From the testimony which the deceased uniformly gave of their conduct, from his affectionate letters addressed to them when absent, and from the effects produced, it is evident that their method of training up their children was eminently judiciousneither too austere on the one hand, nor too indulgent on the other. The great objects they had in view were to preserve their offspring from the evil that



ness in the religious education of children. No period has been more distinguished by the eloquence of the pulpit, or by literary and religious publications adapted to the capacities of young persons, and the importance of education for general purposes in civil and commercial departments was never more acknowledged or acted upon; but though some honourable ceptions may be found, is there not reason to fear, that, in relaxing from the rigid discipline and laborious plans of catechising, which on some occasions might discourage, and even excite degree of disgust, we have too much neglected that nurture and admonition of the Lord, enjoined by apostolic authority? May not many who profess great zeal to promote the interests of religion, in looking at the state of their own families, justly lament, with the church of old," Mine own vineyard have I not kept;" family



devotion, and other branches of domestic culture, being neglected, or attended to in an irregular


abroad. The sound judgment
and scriptural knowledge of the
younger brother, might have qua-
lified him also for ministerial
services; but from the delicacy
of his constitution, his feeble
voice, and natural diffidence,
views were not directed, at any
period of life, to that sacred em-
ploy. The holy scriptures were
his delight and daily study, and
the other books, of which his li-
brary consisted, were exclusively
on important religious subjects.
That he was not a superficial
reader is evident from the re-
marks and references to particu-
lar passages, which are observa-
ble in almost every
Among his manuscript papers
are copious extracts, in a detach-
ed form, and many outlines of the
sermons which he had heard
from a very early period of his
life till near its close. These me-
thods of fixing in the mind what
has been heard or read, so much
recommended by Dr. Watts and
others, have never been adopted
and persevered in without great


Respecting the early years of our deceased friend little is known, nor can we ascertain the period when his religious impressions commenced. He was an instance, | among many others, of the propriety of Mr. Jay's remark in one of his publications, that these are not always begun abruptly, or in a manner bordering on prodigy, but are often derived, under Divine agency, from pious education, family worship, parental instruction, holy example." His natural disposition was mild and inoffensive, and there is every reason to believe that the work of grace in his mind had been gradually progressive from his early youth. His principal youthful associate was his elder brother, the late Rev. John Sutcliff, who, while a member of the church at Wainsgate, being thought to possess promising abilities for the ministry, became a student at the Bristol Academy, and afterwards settled at Olney in Buckinghamshire. He was well known to the public as the intimate friend and coadjutor of Messrs, Fuller, Pierce, Carey, Ry-. land, and other worthies, with whom commenced the formation of the Baptist Missionary Society. Some further particulars respect-on theological subjects as has ing him, chiefly contributed by rarely fallen to the lot of private the subject of this Memoir, are christians. The cause of Christ given in the "Account of the Life, lay near his heart, and he was Ministry, and Writings of the late ready on all occasions to embrace J. Fawcett, D.D." In the leading opportunities of doing good, traits of character, a great re- though he shunned every thing semblance was observable be- like ostentation and public notween the two brothers; particu- tice. He was a contributor to larly in an almost enthusiastic the Baptist Magazine, and to fondness for books, and a deep other periodical works,* and a interest in whatever related to the success of the gospel at home or

Though our deceased friend seldom moved far from his own neighbourhood, except on a few visits to his brother at Olney, he acquired by the means abovementioned, and by occasional intercourse with ministers and other pious characters, such knowledge

*An essay on the Importance of Correctness in Doctrinal Statements,

ferent times since we separated, that his mind was almost constantly fixed on divine things. I scarcely ever had a letter from him in which he does not express an earnest concern for the souls of his relations, and which does not contain exhortations to improve the present period, as we know not at what hour the Son of man may come."

In a life thus passed in the cool sequestered vale, it is not likely that there should be incidents of importance to relate: this account therefore will now close with some particulars of the state of his mind under affliction, and in the prospect of death.

few years before his decease compiled a Catechism for the use of Sunday-schools, which had an extensive circulation. In his personal demeanour he was sedate and contemplative, cautious in his language, and retired in his habits. Having never married, he lived almost alone after the death of his sister; but though this was his choice, and though he was not exempt from some peculiarities incident to such habits, he was far from being of a reserved, unsociable disposition. | On the contrary, he took great pleasure in the company of his friends, and particularly in encouraging hopeful appearances among young persons, by the For many years before his deloan of books, and by suitable cease he was afflicted with an advice. It was probably owing asthma, which increased upon in a great measure to his natural him towards the close of life, diffidence, that he had attained with other attendant symptoms, the meridian of life before he indicating a decline of nature; became a member of a chris- but he was enabled to possess his tian church. His conduct, soul in patience, and in the frehowever, after he had entered quent reference which, in coninto that relation was such as be- versing with his friends, he made cometh the gospel of Christ. The to his departure hence, he eviSociety will long have to regret denced that calm resignation and the loss of his prudent counsels, submission to the divine will, and ardent concern for its wel which christianity alone can infare. As a relative and friend, spire. At the approach of the he was steady and sincere in his last winter, he was induced to attachments: his reproofs and remove to the residence of his admonitions were softened with only surviving sister, near Rochkindness, and in seasons of ad- dale in Lancashire, both for the versity and affliction, he showed sake of society, and the attentions his tenderest sympathy and readi- necessary in his debilitated condiness to administer consolation. tion. The following extracts from A near relative, in answer to some letters to some of his most intiinquiries respecting him, says, mate friends, will show the state "It is evident from the letters I of his mind at that period. "He have received from him at dif- in whose hand our times are, is with the signature Sunergos, appeared weakening my strength by the in the Evangelical Magazine for Octo- way; and whether I shall have the ber 1822, which was his last contri-pleasure of seeing you again in the flesh is doubtful. Praying for your prosperity, and for the prosperity of Zion, I request an interest in your supplications


J. F.

The next article after this Memoir will be an Essay communicated to us by him, which we have not till now

found room to insert. Ed.

may know the rod, and hearken
to all that he who has appointed
it says to me in his holy word. I
often feel a degree of tranquillity
of mind, but am not, at times,
without my fears lest it should be
a stupidity, a dead calm, rather
than that perfect peace, which
is the effect of having the mind
stayed upon God, and from right
views trusting in him. I often
think of what the late Mr. Scott
said in his last illness,
doubt where infinity is concern-
ed, is sufficient to do away all
the consoling influence of hope.
My great encouragement is, 'God


Pray that my desire may be such, and that I may have, in every respect, a right frame of mind as to my present circumstances, and all that may await me. Also that I may conduct myself in the poor remains of life, so as to be of some use to those about me, while they are kindly endeavouring to smooth the rugged path, and that I may finally obtain everlasting life.'

also, that I may feel submission | to the divine will while here, and finally obtain the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Of late I have been much affected by some of the dying expressions of the Moravian, Mr. Gambold. He says, All that I can properly desire of my gracious Lord is, that he would be merciful to me, an unworthy sin ner; wash me from my transgressions in his blood; keep me in communion with himself and his people; help me to behave rightly, at least not offensively, in my sickness; and be perceptibly near to me in my last hour, when-will hear the desire of the humble. ever it shall be."" In another letter, in answer to one from the writer of this account, he thus expresses himself: "Yours of the 16th of February I received, and thank you for your concern and prayers. How often do we see that chastisement is what the children of God are partakers of! Doubtless there is need of it, otherwise He who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servants, would not inflict it. Our concern is to inquire, Is there not a cause? and are suitable fruits produced? I have more asthma of late, and do not think appearances warrant much expectation that I shall recover strength before I go hence. Pray that God may be with me in the gloomy valley. God shall be with you,' said your dear father, and if God all-sufficient be graciously with us, what can we wish for more?" A letter to his pastor, dated February 19, contains the following passages: "I have not at present much pain, but I sometimes suffer from shortness of breath. My prayer is, that I may neither despise the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when rebuked of him; that I

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Contrary to his own expectation and that of his friends in general, he began, in the spring season, to recruit a little, and returned to his own retired babitation; to which he was no doubt induced in order to have access again to his books, his silent but much valued companions, and also to enjoy the society of his religious connexions: but the hopes of his restoration were suddenly blasted by an attack of pleurisy, which his feeble constitution could not sustain, and in a few days it terminated his mortal existence, July 11, 1822, in the sixty-second year of his age.

The following is the account given by his pastor, in a letter to a friend then at a distance, of his last interview with him, and of

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