The Lord of glory reigns, he reigns:
114 The Lord, the Judge, before his throne 66 57 The Lord, the Judge, the churchies
☑ God my refuge hear my cries God of grace and righteousness O God of mercy hear my call God to whom revenge belongs O happy man, whose soul is fill'd O happy nation where the Lord how I love thy holy law O Lord, how many are my foes O Lord our heav'nly King. O Lord our God, how wond'rous great 48 Othat the Lord would guide my ways 109 that thy statutes ev'ry hour 110 O thou that hearest when sinners cry 69 Othou whose grace and justice reign 112 O thou whose justice reigns on higți Our. God, our help in ages past Out of the deeps of long distress what a stiff rebellious house
Think, mighty God, on feeble man This is the day the Lord hath made 1066 This spacious earth is all the Lord's 53 Thou art my portion, O my God Thou God of love, thou ever blest
Thro' ev'ry age, eternal God
Thrice happy man who fears the Lord 102 Thus I resolv'd before the Lord 61 Thus saith the Lord, the spacious fields 66 Thus saith the Lord, your work is vain 61 Thus the eternal Father spake Thus the great Lord of earth and sea 101 Thy mercies fill the earth, O Lord 108 Thy name, Almighty Lord Thy works of glory, mighty Lord 'Tis by thy strength the mountains stand
To God I cry'd with mournful voice 81 To God I made my sorrows known
Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord Remember, Lord, our mortal state Return, O God of love, return
To God the great, the ever blest
To heaven I lift my waiting eyes
To our Almighty Maker God
To thee, before the dawning light 106 To thee, most holy and most high To thine almighty arm we owe 'Twas for thy sake, eternal God 'Twas from thy hand, my God, I
'Twas in the watches of the night
To find any HYMN by the Title or Contents of it.
NOTE, The letters, abc, signify the first, second, and third book; the figures direct to the hymn. If you find not what hymn you seek under one word of the title, seek it under another, or by some word that is of the same significa- tion, though perhaps not mentioned in the title of the hymn.
Access to the throne, by a Mediator, b Ios. Adam, his fall, a 107. corrupt nature from him, b 128. the first and the se- cond, a 57, 124.
Adoption, a 64, 143, and election, a 54. Advocate, see Christ's intercession.
Babylon fallen, a 56, 59. see enemies.
Backslidings and returns, b 20. Baptism, a 52. preaching and the Lord's supper. b I4I. and circumcision, a 121.
b 127, 134. burial with Christ, a 122. Beatitudes, a 102. Believe and be saved, a 100. Believer baptized, a 52, 122. Birth, first and second, a 95, 99. of Christ, miracles at it, b 136.
Blessed are the dead in the Lord, a 18. society in heaven, b 33, 75.
Affections inconstant, b 20. unsanctified, Blessedness and business of heaven, a 40,
Afflicted, Christ's compassion to them, a
41. b 86. only in God, b 93, 94. 100. Blessing of Abraham on the Gentiles, a 113, 114. b 134.
Blood and flesh of Christ is our food, c 17, 18. the seal of the New Testament, c 3. the spirit and the water, с 9.
Boasting excluded, a 96. Bodies frail, see life, health, flesh. Bread of life, is Christ, c. 5. Book of God's decrees, b 99. Breathing towards heaven, b Britain's God praised, b I. for deliver- ances, b 92.
Burials, b. 93. with Christ in baptism, a 122. and death of a saint, b. 3.
Canaan and heaven, b 66, 112.
Carnal joys parted with, b 10, II. reason humbled, a II, 12. Ceremonial, see Law, Types, Priest. Characters of the children of God, a 143. of Christ, a 146, 150. of blessedness, a 102.
Charity and uncharitableness, a 126. and love, a 130, 133.
Hiş sacrifice, b 142 and mtercession, & 118. salvation, righteousness and strength in him, a 15, 84, 85, 97, 98. our sanctification, a 97, 98. satan at enmi- ty, a 107. saints in his hand, a 138. our shepherd, a 67, 142. the substance of the types, b 12. sent by the Father, a 100. b 103, 104. his sufferings, e 16. and godly sorrow, b 9, 106. and glory, a 1, 62, 63. b 43, 81, 83, 84. с 10. His titles and kingdom, a13. triumph over our enemies, a 28, 29. types and pro- phecies of him, b 135.
Children in the covenant of grace, a 113, 114 devoted to God, a 12b 127. Christ, sec Lord, and Aaron, a 145. and Adam, a 121 his ascension, b 76. Bea- tific sight of him, b 75. Beloved, des- cribed, a 75. the dread of Life, e 5. his care of the young and feeble, a 125 138. and the church, seeking, finding, &c. see Church coming to judge, a 16. his commission, b 103, 104. communion with him, a 66, 71. and saints, a 67, 76. 22. compared to inanimate things, a 146. his coronation and espousals, a 72. his cross, not to be ashamed of, c 19. crucified God's wisdom and power,
David's son, a 16, 50. his death caused by sin, b 81. grace and glory by it, c 23 victory and kingdom, b 114, his divine nature, a 21, 13, 92. b 51, dwells in hea- ven, visits the earth, a 76.
Eujoyment of him, b 15, 16. his eternity a 2, 92. example, b 139. excellencies, a 75. b 47.
Faith and knowledge of him, a 103. his flesh and blood our food, c 17, 18. found and brought to the church, a 71. his glory in heaven. b 91. God recon- ciled in him, b 148. grace given us in him, a 137. b 40.
High Priest and King, a 61. his human and divine nature, a 2, 13, 16. hami- *liation and exaltation, a 1, 63, 141, 142. b. 5, 43, 81, 83, 84, с 10, 16.
His incarnation, a 3, 13. intercession, b 36, 37, 118. invitation to sinners, a 127. The King at his table, a 66. bis kingdom among men, a 3, 21. knowledge and faith in him, a 103.
The Lamb of God, a 1, 25, 62, 63. his love to the church, a 14, 77, under deser- tion, b 50. shed abroad in the heart, a 135. to men, a 92 lifted up, a 112.
Ministered to by angels. b 112, 113. mi- racles at the birth of Christ, b 136. mi- racles in his life, death and resurrec- tion, b 137. and Moses, a 118.
Names and titles, a 147, 148, 149, 150. nativity, a 3, 13.
Obeyed or resisted, a 93. his offices, a 149. 150, b 132.
Pardon and strength from him, c 24. our passover, b 156. his person glorious and gracious, a 75 b 47. our physician, a 112. his pity to the afflicted and tempted, a 125. his priesthood, a 145 118. his presence. see presence, pro- phecies, and types of him, b 135. prophet, priest, and king, a 25. b 132. our prophet and teacher, a 93.
Redemption, see Redeem, rejected by the Jews, a 141. resurrection, b 72, 76. is our hope, a 26. resurrection, life, and death miraculous, b 137. revealed to man, a 10. to babes, a 11, 12, righteousness and strength in him, a-84, 85, 97. righteousness valuable, a 109,
Victory oversatan, a 58. b 89. death and hell, c 21. unseen and beloved, a 108. Wisdom of God, a 92. our wisdom and righteousness, a 97, 98. worshipped by the creation, a 62. Christian, see Saints, Spiritual, &c. reli- gion, its excellency, b 131. almost, b 158. virtues, b 161.
Church, see Worship, Saints, Spiritual, its safety and protection, a 8, 39. b 64, 92. its enemies slain by Christ, a 21, 29. conversing with Christ, namely, secking, finding, calling, answering, a 66-71. under God's care, a 66. espou- sals with Christ, a 72. beauty in the eyes of Christ, a 73, the garden of Christ,
Circumcision abolished, b 134. and bap- tism, a 121. b 127, Cloathing spiritual, a 7, 40. Comfort in the covenant with Christ, b 40. restored, b 73. see pardon. in sor- rows of mind and body, b 50, 65. Communion with Christ and saints, a 2. between Christ and the church, a 66- 71. b 15, 16.
Compassion of a dying Christ, c 22. to the afflicted, a 125. Complaint of a hard heart, b 89 of de- sertion and temptations, b 163. of dul- ness, b 34. of indwelling sin, a 115. of ingratitude, b 74. of sloth and negli- gence, b 25, 32.
Condemnation by the law, a 94. Condescension to our worship, b 45. affairs, b 46.
Confession and pardon, a I3I. Conscience good, the pleasure of it, b 57. secure and awakened, a 115. Constancy in the gospel, b 4. Contention and love, a 130. Conversion, a 104. b 169. the difficulty of it, b 161. delayed, a 88-91. the joy of heaven, a IOI.. Conviction of sin by the law, a 94, 115. by the cross of Christ, b 81, 95. Corrupt nature from Adam, a 57, 107. b 128, 169.
Covenant of grace, a 9. children therein a 113, 114. sealed and sworn, a 139, с 3. hope in it, a 139. made with Christ, our comfort, b 40 of works, see Law, Gospel.
Covetousness, &c. a 24. b 56, IOF. Courage and constancy, a 14, 15, 48. b Creation, a 92. b 71, 147. new, b 130. pre-
servation, &c. of this world, b 13. Creatures praise the Lord, b 71. love dangerous, b 48. God above them, a 82. their vanity, b 146.
Cross of Christ is our glory, c 19. repen- tance flowing from it, b 106, salva- tion in it, b 4. crucifixion to the world by it, c 7.
Curse and promise, a 107. Custom in sin, b 160.
Dangers of our earthly pilgrimage, b 53. of death and hell, b 55. of love to the creatures, b 48.
• Darkness dispelled by Christ's pre- sence, b 54. of providence, b 109. Day of grace, and time of duty, a 88. of judgment, a 45, 61, 65, 89, 90. Dead in the Lord, their blessedness, a 18. to sin by the cross of Christ, a 106. Death, see Christ, and afflictions under providence, a 83. terrible to the un- converted, a 91. made easy by the sight of Christ, b 31. c 14. by a sight of heaven, b 66. God's presence in it, b 49, 117. our fear of it, b. 31. de- sirable, a 19, b 61. overcome, a 17. triumphed over, a 6, b 110. pre pared for, a 27, b 63. of a sinner, a 24. b 2. and burial of a saint, a 18. b 3. and eternity. b 28. and glory, a 110. b 61. and the resurrection, b 3, 102, 110. of Moses at God's com- mand, b 49. dreadful and delightful, b 52.
Deceitfulness of sin, b 150. Decrees of God, a 11, 12, 96, 117.b 99. Deity of Christ, a 2, 13, 92. b 51. Delay of conversion, a 88, 91. b 25, 32. Delight in worship, b 14. in God, b 2.
in converse with Christ, b 15, 16. Deliverance from death and the grave b 3. see Enemies, Church, and Sub- mission, a 129. from spiritual ene- mies, a 47. b. 65, 82, 111.
Dependence, see Faith. Desertion and temptation complained of, b. 163.
Desire of Christ's presence, b 100, see more in heaven, Christ, Love, &c. Despair and presumption, a 115, b 156,
Earth, no rest on it, b 146. and heaven, b 10, 11, 53. Effusion of the Spirit, b 144. Election excludes boasting, a 96. free,
a 11, 12, 54, 117. see Decrees. End of the world, b 164. Enemies of the church disappointed, b 90, 92, salvation from them, b 82, 88. triumph over by Christ, a 28, 29. see Church, Babylon, Michael. Enjoyment of Christ, b 15, 16. see Worship.
Enmity between Christ and Satan, a 107. Envy and love, a 130. Espousals of the church of Christ, a 72. Establishment in grace, b 82. Eternity of God, b 17. of his dominion, b 67. and death, b 28 succeeding this life, b 55. see Heaven, Death. Evening and morning hymns, a 79, 80, 81, b 6, 7, 8.
Exaltation, see Christ, Glory, Suffer- ings, &c.
Example of Christ, b 139. of saints, b 140.
Excellency of the christian religion, b 131.
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Faith in things unseen, a 120. b 129 and knowledge of Christ, a 103. love and joy, a 108. and unbelief, b 125. living and dead, a 140. assisted by sense, b 141, its joy, b 162. in Christ our sacrifice, b 142. and salvation, à 100. of assurance, a 103. and sight, a 113, b 145. triumphing in Christ, a 14. for pardon and sanctification, b 90. faith and reason, b 87, 109. Faithfulness of God's promises, b 40, 60, 69.
Fall of angels and men, b 24, and re- covery of men, a 107. b 78. Fears and doubts supprest, b 73. Feast of love, a 68. oftriumph, c 21. of the gospel, a 7. c 12, 20. made, and guests invited, c 13. Fellowship, see Communion. Fervency of devotion desired, b 34. Few saved, b 158.
Flesh and blood of Christ the best food, c 17, 18, our tabernacle, a 110. and spirit, b 143.
Food spiritual, a 7, 67, 68, 74. b 15, see Feast.
Folly and madness of sin, b 153. Forbearance, see Patience. Forgiveness, see Pardon. Formality in worship, a 136. Frail, see Life, Health, Forgetfulness,
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