To that meek man who well had sacrific'd. CRIFICE.n.s. [sacrifice, Fr. sacrificium, Lat.] I. The act of offering to heaven. God will ordain religious rites I'll startle you, Worse than the sacring bell. Shakspeare. The sacring of the kings of France is the sign of their sovereign priesthood as well as kingdom, and in the right thereof they are capable of hold ing all vacant benefices. Milton. 2. The thing offered to heaven, or immo- SA'CRIST. Of sacrifice. lated by an act of religion. Upon such sacrifice The gods themselves throw incense. Shakspeare. And lift my soul to heav'n. Shakspeare. Moloch besmear'd with blood Temple. n. s. [sacristain, French.] SA'CRISTAN. He that has the care of the utensils or moveables of the church. A sacrist or treasurer are not dignitaries in the church of common right, but only by cus tom. Ayliffe. ŞA'CRISTY.n.s. [sacristie, Fr.] An apartment where the consecrated vessels or moveables of a church are reposited. Bold Amycus from the robb'd vestry brings Addison. Wept at completing of the mortal sin Original. Milton. 4. Serious; not light; not volatile; grave. He with utterance grave, and countenance sad, From point to point discours'd his voyage. Spens. The lady Katharine, a sad and religious woman, when Henry VIII's resolution of a divorce from her was first made known, said that she had not offended; but it was a judgment of God, for that her former marriage was made in blood. Bacon. If it were an embassy of weight, choice was made of some sad person of known judgment and experience, and not of a young man, not weighed in state matters. Bacon. A sad wise valour is the brave complexion That leads the van, and swallows up the cities: The gigler is a milk-maid, whom inflection, Or a fir'd beacon, frighteth from his ditties. Herbert. 5. Afflictive; calamitous. Thoughts in my unquiet breast are risen, Tending to some relief of our extremes, Or end, tho' sharp and sad, yet tolerable. Milt. 6. Bad; inconvenient; vexatious. A word of burlesque complaint. These qualifications make him a sad husband. 7. Dark-coloured. Addison. Crystal, in its reduction into powder, hath a vale and shadow of blue; and in its coarse pieces is of a sadder hue than the powder of Venice glass. Broron. I met him accidentally in London in sad coloured clothes, far from being costly. Walton. Scarce any tinging ingredient is of so general use as woad, or glastum; for though of itself it dye but a blue, yet, it is used to prepare cloth for green, and many of the sadder colours, when the dyers make them last without fading. Boyle. Woad or wade is used by the dyers to lay the foundation of all sad colours. 3. Heavy; weighty; ponderous. Mortimer. With that his hand, more sad than lump of lead, Uplifting high, he weened with Morddure, His own good sword, Morddure, to cleave his Fairy Queen. head. 9. Cohesive; not light; firm; close. Chalky lands are naturally cold and sad, and therefore require warm applications and light compost. Mortimer. To SA'DDEN. v. a. [from sad.] 3. To make dark coloured. Marl is binding, and saddening of land is the great prejudice it doth to clay lands. Mortimer. SA'DDI.E. n. s. [rabl, Saxon; sadel, Dutch.] The seat which is put upon the horse for the accommodation of the rider. His horse hipped, with an old moth-eaten saddle, and the stirrups of no kindred. Shakspeare. The law made for apparel, and riding in saddles, after the English fashion, is penal only to Englishmen. One hung a pole-ax at his saddle bow, And one a heavy mace. Davies. Dryden. The vent'rous knight isfrom the saddle thrown; But 't is the fault of fortune, not his own. Dryd. To SA'DDLE, v. a. (from the noun.] 1. To cover with a saddle. Sixpence that I had To pay the saddler for my mistress' crupper, The saddler had it. Shakspeare. The utmost exactness in these belongs to farriers, saddlers, and smiths. Digby. The smith and the saddler's journeyman ought to partake of your master's generosity. Steift. SA'DLY. ada. [from sad.] 1. Sorrowfully; mournfully. My father is gone wild into his grave; To mock the expectations of the world. Shaksp. He sadly suffers in their grief, Out-weeps an hermit, and out-prays a saint. Dry. 2. Calamitously; miserably. We may at present easily see, and one day sadly feel. South. SA'DNESS. n. s. [from sad.] 1. Sorrowfulness; mournfulness; dejection of mind. The soul receives intelligence Lest so severe and obstinate a sadness Denham. A passionate regret at sin, a grief and sadness of its memory, enter into God's roll of mournDecay of Picty. 2. To make melancholy; to make gloomy. 2. Melancholy look. Milton. ers. Her gloomy presence saddens all the scene, Dim sadness did not spare Shades ev'ry flow'r, and darkens ev'ry green; Deepens the murmurs of the falling floods, Celestial visages. 3. Seriousness; sedate gravity. And breathes a browner horror on the woods. Pope. If the subject be mournful, let every thing in it have a stroke of sadness. Dryden. SAFE. n.s. [from the adjective.] A buttery; a pantry. Ainsworth. SA'FECONDUCT.n.s. [saufconduit, Fr.] 1. Convoy; guard through an enemy's country. 2. Pass; warrant to pass. A trumpet was sent to sir William Waller, to desire a safeconduct for a gentleman. Clarendon. SAFEGUARD. n. s. [safe and guard.] I. Defence; protection; security. We serve the living God as near as our wits can reach to the knowledge thereof, even according to his own will; and do therefore trust, that his mercy shall be our safeguard. Hooker. If you do fight in safeguard of your wives, Your wives shall welcome home the conquerors. Shakspeare. Cæsar, where dangers threatened on the one side, and the opinion that there should be in him little safeguard for his friends on the other, chose rather to venture upon extremities than to be thought a weak protector. Raleigh. Great numbers, descended from them, have, by the blessing of God upon their industry, raised themselves so high in the world as to become, in times of difficulty, a protection and a safeguard to that altar, at which their ancestors ministred. Atterbury. Thy sword, the safeguard of thy brother's throne, Is now become the bulwark of thy own. Granville. 2. Convoy; guard through any interdicted road, granted by the possessor. 3. Pass; warrant to pass. On safeguard he came to me. Shakspeare. A trumpet was sent to the earl of Essex for a safeguard or pass to two lords, to deliver a message from the king to the two houses. Clarendon. To SA'FEGUARD. v. n. [from the noun.] To guard; to protect. We have locks to safeguard necessarics, And pretty traps to catch the petty thieves. Slak. SA'YELY.adv. [from safe.] 1. In a safe manner; without danger. Who is there that hath the leisure and means to collect all the proofs, concerning most of the opinions he has, so as safely to conclude that he hath a clear and full view? Locke. All keep aloof, and safely shout around; But none presumes to give a nearer wound. Dryd. 2. Without hurt. God safely quit her of her burden, and with gentle travel, to the gladding of your highness with an heir. Sbakspeare. SA'FENESS. n. s. [from safe.] Exemption from danger. If a man should forbear his food or his business, 'till he had certainty of the safeness of what he was going about, he must starve and die disputSouth. ing. SAFETY. n. 5. [from safe.] 1. Freedom from danger. To that dauntless temper of his mind, He hath a wisdom that doth guide his valour To act in safety. 2. Exemption from hurt. Shakspeare. If her acts have been directed well, While with her friendly clay she deign'd todwell, Shall she with safety reach her pristine stat, Find her rest endless, and her bliss complete? Prior. 3. Preservation from hurt. Let not my jealousies be your dishonours, But mine own safeties: you may be rightly just, Whatever I shall think. Spakspeare. 4. Custody; security from escape. Imprison him; Deliver him to safety, and return. Shakspeare. SAFFLOW. n. s. A plant. An herb they call safflow, or bastard saffron, dyers use for scarlet. Mortimer. SA'FFRON. n. s. [safran, French; from saphar, Arabick. It was yellow, according to Davies in his Welsh dictionary. Crocus, Latin.] A plant. Miller Grind your bole and chalk, and five or six shives of saffron. Peacham. SAFFRON, Bastard.n.s.[carthamus, Lat.] A plant. This plant agrees with the thistle in most of its characters; but the seeds of it are destitute of down. It is cultivated in Germany for dyers. It spreads into many branches, each producing a flower, which, when fully blown, is pulled off, and dried, and it is the part the dyers use. Miller. SA'FFRON. adj. Yellow; having the colour of saffron. Are these your customers? Did this companion, with the saffron face, Revel and feast it at my house to-day, Whilst upon me the guilty doors were shut? Sbak. Soon as the white and red mixt finger'd dame Had gilt the mountains with her saffron flame, I sent my men to Circe's house. Chapman. Now when the rosy morn began to rise, And wav'd her saffron streamer through the skies. Dryden. To SAG. v. n. To hang heavy. The mind I say by, and the heart I bear, Shall never sag with doubt, nor shake with fear. Shakspeare. To SAG. v. a. To load; to burden. SAGA'CIOUS. adj. [sagax, Latin.) 1. Quick of scent: with of. So scented the grim feature, and up-turn'd His nostrils wide into the murky air; Sagacious of his quarry from so far. With might and main they chas'd the murd'rous fox, Milton. Nor wanted horns t' inspire sagacious hounds. Dryden. . Quick of thought; acute in making 2. [In anatomy.] A suture so called from discoveries. its resemblance to an arrow. His wound was between the sagittal and coro nal sutures to the bone. Wiseman. SAGITTARY. n. s. [sagittarius, Latin; sagittaire, French.] A centaur; an animal half man half horse, armed with a bow and quiver. The dreadful sagittary Appals our numbers. Shakspeare. He came too late; the ship was under sail. They loosed the rudder-bands, and hoisted up the main-sail to the wind. Acts. The galley born from view by rising gales, She follow'd with her sight and flying sails. Dryd. 2. [In poetry.] Wings. He cutting way With his broad sails, about him soared round; At last, low stooping with unwieldy sway, Snatch'd up both horse and man. Fairy Queen. 3. A ship; a vessel. A sail arriv'd From Pompey's son, who through the realms of Spain Calls out for vengeance on his father's death. Addison. 4. Sail is a collective word, noting the number of ships. So by a roaring tempest on the flood, Shakspeare. It is written of Edgar, that he increased the fleet he found two thousand six hundred sail. Raleigh. A feigned tear destroys us, against whom. Tydides nor Achilles could prevail, Nor ten years conflict, nor a thousand sail. Denh. He had promised to his army, who were discouraged at the siglit of Seleucus's fleet, consisting of an hundred sail, that at the end of the summer they should see a fleet of his of five hundred sail. Arbuthnot. 5. To strike SAIL. To lower the sail. Fearing lest they should fall into the quicksands, they strake sail, and so were driven. Acts. 6. A proverbial phrase for abating of pomp or superiority. Margaret Must strike her sail, and learn a while to serve Where kings command. To SAIL. v. n. [from the noun.] Shakspcare. 1. To be moved by the wind with sails. I shall not mention any thing of the sailing waggons. Mortimer. 2. To pass by sea. When sailing was now dangerous, P: ul ad monished them. 3. To swim. Acts. Batter'd by his lee they lay; The passing winds thro' their torn canvass play, And flagging sails on heartless sailors fall. Dryd. Young Pompey built a fleet of large ships, and had good sailors, commanded by experienced captains. Arbuthuot. Full in the openings of the spacious main It rides, and, lo! descends the sailer train. Pope. SAILYA'RD. n. s. [sail and yard.] The pole on which the sail is extended. With glance so swift the subtle lightning past, As split the sailyards. Dryden. SAIM. n. s. [saime, Italian.] Lard. It still denotes this in the northern counties, and in Scotland: as, swine's saim. SAIN. [a participle, obsolete, from say.] Said. Some obscure precedence, that hath tofore been sain. Shakspeare. SA'INFOIN. n. s. [sainfoin, Fr. medica.] A kind of herb. SAINT. n. s. [saint, Fr. sanctus, Lat.] A person eminent for piety and virtue. To thee be worship and thy saints for aye. She will not stay the siege of loving terms, Miracles are required of all who aspire to this diguity, because they say an hypocrite may imitate a saint in all other particulars. Addison. By thy example kings are taught to sway, Heroes to fight, and saints may learn to pray. Granville. So unaffected, so compos'd a mind; So firm, yet soft, so strong, yet so refin'd, Heav'n, as its purest gold, by tortures try'd; The saint sustain'd it, but the woman dy'd. Pope. To SAINT. v. a. [from the noun.] To number among saints; to reckon among saints by a publick decree; to canonize. Are not the principles of those wretches still owned, and their persons sainted, by a race of men of the same stamp? South. Over-against the church stands a large hospital, erected by a shoemaker, who has been beatified, though never sainted. Addison. SAKE. n. s. [rac, Sax. saecke, Dutch.] Milton. The prophane person serves the devil for nought, and sins only for sin's sake. Tillotson. Wyndham like a tyrant throws the dart, And takes a cruel pleasure in the smart; Proud of the ravage that her beauties make, Delights in wounds, and kills for killing's sake. Granville. 2. Account; regard to any person or thing. Would I were young for your sake, mistress Anne! Shakspeare. The general so likes your musick, that he desires you, for love's sake, to make no more noise with it. Shakspeare. SA'KER. n. s. [Saker originally signifies a hawk, the pieces of artillery being often denominated from birds of prey.] The cannon, blunderbuss, and saker, He was th' inventor of, and maker. Hudibras. According to observations made with one of her majesty's sakers, and a very accurate pendulum chronometer, a bullet, at its first discharge, |