So fhews a snowy dove trooping with crows, The measure done, I'll watch her place of Stand, AT Tyb. This by his voice should be a Montague. Fetch me my rapier, boy. What! dares the flave Come hither cover'd with an antick face, To fleer and scorn at our folemnity? Now by the stock and honour of my kin, To strike him dead I hold it not a fin." Cap. Why, how now, kinfman, wherefore ftorm you fo? Tyb. Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe: Tyb. 'Tis he, that villain Romeo: Cap. Content thee, gentle coz, let him alone Tyb. It fits, when fuch a villain is a guest, Cap. He fhall be endur'd. What, goodman boy-I fay, he fhall. Go to You'll not endure him? God fhall mend my foul. You will fit cock-a-hoop? You'll be the man? Tyb. Tyb. Why, uncle, 'tis a fhame. Cap. Go to, go to,. You are a faucy boy-is't fo, indeed This trick may chance to fcathe Well faid, my hearts :-You are a Princox, go: To fmooth that rough Touch with a tender kiss. Jul. Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion fhews in this; For Saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kifs. Rom. Have not faints lips, and holy palmers too? Jul. Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. Rom. O then, dear faint, let lips do what hands. do: They pray, grant thou, left faith turn to despair. 7 If I prophane with my un- My lips, two blushing pilgrims, &c.] All profanations are fuppos'd to be expiated either by fome meritorious action, or by fome penance undergone and pu VOL. VIII. nifhment fubmitted to. So, Romeo would here fay, If I have been profane in the rude touch of my hand, my lips ftands ready, as two blushing pilgrims, to take off that offence, to atone for it by a fweet penance. Our poet therefore must have wrote, -the gentle Fine is this. WARB. D Jul. Jul. Saints do not move, yet grant for prayers fake. Rom. Then move not, while my prayers' effect I take: Thus from my lips, by thine, my fin is purg'd. [Kiffing her. Jul. Then have my lips the fin that late they took. Rom. Sin from my lips! O trefpafs, fweetly urg'd Give me my fin again. Jul. You kifs by th' book. Nurfe. Madam, your mother craves a word with you. Rom. What is her mother? Nurfe. Marry, bachelor, Her mother is the lady of the house, To her Nurfe. And a good lady, and a wife and virtuous. Rom. Is the a Capulet? O dear account! my life is my foe's debt. Is it e'en fo? why, then, I thank you all. [Exeunt. Jul. Come hither, nurfe. What is yon gentleman ? Nurfe. The fon and heir of old Tiberio. Jul. What's he, that now is going out of door? Nurfe. That, as I think, is young Petruchio. Jul. What's he, that follows here, that would not dance? Nurfe. Nurfe. I know not. Jul. Go, afk his name. -If he be married, My Grave is like to be my wedding bed. Nurfe. His name is Romeo, and a Montague, The only fon of your great enemy. Jul. My only love fprung from my only hate; Nurse. Anon, anon [One calls within, Juliet. Come, let's away, the ftrangers all are gone. [Exeunt. 8 Now old Defire doth on his death-bed lie, With tender Juliet match'd, is now not fair. Now Romeo is belov'd, and loves again, Alike bewitched by the charm of looks: But to his foe fuppos'd he must complain, And she steal love's fweet bait from fearful hooks. Being held a foe, he may not have accefs To breathe fuch vows as lovers use to swear; And fhe, as much in love, her means much less, To meet her new-beloved any where: CHORUS.] This chorus added fince the first edition. POPE. Chorus. The ufe of this chorus is not easily discovered, it conduces nothing to the progrefs D of the play, but relates what is But But Paffion lends them power, Time means, to C ΑΝΙ go forward when my heart is here? Enter Benvolio, with Mercutio. Ben. Romeo, my coufin Romeo. Mer. He is wife, And, on my life, hath ftol'n him home to bed. [Exit. Ben. He ran this way, and leap'd this orchardwall. Call, good Mercutio. Mer. Nay, I'll conjure too. Why, Romeo! humours! madman! paffion! lover! One |