I conjure thee, By her high forehead and her scarlet lip. Shakep. The Chinese, who are of an ill complexion, being olivaster, paint their cheeks scarlet. Bacon. The scarlet honour of your peaceful gown. Dryden. SCARLETBEAN.n.s. [scarlet and bean.] A plant. The scarletbean has a red husk, and is not the best to eat in the shell, as kidneybeans; but is reputed the best to be eaten in winter, when Mortimer. dry and boiled. SCARLET-OAK. N.s. The ilex. A species of oak. SCA'RMAGE.) n. s. [from skirmish. Spen- They placed them in Rhodes, where daily doing great seath to the Turk, the great warrior Soliman, with a mighty army, so overlaid them, that he won the island from them. Knolles. Still preserv'd from danger, harm, and scath, By many a sea and many an unknown shore. bairfax. SCA'THFUL. adj. [from scath.] Mischievous; destructive. A bawbling vessel was he captain of, For shallow draught, and bulk unprizable, With which such scathful grapple did he make, That very envy, and the tongue of loss, Cried fame and honour on him. Shakspeare. To SCA'TTER. v. a. [scatepan, Saxon; schatteren, Dutch.] 1. To throw loosely about; to sprinkle. Teach the glad hours to scatter, as they fly, Soft quiet, gentle love, and endless joy. Prior. Corruption, still 2. To dissipate; to disperse. Thomson. A king, that sitteth in the throne of judgment, scattereth away all evil with his eyes. Proverbs. Samuel came not to Gilgal, and the people were scattered from Saul. 1 Samuel. Adam by this from the cold sudden damp Recovering, and his scatter'd sp'rits return'd. 3. To spread thinly. Milton. Why should my muse enlarge on Libyan swains, Spenser. Their scatter'd cottages and ample plains? SCARP.n.s. [escarpe, Fr.] The slope on that side of a ditch which is next to a fortified place, and looks towards the fields. Dryden. 4. To besprinkle with something loosely spread. Dict. SCATCH. n. s. [escache, Fr.] A kind of horsebit for bridles. SCA'TCHES. n. s. [chasses, Fr.] Stilts to put the feet in to walk in dirty places. Bailey. Bailey. SCATE.n.s. [skidor, Swedish; skid, Islandick.] A kind of wooden shoe, with a steel plate underneath, on which they slide over the ice. To SCATE. v. n. [from the noun.] To slide on scates. Dict. SCATE.n.s. [squatus, Lat.] A fish of the species of thornback. SCA'TEBROUS. adj. [from scatebra, Lat.] Abounding with springs. To SCATH. v. a. [rceadan, seadan, Saxon; schaeden, Dutch.] To waste; to damage; to destroy. Both the verb and noun are now obsolete. As when heaven's fire Hath scath'd the forest oaks, or mountain pines, With singed top their stately growth, though bare, Milton. Stands on the blasted heath. SCATH. n. 5. [scead, Sax.] Waste; dadepopulation. mage; mischief; Scath in Scotland denotes spoil or damage : as, he bears the scath and the scorn. proverb. A The ear that budded fair is burnt and blasted, And all my hoped gain is turn'd to scath. Spenser. He bore a spiteful mind against king Edward, doing him all the scath that he could, and annoySpenser. ing his territories. 2. The representation of a place in which an action is performed. The progress of the sound, and the scenary of the bordering regions, are imitated from Æn.vii. on the sounding the horn of Alecto. Pope. 3. The disposition and consecution of the scenes of a play. To make a more perfect model of a picture, is, in the language of poets, to draw up the scenary of a play. Dryden. SCENE. n. s. [scana, Latin; σκηνη; scene, French.] I. The stage; the theatre of dramatick poetry. 2 The general appearance of any action; the whole contexture of objects; a display; a series; a regular disposition. Cedar and pine, and fir and branching palm, A sylvan scene; and as the ranks ascend Shade above shade, a woody theatre Of stateliest view. Milton. Now prepare thee for another scene. Milton. A mute scene of sorrow, mixt with fear; Itill on the table lay the unfinish'd cheer. Dryd. A larger scene of action is display'd, And, rising hence, a greater work is weigh'd. Dryden. Ev'ry sev'ral place must be Astene of triumph and revenge to me. Dryden. When rising Spring adorns the mead, Acharming seene of nature is display'd. Dryden. Eternity! thou pleasing, dreadful thought! Trough what variety of untry'd beings, Trough what new scenes and changes must we Addison. pass! About eight miles distance from Naples lies a' vey noble scene of antiquities: what they call Vigil's tomb is the first. Addison. ay, shepherd, say, are these reflections true? Onvas it but the woman's fear that drew Ts cruel scene, unjust to love and you? Prior. 3. Ert of a play. It shall be so my care Teiave you royally appointed, as if Iscenes Granville. 4. Smuch of an act of a play as passes 5. between the same persons in the same If his characters were good, The place represented by the stage. The king is set from London, and the scene Is now transported to Southampton. Shakspeare. 6. The hanging of the theatre adapted to the play. The alteration of scenes feeds and relieves the eye, before it be full of the same object. Bacon. SCENICK. adj. (scenique, Fr. from scene.] Dramatick; theatrical. With scenick virtue charm the rising age. Алопутоиз. SCENOGRAPHICAL. adj. [σκηνή and γράφω.] Drawn in perspective. SCENOGRAPHICALLY.adv. [from scenographical.] In perspective. If the workman be skilled in perspective, more than one face may be represented in our diagram scenographically. Mortimer. SCENOGRAPHY. n. 5. [σκηνὴ and γράφω; scenographie, Fr.) The art of perspective. SCENT. n. s. [sentir, to smell, Fr.] 1. The power of smelling; the smell. Watte. A hunted hare treads back her mazes, crosses and confounds her former track, and uses all possible methods to divert the scent. 2. The object of smell; odour good or bad. Belman cried upon it at the meerest loss, And twice to-day pick'd out the dullest scent. Sbakspeare. The plague, they report, hath a scent of the smell of a mellow apple. Bacon. Good scents do purify the brain, Awake the fancy, and the wits retine. Davies. Partake The season, prime for sweetest scents and airs. Milton. Exulting, 'till he finds their nobler sense Their disproportion'd speed does recompense; Then curses his conspiring feet, whose scent Betrays that safety which their swiftness lent. Denham. Chearful health, His duteous handmaid, through the air improv'd, With lavish hand diffuses scents ambrosial. Prior. 3. Chace followed by the smell. He gained the observations of innumerable ages, and travelled upon the same scent into Æthiopia. Temple. To SCENT. v. a. [from the noun.] 1. To smell; to perceive by the nose. So scented the grim feature, and upturn'd His nostrils wide into the murky air, Sagacious of his quarry from so far. 2. To perfume; or to imbue with odour good or bad. Milten. Balm, from a silver box distill'd around, Shall all bedew the roots, and scent the sacred Dryden. ground. Actæon spies His op'ning hounds, and now he hears their cries; A gen'rous pack, or to maintain the chace, Or snuff the vapour from the scented grass. Addis. SCE'NTI ESS. adj. [from scent.] Inodorous; having no smell. SCEPTICK.N.S. See SKEPTICK. SCEPTRE. n. 5. [sceptrum, Lat. sceptre, Fr.] The ensign of royalty born in the hand. Nor shall proud Lancaster usurp my right, Nor hold the sceptre in his childish fist. Shaksp. How, best of kings, do'st thou a sceptre bear! How, best of poets, do'st thou laurel wear! But two things rare the fates had in their store, And gave thee both, to shew they could no more. Ben Jonson. I sing the man who Judah's sceptre bore The parliament presented those acts which were prepared by them to the royal sceptre, in which were some laws restraining the extravaClarendon. gant power of the nobility. The court of Rome has, in other instances, so well attested its good managery, that it is not credible crowns and sceptres are conferred gratis. Decay of Piety. SCE'FTRED.adj. [from sceptre.] Bearing a sceptre. The sceptred heralds call To council, in the city-gates. To Britain's queen the sceptr'd suppliantbends, Milton. Tickel. To her his crowns and infant race commends. SCHEDULE. n.s. [schedula, Lat. schedule, French.] 1. A small scroll. The first published schedules being brought to a grave knight, he read over an unsavory sentence Hooker. or two, and delivered back the libel. 2. A writing additional or appendant. Prophets or poets spake, and all which shall 3. A little inventory. Donne. Shakspeare. I will give out scheduler of my beauty: it shall be inventoried, and every particle and utensil label'd to my will. SCHE'MATISM. n. 5. [σχημαλισμος.] 1. Combination of the aspects of heavenly bodies. 2. Particular form or disposition of a thing. Every particle of matter, whatever form or schematism it puts on, must in all conditions be equally extended, and therefore take up the same room. Greech. SCHE'MATIST. n. s. [from scheme.] A projector; one who is given to forming schemes. SCHEME. n. 5. [σχῆμα.] 1. A plan; a combination of various things into one view, design, or purpose; a system. Were our senses made much quicker, the appearance and outward scheme of things would have quite another face to us, and be inconsistent with our well-being. Locke. We shall never be able to give ourselves a satisfactory account of the divine conduct, with out forming such a scheme of things as shall at once take in time and eternity. Atterbury. 2. A project; a contrivance; a design. He forms the well-concerted scheme of mischief; "T is fix'd, 't is done, and both are doom'd to death. Rove. The haughty monarch was laying schemes for suppressing the ancient liberties, and removing the ancient boundaries of kingdoms. Atterbury. The stoical scheme of supplying our wants by lopping of our desires, is like cutting off our feer when we want shoes. Swift. 3. A representation of the aspects of the celestial bodies; any lineal or mathematical diagram. It hath embroiled astrology in the erection of sthemes, and the judgment of death and diseases. Brown. It is a scheme and face of heaven, As th' aspects are dispos'd this even. Hudibras. SCHE'MER. N. s. [from scheme.] A projector; a contriver. SCHE'SIS. n. 5. [σχίσις.] A habitude; state of any thing with respect to other things. If that mind which has existing in itself from all eternity all the simple essences of things, and consequently all their possible scheses or habitudes, should ever change, there would arise a new schesis in the mind, which is contrary to the supposition. Norris. SCHISM. n. s. [σχίσμα; schisme, Fr.] A separation or division in the church of God. Set bounds to our passions by reason, to our errours by truth, and to our schisms by charity. King Charles. Oppose schisms by unity, hypocrisy by sober piety, and debauchery by temperance. Spratt. When a schism is once spread, there grows at length a dispute which are the schismaticks: in the sense of the law the schism lies on that side which opposes itself to the religion of the state. Swift. SCHISMA'TICAL. adj. [schismatique, Fr. from schismatick.] Implying schism; practising schism. By these tumults all factions, seditions, and schismatical proposals against government, ecclesiastical and civil, must be backed. King Charles. Here bare anathemas fall but like so many bruta fulmina upon the obstinate and schismatical, who are like to think themselves shrewdly hurt by being cut off from that body which they chuse not to be of, and so being punished into a quiet enjoyment of their beloved separation. Suth. SCHISMATICALLY. adv. [from schismatical.] In a schismatical manner. SCHI'SMATICK. N. s. [from schism.] One who separates from the true church. No known heretick nor schismatick shoud be suffered to go into those countries. Lavom Thus you behold the schismaticks bravaco's: Wild speaks in squibs, and Calamy in gran do's. Lutler. The schismaticks united in a solemn league and covenant to alter the whole system of spritual government. Swift. TO SCHI'SMATIZE. v. a. [from schism.] To commit the crime of schisn; to make a breach in the communion of the church. SCHOLAR. n. s. [scholaris, Lat. icolier, French.] I. One who learns of a master; a disciple. Many times that which deserveth approbation would hardly find favour, if they which propose it were not to profess themselves scholars, and followers of the antients. Hooker. The scholars of the Stagyrite, Who for the old opinion fight, Would make their modern friends confess The diff'rence but from more to less. Prior. 2. A man of letters. This same scholar's fate, res angusta domi, hinders the promoting of learning. Wilkins. To watch occasions to correct others in their discourse, and not slip any opportunity of shewing their talents, scholars are most blamed for. 3. A pedant; a man of books. Locke. To spend too much time in studies, is sloth; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humour of a scholar: they perfect nature, and are perfected by experience. Bacon. 4. One who has a lettered education. My cousin William is become a good scholar: he is at Oxford still, is he not? Shakspeare. SCHOLARSHIP. n. s. (trom scholar.] 1. Learning; literature; knowledge. It pitied my very heart to think that a man of my master's understanding, and great scholarship, who had a book of his own in print, should talk so outrageously. . Literary education. Pope. This place should be school and university, not needing a remove to any other house of scholarship. Milton. 3. Exhibition or maintenance for a scholar. Ainsworth. SCHOLA'STICAL adj. [scholasticus, Lat.] Belonging to a scholar or school. SCHOLA'STICALLY.adv. [from scholastick.] According to the niceties or method of the schools. South. No moralists or casuists, that treat scholastically of justice, but treat of gratitude, under that general head, as a part of it. SCHOLA'STICK adi. [from schola, Lat. scholastique, French. 1. Pertaining to the school; practised in schools. I would render this intelligible to every rational man, however little versed in scholastick learning. Digby. Scholastick education, like a trade, does so fix a man in a particular way, that he is not fit to judge of any thing that lies out of that way. Burnet. The title of this satyr, in some ancient manuscrits, was the reproach of idleness; though in othrs of the scholiasts, 't is inscribed against the luxry of the rich. Dryden. That Gellius or Stobæus cook'd before, Or hew'd by blind old scholiasts o'er and o'er. Pope. SCHILION.) n. s. [Lat. ] A note; an exSCHELIUM.) planatory observation. Freunto have I added a certain gloss or scholinn for the exposition of old words, and harder phres, which manner of glossing and commenting ill scem strange in our language. Spenser. Some cast all their metaphysical and moral learning into the method of mathematicians, and bring every thing relating to those abstracted or practical sciences under theorems, problems, postulates, scb.liams, and corollaries. Watts. SCHOLY.n.s. [scholie, Fr. scholium, Lat.] An explanatory note. This word, with the verb following, is, I fancy, peculiar to the learned Hooker. He therefore, which made us to live, hath also taught us to pray, to the end, that speaking unto the Father in the Son's own prescript form, without scholy or gloss of ours, we may be sure that we utter nothing which God will deny. Hooker. To SCHO'LY. v. n. [from the noun.] To write expositions. The preacher should want a text, whereupon to scholy. Hooker. SCHOOL. n. s. [schola, Lat. école, Fr.] 1. A house of discipline and instruction. Their age the same, their inclinations too, And bred together in one school they grew. Dryd. 2. A place of literary education; an university. My end being private, I have not expressed my conceptions in the language of the schools. Digby. Writers on that subject have turned it into a composition of hard words, triiles, and subtilties, for the mere use of the schools, and that only to amuse men with empty sounds. 3. A state of instruction. Watts. The calf breed to the rural trade, Set him betimes to school, and let him be Instructed there in rules of husbandry. Dryden. 4. System of doctrine as delivered by particular teachers. No craz'd brain could ever yet propound, Touching the soul, so vain and fond a thought; But some among these masters have been found, Which in their schools the self-same thing had taught. Davies. Let no man be less confident in his faith, concerning the great blessings God designs in these divine mysteries, by reason of any difference in the several schools of christians, concerning the consequent blessings thereof. Taylor. 5. The age of the church, and form of theology succeeding that of the fathers; so called, because this mode of treating religion arose from the use of academical disputations. The first principles of christian religion should not be farced with ssbool points and private teSanderson. nets. A man may find an infinite number of propositions in books of metaphysicks, sebool divinity, and natural philosophy, and know as little of God, spirits, or bodies, as he did before. Locke. To SCHOOL. v. a. [from the noun.] 1. To instruct; to train. Una her besought to be so good As in her virtuous rules to school her knight. Fairy Queen He's gentle, never school'd, and yet learned. Shakspeare. 2. To teach with superiority; to tacor. You shall go with me; I have some private schooling for you both. Shat. Cousin, school yourself; but for your husband, SCI'AGRAPHY.n.s. [sciagraphie, French, He's noble, wise, judicious. Shakspeare. School your child, And ask why God's anointed he revil'd. Dryd. If this be schooling, 'tis well for the considerer: I'll engage that no adversary of his shall in this sense ever school him. thereof. σκιαγραφία.] 1. [In architecture.] The profile or section of a building, to show the inside Bailey. Atterbury. 2. [In astronomy.) The art of finding the hour of the day or night by the shadow of the sun, moon, or stars. Bailey. SCI'ATHERICAL.) adj. [sciaterique, Fr. SCI'ATHERICK. 5 σκιαθηρικ.] Belonging to a sun-dial. SCHOOLBOY.n.s. [school and boy.] A boy that is in his rudiments at school. Schoolboys tears take up The glasses of my sight. dures, By thunder died. Swift. SCHOOLDAV.n.s. [school and day.] Age in which youth is sent to school. Ís all forgot? Shakspeare. All schooldays friendship, childhood, innocence? SCHO'OLFELLOW.n.s. [school and fellow.] One bred at the same school. Thy flatt'ring method on the youth pursue; Join'd with his schoolfellores by two and two: Persuade them first to lead an empty wheel, In lengun of time produce the lab'ring yoke. Dryden. Locke. The emulation of schoolfellows often puts life SCHOOLMAN.n.s. [school and man.] The king, though no good schoolman, converted one of them by dispute. Baror. Unlearn'd, he knew no schoolman's subtle art; No language, but the language of the heart. Pope. 2. A writer of scholastick divinity or philosophy. If a man's wit be not apt to distinguish or find ditferences, let him study the schoolmen. Bacon. To schoolmen I bequeath my doubtfulness, My sickness to physicians. Dict. There were also, from great antiquity, sciatherical or sun-dials, by the shadow of a stile or gnomon denoting the hours; an invention ascribed unto Anaxamines by Pliny. Brown. SCIATICA.) n. s. [sciatique, Fr. ischiaSCIA'TICK. dica passio, Latin.] The hip gout. Which of your hips has the most profound sciatica? Shakspeare. Thou cold sciatica, Rack'd with sciatick, toartyr'd with the stone, In obstinate sciatical pains, blistering and cauteries have been found effectual. Arbuthnot. SCIENCE. n. s. [science, Fr. scientia, 1. Knowledge. If we conceive God's sight or science, before the creation, to be extended to all and every part of the world, seeing every thing as it is, his prescience or foresight of any action of mine, or rather his science or sight, from all eternity, lays no necessity on any thing to come to pass, more than my seeing the sun move hath to do in the moving of it. Hammond. The indisputable mathematicks, the only science heaven hath yet vouchsafed humanity, Lave but few votaries among the slaves of the Stagirite. Glanville. Donne. 2. Certainty grounded on demonstration. Baker. principles. Men of nice palates could not relish Aristotle, as he was drest up by the schaclimen. Let subtle schoolmen teach these friends to fight, 3. Art attained by precepts, or built on More studious to divide than to unite. Pope. SCHOOLMA'STER.n.s.[schooland master.] One who presides and teaches in a school. I, thy schoolmaster, have made thee more profit Than other princes can, that have more time For vainer hours, and tutors not so careful. Shak. Adrian VI. was sometime schoolmaster to Charles v. Knolles. Stie ce perfects genius, and moderates the fury of the fancy which cannot contain itself within the bounds of reason. Dryden. 4. Any art or species of knowledge. No science doth make known the first principles, whereon it buildetn; but they are always taken as plain and manifest in themselves, or as proved and granted already, some former knowledge having made them evident. Hooker. Whatsoever we may learn of them, ve only attain according to the manner of natural sciences, which mere discourse of wit and reason findeth out. Hooker. I present you with a man Cunning in musick and the mathematices, To instruct her fully in those sciences. Sheksp. 5. One of the seven liberal arts, grammar, rhetorick, logick, arithmetick, musick, geometry, astronomy. Good sense, which only is the gift ofheav'n, And though no science, fairly worth the sev'n. Pope. |