Of generous warmth, and of salacious kind. Dryd. Animals spleened, grow extremely salacious. Arbuthnot. SALA'CIOUSLY. adv. [from salacious.] Lecherously; lustfully. SALA'CITY. N. s. [salacitas, Latin; from salacious Lust; lechery.. Immoderate salacity and excess of venery is supposed to shorten the lives of cocks. Brown. A corrosive acrimony in the seminal lympha produces salacity. Floyer. SA'LAD. n. s. [salade, Fr. salaet, German.] Food of raw herbs. It has been always pronounced familiarly sallet. I climbed into this garden to pick a salad, which is not amiss to cool a man's stomach. Shakspeare. My sallet days, When I was green in judgment, cold in blood. Shakspeare. You have, to rectify your palate, An olive, capers, or some better salad, Ush'ring the mutton. Ben Jonson. Dryden. Some coarse cold salad is before thee set; Fall on. The happy old Coricyan's fruits and salads, on which he lived contented, were all of his own Dryden. growth. Leaves, eaten raw, are termed salad: if boiled, they become potherbs; and some of those plants which are potherbs in one family, are salad in another. Watts. SALAMA'NDER's Hair.) n. s. A kind of SALAMA'NDER'S Wool.) asbestos, or mineral flax. There may be such candles as are made of salamander's wool, being a kind of mineral, which whiteneth in the burning, and consumeth not. Bacon. Of English talc, the coarser sort is called plaister or parget; the finer, spaad, earth, flax, or salamander's hair. Woodward. SALAMA'NDRINE. adj. [from salamander.] Resembling a salamander. Laying it into a pan of burning coals, we, observed a certain salamandrine quality, that made it capable of living in the midst of fire, without being consumed or singed. Spectator. SA'LARY. n. 5. [salaire, Fr. salarium, Latin.], 1. Salarium, or salary, is derived from sal. Arbuthnot. 2. Stated hire; annual or periodical payment. This is hire and salary, not revenge. Shaksp. Several persons, out of a salary of five hundred pounds, have always lived at the rate of two thousand. Swift. SALE. n. s. [saal, Dutch.] 1. The act of selling. 2. Vent; power of selling; market. Nothing doth more enrich any country than many towns; for the countrymen will be more industrious in tillage, and rearing of all husbandry commodities, knowing that they shall have ready sale for them at those towns. Spenser. 3. A publick and proclaimed exposition of goods to the market; auction. Those that won the plate, and those thus sold, ought to be marked so as they may never return to the race, or to the sale. 4. State of being venal; price. Temple. The other is not a thing for sale, and only the gift of the gods. Shakspeare. Others more moderate seeming, but their aim Private reward; for which both God and state They 'd set to sale. Milton. The more money a man spends, the more must he endeavour to increase his stock; which at last sets the liberty of a commonwealth to sale. Addis 5. It seems in Spenser to signify a wicker basket; perhaps from sallow, in which fish are caught. To make baskets of bulrushes was my wont; Who to entrap the fish in winding sale Was better seen? Spenser. SA'LEABLE. adj. [from sale.] Vendible; fit for sale; marketable. I can impute this general enlargement of saleable things to no cause sooner than the Cornish man's want of vent and money. Carew. This vent is made quicker or slower, as greater or less quantities of any saleable commodity are removed out of the course of trade. Locke. SA'LEABLENESS. n. s. [from saleable.] SA'LEBROUS. adj. [salebrosus, Latin.] Poets make characters, as salesmen doaths; We take no measure of your fops and beaus. Swift. Saliant, in heraldry, is when the lion is sporting himself. Peacham. SA'LIENT. adj. [saliens, Latin.] 1. Leaping; bounding; moving by leaps. The legs of both sides moving together, as frogs, and salient animals, is properly called leaping. 2. Beating; panting. Brown. A salient point so first is call'd the heart, By turns dilated, and by turns comprest, Expels and entertains the purple guest. Blackmore. 3. Springing or shooting with a quick motion. Who best can send on high The salient spout, far streaming to the sky. Pope. SAʼLIGOT. n. s. [tribulus aquaticus.] Water-thistle. SA'LINE, adj. [salinus, Latin.] ConSA'LINOUS. sisting of salt; constituting salt. We do not easily ascribe their induration to cold; but rather unto salinous spirits and concretive juices. Brown. This saline sap of the vessels, by being refused reception of the parts, declares itself in a more hostile manner, by drying the radical moisture. Harvey, If a very small quantity of any salt or vitriol be dissolved in a great quantity of water, the particles of the salt or vitriol will not sink to the bottom, though they be heavier in specie than the water; but will evenly diffuse themselvesinto all the water, so as to make it as seline at the top as at the bottom. Newton's Opticks. As the substance of coagulations is not merely saline, nothing dissolves them but what penetrates and relaxes at the same time. Arbuthnot. SALIVA. n. 5. [Latin.) Every thing that is spit up; but it more strictly signifies that juice which is separated by the glands called salival. Quincy. Wiseman. Not meeting with disturbance from the saliva, I the sooner extirpated them. SALIVAL. adj. [from saliva.] Relating SA'LIVARY. to spittle. The woodpecker, and other birds that prey upon fies, which they catch with their tongue, in the room of the said glands have a couple of bags filled with a viscous humour, which, by small canals, like the salival, being brought into their mouths, they dip their tongues herein, and so with the help of this natural birdlime attack the prey. Grew. 'The necessity of spittle to dissolve the aliment appears from the contrivance of nature in making the salivary ducts of animals which ruminate extremely open: such animals as swallow their aliment without chewing want salivary glands Arbuthnet. TO SA'LIVATE. v. a. [from saliva, Lat.] To purge by the salival glands. She was prepossessed with the scandal of saliwating, and went out of town. Wiseman. Now mote I weet, Sir Guyon, why with so fierce salliance And fell intent, ye did at earst me meet. F.Queen. SA'LLOW.n.s. [salix, Lat.] A tree of the genus of willow. Sallows and reeds on banks of rivers born, Remain to cut to stay thy vines. Dryden. SA'LLOW. adj. [salo, German, black; sale, French, foul.] Sickly; yellow. What a deal of brine Hath washt thy sallow cheeks for Rosaline? Shakspeare. The scene of beauty and delight is chang'd; No roses bloom upon my fading cheek, Nor laughing graces wanton in my eyes; But haggard Grief, lean-looking sallow Care, And pining Discontent, a rueful train, Dwell on my brow, allhideous and forlorn. Rowe. SA'LLOWNESS. n. s. [from sallow. Yellowness; sickly paleness. A fish-diet would give such a sallowness to the celebrated beauties of this island, as would scarce make them distinguishable from those of France. Addison. 3. Flight; volatile or sprightly exertion. These passages were intended for sallies of wit; but whence comes all this rage of wit? Stillingfleet. 4. Escape; levity; extravagant flight; frolick; wild gayety; exorbitance. At his return all was clear, and this excursion was esteemed but a sally of youth. Wotton. 'Tis but a sally of youth. Denham. We have written some things which we may wish never to have thought on some sallies of levity ought to be imputed to youth. Swift. The episodical part, made up of the extravagant sallies of the prince of Wales and Falstaff's humour, is of his own invention. Shukspeare Illustrated. To SA'LLY. v. n. [from the noun.] To make an eruption; to issue out. The Turks sallying forth, received thereby great hurt. Knolles. The noise of some tumultuous fight; They break the truce, and sally out by night. Dryden. The summons take of the same trumpet's call, To sally from one port, or man one publick wall. Tate. SA'LLYPORT.n. s. [sally and port.] Gate at which sallies are made. My slippery soul had quit the fort, But that she stopp'd the sallyport. Cleaveland. Love to our citadel resorts Through those deceitful sallyports ; Our sentinels betray our forts. Denbam. SALMAGUNDI.n.s. [It is said to be corrupted from selon mon gout, or salé à mon goût.] A mixture of chopped meat and pickled herrings with oil, vinegar, pepper, and onions. SALLION. n s. [salmo, Latin; saûmon, Frecce. A fish. The salmon is accounted the king of freshwater fish, and is bred in rivers relating to the sea, yet so far from it as admits no tincture of brackishness. He is said to cast his spawn in August: some say that then they dig a hole in a safe place in the gravel, and there place their eggs 0. spawn, after the melter has done his natural office, and then cover it over with gravel and stones, and so leave it to their Creator's protection; who, by a gentle heat which he infuses into that cold element, makes it brood and beget life in the spawn, and to become samlets early in the spring: they haste to the sea before winter, both the melter and spawner.-Sir Francis Bacon observes the age of a salmon exceeds not ten years. After he is got into the sea he becomes from a samlet, not so big as a gudgeon, to' be a salmon, in as short a time as a gosling becomes a goose. Walton. They poke them with an instrument somewhat like the salmon spear. Carew. They take salmon and trouts by groping and tickling them under the bellies in the pools, where they hover, and so throw them on land. Carew. Of fishes, you find in arms the whale, dolphin, salmon, and trout. Peacham. SALMONTROUT.n.s. A trout that has some resemblance to a salmon, There is in many rivers that relate to the sea salmontrouts as much different from others, in shape and spots, as sheep differ in their shape and bigness. Walton. SALPICON.n. s. [In cookery.] A kind of farce put into holes cut in legs of beef, veal, or mutton. Bailey. SALSAMENTARIOUS. adj. [salsamentarius, Latin.] Belonging to salt things. SA'LSIFY. N. s. [Latin.) A plant. Dict. Salsify, or the common sort of goatsbeard, is of a very long oval figure, as if it were cods all over streaked, and engraven in the spaces between the streaks, which are sharp-pointed towards the end. Mortimer. SALSOA'CID.adj. [salsus and acidus, Lat.] Having a taste compounded of saltness and sourness. The salsoacids help its passing off; as sal prunel. SALSUGINOUs. adj. [salsugo, Lat.] Saltish; somewhat salt. The distinction of salts, whereby they are discriminated into acid, volatile, or salsuginous, if I may so call the fugitive salts of animal substances, and fixed or alcalizate, may appear of pruch use in natural philosophy. Boyle. SALT. n. s. [salt, Gothick; realz, Sax. sal, Lat. sel, Fr.] 1. Salt is a body whose two essential properties seem to be, dissolubility in water, and a pungent sapor: it is an active incombustible substance: it gives all bodies consistence, and preserves them from corruption, and occasions all the variety of tastes. There are three kinds of salts, fixed, volatile, and essential: fixed salt is drawn by calcining the matter, then boiling the ashes in a good deal of water: after this the solution is filtrated, and all the moisture evaporated, when the salt remains in a dry form at the bottom: this is called a lixivious salt. Volatile salt is that drawn chiefly from the parts of animals, and some putrified parts of vegetables: it rises easily, and is the most volatile of any. The essential salt is drawn from the juice of plants by crystallization. Harris, Is not discourse, manhood, learning, gentleness, virtue and liberality, the spice and salt that seasons a man? Shakspeare. He perfidiously has given up, For certain drops of salt, your city Rome, To his wife and mother. Shakspeare. Since salts differ much, some being fixt, some volatile, some acid, and some urinous, the twe qualities wherein they agree are, that it is easily dissoluble in water, and affects the palate with sapour, good or evil. Boyle. A particle of salt may be compared to a chaos, being dense, hard, dry, and earthy, in the centre, and rare, soft, and moist, in the circumference, Newton. Salts are bodies friable and brittle, in some degree pellucid, sharp or pungent to the taste, and dissoluble in water; but after that is evaporated, incorporating, crystalizing, and forming themselves into angular figures. 2. Taste; smack. Woodward Though we are justices and doctors, and churchmen, Mr. Page, we have some salt of our youth in us; we are the sons of women. Shaks. 3. Wit; merriment. SALT.adj. Shakspeare. Thou old and true Menenius, Thy tears are salter than a younger man's, And venomous to thine eyes. Shakspeare. 2. Impregnated with salt. Shakspeare. Hang him, mechanical salt butter rogue: I will awe him with my cudgel. It hath been observed by the ancients, that salt water will dissolve salt put into it in less time than fresh water. Bacon. A leap into salt waters very often gives a new motion to the spirits, and a new turn to the blood. Addison. In Cheshire they improve their lands by letting out the water of the salt springs on them, always after rain. Mortimer. 3. Abounding with salt. He shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness in a salt land, and not inhabited. Jeremiab. 4. [Salax, Lat.] Lecherous; salacious. 1 To the tub-fast, and the diet. Shakspeare. All the charms of love, Salt Cleopatra, soften thy wan lip! Shakspeare. This new-married man, approaching here, Whose salt imagination yet hath wrong'd Your well-defended honour, you must pardon. Shakspeare. To SALT. v. a. [from the noun.] To season with salt. If the offering was of flesh, it was salted thrice. SA'LT-PAN. n.s. [salt and pan, or pit.] Moab and Ammon shall be as the breeding of nettles, salt-pits, and a perpetual desolation. Zepb. Cicero prettily calls them salinas salt-pans, that you may extract salt out of, and sprinkle where you please.. Bacon. The stratum lay at about twenty-five fathom, by the duke of Somerset's salt-pans near Whitehaven. Woodward. SA'LTANT. adj. [saltans, Lat.] Jumping; dancing. SALTA'TION.n.s. [saltatio, Latin.] 1. The act of dancing or jumping. The locusts being ordained for saltation, their hinder legs do far exceed the others. 2. Beat; palpitation. Brotvn. If the great artery be hurt, you will discover it by its saltation and florid colour. SALTCAT n. s. Wiseman. SA'LTERN. n. s. A salt-work. A saltcat made at the salterns. Mortimer. SALTINBA'NCO. n. s. [saltare in banco, to climb on a bench, as a mountebank mounts a bank or bench.] A quack or mountebank. Saltinbancoes, quacksalvers, and charlatans, deceive them: were Æsop alive, the Piazza and Pont-neuf could not speak their fallacies. Brown. He play'd the saltinbanco's part, Transform'd t' a Frenchman by my art. Hudib. SAʼLTIER. N. s. [saultiere, Fr.) Term of heraldry. A saltier is in the form of a St. Andrew's cross, and by some is taken to be an engine to take wild beasts: in French it is called un sautoir: it is an honourable bearing. Peacham. SA'LTISH. adj. [from salt.] Somewhat salt. Soils of a saltish nature improve sandy grounds. SA'LTLESS. adj. [from salt.] Insipid; not tasting of salt. SALTPETRE. n. s. [sal petra, Lat. sal petre, French.] Nitre. Nitre, or saltpetre, having a crude and windy spirit, by the heat of the fire suddenly dilateth. Bacon. Nitre or saltpetre, in heaps of earth, has been extracted, if they be exposed to the air, so as to be kept from rain. Locke. SALVABILITY. n. s. [from salvable.] Possibility of being received to everlasting life. Why do we Christians so fiercely argue against the salvability of each other, as if it were our wish that all should be damned, but those of our particular sect? Decay of Piety. SA'LVABLE. adj. [from salvo, Latin.] Possible to be saved. Our wild fancies about God's decrees have in event reprobated more than those decrees, and have bid fair to the damning of many whom those left salvable. Decay of Piety. SA'LVAGE. adj. [saulvage, Fr. selvaggio, Italian, from silva, Lat.] Wild; rude; cruel. It is now spoken and written savage. : May the Essexian plains Prove as a desert, and none there make stay But savage beasts, or men as wild as they.. A savage race inur'd to blood. Waller. Dryden. SALVATION. n. s. [from salvo, Lat.] Preservation from eternal death; reception to the happiness of heaven. As life and death, mercy and wrath, are matters of understanding or knowledge, all men's salvation, and all men's endless perdition, are things so opposite, that whosoever doth affirm the one must necessarily deny the other. Hooker. Him the most High, Wrap'd in a balmy cloud with winged steeds, Did, as thou saw'st, receive; to walk with God High in salvation, and the climes of bliss, Exempt from death. SA'LVATORY. n. s. [salvatoire, Fr.] A place where any thing is preserved. SALUBRIOUS. adj. [salubris, Latin.] Wholesome; healthful; promoting health. The warm limbeck draws Salubrious waters from the nocent brood. : Philips. n. s. [from salubrious.] SALU'BRITY. Wholesomeness; healthfulness. SALVE. n. s. [This word is originally and properly salf, which having salves in the plural, the singular in time was borrowed from it: realf, Saxon, undoubt edly from salvus, Latin.] SA'LTLY. adv. [from salt.] With taste 1. A glutinous matter applied to wounds of salt; in a salt manner. and hurts; an emplaster. There must be another state to make up the inequalities of this, and salve all irregular appearAtterbury. ances. This conduct might give Horace the hint to say, that when Homer was at a loss to bring any difficult matter to an issue, he laid his hero asleep, and this salved all difficulty. Broome. 4. [from salvo, Lat.] To salute. Obsolete. That stranger knight in presence came, And goodly salved them; who nought again Him answered as courtesy became. Spenser. SA'LVER.n.s. [A vessel, I suppose, used at first to carry away or save what was left.] A plate on which any thing is presented. He has printed them in such a portable volume, that many of them may be ranged together on a single plate; and is of opinion, that a salver of spectators would be as acceptable an entertainment for the ladies, as a salver of sweetmeats. Addison. Between each act the trembling salvers ring, From soup to sweet wine. Pope. Would I had no being, If this salute my blood a jot: it faints me, 3. To kiss. Shakspeare. The custom of praying for those that sneeze is more ancient than these opinions hereof: so that not any one disease has been the occasion of this salute and deprecation. Brown, O, what avails me now that honour high To have conceiv'd of God, or that salute, Hail highly favour'd, among women blest! Milt. Continual salutes and addresses entertaining him all the way, kept him from saving so great a life, but with one glance of his eye upon the paper, 'till he came to the fatal place where he was stabbed, South. |