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4 'Twill save us from a thousand snares To mind religion young; Grace will preserve our followingyears, And make our virtue strong. 5 To thee, almighty God, to thee, Our childhood we resign; 'Twill please us to look back and see That our whole lives were thine.

6 Let the sweet work of pray'r and praise Employ my youngest breath; Thus I'm prepar'd for longer days, Or fit for early death.


The Danger of Delay.

1 WHY should I say, "'Tis yet too soon
To seek for heav'n, or think of death?"
A flow'r may fade before 'tis noon,
And I this day may lose my breath.

2 If this rebellious heart of mine
Despise the gracious calls of heav'n,
I may be harden'd in my sin,
And never have repentance giv'n.

3 What if the Lord grow wroth, & swear,
While I refuse to read and pray,
That he'll refuse to lend an ear
To all my groans another day?
4 What if his dreadful anger burn,
While I refuse his offer'd grace:
And all his love to fury turn,
And strike me dead upon the place?

5 'Tis dang'rous to provoke a God;
His pow'r and vengeance none can tell;
One stroke of his almighty rod

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Shall send young sinners quick to hell. 6 Then let me always watch my lips,

• Then 'twill for ever be in vain

To cry for pardon, and for grace; To wish I had my time again,

Or hope to see my Maker's face.


Examples of Early Piety.

I WHAT bless'd examples do I find
Writ in the word of truth,
Of children that began to mind
Religion in their youth.

2 Jesus, who reigns above the sky,
And keeps the world in awe,
Was once a child as young as I,
And kept his Father's law.

3 Attwelve years old he talk'd with men,
(The Jews all wond'ring stand)
Yet he obey'd his mother then,
And came at her command.

4 Children a sweet Hosanna sung,

And blest their Saviour's name: They gave him honour with their

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Lest I be struck to death and hell, Since God a book of reck'ning keeps For ev'ry lye that children tell.


Against Quarrelling and Fighting.

I LET dogs delight to bark and bite,
For God hath made them s০;
Let bears and lions growl and fight,
For 'tis thoir nature too.

2 But, children, you should never let
Such angry passions rise;
Your little hands were never made
To tear each other's eyes.

3 Let love thro' all your actions run,
And all your words be mild;
Live like the blessed Virgin's Son,
That sweet and lovely child.

4 His soul was gentle as a lamb;
And as his stature grew,
He grew in favour both with mau,
And God his Father too.

5 Now Lord of all he reigns above,
And from his heav'nly throne,
He sees what children dwell in love,
And marks them for his own.



Love between Brothers and Sisters. 1 WHATEVER brawls disturb the street, There should be peace at home; Where sisters dwell and brothers meet, Quarrels should never come.

2 Birds in their little nests agree; And 'tis a shameful sight, When children of one family

Fall out, and chide, and fight.


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Of everlasting fire and pain ?

3 Hard names at first, and threatening 4 Then never shall one cooling drop


That are but noisy breath,

May grow to clubs and naked swords,
To murder and to death.

4 The devil tempts one mother's son
To rage against another :
So wicked Cain was hurry'd on
'Till he had kill'd his brother.

5 The wise will make their anger cool,
At least, before 'tis night;
But in the bosom of a fool

It burns till morning light.
6 Pardon, O Lord, our childish rage,
Our little brawls remove;
That as we grow to riper age,.
Our hearts may all be love.


Against Scoffing and calling Names.

1. OUR tongues were made to bless the


And not speak ill of men,
When others give a railing word,
We must not rail again.

2 Cross words and angry names require
To be chastis'd at school;
And he's in danger of hell-fire,
That calls his brother fool.

3 But lips that dare be so profane,
To mock, and jeer, and scoff

At holy things, or holy men,
The Lord shall cut them off.

4 When children, in their wanton play,
Serv'd old Elisha so;
And bid the prophet go his way,
"Go up, thou bald-head, go."

• God quickly stopt their wicked breath, And sent two raging bears, That tore them limb from limb to

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To quench their burning tongues be


But I will praise thee here, and hope Thus to employ my tongue in heav'n.

5 My heart shall be in pain to hear
Wretches affront the Lord above:
'Tis that great God, whose pow'r I fear,
That heav'nly Father, whom I love.

6 If my companions grow profane,
I'll leave their friendship when I hear
Young sinners take thy name in vain,
And learn to curse, and learn to swear.


Against Idleness and Mischief.

1 HOW doth the little busy bee
Improve each shining hour,
And gather honey all the day
From ev'ry op'ning flower!

2 How skilfully she builds her cell!
How neat she spreads the wax!
And labours hard to store it well
With the sweet food she makes.

3 In works of labour, or of skill,
I would be busy too;
For Satan finds some mischief still.
For idle hands to do.

4 In books, or work, or healthful play,
Let my first years be past,
That I may give for ev'ry day
Some good account at last.


Against Evil Company.

1 WHY should I join with those in play,
In whom I've no delight,
Who curse and swear, but never pray,
Who call ill names, and fight?

2 I hate to hear a wanton song,
Their words offend my ears ;
I should not dare defile my tongue
With language such as theirs.

3 Away, from fools I'll turn my eyes,
Nor with the scoffers go;
I would be walking with the wise,
That wiser I may grow.

4 From one rude boythat's us'd to mock,
They learn the wicked jest;
One sickly sheep infects the flock,
And poisons all the rest.

5 My God, I hate to walk, or dwell With sinful children here; Then let me not be sent to hell, Where none but sinners are.


Against Pride in Clothes.

1 WHYshould our garments, made to hide
Our parents' shame, provoke our pride?
The art of dress did nc'er begin,
Till Eve, our mother, learnt to sin.

2 When first she put the cov'ring on,
Her robe of innocence was gone:
And yet her children vainly boast
In the sad marks of glory lost.

3 How proud we are! how fond to shew
Our clothes, and call them rich & new!
When the poor sheep & silk-wormwore
That very clothing long before.

4 The tulip and the butterfly
Appear in gayer coats than I;
Let me be drest fine as I will,
Flies, worms, andflow'rs exceed me still.

& Then will I set my heart to find
Inward adornings of the mind;
Knowledge and virtue, truth & grace,
These are the robes of richest dress.


The Child's Complaint.


1 WHY should I love my sport so well?
So constant at my play?
And lose the thoughts of heav'n and
And then forget to pray?

2 What do I read my bible for,
But Lord, to learn thy will?
And shall I daily know thee more,
And less obey thee still?

3 How senseless is my heart, and wild !
How vain are all my thoughts!
Pity the weakness of a child,
And pardon all my faults:

4 Make me thy heav'nly voice to hear,
And let me love to pray,
Since God will lead a gracious ear
To what a child can say.

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No more shall worms with me compare; 2 When from the chambers of the east

This is the raiment angels wear;
The Son of God, when here below,
Put on this blest apparel too.

7 It never fades, it ne'er grows old,
Nor fears the rain, nor moth, nor mold;
It takes no spot, but still refines;
The more 'tis worn, the more itshines.

• In this on earth would I appear,
Then go to heav'n, and wear it there;
God will approve it in his sight,
'Tis his own work, and his delight.

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His morning race begins, He never tires, nor stops to rest, But round the world he shines.

3 So, like the sun, would I fulfil
The business of the day;
Begin my work betimes, and still
March on my heav'nly way.

4 Give me, O Lord, thy early grace,
Nor let my soul complain
That the young morning of my days
Has all been spent in vain.


An Evening Song.

1 AND now another day is gone,
I'll sing my Maker's praise;
My comforts ev'ry hour make known
His providence and grace.

2 But how my childhood runs to waste!
My sins, how great their sum!
Lord, give me pardon for the past,
And strength for days to come.

3 I lay my body down to sleep,
Let angels guard my head:
And thro the hours of darkness keep
Their watch around my bed.

4 With cheerful heart I close my eyes,
Since thou wilt not remove;
And in the morning let me rise
Rejoicing in thy love.


For the Lord's-Day Morning.

1 THIS is the day when Christ arose
So early from the dead;
Why should I keep my eye-lids clos'd,
And waste my hours in bed?

2 This is the day when Jesus broke
The pow'rs of death and hell:
And shall I still wear Satan's yoke,
And love my sins so well?

3 To-day with pleasure christians meet,
To pray and hear the word:
And I would go with chearful feet,
To learn thy will, O Lord.

4 I'll leave my sport to read and pray,
And so prepare for heav'n:
O may I love this blessed day
The best of all the seven!

For the Lord's-Day Evening.

1 LORD, how delightful 'tis to see
A whole assembly worship thee!
At once they sing, at once they pray,
They hear of heav'n, and learn the way.

I have been there, and still would go :
'Tis like a little heav'n below;
Not all my pleasure and my play
Shall tempt me to forget this day.

30 write upon my mem'ry, Lord,
The texts and doctrines of thy word;
That I may break thy laws no more,
But love thee better than before.

4 With thoughts of Christ and things divine

Fill up this foolish heart of mine; That hoping pardon thro' his blood, I may lie down, and wake with God, The Ten Commandments, out of the Old Testament, put into short Rhyme for Children. Ex. xx.

1 THOU shalt have no more Gods but me. 2 Before no idol bow thy knee. 3 Take not the name of God in vain. 4 Nor dare the sabbath-day profane.

Give both thy parents honour due. 6 Take heed that thou no murder do. 7 Abstain from words and deeds unclean. • Nor steal, tho' thou art poor and mean. 9 Nor make a wilful lie, nor love it.

10 What is thy neighbour's dare not covet

The Sum of the Commandments out of the New Testament. --Mat. xxii. 37.

WITH all thy soul love God above,
And as thyself thy neighbour love.

Our Saviour's Golden Rule-Mat vii. 12.

BE you to others kind and true,
As you'd have others be to you;
And neither do nor say to men,
Whate'er you would not take again.

Duty to God and our Neighbour.

LOVEGod with all your soul and strength,
With all your heart and mind;
And love your neighbour as yourself:
Be faithful, just, and kind.
Deal with another as you'd have
Another deal with you;
What you're unwilling to receive,
Besure you never do.

The Hosanna: or, Salvation ascribed

to Christ.

(L. M.)

I HOSANNA to King David's Son
Who reigns on a superior throne;
We bless the Prince of heav'nly Lirth,
Who brings salvation down on earth.

2 Let ev'ry nation, ev'ry age,
In this delightful work engage;
Oid men and babes in Sion sing
The growing glories of her King.

(С. М.)

1 HOSANNA to the Prince of grace;
Sion, behold thy King!
Proclaim the Son of David's race,
And teach the babes to sing.

2 Hosanna to the eternal Word,
Who from the Father came;
Ascribe salvation to the Lord,
With blessings on his name.
(S. M.)

1 HOSANNA to the Son

Of David, and of God, Who brought the news of pardon down, And bought it with his blood.

2 To Christ, th' anointed King,
Be endless blessings giv'n;
Let the whole earth his glory sing,
Who made our peace with heav'n.

Glory to the Father.

TO God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be honour, praise, and glory giv'n, By all on earth, and all in heav'n.

(С. м.)

NOW let the Father and the Son
And Spirit be ador'd,
Where there are works to make him
Or saints to love the word.

(S. M.)

GIVE to the Father praise,
Give glory to the Son,
And to the Spirit of his grace
Be equal honour done.



Such as I wish some happy and condescending Genius would undertake for the Use of Children, and perform much better.


HE sense and subjects might be borrowed plentifully from the Proverbs of Solomon, from all the common appearances of nature, from all the occurrences in the civil life, both in city and country: (which would also afford matter for other divine songs) Here the language and measures should be easy, and flowing with cheerfulness, with or without the solemnities of religion, or the sacred names of God and holy things; that children might find delight and profit togther.

This would be one effectual way to deliver them from the temptation of Joving or learning those idle, wanton, or profane songs, which give so early an ill taint to the fancy and memory, and become the seeds of future vices.

I. The Sluggard.

II. Innocent Play.

1 'TIS the voice of the Sluggard; I 1 ABROAD in the meadows to see the

heard him complain,

slumber again."

young lambs


"You have wak'd me too soon, I must

Run sporting about by the side of their

As the door on its hinges, so he on his bed Turns his sides, and his shoulders, and his heavy head.

With fleeces so clean and so white; Or a nest of young doves in a large

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ing to rags;

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And his money still wastes, till he 3 Not a thing that we do, nor a word starves, or he begs.

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that we say,

Should injure another in jesting or play;
For he's still in earnest that's hurt:
How rude are the boys that throw peb-

bles and mire!

There's none but a madman will fling about fire,

And tell you, "'Tis all but in sport."

III. The Rose.

1 HOW fair is the Rose! what a beautiful flow'r !

The glory of April and May: But the leaves are beginning to fade in an hour,

And they wither and die in a day.

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