Thou canst, thou wilt my helper be; My confidence is all in thee The faithful God of love.
4 While still to thee for help I call, Thou wilt not suffer me to fall, Thou wilt not let me sin; And thou shalt give me pow'r to pray, Till all my sins are purg'd away, And all thy mind brought in.
5 Wherefore in never-ceasing pray'r, My soul to thy continual care I faithfully commend: Assur'd that thou through life wilt save, And show thyself beyond the grave My everlasting Friend.
HEN shall I see the welcome hour, That plants my God in me! Spirit of health, and life, and pow'r, And perfect liberty.
2 Love only can the conquest win, The strength of sin subdue, Come, O my Saviour, cast out sin, And form my soul anew!
3 No longer then my heart shall mourn, While sanctify'd by grace,
I only for his glory burn,
And always see his face.
Broadmead.] HYMN 360. 6 lines 8's.
of life and all my joy,
Jesus, thy mercies I embrace;
The breath thou giv'st, for thee employ, And wait to taste thy perfect grace :
No more forsaken and forlorn, I bless the day that I was born!
2 Preserv'd through faith, by power divine, A miracle of grace I stand! I prove the strength of Jesus mine! Jesus, upheld by thy right-hand, Though in my flesh I feel the thorn, I bless the day that I was born.
3 Weary of life, through inbred sin I was, but now defy its power: When as a flood the foe comes in, My soul is more than conqueror: I tread him down with holy scorn, And bless the day that I was born.
4 Come, Lord, and make me pure within, And let me now be fill'd with God! Live to declare I'm sav'd from sin: And if I seal the truth with blood, My soul from out the body torn, Shall bless the day that I was born!
Monmouth.] HYMN 361. 6 lines 8's.
COME, Holy Ghost, all-quick'ning fire!
Come, and my hallow'd Sprinkled with th' atoning blood; Now to my soul thyself reveal, Thy mighty working let me feel,
And know that I am born of God.
2 Thy witness with my spirit bear, That God, my God, inhabits there : Thou, with the Father, and the Son, Eternal life's co-eval beam, Be Christ in me, and I in him, Till perfect we are made in one.
3 When wilt thou my whole heart subdue? Come, Lord, and form my soul anew,
Emptied of pride, and wrath, and hell : Less than the least of all thy store Of mercies, I myself abhor :
All, all my vileness may I feel. 4 Humble, and teachable, and mild, O may I, as a little child,
My lowly Master's steps pursue! Be anger to my soul unknown; Hate, envy, jealousy, be gone;
In love create thou all things new. 5 Let earth no more my heart divide; With Christ may I be crucify'd;
To thee with my whole heart aspire; Dead to the world and all its toys, Its idle pomp, and fading joys,
Be thou alone my one desire!
6 Be thou my joy, be thou my dread; In battle cover thou my head,
Nor earth, nor hell I then shall fear; I then shall turn my steady face: Want, pain defy-enjoy disgrace- Glory in dissolution near. 7 My will be swallow'd up in thee! Light in thy light still may I see, Beholding thee with open face; Call'd the full power of faith to prove, Let all my hallow'd heart be love, And all my spotless life be praise. 8 Come, Holy Ghost, all-quick'ning fire, My consecrated heart inspire,
Sprinkled with th' atoning blood: Still to my soul thyself reveal: Thy mighty working may I feel, And know that I am one with God.
Swanwick.] HYMN 362. C. М.
of Jesus Christ, my Lord,
My Saviour, and my Head, I trust in thee, whose powerful word Hath rais'd him from the dead.
2 Thou know'st for my offence he died, And rose again for me; Fully and freely justified,
That I might live to thee.
3 Eternal life to all mankind
Thou hast in Jesus given : And all who seek, in him shall find The happiness of heaven.
4 O God! thy record I believe, In Abraham's footsteps tread; And wait, expecting to receive The Christ, the promis'd Seed.
5 Faith in thy power, thou seest I have, For thou this faith hast wrought; Dead souls thou callest from their grave, And speakest worlds from nought.
6 Things that are not, as though they were, Thou callest by their name; Present with thee the future are, With thee, the great I AM.
7 In hope, against all human hope, Self-desperate I believe; Thy quick'ning word shall raise me up, Thou shalt thy Spirit give.
8 The thing surpasses all my thought; But faithful is my Lord; Through unbelief I stagger not, For Godhath spoke the word.
9 Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, And looks to that alone; Laughs at impossibilities,
And cries, "It shall be done!"
10 To thee the glory of thy power And faithfulness I give! I shall in Christ, at that glad hour, And Christ in me shall live.
11 Obedient faith that waits on thee, Thou never wilt reprove; But thou wilt form thy Son in me, And perfect me in love.
Clarendon.] HYMN 363. C. М.
EEPEN the wound thy hands have made In this weak, helpless soul;
Till mercy with its balmy aid, Descend to make me whole.
2 The sharpness of thy two-edg'd sword Enable me t' endure;
Till bold to say, My hallowing Lord Hath wrought a perfect cure.
3 I see th' exceeding broad command, Which all contains in one; Enlarge my heart to understand The mystery unknown.
4 O that with all thy saints I might By sweet experience prove, What is the length, and breadth, and height, And depth of perfect love!
Mystery.] HYMN 364. 8 lines 7's & 6's.
IVE me the enlarg'd desire,
☑ And open, Lord, my soul, Thy own fulness to require,
And comprehend the whole:
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