Imágenes de páginas

True, a new mistresse now I chose,

The first foe in the field;
And with a stronger faith embrace
A sword, a horse, a shield.

Yet this inconstancy is such

As you, too, shall adore;

I could not love thee, deare, so much,
Lov'd I not honour more.

In these extracts we have passed over" Barbara Allan," "Chevy Chase," and others, the beauties of which are too universally known to need pointing out. Our object has only been to gather a few flowers from the rich meadow of ancient poesy, and range them in a garland, not inferior, we trust, either in fragrance or beauty, to many of our modern bouquets. Many pieces of

perhaps greater excellence we have been obliged to omit from their length, and the difficulty of quoting them in moderate compass, so as to be intelligible. In this, indeed, have consisted the difficulties of our task, for it must be confessed, that the old poetry, like the old architecture, was a little massive in structure, and in taking away a few fragments, or perhaps, some of those impurities with which its beauties are obscured, one is in danger of bringing down too much of the building. But in what we have done, we trust, our extracts will not be considered too long, nor affected by indelicacies that have been objected to the otherwise incomparable Old Ballad.

Stephensiana, No. VX.


(Monthly Magazine, Mar.)

FOR OR some years I accustomed myself to a morning's stroll from Chelsea, to Ridgway's, in Piccadilly. He is a considerable dealer in newspapers and political pamphlets, and as a copy of every newspaper of the day lay upon the counter, and his shop is provided with a fire and chairs, others besides myself strolled there, and here, therefore, was to be seen and heard something of the active world.

There were politicians by habit and profession, men of letters, men in and out of place, editors of papers, members of parliament, occasionally peers, and all met upon terms of equality, talked with freedom, and seldom allowed differences of opinion to create ill blood.

The Rev. Mr. Este united to great knowledge of the world, a lively wit, which relieved the common-place of some others in our regular groupe.

I never learnt more from any individual than John Nicholls, many years an M. P. whose enlightened mind atoned for a defect in his sight, and whose stores of anecdote seemed inexhaustible.

The venerable Major Cartwright of ten graced our circle and inspired our respect in spite of the extremity to which he pushed some principles which are thought uncongenial with the spirit 26


of our constitution. While, however, such virtuous men as he espouse any cause, it must, and perhaps ought to have advocates.

These bookseller's conversaziones are pleasanter even than club houses, where the same faces are always collected, and where party feeling and family distinction interfere with ease and freedom. I remember that at Almon's, where I used see Fox, Norfolk, Wilkes, Burke, Barré, and others of equal note-and that at Debrett's, frequented for many years by men of the highest rank and most splendid reputation. Debrett, however, failed, and his shop being closed-the habits of his visitors changed, and Ridgway's is now the place of rendezvous, but his shop is too small for the accommodation required. It is, however, pleasant, and here I have been often gratified, and have formed some valuable acquaintances. Such shops in my time have been what certain coffee houses were in the days of the Spectator.


In India there is a class of robbers called the Gidias, who are very expert in imitating the cries of different animals, and covering themselves with their skins, to elude the pursuit of justice. They often follow the camps, and with singular address contrive to

steal out of the tents. Sometimes they attack and murder parties of the military escorting money. If a house is to be plundered, all the approaches to it are intercepted, and any individual found near it massacred without mercy. The English company has cleared its provinces of most of them, but some few yet remain, and from time to time bands of them will issue from the Mahratta States, and overrun the territories of the company.


A late voyager in India observes that he one day saw a company of Lascars at table, and that before they begun dinner, the cook threw some spoonfuls of rice into the sea, pronouncing a formula of words, as if saying grace. They were all seated in a circle, and squat on their haunches. In the middle of each circle, was set a large platter of boiled rice, and in the centre of the rice, a little dish of salt fish sauce. No spoons were in use, but every one helped himself with his right hand, and in taking up the rice, twisted it with his fingers into the shape of a ball, which he frequently dipped in the sauce. They are so careful in eating that not a grain of rice is ever seen to drop on the floor.

existence) and to continue and extend yet further, the elastic action of public spirit. In many instances of recent aggrandisement, kings and courtiers seem to have been in a more direct and emphatical conjunction with the popular language and principles, which afterterwards the malignant influence of prosperity has counteracted, and placed them in opposition to.


The leading feature for determining the true religion is universal charity. A saying of Fitzjames, Bishop of Soissons, is recorded, which will stand the test, and greatly savours of real christian candour, that "We ought to regard even the Turks as our brethren.”

Racine, in his Discours sur l'Histoire Ecclesiastique, judiciously observes that religion ought to be maintained by the same pure gentle means which established it; preaching, accompanied by discretion and the practice of every moral virtue; and above all as most deserving of confidence, by unbounded patience.

Not less edifying is the view of religion adopted by Filangieri, when he says, "If so many martyrs had not been sacrificed to error, how many more proselytes would have been gainof Corscombe, in Devonshire, after re-ed to truth" He adds: "Innumeraturning from his second tour, wrote the following in a window in an inn at Falmouth :


"I have seen the specious, vain Frenchman, the trucking scuit Dutchman, the tame Dane, the sturdy, selfrighting Swede, the barbarous Russ, the turbulent Pole, the honest, dull German, the pay fighting Swiss, the subtle, splendid Italian, the salacious Turk, the sun-warming, lounging Maltese, the piractical Moor, the proud, cruel Spaniard, the bigotted, base Portuguese with their countries-and hail again old England, my native land. Reader, if English, Scotch or Irish, rejoice in the freedom that is the felicity of thy native land, and maintain it sound to posterity. April 14, 1753."

Dec. 11, 1798, while transcribing the above, it has struck me that the frequent changes in our dynasty have mainly contributed to strengthen our rights, (both preceding and in actual

ble are the turnings wherein the human intellect has strayed with regard to religion, but those records which contain the history of such aberrations, present us with a supplement, in a great and prevailing truth, that the blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the church. He further declares that natural justice ensures to every one the right of public and private worship,-and that to force the conscience dishonours the service of the Supreme Being, and is contrary to the quiet, noble faithful principles of that best of religions, the Gospel.”

St. Chrysostom in his 47th Homily, in Joan, expressly declares that Christians are not to use force for the destruction of error; he gives us a very impressive and sensible idea of his candour, when he subjoins: "The arms with which we ought to contend for the salvation of men, are mildness and persuasion "

Fenelon, setting aside the pomp and

parade of authority, wrote as follows with purity and simplicity, to Louis XIV.;-"Grant toleration to all, not in approving every thing indifferently, but in patiently permitting whatever God permits, and endeavouring to reclaim men, by that meekness of persuasion which results from moderation."


The insurgents under Walter, a tyler, of Deptford, in a reign when luxuries and vices abounded, when the maxims of government were only nominally squared by the rules of equity, demanded of the king, "That they, their lands, possessions, and posterity might be free, and that there ought to be no slaves nor servitude in England." The attempt failed, as have others, in repeated instances, emanating from that many-headed monster, the mob. It was the first, however, in favour of those members of the community that were Serfs, then a considerable body, whose interests were not united in a common cause with the barons and free men.


Men of genuine and exalted goodness have frequently deviated from the precision, and in some instances, spurned at the rules of true propriety. Shall I say, with a laudable and manly spirit? Oh! pue non! When a fire broke out at his lodgings in Bedford-street, Mr. D. retired with the utmost composure, with a picture of Milton (whom he adored) in his hand, leaving all his valuables to be consumed by the flames. As an Englishman, Mr. D.'s loyalty was perfectly consistent with independence, and his efforts were studiously directed to the propagation of Whig principles. As an aroma of sweetscented loyalty, he generously gave away from £400 to £800 per annum, to the friends of liberty in distress. His charity, as is well known, extended also to colleges and universities.


being asked for a motto to a publication, in which the subject of discussion was the Isle of Man, jocosely replied:

"The proper study of mankind is man." On the unfinished BUST of BRUTUS, at FLORENCE: MICHAEL ANGELO, Sculptor.

Tratum effinxisset sculptor, sed mente recursat,
Multa viri virtus, sistit et obstupuit.

The distich contains a very ingenious and animated remark, the meaning of which may be thus pointed out, “The sculptor would fain have given his testimony in favour of that great personage Brutus, have left a lasting impres sion of his vigorous and honourable physiognomy, but the peculiar character of his virtue, hushed, silenced the artist's feelings, and barred his effectual action."


believed in the prediction of a French prophetess, that he should not survive his wife a year. Soon after her death, he took leave of the prince and princess, his successors, with tears in his eyes, telling them he should never see them more. I, for my part, am inclined to think his belief was sincere, and that he acted upon it as such. He was then indeed on the point of setting out for Germany, whence it appears that he returned not, as at the end of a few weeks he died. Some say he hated both-whatever of supposition there may be in this, it sounds to reason that he should be honest and just enough to say of his son, afterwards George II.: "Il est fougueux, mais il a de l'honeur." He is very hot and fastidious, but he has a great feeling and sense of honour.


an amiable old nobleman, who resides on his estate in Herefordshire. When knowledge fails, accomplishments decay, and mental vigour dies,-charity may shine through life. This worthy peer had a guinea's worth of silver laid on his breakfast table, every morning, to divide among the poor.

ORIGINAL LETTER of WASHINGTON, addressed to SIDY MOHAMMED, EMperor of Morocco.

Great and Magnanimous Friend,

Since the date of the letter, which the late congress, by their president, addressed to your Imperial Majesty, the United States of America have thought proper to change their government, and to institute a new one, agreeable to the constitution, of which I have the honour of herewith enclosing a copy. The time necessarily employed in this arduous task, and the derange ments occasioned by so great, though

peaceable a revolution, will apologize and account for your Majesty's not having received those regular advices and marks of attention from the United States, which the friendship and magnanimity of your conduct towards them, afforded reason to expect.

The United States, having unanimously appointed me to the supreme executive authority in the nation, your Majesty's letter, of the 17th August, 1738, which by reason of the dissolution of the late government, remained unanswered, has been delivered to me; I have also received the letters which your Imperial Majesty has been so kind as to write in favour of the United States, to the Bashaws of Tunis and Tripoli, and I present to you the sincere acknowledgments and thanks of the United States, for this important mark of your friendship for them.

We greatly regret that the hostile disposition of those regencies towards this nation, who have never injured them, is not to be removed on terms in our power to comply with. Within our territories there are no mines, either of gold or silver, and this young nation, just recovering from the waste and desolation of a long war, have not, as yet had time to acquire riches by agriculture and commerce. But our soil is bountiful, and our people industrious; and we have reason to flatter ourselves that we shall gradually become useful to our friends.

The encouragement which your Majesty has been pleased, generously, to give to our commerce with your dominions; the punctuality with which you have caused the treaty with us to be observed, and the just and generous measures taken, in the case of Captain Proctor, make a deep impression on the United States, and confirm their respect for, and attachment to your Imperial Majesty.

It gives me pleasure to have this opportunity of assuring your Majesty that while I remain at the head of this nation, I shall not cease to promote every measure that may conduce to the friendship and harmony which so happily subsist between your empire and them, and shall esteem myself happy on every occasion, of convincing your

Majesty of the high sense (which in common with the whole nation) I entertain of the magnanimity, wisdom and benevolence of your Majesty.

In the course of the approaching winter, the National Legislature, (which is called by the former name of Congress) will assemble, and I shall take care that nothing be omitted that may be necessary to cause the correspondence between our countries to be maintained and conducted in a manner agreeable to your Majesty, and satisfactory to all the parties concerned in it.

May the Almighty bless your Imperial Majesty, our great and magnanimous friend, with his constant guidance and protection.

Written at the City of New-York, the first day of December, 1789.



I walked to town with Mr. Murphy, on the fast day, Nov. 29, 1798. He lived in Queen's Buildings, Knightsbridge. We had useful discourse on a variety of matters, as he could combine instruction with elegant entertainment. It appeared that he had been always averse to the principle of the American war, and though he had an employment under government, as commissioner of bankrupts, as the friend of political morality and of common sense, he could blame the madness of the existing ministers. As a writer he had no little claims to attention, and he wished well to his country, but in his literary labours, never attempted any thing, in the way of party.


should not be applied to wheat crops, as it makes the land foul, and it has long been observed by myself and others, that though there may be a great burden of straw, there will be but little wheat. Dung is most beneficial, and at times may be absolutely necessary to potatoes, turnips and the artificial grasses, making wheat the last crop in the course.-See Scott's Poem on Farming.

GILBERT WAKEFIeld. (1800).

Of this gentleman, who occupies such a space in the department of classical criticism, report testifies that he can never sleep out of his own house, and

that from the time he goes to his brother's at Richmond, until his return, he never sleeps.

sagacity is to be found in this ancient hauteur; we discover a more solid foundation capable of sustaining military operations, in the practical schools ofproficiency, established by the policy of the revolution. Introduced to a military life, on that general scale, Moreau was soon elected commander of a battal

It is also a remarkable trait in the character of so benevolent a man, that he attended all public executions, so as to be noticed as a constant attendant by the persons officially engaged in these exaggerations of justice. He de-ion of National Guards. Then devotscribed it as a study of human nature!


At Wavertree, near Liverpool, is a well which during many ages has borne, and still bears, the following monkish inscription:

Qui non dat quod habet,

Dæmon infra ridet.

The language is not very courtly, and joined with the sentiment, imports that every wise man will readily give something-who does not, let him be devoted to destruction.

Alms were formerly solicited hereand the devil below served all the purposes of a loaded pistol, to the ignorant traveller, who was thereby intimidated out of his money.

George II. had implicit faith in the German notion of vampyres. This is affirmed, with the dry precision of historical truth, by Horace Walpole.


By a singular variety of fortune, he was the secret adviser of Prince Rupert, nephew of Charles I. and the favourite tutor of Mr. Dutton, nephew to Oliver Cromwell, to the father of whom, he also acted as Latin secretary, under Milton. He was afterwards one of the protectors of Milton.


is thus defined by Fenelon : " Un Conquerant est un homme, &c. A conqueror is a man whom God, in the dispensation of his Providence, lets loose "pon mankind as a formidable and inexorable despoiler, inflicting a dreadful / punishment on a devoted country, and making as many slaves as there are free men." May I not be permitted to add: "Disfiguring the works of man, frequently profaning the name and violating the altars of the great God !"

GENERAL MOREAU, Prior to the French revolution, had applied for a sub-lieutenancy of Dragoons, but was refused, as not being of noble birth. Only a small portion of

ing himself to the various occupations of his profession, his whole attention directed to a single object, we behold him rising through all the gradations of service, till we find him by the brilliancy of personal talents, exalted to supreme command. His skill in the direction of military energies was early shewn, and it is unnecessary to dilate upon it.

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Among the citizens of London, it has not in any period of its history produced one who possessed more public spirit, wealth, and patriotism, than Sir John Spencer, who was lord mayor in 1594. This princely citizen is said to have died possessed of £800,000, acquired in the pursuits of commerce. In a curious pamphlet printed in 1651, there is the following singular anecdote respecting "Rich Spencer," for so Sir John was usually called.

"In Queen Elizabeth's days, a pirate of Dunkirk laid a plot with twelve of his mates, to carry away Sir John Spencer; which if he had done, £50,000 would not have redeemed him. He came over the seas in a shallop,with 12 musketeers, and in the night came into Barking Creek, and left the shallop in the custody of six of his men, and with the other six came as far as Islington, and there hid themselves in ditches, near the path in which Sir John came to his house; but by the providence of God, Sir John, upon some extraordina❤ ry occasion, was forced to stay in London that night, otherwise they had taken him away; and they, fearing they should be discovered, in the night time came to their shallop, and so came safe to Dunkirk again."

Sir John Spencer left an only daughter, who was carried off from Canonbubaker's basket, by William Lord Compry House [Sir John's residence] in a ton, who married her. From this union the Earls of Northampton are lineally descended.

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