Imágenes de páginas


Leaves from a Lounger's Note-Book, No. I.; Journals of
Soldiers; Idyls of Gesner.-The Returned Letter-Bag; or, The
Fourteenth of February; with Specimens of Serious and Comic
Valentine Verses.—Heron Correspondence, No. VI.; Apostoli-

Reminiscences of Driddell, the Pye- Poet, No. I.-Leaves from
a Lounger's Note-Book, No. II.; Courage; Dr. Drake; Liter-
ature; Phrenology; The Well-Bred Style; Lord Normanby.-
The Shereef Selim, a Turkish Tale.-Heron Correspondence,
No. XI.; St. Enoch's Church; Civic Magniloquence; Mr.
Ryder; Minor Theatre; Dinner to the Lord Rector; Swan's
Views; Falkirk Magazine, &c.—Local Literary Intelligence.

Hannah Barclay; or, Quaker-Love, a Drygate Story.-New
Readings, No. VII.-Grace Gadabout to the Editor, on the Water-
ing-Places; with his Reply.-Heron Correspondence, No. XII.;
Secession Church, and Testimony; Miss Graddon; Alexander,
and Sweeps, and Hunchbacks; Account of the Dinner to Thomas
Campbell, Esq., &c.-On sundry Local Annoyances.

Gourock, a Sketch.-The Phraseologist, No. I.-The Sofa,
No. III.; Steam Organ; Booksellers give Fame; Dr. Scott;
Love Song of a Bedouin Chief; Translation from the Servian;
Sir Walter Scott; Mr. M'Diarmid; Jewish Actress, &c.

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