Ye sin-sick souls, to Jesus go,
With all your weight of sin and woe; Tho' cover'd o'er with lep'rous sores, "Tis but to touch, and life is your's. The curse that Adam once entail'd, Is by its sov'reign virtue heal'd; Sin's rankling venom, black as hell, The blood of Jesus can expel.
The stripes that his dear body bore, That bath'd his flesh in sacred gore, Becomes a source, whence healing's found, For sin's most deep and deadly wound. Alas! what thousands vainly strive Life from the precept to derive; Whose eyes were never led to see The worth of this fair Healing Tree. Jesus, a name to sinners dear,
Thy fruit how rich, thy leaves how fair; I'll make my only boast of thee,
For thou art Life's fair Healing Tree.
247. The carnal Mind, Enmity against God. C. M.
TILL God the Spirit's rising beam, Breaks on the sinner's eyes, He hates the glorious gospel scheme, And Jesus will despise.
Self is the god that he adores,
And sin his only food;
He seeks no healing for his sores In Jesu's precious blood.
While such at sov'reign mercy spurn, And boast how good they are, We'll to the cross of Jesus turn, And seek salvation there.
Jesus, as thou hast made us free, We boast not in our shame; Yet ev'ry song shall tell of thee, And speak thy lovely name. Nothing we plead before our God, By nature all deprav'd; Yet in the Lamb's redeeming blood, We boast a sinner sav'd.
Sinner, 'tis only in the Lamb, Jehovah smiles on thee; Beneath the skies, no other name Can set the guilty free.
248. Christ the Healer of his People. L. M.
JESUS, in thy dear name we trace Healing for man's infected race ; Whose lep'rous soul and body too, Defil'd throughout by sin, we view.
Hail, Plant renown'd, thy leaves how fair! Thought can't conceive, nor words declare, What healing virtue from thee flows, To heal a guilty mortal's woes.
Thy fame was great in ancient days, Judea's region spoke thy praise ; And we, thro' grace, in this our day, Can sing of healing great as they.
The hardest hearts, when thou wilt heal, are soft as wax before the seal, Receiving, then, thine image fair, tampt on the soul for ever there. Hatred to God, a foul disease,
hall turn to love, when thou shalt please; And burn with a celestial glow,
Vhich none but pardon'd rebels know.
To thee let Israel oft repair,
When sin defiles their garments here; For thou alone hast power to heal The sting of death, that sinners feel. Count thou my soul, no healing good, But what proceeds from Jesu's blood; Nor rest in this, t'atone for sin, Without a feeling sense within.
49. Predestination to Eternal Life made known by Calling. L. M.
THERE is a period known to God, When all his sheep redeem'd by blood, Shall leave the hateful ways of sin, l'urn to the fold, and enter in. \t peace with hell, with God at war, n sin's dark maze they wander far, ndulge their lust, and still go on; As far from God as sheep can run. But see how heav'n's indulgent care Attends their wand'rings here and there; Still hard at heel, where'er they stray, With pricking thorns to hedge their way.
When wisdom calls, they stop their ear, And headlong urge the mad career; Judgments nor mercies ne'er can sway Their roving feet to wisdom's way. Glory to God, they ne'er shall rove Beyond the limits of his love; Fenc'd with Jehovah's shalls and wills, Firm as the everlasting hills.
Th' appointed time rolls on apace, Not to propose, but call by grace; To change the heart, renew the will, And turn the feet to Zion's hill.
250. Christ vanquishing Satan.
WHEN Jesus, by the Spirit led, The gloomy desert trod,
Thither the prince of darkness fled, To tempt the Son of God.
But how unequal to the fight
Were Satan and his crew, When Christ by his eternal might, The host of hell o'erthrew.
Satan, 'tis written," Jesus said, "That thou shalt worship me;" With this he broke the serpent's head, And forc'd the fiend to flee.
With sword and shield of sov'reign grace, The conflict we maintain;
And tell the tempter to his face, "Tis written, "Grace shall reign."
When toss'd, as on affliction's wave, Or fill'd with sacred joy,
"Tis written, "Jesus came to save," Nor hell shall this destroy.
Now let the Lord's adopted sons Their Father's grace display, Because 'tis written, "Jesus once Bore all their sins away."
When call'd to pass old Jordan's flood, We'll triumph in the view; Because 'tis written Israel's God "Shall bear his Israel through."
251. The Midnight Cry, behold the Bridegroom cometh.
HARK! 'tis the solemn midnight cry, Virgins arise, your lamps prepare; The Heav'nly Bridegroom, from the sky, Doth in the clouds of heav'n appear. Go ye, who for his coming wait,
Whose lamps are bright with heav'nly flame; He comes to make your bliss complete, And shew the glories of his name. Not as the bare professing race, Whose lamp in total darkness lies, But furnish'd with the oil of grace; Arise, ye virgin souls, arise. Your sacred unction ne'er decays,
But kindled once, remains the same; Burning to everlasting days,
For God himself maintains the flame."
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