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be a walking with him in all things, and that in all things, and, at all times, in all companies, and in all changes, conditions, and estates of your life, whatsoever. To walk with God in general and at large is not sufficient.

You are not dispensed with for any moment of your life; but all the days of your life, and each day of your life, and each hour of that day, and each minute of that hour; you must pass the time, the whole time of your dwelling here in fear; even "alf the day long," saith Solomon. You must endeavour to have a conscience void of offence always. You must live the rest of your life, not to the lusts of men, but to the will of God; taking heed lest at any time there be in you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.

1. For this end Christ did redeem you from the hands of your enemies, that you might serve him in holiness and righteousness (which is the same with walking with God) all the days of your life without


2. The end of the instructions of God's word, which is the light of your feet in this walking, is, that it be bound upon your heart continually, to lead, keep, and converse with you at all times.

3. The lusts of your own heart, and your adversary the devil lie always upon the advantage to hinder you in, or divert you from, this godly course: so that upon every intermission of your holy care to please God, they take their opportunity to surprise you.

4. You are accountable to God for losing and mispending all that precious time wherein you do not walk in his ways.

5. Besides, he that hath much work to do, or that is in a long journey, or is running a race for a wager, hath no need to lose any time. If you be long obstructed in your Christian work and race, by sin and sloth, you will hardly recover your loss but with much sorrow, with renewed faith, and with more than ordinary repentance.

Wherefore, when you awake in the night, or in the morning, and while you are employed in the day, and when you betake yourself to sleep at night, you must, as David, have thoughts on God, and set him always before you. "When I awake, I am still with thee," saith he, and in the night he remembered God, and his hope and meditation was on God's word. And Isaiah (in the person of all the faithful) saith, "With my soul have I desired thee in the night, yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early."


Of beginning the Day with God.

I. How to awake with God.

In the instant of awaking let your heart be lifted. up to God with a thankful acknowledgment of his mercy to you. For it is he that giveth his beloved sleep; who keepeth you both in soul and body while you sleep; who reneweth his mercies every morning. For, while you sleep, you are as it were out of

actual possession of yourself, and all things else. Now, it was God that kept you, and all that you had, and restored them again, with many new mercies, when you awaked.

2. Arise early in the morning (if you be not necessarily hindered) following the example of our Saviour Christ, and of the good matron in the Proverbs. For this will usually much conduce to the health of your body, and the prosperity, both of your temporal and spiritual state; for hereby you will have the day before you, and will gain the best, and the fittest times for the exercises of religion, and for the works of your calling.

3. In the time between your awaking and arising, if other suitable thoughts offer not themselves, it will be useful to think upon some of these:—I must awake from the sleep of sin, to righteousness; as well as out of bodily sleep, unto labour in my calling. The night is far spent, the day is at hand, I must therefore cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armour of light. I must walk honestly as in the day. I am, by the light of grace and knowledge, to arise and walk in it, as well as by the light of the sun to walk by it. Think also of your awaking out of the sleep of death, and out of the grave, at the sound of the last trumpet; even of your blessed resurrection unto glory, at the last day. It was one of David's sweet thoughts (speaking to God) "When I awake, I shall be satisfied with thy likeness."

4. When you arise, and dress yourself, lose not that precious time, when your mind is freshest, with impertinent and fruitless thoughts, as is the custom

of too many to do. the cause why you

This is a fit time to think upon have need of apparel; namely, the fall and sin of your first parents, which from them is derived to you. For before their fall, their nakedness was their comeliness, and seeing it, they were not ashamed. It will likewise be to good purpose to consider what the wise providence of God hath appointed to be the substance of your apparel. The rinds of plants, the skins, hair, or wool of brute beasts, and the bowels of the silkworm; the very excrements and superfluous apparel of unreasonable creatures. Which, as it doth magnify the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, in choosing, and turning such mean things to such excellent use, so it should humble and suppress the pride of man. For what man in his senses would be proud of the badge of his shame, even of that apparel, for which (under God) he is beholden even to plants and beasts?

Now also is a good time to call to mind what rules are to be observed, that you may dress yourself as becometh one that professeth godliness: namely, 1. That your apparel, for matter and fashion, do suit with your general and special calling, and with your estate, sex, and age.

2. That your apparel be consistent with health and comeliness.

3. That you rather go with the lowest, than with the highest of your state and place.

4. That the fashion be neither strange, immodest, singular, nor ridiculous.

5. That you be not over curious, or over long, taking up too much time in putting it on.

6. Neither the making nor wearing of your

apparel, must savour of pride, lightness, curiosity, lasciviousness, prodigality, or base covetousness: but it must be such as becometh holiness, wisdom, and honesty, and such as is well reported of.

7. Follow the example of those of your rank and means, who are most sober, most frugal, and most discreet.

While you dress yourself, it will be seasonable and profitable also, by this occasion, to raise your thoughts, and fix them upon that apparel which doth clothe and adorn your inward man, which is spiritual, and of a divine matter, which never is out of fashion, which never weareth out, but is always the better for the wearing. Think thus: If I go naked without bodily apparel, it will be to the shame of my person, and to the hazard of my health and life: but how much more will the filthy nakedness of my soul appear to the eyes of men, of angels, and of God himself, whose pure eyes cannot abide filthiness, whereby my soul will be exposed to most deadly temptations, and my whole person to God's most severe judgments, except I have put on, and do keep on me the white linen of Christ's spouse, the righteousness of the saints, that is, justification by faith in Christ, and sanctification by the Spirit

of Christ?

And because every day you will be assaulted with the world, the flesh, and the devil, you will do well to consider whether you have put on, and do improve your coat of mail, that complete armour, prescribed Eph. vi. 11-18.

When you use your looking-glass, and by experience find that it serveth to discover, and to

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