Imágenes de páginas

for; but the hero was deaf to her voice, looked stedfastly on the remains of the his senses were bewildered. Alaor! hero. She shed no tears; the most my brother! I follow you, (he said ;) perfect resignation was painted on her but where is Ezilda-where is the au- countenance. Adieu! (she said,) gel of Fontanias ! Merciful Hea- Oh most unfortunate of princes! All is ven! save him,' exclaimed the heroine. now dead to Ezilda. Glory, power, Agobar started, and, raising his eyes, country, adieu! My destination is fulrecognised his bride. But his wounds filled! [The tale concludes with her may not be mortal, (resumed the Prin- seeking refuge in the convent of Amalcess,) let me fly in quest of assistance.' berge, where she presents herself with Stay, (interrupted Agobar;) the an urn, is admitted and dies.] poignard of Mohamud has thrice pierced my heart. Nothing can save me. Deprive me not of this last ray of happiness. Stay, Ezilda, your presence banishes the horror of death." At this moment the rosary which the princess wore suspended from her neck became unfastened, and her golden crucifix fell on the bosom of Agobar. The hero seized it and raised it to his lips. The princess triumphed. A tear of pity dropped from the eyes of the Saracen chief. He clasped his hands, and invoking the Supreme Judge, Oh Thou! (he said,) whom I have so often offended; who seest the repentance that overwhelms me; cast an eye of pity on me, I implore thy mercy! A deep sigh escaped from his bosom. Death claimed his victim. The noble son of Thierri was no more. The princess

Her remains were deposited in the vault of St. Amalberge. While, according to her promise, the abbess was depositing the mysterious urn in the tomb, the lid became unfastened. Two rings appeared. They were tied together, and laid on a piece of black cloth, which doubtless covered the remains of the son of Thierri. The abbess examined the rings, and to her surprize read the names of Clodomir and Ezilda. She replaced them, and deposited the urn beside the coffin of the princess. A simple stone, without either name or inscription, covered the tomb; and every evening the pious Abbess of St. Amalberge bathed the silent monument with her tears.*

The great interest which this Romance has excited in France, is partly owing to the circumstance of the Renegade's being a recognized moral portrait of Buonaparte.



Light rued false Ferdinand, to leave a lovely maid forlorn,

Who broke her heart and died to hide her blushing cheek from scorn.

One night he dreamt he woo'd her in their wonted bower of love,

Where the flowers sprang thick around them, and the birds sang sweet above

But the scene was swiftly changed into a church-yard's dismal view,
And her lips grew black beneath his kiss from love's delicious hue.
What more he dreamt, he told to none; but shuddering, pale, and dumb,
Look'd out upon the waves, like one that knew his hour was come.

"Twas now the dead watch of the night-the helm was lash'd a-lee,
And the ship rode where Mount Etna lights the deep Levantine sea;
When beneath its glare a boat came, row'd by a woman in her shroud,
Who, with eyes that made our blood run cold, stood up and spoke aloud.

Come, Traitor, down, for whom my ghost still wanders unforgiven !
Come down, false Ferdinand, for whom I broke my peace with Heaven !--
It was vain to hold the victim, for he plung'd to meet her call,
Like the bird that shrieks and flutters in the gazing serpent's thrall.

You may guess, the boldest mariner shrunk daunted from the sight,

For the spectre and her winding-sheet shone blue with hideous light ;
Like a fiery wheel the boat spun with the waying of her hand,

And round they went, and down they went, as the cock crew from the land.



Few narratives of sieges are more entertaining than that given in the Seir Mutakhereen, of a fort which was defended by the use of wooden artillery, and defended effectually in one of Auringzebe's campaigns in the Deccan. The commandant was nearly unprovided with cannon, having only one or two defective pieces. The town was, however, a great mart for timber. The governor securing both the timber and the carpenters, garnished his ramparts with wooden imitations of cannon; and being fully supplied with most other requisites when the imperial army arrived, put a good face on the business. He did more too, for he kept the secret within his own walls; and the enemy respecting the number of his train, commenced their approaches in due form, affording him thus abundance of leisure to mature his plan of defence. Every piece, as soon as fired, became of course unserviceable, but he immediately replaced it by a new one. The balls from the imperial batteries were returned with the utmost facility, as, however ponderous these were, our hero was able to supply pieces of any calibre, and send recochet shot, selon les regles, even with more effect than his enemy. The labours of the Carron Foundry never produced more guns in a year, than this man's ingenuity did in one siege. The enemy tired out, at last, with the obstinate defence which he made from his batteries, determined to carry the place by escalade in open day. Having failed, however, in some similar enterprizes, a neighbouring saint was procured, who was to head the attack, and by the sanctity of his character, to inspire the soldiers with greater zeal in a desperate cause. The holy man was raised on a platform, and carried in the rear of the forlorn hope. The governor's good luck still adhered to him. A shot from a wooden gun, when the escaladers were nearly close to the walls, knocked down the saint, on which the party took to their heels. A delay ensued; the siege was at last raised; and the commandant covered with glory.


The farmers of the Upper Alps. though by no means wealthy, live like lords in their houses; while the heaviest portion of agricultural labour devolves on the wife. It is no uncommon thing to see a woman yoked to the plough along with an ass, while the husband guides it. A farmer of the Upper Alps accounts it an act of politeness, to lend his wife to a neighbour who is too much oppressed with work; and the neighbour, in his turn, lends his wife for a few days' work, whenever the favour is requested.


It is pretty generally known, that George the First entertained a suspicion of the fidelity of his queen, and that he supposed the object of her af fections was Count Koningsmark. So strongly did this opinion work on the monarch's mind, that he doomed her to be confined for life in a castle of his own in Hanover. The reason which he gave for his suspicion was, that having occasion to enter her majesty's clo set very late one night, he found her asleep on the sofa, and a man's hat (which he knew to belong to Count Koningsmark) lying by her; and as he thought the circumstance to amount to a full proof of her guilt, he took the barbarous resolution of confining her in the castle where she died.

Some time after this, Dr. Hoadly reflecting on the above circumstance, worked up the comedy of the "Suspicious Husband;" the principal plot of which is the causeless jealousy of Mr. Strictland, which the author artfully confirms, by introducing Ranger's hat in Mrs. Strictland's chamber, which being found by Mr. Strictland, confirms his suspicion, and makes him resolve to part with his lady.


As a parallel to the late horrid Massacre of the Greeks at Scios, and intolerant bigotry of the Mussulmans, the destruction of the Damascenes in the 7th century may be instanced.

In the year 633, the Arabs, encouraged by the conquest of Bosra, four days journey from Damascus, laid

siege to the ancient capital of Syria. At some distance from the walls, they encamped among the groves and fountains of that delicious territory; and the usual option of the Mahometan faith, of tribute or of war, was proposed to the resolute citizens, who had been lately strengthened by a reinforcement of five thousand Greeks.

Many a lance was now shivered in the plain of Damascus; and the personal prowess of Caled, the Saracen leader, was signalized in the first sally of the besieged. The event of some general and partial actions reduced the Damascenes to a closer defence; but a messenger, whom they dropt from the walls, returned with the promise of speedy and powerful succour; and their tumultuous joy conveyed the intelligence to the camp of the Arabs. After some debate, it was resolved to raise, or rather to suspend, the siege of Damascus, till they had given battle to the forces of the emperor.

Caled defeated the imperial army at the battle Aiznadin, with immense loss; and the death of four hundred and seventy Moslems was compensated by the opinion that they had killed fifty thousand infidels.

The sad tidings were carried to Damascus by the speed of grief and terror; and the inhabitants beheld from their walls the return of the heroes of Aiznadin. The Damascenes defended their city with great bravery; but after a siege of seventy days, their patience and their provisions were exhausted, and the bravest of their chiefs submitted to the hard dictates of necessity. In the occurrences of peace and war, they had been taught to dread the fierceness of Caled, and to revere the mild virtues of Abu Obeidah. At the hour of midnight, one hundred chosen deputies of the clergy and people, were introduced to the tent of that venerable commander, who received and dismissed them with courtesy. They returned with a written agreement, on the faith of a companion of Mahomet, that all hostilities should cease, that the voluntary exiles might depart in safety, with as much as they could carry away of their effects; and that the tributary subjects of the Caliph, should enjoy their land

and houses, with the use and possession of seven churches. On these terms, the most respectable hostages, and the gate nearest to his camp, were delivered into his hands. The success of the treaty relaxed the vigour of the Damascenes; and in the same moment, the opposite quarter of the city was betrayed and taken by assault. A party of a hundred Arabs had opened the eastern gate to a more inexorable foe. "No quarter," cried the rapacious and sanguinary Caled, "no quarter to the enemies of the Lord." His trumpets sounded, and a torrent of Christian blood was poured down the streets of Damascus, until the hungry and cruel Arabs were arrested by the benevolence of Abu Obeidah. Throwing himself between the trembling citizens, and the most eager of the barbarians, he abjured them, by the holy name of God, to respect his promise, to suspend their fury, and to wait the determination of their chiefs. After a vehement debate in the church of St. Mary, it was agreed that the sword should be sheathed, that the part of Damascus which had surrendered to Abu Obeidah should be immediately entitled to the benefit of his capitulation, and that the final decision should be deferred to the wisdom of the Caliph,

A large majority of the people accepted the terms of toleration and tribute; but the valiant Thomas, a noble Greek, and the free-born patriots who had fought under his banner, embraced the alternative of poverty and exile. In the adjacent meadow a numerous encampment was formed, of priests and laymen, of soldiers and citizens, of women and children; they collected with haste and terror their most precious moveables; and abandoned with loud lamentations or silent anguish,their native homes, and the pleasant banks of the Pharphar. The inflexible soul of Caled was not touched by the spectacle of their distress; he disputed with the Damascenes the property of a magazine of corn; endeavoured to exclude the garrison from the benefit of the treaty; consented with reluctance,that each of the fugitives should arm himself with a sword, or a lance, or a bow; and sternly declared, that after a res

pite of three days, they might be pursued and treated as enemies of the Moslems.

The passion of a Syrian youth, completed the ruin of the exiles of Damascus. A nobleman of the city, of the name of Jonas,was betrothed to a wealthy maiden of the name of Eudocia,but her parents delayed the consummation of his nuptials, and their daughter was persuaded to escape with the man she had chosen. They corrupted the nightly watchmen of the gate Keisan; the lover, who led the way, was encompassed by a squadron of Arabs; but his exclamation in the Greek tongue," the bird is taken," admonished his mistress to hasten her return. In the presence of Caled and of death, the unfortunate Jonas professed his belief in one God and his Apostle Mahomet; and continued till the season of his martyrdom to discharge the duties of a brave and sincere Mussulman.

When the city was taken, Jonas flew to the monastery where Eudocia had taken refuge; but the lover was forgotten; the apostate was scorned; she preferred her religion to her country; and the justice of Caled, deaf to mercy, refused to detain by force a male or a female inhabitant of Damascus. Four days was the general confined to the city, by the obligations of the treaty, and the urgent cares of his new conquest. His appetite for blood and rapine would have been extinguished by the hopeless computation of time and distance; but he listened to the importunities of Jonas, who assured him that the fugitives might yet be overtaken. At the head of four thousand horse, in the disguise of Christian Arabs, Caled undertook the pursuit. They halted only for the moments of prayer; and their guide had a perfect knowledge of the country. For a long way, the footsteps of the Damascenes were plain and conspicuous; they vanished on a sudden; but the Saracens were comforted by the assurance that the caravan had turned aside into the mountains, and must speedily fall into their hands. In traversing the ridge of Libanus, they endured intolerable hardships, and the sinking spirits of the veteran fanatics, were supported

and cheered by the unconquerable ar dour of a lover. From a peasant of the country, they were informed, that the emperor had sent orders to the colony of exiles, to pursue without delay the road of the sea coast, and of Constantinople, apprehensive, perhaps, that the soldiers and people of Antioch might be discouraged by the sight and the story of their sufferings. The Saracens were conducted through the territories of Gabala, and Laodicea, at a cautious distance from the walls of cities; the rain was incessant, the night was dark, a single mountain separated them from the Roman army; and Caled, ever anxious for the safety of his brethren, whispered an ominous dream in the ear of his companion. With the dawn of day, the prospect again cleared, and they saw before them, in a pleasant valley, the tents of Damascus. After a short interval of repose and prayer, Caled divided his cavalry into four squadrons, committing the first to his faithful Derar, and reserving the last for himself. They successively rushed on the promiscuous multitude, insufficiently provided with arms, and already vanquished with sorrow and fatigue. Except a captive who was pardoned and dismissed, the Arabs enjoyed the satisfaction of believing, that not a Christian of either sex escaped the edge of their scymitars. The gold and silver of Damascus were scattered over the camp, and a royal wardrobe of three hundred load of silk, might clothe an army of naked barbarians. In the tumult of the battle, Jonas sought and found the object of his pur suit; but her resentment was inflamed by the last act of his perfidy; and as Eudocia struggled in his hateful arms, she struck a dagger to her heart.


Mr. Richard Atkinson was one of the many instances of good sense and persevering industry, well directed in a commercial country like England.When he first came from the North, he was a mere adventurer, without either fortune, or even friends that could serve him, and with no other acquisitions of education, but common penmanship and arithmetic. Thus circumstanced he came to London, and passing

through different counting-houses as a clerk, he at length commenced speculations, which soon produced that prodigious wealth of which he died pos


Although this was the gentleman whom Lord North, in allusion to a contract for rum which he had with the Government, called a rogue in spirit, yet he was generous and even magnificent in his bounty. He once, in the gayety of conversation, offered to Lady A. Lindsay, to employ a thousand pounds of her fortune with his own capital in trade, and to give her the due portion of profits. The offer was of course accepted ; and in three years, her ladyship received her original thousand pounds, with the splendid addi

tion of nine thousand more.


fatigue; and the natives, about nine in number, lost their sight from the intense reflection of the sun's rays by the snow. Our countrymen were preserved by having green veils, and performed the parts of good Samaritans in leading their unfortunate companions to a place of safety, thro' many dangers and the severest privations.

his bed.


Strawberries a Cure for the Gout. The celebrated Linnæus, when he was forty-three years of age, was subject to such violent attacks of the gout, that they deprived him of sleep and appetite. ing the fit, he happened once to eat some strawberries, after which he had a refreshing sleep. The next day he eat, at intervals, a large quantity, and on the second day after was quite recovered, and able to quit In the summer of the following year he again dispelled attacks of the disease by taking ripe strawberries. third year the attacks were renewed, but in a slighter degree than in the preceding years. After this, Linnæus never neglected to eat strawberries every summer; his blood seemed to be purified by this means; his countenance was more cheerful, his colour fresher, and he was ever after free from the gout, though he lived to the age of seventy years.


Athens.-A letter from the Lazaretto of

Toulon states that Admiral Halgan has arrived in that port from Athens, where M. Fauvel, the French consul, still resided. The destruction of the Parthenon was hourly expected from the Greek bombardment; and the Admiral had brought with him some fragments of the famous Lantern of Demosthenes, saved from the flames which had already consumed many precious objects.

In some parts of Scotland, in former times the ploughs used to be drawn by four horses abreast, and required the attendance of three men. The business of one man was to drive. For that purpose he placed himself between the middle horses, with his face towards the plough to guide it straight, and in this position he stepped backwards with the reins in his hand. Another walked behind the horses with a cleeked staff, which he fastened in the front of the beam, and by means of it regulated the depth of the furrow, by by raising or lowering the plough, as occasion required. The ploughman followed with a hold of the stilts; and in this formidable and ludicrous manner they repeated their attacks on the portrait of another Laura, who lived about


In harvest, a basket machine was placed on horseback for carrying home the grain; and persons were employed on each side with forks to keep it in a proper poise. It is said that this practice is yet to be met with in Galloway.

Many practices subsisting even at this day in Ireland are still more ridiculous. Mr. Arthur Young tells us, that in Donegal he has actually seen horses ploughing by the tail!

A Scottish newspaper states that a Dr. John Nicol, of Forres, and a Mr. Black, had travelled across the Cordilleras (by Mendoga) to St. Iago de Chilli. A lady who joined their party perished through cold and

Laura's Portrait.-Italian papers say that the original Portrait of Petrarch's Laura has been found. It is well known that she was painted by Simone Memmi; but the engraving, published by Raphael Morghen, is after an ideal portrait, or perhaps the

1300. The recovered portrait is in the collection of M. Arrighi at Florence (Piazza SS Trinita, palazzi Buondelmonti,) and has been declared by Count Cicognara to be authentic, after a comparison with the original miniature in the celebrated MS. of Petrarch, preserved in the Laurentian Library at Florence. The possessor has published an engraving of it.

The Fine Arts.-Canova's group of Mars and Venus, executed for the King of England, which the artist has just completed, has been exhibited for these few days past. The work was already known by the model, and a drawing after it had been engraved ; but now we are made sensible of the immense difference between the first sketch and the most delicately and carefully executed marble. It seems as if the artist had chosen this group at once to shew his skil

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