Bible Living Quiz BookSylvia Huffnagle, 2006 - 396 páginas This book is designed to help people study the Bible in a fun way. You will not be bored and you will learn a lot about God, life and how it all works. You will obtain that understanding that has always eluded you, up until now. You will find many parallels between the Old and New Testaments, which will help bring it all together for you. And you will recognize God's central theme from Genesis through Revelation. The Bible is a training manual for those who have repented of doing things their own way and are ready to do things God's way. For they know or will know from this Bible study that man's ways lead to death (Everything we do on our own cannot last.). But God's ways lead to eternal life. (Everything we do His way will bring lasting victory.) Get ready to learn about life! Prepare to put on the full armor of God! The questions are multiple choice. The answers are in the back. |
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Términos y frases comunes
according armour of God behold believe Bible Blessed blood Christians Chronicles circumcision circumcision of Christ Colossians cometh commandments Corinthians covenant Deuteronomy devil disciples earth enemies Ephesians evil Exodus faith Father fear flesh forgive fruit Galatians give glory go to church God's Gospel grace hand hath heal hear heart heaven Hebrews Holy Ghost II Chronicles II Corinthians II Thessalonians II Timothy iniquity Isaiah Israel Israelites Jeremiah Jesus Christ Jesus teach John Judah judge judgment keep king kingdom kingdom of God land Lord thy Luke lusts Matthew mercy Moses Nicolaitans Numbers obey peace Peter Pharisees pray prayer preach promise prophets Proverbs Psalms receive repent Revelation righteousness Romans saith the Lord salvation sanctify saved say unto seek servant sinners sins soul Spirit tell Testament thee thine things thou hast thou shalt Timothy truth unclean unto the Lord walk Wherefore whosoever wisdom word worship wrath yourselves