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V. 2
Cop. 2


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THOMAS MORLEY, one of the gentlemen of queen Elizabeth's chapel, the author of a well known treatise on the subject of practical music, was a disciple of Bird, for whom he ever entertained the highest reverence. He obtained a bachelor's degree in 1588, and was sworn into his place in the chapel July 24, 1592; he was the author of Canzonets or little short songs to three voices, Lond. 1593. The first book of Madrigals to four voices, Lond. 1594. Canzonets or little short Airs to 5 or 6 voices, Lond. 1595. Madrigals to 5 voices, Lond. 1595. Introduction to Music, Lond. 1597. The first book of Aires or little short Songes to sing and play to the lute with the bass viol, Lond. 1600. And the first book of Canzonets to two voices, Lond. 1595, and 1619. He also composed divine services and anthems, the words of some whereof are printed in James Clifford's Collection of divine services and anthems usually sung in cathedrals.* A service

for the burial of the dead of his composition, the first of the kind, to the words of our liturgy, is printed in Dr. Boyce's Cathedral Music, vol. I. He also collected and published madrigals, entitled the Triumphs of Oriana, to five and six voices, composed by divers authors, Lond. 1601, and a set or two of Italian madrigals to English words; but the most valuable of all his works is his Plaine and easie Introduction to practicall Musicke, so often referred to in the course of this work, and of which an account is here given.

This valuable work is divided into three parts, the first teac .ing to sing; the second treating of Descant, with the method of singing upon a plain-song; the other of composition in three and more parts. Each of the three parts of this book is a several and distinct dialogue, wherein a master, his scholar, and a person competently skilled in music, are the interlocutors; and in the course of their conversation so many little particulars occur relating to the manners of the times,

* This book is very frequently referred to by Wood. It is a collection of the words only, of the services and anthems then usually sung, printed in duodecimo, 1664. The compiler was a native of Oxford, a chorister of Magdalen college there, and afterwards a minor canon of St. Paul's, and reader in some church near Carter-lane, and also chaplain to the society of Serjeant's Inn in Fleet-street. Athen. Oxon.

as render the perusal of the book in a great degree entertaining to those who are unacquainted with the subject of it; the truth of this observation will appear from the very introduction to the work, which is as follows:

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'POLYMATHES. Staye brother Philomathes, what haste? 'Whither go you so fast? PHILOMATH. To seek out an 'old friend of mine. PoL. But before you goe I praie 'you repeat some of the discourses which you had yesternight at Master Sophobulus his banket, for commonly he 'is not without both wise and learned guestes. PHI. It 'is true indeed, and yesternight there were a number of 'excellent schollers, both gentlemen and others: but all 'the propose which was then discoursed upon was 'musicke. PoL. I trust you were contented to suffer 'others to speake of that matter. PHI. I would that 'had been the worst; for I was compelled to discover 'mine own ignorance, and confesse that I knewe nothing ' at all in it. POL. How so? PHI. Among the rest of 'the guestes by chance Master Amphron came thither 'also, who falling to discourse of musicke, was in an argument so quickly taken up and hotly pursued by 'Eudoxus and Calergus, two kinsmen of master Sopho'bulus, as in his own art he was overthrowne, but he still 'sticking in his opinion, the two gentlemen requested me "to examine his reasons and confute them, but I refusing, and pretending ignorance, the whole company con'demned me of discurtesie, being fully persuaded that 'I had been as skilfull in that art as they took me to be learned in others; but supper being ended, and musicke 'bookes according to the custome, being brought to the 'table, the mistress of the house presented mee with a 'part, earnestly requesting me to sing, but when, after many excuses I protested unfeignedly that I could not, 'everie one began to wonder, yea some whispered to ' others, demanding how I was brought up: so that upon 'shame of mine own ignorance I goe nowe to seek out 'mine old friende master Gnorimus, to make myself his 'schollar. PoL. I am glad you are at length come to 'be of that_mind, though I wished it sooner, therefore goe, and I praie God send you such good successe as 'you would wish to yourself; as for me, I goe to heare 'some mathematical lectures, so that I thinke about one 'time wee may both meete at our lodging. PHI. Fare

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