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form of words, however admirable they may be, to communicate the life and feeling of devotion; even the life-giving Spirit of Jehovah. We may repeat the words with our lips, without any desire or feeling of the heart. God may have to say of us, as he did of Israel, They have well said all that they have spoken. O that there were such an heart in them!

The whole of this service may be considered as a public record of the most solemn and important transactions that can take place on earth, between the fallen spirit of man accepting salvation by Jesus Christ, and the God of the spirits of all flesh, giving the pledge of that salvation by his ministers.

The service begins with the Lord's prayer; well may we commence this solemn transaction with addressing God as a Father, and with petitions for the advancement of his glory, the gift of our daily bread, and the forgiveness of our own sins, with a profession to forgive all others sinning against us. petitions will all bear an edifying reference to the important duty in which we are about to engage.


The affecting prayer that God would “cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of his Holy Spirit," is adapted to our fallen and impure state, unable of ourselves to think any thing aright, and yet hoping for the promised aid of the Holy Spirit. To pray that we may perfectly love God, is a suitable introduction to the ten commandments, which are next brought before us, Love being the fulfilling of the law.

The compilers of our Liturgy knowing that by the law is the knowledge of sin, and that a penitent heart is most needful for a due reception of the Lord's Supper, have well placed at the commencement of this service, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, containing a comprehensive summary of the holy law of God. We must not suppose that these precepts relate only to the outward act of sin; our Lord has shewn us that they forbid that principle, or love of sin, which leads to outward iniquity. When, for instance, it is said, Thou shalt have none other Gods but me, it forbids our forgetfulness of God, and our love of the world; if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. When it is said, Thou shalt do no murder; angry thoughts, and malice, and revenge are forbidden, as well as murder. When we are told, Thou shalt not commit adultery; impure thoughts are equally forbidden. This manifestly is the obedience which the Lord of all requires. Matt. v, 21, 22, 27, 28. Hence you observe, that after every command the congregation are directed to say, "Lord have mercy on us," hereby, as it is said in the rubric, asking God mercy for their transgressions thereof for the time past." You should enquire, therefore, whether, when you have repeated these words after each command, you really felt that you had in the sight of God broken that command, and needed his pardoning mercy. We are farther taught to add, " and incline our hearts to keep this law." This plainly expresses, if we repeat it in sincerity, that we are convinced that we have neither natural inclination, nor power of ourselves, to obey God's holy commands; but look up to him, and depend wholly on him, to dispose and enable us to do his will; and really purpose and desire to obey his holy law.


Our Church then leads us to pray for the King;

in all its services being mindful of the Apostolical precept, I exhort, therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men, for kings and for all that are in authority.

The COLLECTS for each Sunday are generally adapted to prepare our minds for the portion of Scripture selected from the Epistles and Gospels. Our church, after the declaration of the law in the ten commandments, brings before us some suitable and affecting portion of the Gospel of that Saviour, by whom we are redeemed from the curse of the law.

The NICENE CREED follows. It is so called because it was for the most part framed at the great council held at Nice, in 325. It is right and suitable after reading the word of God, and before we communicate together, that we should mutually acknowledge the same faith.

The part of this service that we have hitherto considered, is directed to be read every Sunday, as it were to invite Christians to more frequent communion. And observe how far we have now been led. The holy law of God having been set before us, we have been taught to acknowledge ourselves guilty and helpless. The Gospel of Christ being then read, we have been called on to express our faith in God as our Father, Jesus as our Saviour, and the Holy Ghost as our Sanctifier. Retrace then your thoughts. Have you been sincere when you have repeated this service? Have you felt, as well as acknowledged, your sinfulness and your weakness? Has the Gospel really been good tidings to you? Was the profession of faith repeated in the creed more than a mere expression of the lips?


Was it the unfeigned confidence and conviction of an upright and true heart? If you have proceeded thus far in sincerity, you are a penitent believer; you are in a fit state of mind to receive the Lord's Supper.

We now come to that part of the Liturgy which is more directly connected with the administration of this Institution.

The Sunday before that on which it is designed to celebrate this ordinance, a suitable EXHORTATION is appointed to be read. Two are given in the Prayer Book. One contains directions to prevent our receiving it in a careless and presumptuous spirit; and the other urges those to come who are in the habit of neglecting. You would find it useful to read these to assist you in your preparation.

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When assembled together at the Lord's table, you are called on, by a selection of appropriate passages, to contribute according to your means to the relief of your poorer brethren. Thus an opportunity is given you of shewing your faith by your works. Our Saviour seems to suppose we should never come here before the Lord without a gift. Matt. v, 23. These passages are as follow.

LET your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matt. v, 16..

Lay not up for yourselves treasure upon the earth; where the rust and moth doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven; where neither rust nor moth doth corrupt, and

where thieves do not break through and steal. Matt. vi, 19.

Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do unto them; for this is the law and the prophets. Matt. vii, 12.

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matt. vii, 21.


Zaccheus mood forth, andicarry any thing out. 1 Tim. vi, said nuts the Lord, Behnid. 6. 7. Lord, the half of my goods | Charge them who are rich in give to the poor; and if I save his word that they be renty dune any wrong to any mun, I w give, and glad to distribune, restore sour-hud. Lake вік. | taying up in store for hea Wo zuert a warfare at any wellness good founάντια time of tus own cost? W16 against the time to come, that plantett a vineyard, and eater they may attain eternal life.. mot of the fruit there? Or 1 T. vi, 17-19. wins feedett a fluck, and exteril God is not unrighteous, mot of the milk of the fuck? that he will forget your works, 1 Cor. ix, 7. and sadur that procedeth of


If we have sown to you"love; winch love ye havе выем spiritual things, is it a great ed for hus Name's sake, wibo matter if we should reap your have ministered unto worldly things? 1 Cor. ix, 11.


saints, and yet do minister.

Heb vi, 10.

forget mot for with such sacrifires God is well pleased. Heb. x 16.

Do ye not know, that they who minister about hody things to do good, and to distribute, Eve of the sacrifice and they who wait at the altar are partakers with the aitar? Even so hath the Lord also ordained that tvey who preach the Goepel should live of the Gospel. 1 Cor. ix, 13, 14.

He that soweth ittle shall reap little; and he that soweth plenteocely shall reap plenteomsly. Let every man do according as he is disposed in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. ix, 6.

Let him that is taught in the Word minister unto him that teacheth, in all good things. Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap. Gal. vi, 7.

While we have time let us do good unto all men; and specially unto them that are of the household of faith, Gal. vi,


Godliness is great riches, if a man be content with that he hath: for we brought nothing into the world, neither may we

Whose hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his compassion from him, how dweileth the love of God in him? 1 John iii, 17.

Give alms of thy goods, and never turn thy face from any poor man; and then the face of the Lord shall not be turned away from thee. Tobit iv, 7.

Be merciful after thy power. If thou hast much, give plenteously: if thou hast little, do thy diligence gladly to give of that little: for so gatherest thou thyself a good reward in the day of necessity. Tobit iv, 8,9.

He that hath pity upon the poor, lendeth unto the Lord: and look, what he layeth out, it shall be paid him again. Prov. xix, 17.

Blessed be the man that provideth for the sick and needy; the Lord shall deliver him in the time of trouble. Ps. xii, 1.

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