Treatise ON THE LORD'S SUPPER. PART II. DESIGNED TO ASSIST THE COMMUNICANT IN DEVOUTLY RECEIVING IT. PART II. CHAP. I. Helps for Self-examination, and Prayers. In the former part of this Treatise, the subject of self-examination, as a part of preparation needful before the first reception of the Lord's Supper, has been already considered. But as self-examination is a duty of continual recurrence, we will endeavour to give some farther help to the constant performance of it, and shew how it may be profitably varied. Well would it be for Christians, if they were in the habit of close daily self-examination. It is not indeed easy, or perhaps practicable, for those engaged in all the bustle of business in large cities, to give much time to this work; but what Christian could not pause for a few moments before his evening prayer, look back on the past day, trace what has been the course of his thoughts, words, and actions; and so be better prepared for all the parts of prayer. * * The following questions have been recommended for this purpose. Questions for the Evening. 1. What mercies have I received this day; answers of prayer; deliverance from evil; common or remarkable blessings? But before the reception of the Lord's Supper, the duty cannot in ordinary cases be neglected without the breach of a divine precept, Let a man examine himself, . and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. A watch requires not only to be wound up daily, but at occasional intervals a particular looking into, to be cleaned and oiled afresh. These general directions may with advantage be first attended to. 2. What sin have I committed? What duty omitted? 3. What have I done, endeavoured, or designed for the glory of God, or the good of my neighbours; or what opportunities have I neglected of promoting them? 4. With what success have I encountered those sins to which my circumstances or constitution most incline me; passion, sloth, impurity, intemperance, vanity, &c. 5. Have I been looking to Jesus as my righteousness, my strength, and my example? 6. How have I improved my time this day? Have I made any progress in religion? Have I thought of death and judgmet? Have I walked with God? 7. Have I prayed, and how? Have I read the Scriptures, and how? 8. What mercy do I want for soul or body, myself or my rela tions, that I may now ask it? 9. Have I remembered my promises made at the last sacrament, and how have I performed them? Questions for the Morning. 1. Did I read and pray, meditate, and examine myself last night; and in what manner? 2. Did I think of God the last thing on lying down, and the first thing on rising up? 3. What sin have I committed in thought word, or deed, and what duty has been omitted since the last evening? 4. What occasions may I probably have this day of serving God, and benefiting my neighbour ? 5. To what temptations am I likely to be exposed? 6. What mercies have I received, and what blessings do I now need? 7. Is it my desire to live this day by the faith of the Son of God? Gal. ii, 20. |