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16. Το value; to estimate; to rate.
Be you contented

To have a son set your decrees at nought?
To pluck down justice from your awful bench?

The backwardness parents shew in divulging their faults, will make them set a greater value on their credit themselves, and teach them to be the more careful to preserve the good opinion of others. Locke.

If we act by several broken views, and will not only be virtuous, but wealthy, popular, and every thing that has a value set upon it by the world, we shall live and die in misery. Addison.

Have I not set at nought my noble birth, A spotless fame, and an unblemish'd race, The peace of innocence, and pride of virtue? My prodigality has giv'n thee all.


Though the same sun, with all-diffusive rays, Blush in the rose and in the diamond blaze, We prize the stronger effort of his pow'r, And always set the gem above the flow'r. Pope.

17. To stake at play.

What sad disorders play begets! Desp'rate and mad, at length he sets Those darts, whose points make gods adore.


18. To offer a wager at dice to another. Who sets me else? I'll throw at all.

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carried by land with camels through that hot and sandy country.

26. To station; to place. Cœnus has betray'd


The bitter truths that our loose court upbraid:
Your friend was set upon you for a spy,
And on his witness you are doom'd to die.

27. To oppose.



Will you set your wit to a fool's? Shakspeare. 28. To bring to a fine edge: as, to set a 29. To point out, without noise or disturbance: as, a dog sets birds. 30. To SET about. To apply to.

They should make them play-games, or endeavour it, and set themselves about it. Locke. 31. To SET against. To place in a state of enmity or opposition.

The king of Babylon set himself against Jerusalem. Ezekiel.

The devil hath reason to set himself against it; for nothing is more destructive to him than a soul armed with prayer. Duppa. There should be such a being as assists us against our worst enemies, and comforts us under our sharpest sufferings, when all other things set themselves against us.


32. To SET against. To oppose; to place in rhetorical opposition.

This perishing of the world in a deluge is set against, or compared with, the perishing of the world in the conflagration. Burnet.

33. To SET apart. To neglect for a sea


They highly commended his forwardness, and all other matters for that time set apart.


34. TO SET aside. To omit for the pre


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My highest interest is not to be deceived about these matters; therefore, setting aside all other considerations, I will endeavour to know the truth, and yield to that. Tillotson.

35. TO SET aside. To reject.

I'll look into the pretensions of each, and shew upon what ground it is that I embrace that of the deluge, and set aside all the rest.


No longer now does my neglected mind Its wonted stores and old ideas tind: Fix'd judgment there no longer does abide, To taste the true, or set the false aside. Prior. 36. To SET aside. To abrogate; to annul. Several innovations, made to the detriment of the English merchant, are now entirely set aside. Addison.

There may be
Reasons of so much pow'r and cogent force,
As may ev'n set aside this right of birth:
If sons have rights, yet fathers have 'em too.


He shows what absurdities follow upon such a supposition; and the greater those absurdities are, the more strongly do they evince the falsity of that supposition from whence they flow, and consequently the truth of the doctrine set aside by that supposition. 37. To SET by. To regard; to esteem. Atterbury.


David behaved himself more wisely than all, so that his name was much set by. 1 Samuel. 38. TO SET by. To reject or omit for the present.

You shall hardly edify me, that those nations might not, by the law of nature, have been subdued by any nation that had only policy and moral virtue; though the propagation of the faith, whereof we shall speak in the proper place, were set by, and not made part of the case. Bacon. 39. To SET down. To explain, or relate in writing.

They have set down, that a rose set by garlick is sweeter, because the more fetid juice goeth into the garlick. Bacon.

Some rules were to be sos dozun for the government of the army. Glarendon.

The reasons that led me into the meaning which prevailed on my mind, are set doron. Locke.

An eminent instance of this, to shew what use can do, I shall set doron.


I shall set dorun an account of a discourse I chanced to have with one of these rural statesAddison.


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In the external form of religion, such things as are apparently, or can be sufficiently proved, effectual, and generally fit to set forward godliness, either as betokening the greatness of God, or as beseeming the dignity of religion, or as concurring with celestial impressions in the minds of men, may be reverently thought of. Hooker. They mar my path, they set forward may calamity. Job.

Dung or chalk, applied seasonably to the roots of trees, doth set them forwards. Bacon.

49. To SET in. To put in a way to begin.

If you please to assist and set me in, I will recollect myself.


50. TO SET off. To decorate; to recommend; to adorn; to embellish. It answers to the French relever.

Like bright metal on a sullen ground, My reformation, glittering o'er my fault, Shall shew more goodly, and attract more eyes, Than that which hath no foil to set it off. Shaksp. The prince put thee into my service for no other reason than to set me off. Shakspeare. Neglect not the examples of those that have carried themselves ill in the same place; not to set off thyself by taxing their memory, but to direct thyself what to avoid.


May you be happy, and your sorrows past Set off those joys I wish may ever last. Waller.

The figures of the groupes must contrast each other by their several positions: thus, in a play, some characters must be raised to oppose others, and to set them off.


The men, whose hearts are aimed at, are the occasion that one part of the face lies under a kind of disguise, while the other is so much set off and adorned by the owner.


Their women are perfect mistresses in shewing themselves to the best advantage: they are always gay and sprightly, and set off the worst faces with the best airs.


The general good sense and worthiness of his character, makes his friends observe these little singularities as foils, that rather set off than blemish his good qualities.


The work will never take, if it is not set off with proper scenes. Addison.

Claudian sets off his description of the Eridanus. with all the poetical stories. Addison.

51. To SET on or upon. To animate; to instigate; to incite.

You had either never attempted this change, set on with hope; or never discovered it, stopt. with despair.


He upbraids lago, that he made him Brave me upon the watch; whereon it came

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There you missing me, I was taken up by pirates, who, putting me under board prisoner, presently set upon another ship, and, maintaining a long fight, in the end put them all to the sword. Sidney.

Cassio hath here been set on in the dark: He's almost slain, and Roderigo dead. Shaksp. So other foes may set upon our back. Shaksp. Alphonsus, captain of another of the gallies, suffering his men to straggle too far into the land, was set upon by a Turkish pirate, and taken.


Of one hundred ships there came scarce thirty to work: howbeit with them, and such as came daily in, we set upon them, and gave them the chace. Bacon.

If I had been set upon by villains, I would have redeemed that evil by this which I now suffer. Taylor. When once I am set upon, 't will be too late to be whetting when I should be fighting. L'Estr. When some rival power invades a right,

Flies set on flies, and turtles turtles fight. Garth.

53. TO SET on. To employ as in a task. Set on thy wife t' observe Shatspeare. 54. TO SET on or upon. To fix the attention; to determine to any thing with settled and full resolution.

It becomes a true lover to have your heart more set upon her good than your own, and to bear a tenderer respect to her honour than your satisfaction,


55. To SET out. To assign; to allot.

The rest, unable to serve any longer, or willing to fall to thrift, should be placed in part of the lands by them won, at better rate than others to whom the same shall be set out. Spens. The squaring of a man's thoughts to the lot that providence has set out for him is a blessing. L'Estrange.

56. To SET out. To publish.

I will use no other authority than that excellent proclamation set out by the king in the first year of his reign, and annexed before the book of Common Prayer. Bacon.

If all should be set out to the world by an angry whig, the consequence must be a confinement of our friend for some months more to his garret. Swift.

57. To SET out. To mark by boundaries or distinctions of space.

Time and place, taken thus for determinate portions of those infinite abysses of space and duration, set out, or supposed to be distinguished, from the rest by known boundaries, have each a two-fold acceptation.


58. To SET out. To adorn; to embellish. An ugly woman, in a rich habit set out with jewels, nothing can become. Dryden. 59. To SET out. To raise; to equip.

The Venetians pretend they could set out, in case of great necessity, thirty men of war, a hundred gallies, and ten galeasses. Addison.

60. To SET out. To show; to display; to recommend.

Barbarossa, in his discourses concerning the conquest of Africk, set him out as a most fit instrument for subduing the kindom of Tunis.


I could set out that best side of Luther, which our author, in the picture he has given us of him, has thrown into shade, that he might place a supposed deformity more in view. Atterbury. 61. TO SET out. To show; to prove.

Those very reasons set out how heinous his sin was. Atterbury.

62. To SET up. To erect; to establish newly.

There are many excellent institutions of charity lately set up, and which deserve all manner of encouragement, particularly those which relate to the careful and pious education of poor children. Atterbury. 63. To SET up. To enable to commence a new business.


Who could not win the mistress, woo'd the maid, Set up themselves, and drove a sep'ratetrade. Popc. 64. To SET up. To build; to erect. Their ancient habitations they neglect, And set up new: then, if the echo like not In such a room, they pluck down those. B. Jonson. Jacob took the stone that he had for his pillow, and set it up for a pillar. Genesis.

Such delight hath God in men Obedient to his will, that he vouchsafes Among them to set up his tabernacle. Milton. Images were not set up or worshipped among the heathens, because they supposed the gods to be like them. Stilling fleet. Statues were set up to all those who had made themselves eminent for any noble action. Dryden. I shall shew you how to set up a forge, and what tools you must use. Moxon. Patrons, who sneak from living worth to dead, Withhold the pension, and set up the head. Pope.

65. To SET up. To raise; to exalt; to

put in power.

He was skilful enough to have lived still, if knowledge could be set up against mortality. Sbakspeare.

I will translate the kingdom from the house of Saul, and set up the throne of David over Israel. 2 Samuel.

Of those that lead these parties, if you could take off the major number, the lesser would govern; nay, if you could take off all, they would set up one, and follow him. Suckling. Homer took all occasions of setting up his own countrymen, the Grecians, and of undervaluing the Trojan chiefs. Dryden. 66. To SET up. To establish; to appoint;

to fix.

Whatever practical rule is generally broken, it cannot be supposed innate; it being im

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So let him land,

And solemnly see him set on to London. Shaks. On Wednesday next, Harry, thou shalt set forward;

On Thursday we ourselves will march. Shaksp. The king is set from London, and the scene Is now transported to Southampton. Shakspeare. Bacon. 7. To put one's self into any state or posture of removal.

Thy father's merit sets thee up to view, And shows thee in the fairest point of light, To make thy virtues or thy faults conspicuous.


68. To SET up. To place in repose; to fix; to rest.

Whilst we set up our hopes here, we do not, so seriously as we ought, consider that God has provided another and better place for us. Wake. 69. To SET up. To raise by the voice.

My right eye itches, some good luck is near; Perhaps my Amaryllis may appear; I'll set up such a note as she shall hear. Dryden. 70. To SET up. To advance; to propose to reception.

The authors that set up this opinion were not themselves satisfied with it.


71. To SET up. To raise to a sufficient fortune; to set up a trade; to set up a trader.

In a soldier's life there's honour to be got; and one lucky hit sets up a man for ever. L'Estrange. 72. This is one of the words that can hardly be explained otherwise than by various and multiplied exemplification. It is scarcely to be referred to any radical or primitive notion; it very frequently includes the idea of a change made in the state of the subject, with some degree of continuance in the state superinduced.

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But distant skies that in the ocean set. Dryden. The Julian eagles here their wings display, And there like setting stars the Decii cii lay. lay. Garth. 2. To be fixed hard.

A gathering and serring of the spirits together to resist, maketh the teeth to set hard one against another.


3. To be extinguished or darkened, as the sun at night.

Ahijah could not see; for his eyes were set, by reason of his age.

4. To fit musick to words.

1 Kings.

That I might sing it, madam, to a tune,
Give me a note: your ladyship can set.
-As little by such toys as may be possible. Shak.
5. To become not fluid; to concrete.

That fluid substance in a few minutes begins to set, as the tradesmen speak; that is, to exchange its fluidity for firmness.

6. To begin a journey.


The faithless pirate soon will set to sea, And bear the royal virgin far away. When sets he forward?

-He is near at hand.




He, with forty of his gallies, in most warlike manner appointed, set forward with Solyman's ambassador towards Constantinople. 8. To catch birds with a dog that sets them, that is, lies down and points them out; and with a large net.

When I go a-hawking or setting, I think myself beholden to him that assures me, that in such a field there is a covey of partridges.

9. To plant, not sow.

In gard'ning ne'er this rule forget, To sow dry, and set wet.


Old Proverb.

10. It is commonly used in conversation. for sit, which, though undoubtedly barbarous, is sometimes found in authors.

If they set down before's, 'fore they remove Bring up your army. Sbakspeare. II. To apply one's self.

If he sets industriously and sincerely to perform the commands of Christ, he can have no ground of doubting but it shall prove successful Hammond. to him. 12. To SET about. To fall to; to begin.

We find it most hard to convince them, that it is necessary now, at this very present, to set about it: we are thought a little too hot and hasty, when we press wicked men to leave their sins to-day, as long as they have so much time before them to do it in.


How preposterous is it, never to set about works of charity, whilst we ourselves can see them performed? Atterbury. 13. To SET in. To become settled in a particular state.

When the weather was set in to be very bad, I have taken a whole day's journey to see a gallery furnished by great masters.


As November set in with keen frosts, so they continued through the whole of that month, without any other alteration than freezing with more or less severity, as the winds changed.


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If we slacken our arms, and drop our oars, we shall be hurried back to the place from whence we first set out. Addison.

18. To SET out. To begin the world.



He, at his first setting out, threw himself into Eugenio set out from the same university, and about the same time, with Corusodes. Swift.

19. To SET to. To apply himself to.

I may appeal to some, who have made this their business, whether it go not against the hair with them to set to any thing else.

Government of the Tongue.

20. To SET up. To begin a trade openly. We have stock enough to set up with, capable of infinite advancement, and yet no less capable of total decay. Decay of Piety.

A man of a clear reputation, though his bark be split, yet he saves his cargo; has something left towards setting up again, and so is in capacity of receiving benefit not only from his own industry, but the friendship of others.

Government of the Tongue.

This habit of writing and discoursing was acquired during my apprenticeship in London, and a long residence there after I had set up for myself. Swift.

21. To SET up. To begin a scheme of

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They refer to those criticks who are partial to some particular set of writers to the prejudice of others. Pope. Perhaps there is no man, nor set of men, upon earth, whose sentiments I entirely follow. Watts. 2. Any thing not sown, but put in a state of some growth into the ground.

"T is rais'd by sets or berries, like white thorn, and lies the same time in the ground. Mortimer. 3. The apparent fall of the sun, or other bodies of heaven, below the horizon.

The weary sun hath made a golden set; And, by the bright track of his fiery car, Gives signal of a goodly day to-morrow.Shaksp. When the battle's lost and won.

-That will be ere set of sun.


Before set of sun that day, I hope to reach my
Atterbury to Pope.

winter quarters.
4. A wager at dice.

That was but civil war, an equal set, Where piles with piles, and eagles eagles fight.

5. A game.


Have I not here the best cards for the game, To win this easy match play'd for a crown? And shall I now give o'er the yielded set? Shak. When we have match'd our rackets to these balls,

We will, in France, play a set Shall strike his father's crown into the hazard. Shakspeare. SETA'CLOUS. adj. [seta, Latin.] Bristly; set with strong hairs; consisting of strong hairs.

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