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pleasant it was to bathe in its delicious waters again, to hear the roar of the lake and dash in the rollers. I feel quite exhilarated."

After resting for a short time at Nyassa they again start on their travels, and making their way round and across the south end of the lake, they come into an unexplored region, a point beyond which no white man had ever penetrated. Travelling now becomes specially dangerous, as all the country round was devastated by the Mazitu, a savage tribe of Zulus, who had settled on the west side of the Nyassa, and caused great terror by their depredations. There was also a great drought, and food was scarce, which greatly added to the difficulties of the way. The means of transit, too, had been greatly diminished by the death of all the camels, and many of the oxen, with which the party had been provided. They now take a north-westerly direction, to avoid the dreaded Mazitu, and passing over extensive plains and tracts of forest land but thinly peopled, come at length into a mountainous region inhabited by numerous tribes. Here the climate was cold for Africa, but there was much cattle, and chiefs of considerable power ruled over the scattered villages. The party, however, had been much weakened by desertion. The Sepoys had all left or died, others had deserted, several of the educated Africans had absconded, reducing the whole number of his followers to twenty. Livingstone, who understood the African character well, knew that the only chance of preventing further desertions was to keep them on the march, so as to increase the distance from home, and so lessen the chance of a successful flight. On therefore they went, and still on, day by day, and yet on, into a land of fear and dread. They are now in the country of the terrible Mazitu, and now another desertion takes place. It is that of the Johnna men, with Moose their leader, who got back to Zanzibar, and, to excuse his own cowardice, raised the report of Livingstone's death, which subsequently came to England, but was afterwards proved to be false. After being thus deserted by the greatest part of his men, his cattle mostly dead, and reduced to a condition of great physical weakness by over-fatigue and want of proper food, the great traveller recommences his wanderings. He has a brave heart and an indomitable will, and so he pushes on over plains, across mountains, along valleys, through marshes and rivers, week by week and month by month, exposed to innumerable_dangers and to great suffering from fatigue, hunger, and thirst. It would occupy more space in this magazine than can be allotted me to name only the places at which he calls, and the tribes and countries through which he passes. We must observe, however, before proceeding with our narrative, that in the course of this journey the Doctor met with a great river that very much puzzled him for a time. It was the Chambeze. He found it running to the north, and that it was regarded as one of the main branches of the Zambesi. The similarity of name also seemed to favour the notion. Still, he could not clear up the matter, and he would not proceed until he had done so. The uncertainty cost him many a month of tedious and unprofitable wanderings. Up and down and across its course he wandered like an uneasy spirit, until he came to the conclusion that it was no branch of the Zambesi,

and that it could be none other than the head-waters of the Nile After this, striking away to the north-east of Cazembe's country, he came to a large lake called by the natives Liemba, from the country of that name which borders it. He was the discovorer of Liemba, which he regarded as a distinct lake, but which he afterwards found was but a continuation of the great Lake Tanganyika. Thus, after a long weary march of eight months from the date of touching at Lake Nyassa, he reaches the second great stage of his journey. From the point which they occupy they look down upon the southern end of this grand and beautiful lake, and are filled with wonder and delight at the sight of its glittering waters. Tanganyika was discovered by Burton and Speke on the 13th of February, 1858. It is said to be three hundred and fifty miles long, and from twenty-five to thirtyfive miles broad, with a depth in some parts of three thousand feet, while on some of its sides the rocks rise perpendicularly two thousand feet above the level of the water. It is surrounded with grand and lovely scenery, and its islands and banks are inhabited by numerous tribes of warlike and prosperous races. "After being a fortnight at this lake," says Livingstone, "it still appears one of surpassing loveliness. Its peacefulness is remarkable, though at times it is said to be lashed into storms. It lies in a deep basin whose sides are nearly perpendicular, but covered well with trees; the rocks which appear are bright-red argillaceous schist; the trees at present all green; down some of these rocks come beautiful cascades, and buffaloes, elephants, and antelopes wander and graze on the more level spots, while lions roar by night. The level place below is not two miles from the perpendicular. The village at which we first touched the lake is surrounded by palm-oil trees-not the stunted ones of Lake Nyassa, but the real West Coast palm-oil tree, requiring two men to carry a branch of the ripe fruit. In the morning and evening huge crocodiles may be observed quietly making their way to their feeding grounds; hippopotami snort by day and at early morning."

One of the greatest disasters Livingstone experienced during this his third series of African travels took place on his march from Nyassa to Liemba or Tanganyika. It was the loss of his medicine chest. It had been entrusted to two of his servants, with other things of importance, to carry on the march, but, when passing through one of the dense forests, they deserted and threw it away. Search was afterwards made for them, but neither they nor the medicine chest were ever found. This was a great calamity to the Doctor, he felt it much, and it is not improbable that it was the remote cause of his death. It was stored with quinine, which was always a specific with him when suffering from African fever, to which he was subject. "I felt," says he, "when the medicine chest was lost, that I had now received the sentence of death, like poor Bishop Mackenzie." He had been exposed during this march to great dangers, had been repeatedly ill, had been robbed of his goods on all sides, his chronometers, and other scientific instruments had been injured so that they would not properly act, and he had now arrived at Lake Tanganyika, broken down in health and greatly depressed in spirits. It was here, indeed, that he had his first serious illness-the first of those attacks of insensibility to which he became afterwards so subject.

"After I had been a few days here," he says, "I had a fit of insensibility, which shows the power of fever without medicine. I found myself floundering outside my hut and unable to get in; I tried to lift myself from my back by laying hold of two posts at the entrance, but when I got nearly upright I let them go and fell back heavily on my head on a box. The boys had seen the wretched state I was in, and hung a blanket at the entrance of the hut that no stranger might see my helplessness; some time elapsed before I could recognise where I was."

After his recovery and a little rest, the Doctor starts again on his travels. He makes his way round the southern end of the lake, and strikes off to the west. The country is greatly disturbed. The several races who inhabit it are at war, and he meets with scenes of great cruelty and bloodshed. But keeping clear as much as possible of the disturbed districts, he prosecutes his march. His object is now to reach Lake Moero. A long reach of country unexplored by Europeans lies before him. He now comes across the tracts of the Arab slave and ivory merchants, and his heart is sadly grieved at the way in which these atrocious wretches treat the natives. They go with armed bands of half-castes, pick a quarrel with the natives, murdering all who resist; they then steal their ivory, and carrying off the women and children, they drive them to the East Coast, where they sell them as slaves. After a march of six months he reaches Lake Moero, which he estimates to be about sixty miles long, and between thirty and forty wide. He then explores its southern end, and finds a large river running into it from the south, and he also learns from the natives that there is still a much larger lake to the south-east, out of which this river comes. He wants to get further information about the matter, and he makes his way to the town of a powerful chief who held sway over the tribes in this part of the country, called Casembe. Casembe is described as a kingly savage. He is a tall, stalwart man, wearing a peculiar kind of dress made of crimson print, and worn in many folds in the shape of a prodigious kilt, the upper part of his body being bare. He received the Doctor in state, surrounded by his chiefs and principal officers, the most conspicuous being his executioner. This individual had a chain round his neck, at the end of which was suspended a pair of shears, and also a huge sword by his side. The principal business of this gentleman was to cut off the hands and crop the ears of those who offended his master. Livingstone approached him, and touching the shears that hung from his neck said, "Yours is a nasty business," when he merely grinned at him, and looked out of the corner of his eyes towards the people who were spectators of the scene, as though he would like to operate upon some of them. That he did a good deal of business in his peculiar line was evident from the numbers of people without hands and with cropped ears whom the Doctor met as he wandered through Casembe's dominions. The statement of the traveller that he was going north in search of lakes and rivers filled him with astonishment. "What can you want to go there for?" he said. "The water is close here! There is plenty of large water in this neighbourhood!" Casembe had never seen an Englishman before; and notwithstanding that he could not understand this

water-seeker, and very possibly thought him wrong in the head, or, as Livingstone puts it, that "he had water on the brain," he gave orders to his chiefs and people that the traveller was to be allowed to go wherever he had a mind, and treated him with much consideration. He availed himself of his proffered help to survey Lake Moero; while doing so he acquired a great deal of information from the natives about the undiscovered lake to the south-east, and also concerning a strange country on the west side of Moero called Rua. They told him that in that country the people lived in underground houses, and on inquiries of men who had seen them, he says, “I find that they are very extensive, ranging along mountain-sides for twenty or thirty miles, and in one part a river flows inside. In some cases the doorways are level with the country adjacent; in others ladders are used to climb up to them; inside they are said to be very large, so that all the people in the country in case of need can find shelter in them, and the natives say that they are not the work of men, but of God." He was very curious to visit them, and to see the old inscriptions which were said to be written on the rocks, but it would have taken him out of his right course, and would have diverted him from his present purpose. It was, therefore, not to be entertained, but he purposed, after he had explored the great lake to the south-east, to come round that way and examine tham. A purpose, alas! he never lived to accomplish.

He now leaves Casembe and Moero, and pushes on towards the unknown waters of the south. They start on the 11th of June, 1868, and after a difficult journey of about six weeks they discover Lake Bemba, or rather Bangweolo, as he learnt, for Bemba is rather the name of the country in which the lake is situated. He was the first European that had ever looked upon this great body of water, which is no doubt one of the largest lakes in Africa, and the first, as Livingstone thought, of those series of waters that constitute the great and inexhaustible sources of the Nile. Bangweolo is a huge body of fresh water two hundred miles long by one hundred wide, into the eastern end of which the Chambeze flows. It is fed in all directions by innumerable rivers and water-courses, and out of the western end runs the Luapula, a stream at its source five miles wide. He spent some time in examining this lake, and the country and tribes about it. He could not finish his work, however, by reason of the rains, and also the disturbed state of the country, which exposed him to great delay and danger. All was turmoil and panic. Casembe and the Arab traders were at war with the Mazitu, and then, when this war was over, Casembe and his allies went to war with the Arabs. The result was that the whole country was in great confusion, and it was impossible for the Doctor to prosecute his journey. However, after long and patient waiting, he at length gets on the way once more, determined to brave all dangers. He now makes his way back again to Lake Tanganyika, and along the western side of that lake to a place called Paera, where he crosses, and arrives at the great Arab settlement of Ujiji, on its eastern shore. He was eight months in accomplishing this journey, which must have been upwards of six hundred miles, during the greater part of which he was ill, and sometimes had to be carried in a kitander by two of his


He expected to find supplies at Ujiji, as well as letters and papers from England. He expected also to be able to spend some time at this place, to recruit his wasted powers before recommencing his labours. He was doomed, however, to bitter disappointment. When he arrived there he found that the supplies sent from Zanzibar had all been either stolen or wasted, and that the parties furnished with letters and papers had proved unfaithful to their trust. They had concluded that he was dead, that he would never more be seen, so they treated his goods as if they had been their own. This disappointment to a man shattered in health, craving for letters and stores, after having been shut out from the civilised world for four long weary years, and broken in spirit, must have been great indeed. Still he did not give way to despair, but kept up a brave heart. He could not be idle, so he formed the design, while waiting at Ujiji, among rascally Arab traders and their slaves, and equally rascally natives corrupted by their association with those worthless representatives of the civilisation he had been cut off from for so long, to explore the shores of Tanganyika and settle the question of its affluent. But here again he was doomed to be disappointed, for Arabs and natives alike were so bent on plundering him for every service rendered, that he was compelled to abandon his project. For four months he waited and suffered at Ujiji, but he waited and suffered in vain. His supplies and men did not turn up. He grew tired of his inactivity; so, though worn in body, and but scantily provided with stores and men, he recrosses the lake, and starts on a march of between four and five hundred miles through the Manyuema country, with the intention of striking the Lualaba, a magnificent lacustrine stream which he knew flowed northward out of Lake Moero.

(To be continued.)


MOZART was not only a prodigy in music, but he had the ill luck to be witty and sarcastic. It was sufficiently formidable to encounter whole legions of envious musicians; it augmented the difficulty and the danger when keen, withering shafts of irony winged their way over Europe and exasperated those who were more than a match for Mozart in malice and intrigue, though less than his equal in gifts and attainments. At Mannheim Mozart spoke of Vogler, the second Kapelmeister, as a "musical jester-a fellow who imagined great things, and executed little." Fancy Vogler's delight when willing tale-bearers reported this to him! He would be sure to accumulate all the stumbling-blocks he could in the way of his soft-smiting critic.

At Mannheim Mozart made great progress in the good opinion of the Elector and the nobility generally. He had plenty of kissing of hands, applause, and presents, but could find no way of making money. Let the following extract from a letter tell its own tale :-" I

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