2 Me in my blood thy love pass'd by, And stopp'd my ruin to retrieve; Wept o'er my soul thy pitying eye; Thy bowels yearn'd, and sounded "Live!"" The
Dying, I heard the welcome sound, And pardon in thy mercy found.
3 Honour, and might, and thanks, and praise, I render to my pard'ning God!
Extol the riches of thy grace,
And spread thy saving name abroad; That only name to sinners given, Which lifts poor dying worms to heaven. 4 Jesus, I bless thy gracious power,
And all within me shouts thy Name; Thy Name let every soul adore, * Thy power let every tongue proclaim: Thy grace let every sinner know, And find in thee their heaven below.
Amsterdam.] HYMN 292. 7's & 6's.
EET and right it is In every time and place,
Glory to our heavenly King, The God of Truth and grace. Join we then with sweet accord, All in one thanksgiving join! Holy, holy, holy Lord, Eternal praise be thine!
2 Thee, the first-born sons of light, In choral symphonies, Praise by day, day without night, And never, never cease; Angels and archangels, all
Praise the mystic Three in One; Sing, and stop, and gaze, and fall O'erwhelm'd before thy throne!
3 Vieing with that heavenly choir, Who chant thy praise above; We on eagles' wings aspire, The wings of faith and love; Thee, they sing, with glory crown'd; We extol the slaughter'd Lamb;
Lower if our voices sound, Our subject is the same.
4 Father, God, thy love we praise, Which gave thy Son to die; Jesus, full of truth and grace, Alike we glorify; Spirit, Comforter divine, Praise by all to thee be given, Till we in full chorus join,
And earth is turn'd to heaven.
Farnworth.] HYMN 293. S. M.
FATHER, in whom we live,
In whom we are, and move, The glory, power, and praise receive Of thy creating love..
Let all the angel throng Give thanks to God on high, While earth repeats the joyful song, And echoes through the sky.
Incarnate Deity, Let all the ransom'd race Render in thanks their lives to thee, For thy redeeming grace:
4 The grace to sinners show'd Ye heavenly choirs proclaim, And cry Salvation to our God, Salvation to the Lamb!
Spirit of Holiness, Let all thy saints adore Thy sacred energy, and bless Thy heart-renewing power.
6 Not angel-tongues can tell Thy love's ecstatic height, The glorious joy unspeakable, The beatific sight!
Eternal Triune Lord! Let all the hosts above, Let all the sons of men record, And dwell upon thy love:
8 When heaven and earth are fled Before thy glorious face, Sing, all the saints thy love hath made, Thine everlasting praise!
Middletown.] HYMN 294. 8 lines 7's.
ESUS is our common Lord, He our loving Saviour is; By his death to life restor'd, Misery we exchange for bliss. Bliss to carnal minds unknown: O'tis more than tongue can tell! Only to believers shown: Glorious and unspeakable.
2 Christ, our Brother and our Friend, Shows us his eternal love: Never shall our triumphs end, Till we take our seats above. Let us walk with him in white, For our bridal day prepare; For our partnership in light, For our glorious meeting there!
Paradise.] HYMN 295. C. м.
'TIS delight, without alloy, Jesus, to hear thy name; My spirit leaps with inward joy, I feel the sacred flame.
2 My passions hold a pleasing reign, When love inspires my breast, Love, the divinest of the train, The sov'reign of the rest.
3 This is the grace must live and sing, When faith and hope shall cease, Must sound from every joyful string Through the sweet groves of bliss.
4 Let life immortal seize my clay; Let love refine my blood; Her flames can bear my soul away, Can bring me near my God.
5 Swift I ascend the heavenly place, And hasten to my home, I leap to meet thy kind embrace, I come, O Lord, I come.
6 Sink down, ye separating hills, Let sin and death remove; 'Tis love that drives my chariot-wheels, And death must yield to love.
Swanwick.] HYMN 296. C. М.
HE wisdom own'd by all thy sous, To me, O God, impart, The knowledge of the holy Ones, The understanding heart. Thy name, O holy Father, tell To one who would believe; To me thine only Son reveal, Thy Holy Spirit give.
2 'Tis life, eternal life, to know The heavenly Persons mine: Father, and Son, and Spirit bestow, That precious faith divine! A Trinity in Unity,
My soul shall then adore :
And love, and praise, and worship thee, JEHOVAH, evermore.
Josiah.] HYMN 297. 8 lines 7's & 6's. OD of Israel's faithful three, Who brav'd the tyrant's ire,
Nobly scorn'd to bow the knee, And walk'd unhurt in fire: Breathe their faith into my breast; Arm me in this fiery hour; Stand, O Son of Man, confest In all thy saving power!
2 For while thou, my Lord, art nigh, My soul disdains to fear;
Sin and Satan I defy,
Still impotently near;
Earth and hell their wars may wage, Calm I mark their vain design;
Smile to see them idly rage Against a child of thine.
3 Unto thee, my Help, my Hope, My Safeguard, and my Tower, Confident I still look up, And still receive thy power; All the alien's host I chase, Blast and scatter with mine eyes; Satan comes; I turn my face; And, lo! the tempter flies!
4 Sin in me, the inbred foe, Awhile subsists in chains:
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