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-PSALM II. [S. M.] Translated according to the divine pat

tern, Acts iv. 24, &c. Christ dying, rising, interceding, and reigning.

1 [MAKER and sovereign Lord,

Of heav'n, and earth, and seas,
Thy providence confirms thy word,
And answers thy decrees.

The things so long foretold

By David are fulfill'd,

When Jews and Gentiles join'd to slay
Jesus, thine holy child.]

3 Why did the Gentiles rage,
And Jews with one accord
Bend all their counsels to destroy
Th' Anointed of the Lord?

4 Rulers and kings agree

To form a vain design;
Against the Lord their pow'rs unite,
Against his Christ they join.

5 The Lord derides their rage,

And will support his throne;
He that hath rais'd him from the dead,
Hath own'd him for his Son.


6 Now he's ascended high,

And asks to rule the earth;
The merit of his blood he pleads,
And pleads his heav'nly birth.

7 He asks, and God bestows
A large inheritance;
Far as the world's remotest ends
His kingdom shall advance.

8 The nations that rebel

Must feel his iron rod;
He'll vindicate those honours well
Which he received from God.

9 [Be wise, ye rulers, now,

And worship at his throne; • With trembling joy, ye people, bow To God's exalted Son..

10 If once his wrath arise,

Ye perish on the place;
Then blessed is the soul that flies
For refuge to his grace.]


1 WHY did the nations join to slay
The Lord's anointed Son?
Why did they cast his laws away,
And tread his gospel down?

2 The Lord that sits above the skies,
Derides their rage below,
- He speaks with vengeance in his eyes,
And strikes their spirits through.

3 "I call him my eternal Son,

"And raise him from the dead: "I make my holy hill his throne, "And wide his kingdom spread.

4 "Ask me, my Son, and then enjoy, "The utmost heathen lands;

"Thy rod of iron shall destroy
"The rebel that withstands.

5 Be wise, ye rulers of the earth,
Obey th' anointed Lord;
Adore the king of heav'nly birth
And tremble at his word.

6 With humble love address his throne,
For if he frown, ye die:
Those are secure, and those alone
Who on his grace rely.


Christ's death, resurrection, and as-

1 WHY did the Jews proclaim their rage?
The Romans why their swords employ?
Against the Lord their pow'rs engage
His dear anointed to destroy?

2 "Come, let us break his bands, they


"This man shall never give us laws: And thus they cast his yoke away, And nail'd the monarch to the cross.

3 But God, who high in glory reigns, Laughs at theirpride, their ragecontrols; He'll vex their hearts with inward pains, And speak in thunder to their souls..

4 "I will maintain the king I made "On Zion's everlasting hill, "My hand shall bring him from the dead, [still. "And he shall stand your Sov'reign 5 [His wond'rous rising from the earth Makes his eternal Godhead known: The Lord declares his heav'nly birth, "This day have I begot my Son.

6 "Ascend, my Son, to my right-hand, "There thou shalt ask, and I bestow "The utmost bounds of heathen lands; "To thee the northern isles shall bow.)

7 But nations that resist his grace,
Shall fall before his iron stroke;
His rod shall crush his foes with ease
As potter's earthen work is broke.


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3 But thou, my glory and my strength, 4 When our obedient hands have done

Shalt on the tempter tread,

Shalt silence all my threat'ning guilt,

And raise my drooping head.

4 [I cry'd, and from his holy hill
He bow'd a list'ning ear;
I call'd my Father and my God,
And he subdu'd my fear.

5 He shed soft slumbers on mine eyes, In spite of all my foes;

I 'woke, and wonder'd at the grace
That guarded my repose.]

What tho' the hosts of death and hell
All arm'd against me stood,
Terrors no more shall shake my soul;
My refuge is my God.

7 Arise, O Lord, fulfil thy grace,
While I thy glory sing:
My God has broke the serpent's teeth,
And death has lost his sting.

8 Salvation to the Lord belongs,
His arm alone can save :
Blessings attend thy people here,
And reach beyond the grave.

PSALM HI. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8. [L. M.]

A morning psalm.

1 O LORD, how many are my foes,
In this weak state of flesh and blood!
My peace they daily discompose,
But my defence and hope is God.

2 Tir'd with the burdens of the day,
To thee I rais'd an ev'ning cry:
Thou heard'st when I began to pray,
And thine almighty help was nigh.

3 Supported by thine heav'nly aid,
I laid me down and slept secure:
Not death should make my heart afraid,
The' I should wake and rise no more.

4 But God sustain'd me all the night;
Salvation doth to God belong:
He rais'd my head to see the light,
And make his praise my morning song.

PSALM IV. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7. [L. M.] Hearing of prayer; or, God our portion, and Christ our hope.

10 GOD of grace and righteousness,
Hear and attend when I complain:
Thou hast enlarg'd me in distress,
Bow down a gracious ear again.

2 Ye sons of men, in vain ye try
To turn my glory into shame:
How long will scoffers love to lye,
And dare reproach my Saviour's name?

A thousand works of righteousness,
We put our trust in God alone,
And glory in his pard'ning grace.

5 Let the unthinking many say,
"Who will bestow some earthly good?
But, Lord, thy light and love we pray;
Our souls desire this heav'nly food.

6 Then shall my chearful pow'rs rejoice,
At grace and favour so divine;
Nor will I change my happy choice
For all their corn, and all their wine.

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For the Lord's-day morning.

1 LORD, in the morning thou shalt hear
My voice ascending high:
To thee will I direct my pray'r,
To thee lift up mine eye.

2 Up to the hills where Christ is gone
To plead for all his saints,
Presenting at his Father's throne
Our songs and our complaints.
3 Thou art a God before whose sight
The wicked shall not stand;
Sinners shalt ne'er be thy delight,
Nor dwell at thy right-hand.

4 But to thy house will I resort,
To taste thy mercies there;
I will frequent thine holy court,
And worship in thy fear.

5 O may thy Spirit guide my feet
In ways of righteousness!
Make every path of duty straight,
And plain before my face.



6 My watchful enemies combine
To tempt my feet astray;
They flatter with a base design
To make my soul their prey.

7 Lord, crush the serpent in the dust,
And all his plots destroy;
While those that in thy mercy trust
For ever shout for joy.

• The men that love and fear thy name
Shall see their hopes fulfill'd;
The mighty God will compass them
With favour as a shield.


5 I feel my flesh so near the grave,
My thoughts are tempted to despair;
But graves can never praise the Lord,
For all is dust and silence there.

6 Depart, ye tempters, from my soul;
And all despairing thoughts depart;
My God, who hears my humble moan,
Will ease my flesh, and chear my heart.


God's care of his people, and punishment
of persecutors.

1 MY trust is in my heav'nly friend,
My hope in thee, my God;
Rise, and my helpless life defend
From those that seek my blood.

Complaint in sickness; or diseases healed. 2 With insolence and fury they

1 IN anger, Lord, rebuke me not,

Withdraw the dreadful storm;
Nor let thy fury grow so hot
Against a feeble worm.

2 My soul's bow'd down with heavycares,
My flesh with pain opprest;
My couch is witness to my tears,
My tears forbid my rest.

3 Sorrow and pain wear out my days;
I waste the night with cries,
Counting the minutes as they pass,
Till the slow morning rise.

4 Shall I be still tormented more?
Mine eye consum'd with grief?
How long, my God, how long before
Thy hand afford relief?

5 He hears when dust and ashes speak,
He pities all our groans,
He saves us for his mercy's sake,
And heals our broken bones.

6 The virtue of his sov'reign word
Restores our fainting breath:
For silent graves praise not the Lord,
Nor is he known in death.


Temptations in sickness overcome.

1 LORD, I can suffer thy rebukes,
When thou with kindness dost chastise;
But thy fierce wrath I cannot bear,
O let it not against me rise!

2 Pity my languishing estate,

And ease the sorrows that I feel;

My soul in pieces tear,
As hungry lions rend the prey
When no deliverer's near.

3 If I had e'er provok'd them first,
Or once abus'd my foe,
Then let him tread my life to dust,
And lay mine honour low.

4 If there be malice hid in me,
I know thy piercing eyes;
I should not dare appeal to thee,
Nor ask my God to rise.

5 Arise, my God, lift up thy hand,
Their pride and pow'r control;
Awake to judgment, and command
Deliv'rance for my soul.


6 Let sinners and their wicked rage
Be humbled to the dust;
Shall not the God of truth engage
To vindicate the just?

7 He knows the heart, he tries the reins
He will defend th' upright:
His sharpest arrows he ordains
Against the sons of spite.

8 For me their malice digg'd a pit,
But there themselves are cast;
My God makes all their mischief light
On their own heads at last.

9 That cruel persecuting race

Must feel his dreadful sword; Awake my soul, and praise the grace And justice of the Lord.


The wounds thy heavy hand hath made, God's sovereignty and goodness; and O let thy gentler touches heal!

3 See how I pass my weary days

man's dominion over the creatures.

In sighs and groans; and when 'tis 1 O LORD, our heav'nly king,


My bed is water'd with my tears:

My grief consumes and dims my sight.

4 Look how the pow'rs of nature mourn! 2
How long, Almighty God, how long?
When shall thine hour of grace return?
When shall I make thy grace my song?

Thy name is all divine;

Thy glories round the earth are spread, And o'er the heav'ns they shine.

When to thy works on high I raise my wond'ring eyes, And see the moon, complete in light, Adorn the darksome skies.


19 Jesus, our Lord, how wond'rous great Is thine exalted name!

The glories of thy heav'nly state
Let the whole earth proclaim.

s When I survey the stars,

And all their shining forms, Lord, what is man that worthless thing, Akin to dust and worms?

4 Lord, what is worthless man, That thou should'st love him so ? Next to thine angels is he plac'd, And lord of all below.

5 Thine honours crown his head,
While beasts like slaves obey,
And birds that cut the air with wings,
And fish that cleave the sea.

6 How rich thy bounties are!

And wond'rous are thy ways: Of dust and worms thy pow'r can frame A monument of praise.

7 [Out of the mouths of babes

And sucklings thou canst draw
Surprising honours to thy name,
And strike the world with awe.

8 O Lord, our heav'nly king,
Thy name is all divine:
Thy glories round the earth are spread,
And o'er the heav'ns they shine.]


Christ's condescension and glorification; or, God made man.

1 O Lord, our Lord, how wond'rous great, Is thine exalted name!

The glories of thy heav'nly state
Let men and babes proclaim.

2 When I behold thy works on high,
The moon that rules the night,
And stars that well adorn the sky,
Those moving worlds of light.

3 Lord, what is man, or all his race,
Who dwells so far below,
That thou should'st visit him with grace,
And love his nature so!

4 That thine eternal son should bear
To take a mortal form,
Made lower than his angels are,
To save a dying worm?

3 [Yet while he liv'd on earth unknown,
And men would not adore,
Th' obedient seas and fishes own
His godhead and his pow'r.

6 The waves lay spread beneath his feet;
And fish, at his command,
Bring their large shoals to Peter's net,
Bring tribute to his hand.

7 These lesser glories of the sun
Shone thro' the fleshly cloud;
Now we behold him on his throne,
And men confess him God.]

• Let him be crown'd with majesty,
Who bow'd his head to death;
And be his honours sounded high,
By all things that have breath.

PSALM VIII. verse 1, 2. Paraphrased. PART 1. [L. M.]

The Hosanna of the children; or, infants praising God.

1 ALMIGHTY Ruler of the skies,
Thro'the wide earth thy name is spread,
And thine eternal glories rise [madea
O'er all the heav'ns thy hands have

2 To thee the voices of the young
A monument of hon our raise;
And babes, with uninstructed tongue,
Declare the wonders of thy praise.
3 Thy pow'r assists their tender age
To bring proud rebels to the ground,
To still the bold blasphemer's rage,
And all their policies confound.

4 Children amidst thy temple throng
To see their great Redeemer's face;
The Son of David is their song,
And young Hosannas fill the place.

5 The frowning scribes and angry priests
In vain their impious cavils bring;
Revenge sits silent in their breasts,
While Jewish babes proclaim theirking.

PSALM VIII. verse 3, &c. Paraphrased. PART II. [L. M.]

Adam and Christ, lords of the old and the new creation.


1 LORD, what was man, when made at
Adam the offspring of the dust,
That thou should set him and his race
But just below an angel's place?

2 That thou should'st raise his nature so,
And make him Lord of all below
Make every beast and bird submit,
And lay the fishes at his feet?

3 But, O! what brighter glories wait
To crown the second Adam's state!
What honours shall thy Son adorn,
Who condescended to be born?

4 See him below his angels made;
See him in dust amongst the dead,
To save a ruin'd world from sin;
But he shall reign with pow'r divine.

5 The world to come, redeem'd from all
The miseries that attend the fall,
New-made, and glorious, shall submit
At our exalted Saviour's feet.


Wrath & mercy from the judgment-seat.
1 WITH mywhole heart I'll raise mysong,
Thy wonders I'll proclaim,
Thou sov'reign judge of right & wrong,
Wilt put my foes to shame.

2 I'll sing thy majesty and grace;
My God prepares his throne
To judge the world in righteousness,
And make his vengeance known.

3 Then shall the Lord a refuge prove
For all the poor opprest;
To save the people of his love,
And give the weary rest.

• The men that know thy name, will trust
In thy abundant grace;
For thou hast ne'er forsook the just,
Who humbly seek thy face.

Sing praises to the righteous Lord,
Who dwells on Zion's hill,
Who executes his threat'ning word,
And doth his grace fulfil.

PSALM IX. verse 12. PART II. The wisdom and equity of providence.

I WHEN the great judge, supreme and just,

Shall once enquire for blood,
The humble souls that mourn in dust,
Shall find a faithful God.

2 He from the dreadful gates of death
Does his own children raise:
In Sion's gates, with chearful breath,
They sing their Father's praise.

• His fous shall fall, with heedless feet,
Into the pit they made,
And sinners perish in the net

That their own hands had spread.

4 Thus by thy judgments, mighty God, Are thy deep counsels known; When men of mischief are destroy'd The spare must be their own.


5 The wicked shall sink down to hell;
Thy wrath devour the lands
That dare forget thee, or rebel
Against thy known commands.

6 Tho'saints to sore distress are brought,
And wait and long complain,
Their cries shall not be still forgot,
Nor shall their hopes be vain.

7 [Rise, great Redeemer, from thy seat
To judge and save the poor;
Let nations tremble at thy feet,
And man prevail no more,

8 Thy thunder shall affright the proud,
And put their hearts to pain,
Make 'em confess that thou art God,
And they but feeble men.]


Prayer heard, and saints saved; or, pride, atheism and oppression punished. For a humiliation-day.

1 WHY doth the Lord stand off so far?
And why conceal his face,
When great calamities appear,
And times of deep distress?

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5 Why do the men of malice rage,
And say with foolish pride,
"The God of heaven will ne'er engage
"To fight on Zion's side?

6 But thou for ever art our Lord;
And pow'rful is thine hand,
As when the heathens felt thy sword,
And perish'd from thyland.

7 Thou wilt prepare our hearts to pray,
And cause thine ear to hear;
He hearkens what his children say,
And puts the world in fear.

8 Proud tyrants shall no more oppress,
No more despise the just;
And mighty sinners shall confess
They are but earth and dust.


God loves the righteous, and hates the wicked.

1 MY refuge is the God of love, Why do my foes insult and cry, "Fly like a timorous trembling dove, "To distant woods or mountains fly?

2 If government be all destroyed, (That firm foundation of our peace) And violence make justice void, Where shall the righteous scek redress? 3 The Bord in heav'n has fixt his throne, His eye surveys the world below; To him all mortal things are known, His eye-lids search our spirits thro'.

4 If he afflicts his saints so far

To prove their love, and try their grace, What may the bold transgressors fear? His very soul abhors their ways.

5 On impious wretches he shall rain
Tempests of brimstone, fire, and death;
Such as he kindled on the plain
Of Sodom with his angry breath.

6 The righteous Lord loves righteous


Whose thoughts and actions are
And with a gracious eye beholds
The men that his own image bear.

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