Imágenes de páginas

To BRACK (Vol. 1. 10.) to falt. It is ftill ufed as an adjective i Lincolnshire and the northern Counties: and Brackifh is retained in ufe every where.

BRAID or BREID, (Vol. 2. 400.) bred, of a breed, of a certain turn of temper and conditions from the breed: a Scotch and North Country Word.

A BRAKE, (Vol. 1. 99. and 105.) a Thicket or Cover.

A BRIEF, (Vol. 2. 370.) any Procefs or Order iffuing from the King.

BROACHED, (Vol. 3. 555.) fpitted, thruft through with a fait Fr. Brochée.

A BROCH or BROOCH or BROWCH, an Ornament of Gold worn fometimes about the Neck, and sometimes about the Arm.

A BROCK, (Vol. 2. 464.) a Badger.

To BROOCH, (Vol. 5. 370.) to adorn.

BROGUES, the fhoes or pumps which are worn by the

To BUDGE or BODGE, (Vol. 4. 206.) to give way, to fir, to quit a place. Fr. Bouger.

A BURGONET, (Vol. 4. 185.) a fteel Cap, worn for the defence of the Head in battle. Fr. Bourguinotte.

BUSKY or BOSKY, Woody: from the old French word Best, of which Bofquet now in ufe is a diminutive.


A CADE, (Vol. 4. 160.) a Cask. Lat. Cadus: also when joined to the name of any beast it fignifies tame, brought up by band. CADIS, (Vol. 2. 571.) a Galloon or binding made of Worfted: a French word.

CALIVER, the diameter or bore of a Gun : thence fometimes the Gun itself. Fr. Calibre.

A CALLAT. This word has two fignifications: fometimes a fcold, and fometimes a lewd drab.

A CANTLE, (Vol. 3. 325.) a divifion or fegment of Land, or other thing. Ital. Cantone. Fr. Canton.

A CANZONET, (Vol. 2. 123.) a fong, a ditty. Ital. Canzi


CAPOCCHIA, (Vol. 6. 72.) a Fool. An Italian word.

A CARACK, (Vol. 1. 415.) a huge Ship of Burthen, ufed by the Spaniards and Portuguefe. Ital. Caracca.

CARACTS, (Vol. 1. 371.) Characters.

A CARKANET, a necklace. Fr. Carcan.

A CARLE, a Clown, a Churl.

CARRAT, the weight which distinguishes the fineness of Gold. Fr. Carat.

A CASK, (Vol. 5. 426.) an Helmet. Fr. Cafque.


CATAIAN, (Vol. 1. 234.) Cataia is a Country on the North of China, which, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, was reported by the first Voyagers thither to be rich in Gold Ore, and upon that en couragement many Perfons were perfuaded to adventure great fums of Money in fitting out Ships thither, as for a moft gainful trade; . but it prov'd to be a notorious deceit and falfhood: hence Ca taian ftands for one of no credit.

CATLINGS, (Vol. 6. 68.) small strings for mufical Inftruments made of Cat-gut.

CAUTEL, (Vol. 6. 333.) an ill defigning Craft in order to enfnare. So

CAUTELOUS, (Vol. 5. 155.) Crafty, Cunning, Deceitful. So is the French Cauteleux always ufed in a bad fenfe, dangerously artificial.

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A CEARMENT, (Vol. 6. 338.) the wrapping of an embalmed Body. Ital. Ceramento.

A CENSER, (Vol. 3. 464.) A plate or difh, in which they burnt Incense, and at the bottom of which was ufually represented in rude carving the figure of fome Saint. Fr. Encenfoir.

CHARNECO, (Vol. 4. 125.) This feems to have been a cantword for some strong liquor, which was apt to bring drunken Fellows to the Stocks, fince in Spanish Charniegos is a term used for the Stocks. Beaum. and Fl. ufe the fame word in the Play, Wit without money.

CHAWDRON, (Vol. 5. 515.) a difh of meat still used in the northern parts of England, made of the Entrails of a Calf.

A CHEVRIL, a Kid. Fr. Chevreau.

A CHEWET, (Vol. 3. 354.) a Pie or Magpie. Fr, Chouette or Chuette.

A CHIOPPINE, (Vol. 6. 362.) a thick piece of Cork, bound
about with Tin or Silver, worn by the Women in Spain at the bot-
tom of their fhoes to make them appear taller. Span. Chapin.
A CHOUGH or CORNISH CHOUGH, a bird, which fre-
quents the rocks by the Sea-fide, moft like to a Jack-daw, but

CINQUE-PACE, a grave dance fo called. Fr. Cinque pas.
A CITAL, (Vol. 3. 359.) a Recital.

To CLEPE, to call.

COBLOAF, (Vol. 6. 32.) a mishapen loaf of bread, run out in the baking into lumps and protuberancies.

COCKLE, a Weed in Corn.

To CÓCKLE, to fhrink, to wrinkle up.

A COCKNEY, one born and bred in the City, and ignorant of all things out of it.

COIGNE or COIN, a Corner. Fr. Coin.

COIL, buftle, tumult.

COLLIED, (Vol. 1. 79.) footy, black.


To CON, to learn, to know, to understand. To con thanks means the fame as to give thanks, being to be reckon'da particular phraf, and indeed a Græcifm, xde ida.

TO CONVENT, (Vol. 2. 507.) to concur, to be fuitable. Lat. Convenire.

To CONVINCE, to overcome, in which fense the Latin word Convinco is used sometimes.

To CONVIVE, to feast together. Lat. Convivere.

COPATAN, (Vol. 2. 327.) high raised, pointed: from Coppe, the top or point of any thing.

To COPE, to encounter, alfo (Vol. 6. 293.) to invest one's self with, as with a Cope or Mantle.

A COROLLARY, (Vol. 1. 53) an over-measure in any thing, or a furplus thrown in. Fr. Corollaire. Lat. Corollarium.

A COSIER, (Vol. 2. 455.) a Botcher: from the old French Ca fer, to few.

To COURB, (Vol. 6. 392.) to bend. Fr. Courber.

To COWER, to fink or fquat down. Ital. Covare. Fr. Ceuve, To CRASH, (Vol. 6. 238.) to be merry over: a Crash being a word still ufed in fome Countries for a merry bout.

To CRAVEN, (Vol. 6. 166.) to make recreant or cowardly. A CRESSET, (Vol. 3. 323.) a great light fet upon a beacon, lighthouse or watch-tower: from the French word Croisette, a little Crofs, because the beacons anciently had croffes on the top of them.

CRISP, (Vol. 5. 57.) glittering or making things glitter, in which fenfe the verb crifpare in Latin is fometimes ufed. It also fignifes curled, from the Latin Crifpus.

A CROAN, (Vol. 2. 540.) an old toothlefs fheep: thence an old Woman.

CUISSES, (Vol. 3. 344) Armour for the thighs. Fr. Cuiarts. A CULLION, a Fool, a dull ftupid Cuddon. Ital. Coglione. A CUTTLE, (Vol. 3. 407.) in its proper fenfe is a Sea-fifh, which by throwing out a black juice like Ink fouls the Water and fo efcapes the fisher. Hence by metaphor it is used to fignify a foulmouth'd fellow.

CURFEU, the eight o' clock bell. Fr. Couvre feu.


To DAFFE, to put by, to turn afide with flight and neglect.
DANK, moist, damp.

To DARRAIGN, (Vol. 4. 219.) to range, or put in order. .

A DECK of Cards, the fame as a Pack.

A DEEM, (Vol. 6. 77.) a fuppofition, a furmife.

To DEFEND, (Vol. 6. 457.) to forbid. Fr. Defendre.

DEFTLY, Nimbly, briskly. DEFT, nimble, ready, neat, fpruce.


To DERACINATE, to eradicate, to root up. Fr Deraciner. DEWBERRIES, (Vol. 1. 103.) ftrictly and properly are the fruit of one of the fpecies of wild Bramble called the creeping or the leffer Bramble: but as they ftand here among the more delicate fruits they must be understood to mean Rasberries which are also of the Bramble-kind.

A DIBBLE, an Instrument with which Gardeners make holes in the Earth.

To DIET, to limit, to controul, to prescribe to.
To DISCANDY, to diffolve, to melt, to thaw.
DISMS, (Vol. 6. 35.) Tenths: a French word.

To DISPERGE, (Vol. 5. 360.) to fprinkle, to fcatter. Lat. Dif pergo.

To DOFF, to put off.

DRAFF. (Vol. 3. 346.) Wash for Hogs.

To DRUMBLE, (Vol. 1. 258.) to drone, to be fluggish. Ital. Dormigliare.

DULCET, fweet. Lat. Dulcis.

To EAR, to plough or till.

ELD, old times, alfo, old age.


To ELFE, (Vol. 3. 42.) to intangle hair in fo intricate a manner that it is not to be unravell'd. This the vulgar have fuppofed to be the work of Fairies in the nights: and all hair fo matted together hath had the name of Elfe-locks.

To EMBALL, (Vol. 4. 437.) to make up into a pack. Fr. Emballer.

#EMBOWELL'D, (Vol. 2. 355.) Emptied.

To EMMEW, (Vol. 1. 338.) to mew up, to coop up.

An ENGLE, (Vol. 2. 311.) a Gull, a Put, a Bubble: derived from the French word Engluer, which fignifies to catch with birdlime.

ENGLUTTED, (Vol. 3. 539.) fwallow'd up. Fr. Englouti.
To ENMESH, (Vol. 6. 482.) to intangle in the Meshes of a Net.
To ENSEAR, to fear up, to make dry.

To ENSCON CE, to cover as with a Fort, to fecure.
ENSHIELD, (Vol. 1. 331.) fhielded, protected.
ENSTEEPED, (Vol. 6. 463.) lying under water.
To ENTAME, (Vol. 2. 224) to tame, to fubdue.

ESCOTED, (Vol. 6. 360.) penfion'd: from the French Efcot, a
Shot or Reckoning.

EXIGENT, a Law-term, a Writ fued out when the Defendant is not to be found, being part of the Procefs leading to an Outlawry. Shakespear ufes it for any extremity.

EXPEDIENT, the fame as expeditious, EXPEDIENCE, expedition.

EXSUFFOLATE, (Vol. 6. 491.) whifper'd, buzz'd in the Ear-
from the Italian Verb Suffolare.

An EY AS or EYESS, a young Hawk juft taken from the Ne
not able to prey for it felf. Fr. Niais: for Eyas-musket,

An EYERY, an Hawk's Neft.


To FADE, to disappear, to vanish.

A FARROW, (Vol. 5. 516.) the litter of a Sow.
FARSED or FARCED, stuff'd out. Fr. Farci.

A FARTHEL or FARDEL, a bundle, a pack, a burthe
Ital. Fardello.

FAVOUR, (Vol. 3. 69.) Countenance, Vifage.

FEL, fierce, cruel.

A FELL, a skin or hide of a beaft. Fell of hair, (Vol. 5. 537) i
the whole fcalp, upon which the hair grows.

A FEODARY, (Vol. 1. 332.) One who holds his Eftate under
the tenure of fuit and fervice to a fuperior Lord.
FEWNESS, (Vol. 1. 311.) Rarity.

A FITCHEW, (Vol. 3. 85.) a Polcat.

A FLAMEN, a Prieft; a Latin word.
FLAWS, fudden gufts of wind. See Vol. 3. 443.

FLECKER'D, (Vol. 6, 257.) fpotted, fpeckled, flush'd with red

FLEW D, (Vol. 1. 122.) FLEW S are the large chaps of a deep-

mouth'd hound.

To FLICKER, (Vol. 3. 40.) to fmile.

FLOURIETS, (Vol. I. 120.) young bloffoms, young springing

To FOIN, to push in fencing.

To FOREDO, to undo, to overcome, to lay violent hands upon.
To FOREFEN D, to prevent, to forbid.

To FORESLOW, to delay.

FORTED, (Vol. 1. 369.) fortified, fecure.

FORTIN, (Vol. 3. 305.) a little Fort raised to defend a Camp,
particularly in a fiege where the principal quarters are joined by
lines defended by Fortins and Redoubts; A French word.

A FOSSET or FAUCET, a tap or peg of a barrel. Fr.

FOYSON or FOIZON, Plenty, especially of fruits of the earth.
Fr. Foison.

FRANK'D UP, (Vol. 4. 308.) fhut up in a Frank, which is a Sty
for feeding a Boar.

A FRANKLIN, a Country Freeholder.

To FRUSH, (Vol. 6. 108.) to break, bruife, or crush. Fr. Freiffer.


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