The Psalms of David, in metre. To which are added, Hymns, particularly designed for the Lord's supper1776 |
Términos y frases comunes
bleſs bleſſings bleſt cauſe chearful counſels didſt diſplay diſtreſs doſt doth dwell earth eternal ev'n ev'ry expreſs eyes facred fafe faints falvation fave fear fing finners flain fleſh foes fongs fons foul glorious glory God's hand hath hear heart heav'n heav'nly holy honour houſe Hymn Ifrael increaſe juſt king laſt let thy Long Metre Lord Metre 2d mighty moſt N. B. and N. T. o'er Pfalm pleaſure pow'r pray'r raiſe rejoice reſt righteous righteouſneſs riſe ſave ſay ſea ſecure ſee ſeek ſend ſet ſhall ſhame ſhine ſhould ſhow Sir J. D. ſkies ſky ſpeak ſpirit ſpread ſpring ſtand ſtate ſtatutes ſtill ſtreams ſtrength ſtrong ſuch ſure ſweet ſword thee theſe thine thoſe thou art thou hast thro thy face thy laws thy love thy mercy thy name thy pow'r thy praiſe thy ſervant thy word tongue truſt truth whoſe wicked wond'rous wrath
Pasajes populares
Página 355 - COME, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 " Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, " To be exalted thus ;" "Worthy the Lamb," our lips reply,
Página 229 - The Lord, ye know, is God indeed ; Without our aid He did us make ; We are His flock, He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take.
Página 321 - Through this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to his heavenly seat ; His mercies ever shall endure, When this vain world shall be no more.
Página 121 - SHOW pity, Lord; O Lord, forgive, Let a repenting rebel live ; Are not thy mercies large and free ? May not a sinner trust in thee...
Página 207 - A thousand ages in thy sight are like an evening gone, short as the watch that ends the night before the rising sun.
Página 186 - To meet th' assemblies of thy saints. 2 My flesh would rest in thine abode, My panting heart cries out for God ; My God ! my King ! why should I be So far from all my joys, and thee...
Página 320 - GIVE to our God immortal praise ; Mercy and truth are all his ways ; Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. 2 Give to the Lord of lords renown ; The King of kings with glory crown : His mercies ever shall endure, When lords and kings are known no more. 3 He built the earth, he spread the sky, And fixed the starry lights on high : Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song.
Página 187 - From all th' assaults of hell and sin, From foes without and foes within. 4 All needful grace will God bestow, And crown that grace with glory too: He gives us all things, and withholds No real good from upright souls.
Página 48 - They wound his head, his hands, his feet, Till streams of blood each other meet ; By lot his garments they divide, And mock the pangs in which he died.
Página 214 - SWEET is the work, my God, my King, To praise thy name, give thanks and sing ; To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night.