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overcome rests in the heart of the individual, then there would be dropping of external reforms and an entering into a dependence upon God wholly and alone, for God is the source of all that is good and and true, and without the Lord our works in the end amount to nothing. "Without me" says this image and likeness of God that is within man, "Without me ye can do nothing." But if men do not appeal to that law of righteousness within, but follow the world and take vengeance upon those who do not do what is right in their eyes, their lives do not fulfill the true ideal, there is suffering to no purpose; the suffering inflicted does not make the man really better. The judge that sits on the bench and condemns a criminal is not much better than the criminal, in the sight of God. This is a very strong statement to make, but neither one nor the other is regenerate, for a regenerate man will not sit in judgment on his neighbor. Jesus says "Condemn not," "Judge not," and the world is judging continually and condemnation is its last resort. Condemn and send to jail; condemn and hang; that is the way the world seeks to enforce righteousness. But the righteousness that leavens society, that helps the world, comes through the souls that are consecrated to the love of God; that is where all the goodness that has come to the world has worked since the world began-through those individual souls that are the salt of the earth in every age. For God is never without his witnesses in the world, and through these souls that he inhabits in his Holy Spirit he holds things centered; they are the backbone of life; they are the main-spring of action and as God thinks in them and loves through them the world is held from destruction. Not that these souls do anything in themselves, but God works in them, and so the good is perpetuated to the race and is held in the race lest the race go into darkness and destruction.

Now, if you desire to bless the world, if you desire that the truth may be known to the world, open your heart and let that Spirit work in you that was in Christ Jesus, and you will see that there is something which is radiating through you; which is blessing those around you and those who come in contact with you, and which is the leaven that leavens the whole lump of a man's life and makes him a light in this dark world. Not going about and receiving glory from men, but hidden away in the humble walks of life, as obscure persons, these are the men that God delights in, those that the world take no account of. These are the little ones in whom Christ Jesus delights, upon whom he bestows the love of the Father, filling them with the Holy Spirit and giving them what the world cannot give peace, perfect peace. "Come unto me and I will give you rest, for I am meek and lowly in heart," and he draws them around him in every age, drawing them out of the world to himself that he may delight himself in them; that they may delight themselves in that righteousness which is not of men but which is God's righteousness in them. This is the habitation of God-the souls of his regenerate ones; and that they shall be called the seven sons of God, the inheritance of all those who believe that Jesus Christ is come and that he dwells in human nature, that he is the light of life, that he is sent from the Father and is the manifestation of the Father, this is the inheritance which is received by those who become as little children and sit at the feet of Jesus to learn of him.

It is interesting to watch the current events in the world, but we get nothing that is vital there, and so we turn within and find in ourselves that which has made the world better since Christ came on earth: the goodness that never forsakes man but is always in him awaiting the hour when he shall turn to God and seek his face. So make for yourself a life of righte

ousness every day that you live, that God may live in you and that his light may radiate through you as from a lamp. Stand in this light, for he always seeks just such souls, souls that the world takes no account of, hidden away in obscurity; and from these temples of his Holy Spirit he sends forth that which leavens the the whole lump and holds things centered. As Jesus Christ spoke to the stormy waters and brought peace to the disciples, so the will of Divine love working in humble hearts has the same power to bring peace to the soul; to bring goodness to that which is in error; righteousness to that which is in sin; for he is the bread of life and we must all eat and drink of that bread in order to live, and because he lives in us we also live; we live by him. And as he fed the five thousand in the wilderness, so today he is feeding the thousands and tens of thousands in this world, keeping life in them that they may turn to him that they may repent; judging no man; condemning no man, (for he came not to judge the world,) but working in them that God's righteousness may be revealed; that they may be restored to the glory of God's sons and enter into life. That is our calling. We are not citizens of this world. We are not external reformers, regulating the law and order of the natural life, our citizenship is of heaven. We owe allegiance to Jesus Christ and we fulfill all law when we fulfill the Divine law, and the love which fulfills that law reaches and descends and enters into everything and brings righteousness into every action even in external life; so we must wait and be patient for that coming of the Son of God fully and completely into manifestation in us, and then there will be nothing more to desire. "In that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you."

If I have not given as freely as I have received, I am in debt.

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One Sunday morning Charles Fillmore said:

That thought force rules the world is not difficult to prove. A little attention will establish, by the logic of facts, that this statement is incontrovertible. However, it is not so important to prove this assertion true as it is to learn how to disentangle the individual from the meshes which he has woven and interwoven about himself through careless thinking. He may ask how may I take advantage of these invisible mental powers to lift myself out of present environment? Can it be done? It is easy, if we will give as much attention to right thought as we have to pursuit of the things of the visible. When we realize for certainty that there is a power within us which will extricate us from self-made entanglements, a new and wonderful hope is awakened, and hope leads to effort. Sincere effort will bring results that lead on to faith in greater things.

Thought-force generates in the mind like steam in a boiler. The best steam boilers have a battery of tubes permeating the interior and the mechanism of steam generation is quite complicated. So in the various plans of consciousness in man-thought-force is constantly doing its work in ways we know but little about. It has both visible and invisible centres of action in spirit, soul and body. Some people are moved almost wholly by sense or body thought, others by brain or intellectual thought, and others by emotional thought, with quite often an appendage of religious fanaticism.

This is particularly true in religious thought. When we look over the prophets that have arisen

from time to time we can see that their ruling thought was tinctured with self-limitations. They discovered that they could generate thought-force and they sent it forth colored by their own quality of mind. Sometimes it was destructive. In the times of the crusades one little weazened Italian Monk, who had spent his life in a monastery dwelling upon the thought of injustice, came forth to revolutionize the world and establish his own idea of justice. Peter the Hermit ran up and down Europe riding a mule, the while he preached and yelled, "God wills it! God wills it!" His zeal and fanaticism set on fire the slumbering thought in the minds of millions, and the result was a series of thought-waves that swept over the people. and moved them army after army, even little children, overland to the Holy Land.

But a handful of these thousands reached the promised land, because they were moved by the thought-force of one man, and were carried along by that limited, finite idea of justice. Those who fight for justice will never know justice, for Infinite Justice cannot be realized by them. "If my servants were of this world they would fight," said Jesus. idea of justice is something to be gotten by force. Infinite justice is attained through Divine Law, which is always harmonious. Religious zeal is sometimes a dangerous thing. "The zeal of thy house hath eaten me up." You can let your zeal eat up your God- your good in counsciousness, if it is not governed by judgment and a higher preception than the fighter has.

You must get into right relation with the Infinite spiritual understanding, in order to receive your good, or justice. As a man thinketh within HIMSELF, so will be that thought-force which he sends out. Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall never pass away." This statement gives us the idea of permanence, the thought of endurance.

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