Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Volumen14Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association., 1993 |
Dentro del libro
6 páginas coinciden con female healers en este libro.
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Resultados 1-3 de 6
The Experience of the Black Death in Bologna | 45 |
Devils Readers and the Narrators | 81 |
Derechos de autor | |
Otras 8 secciones no mostradas
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Volúmenes7-8 Vista de fragmentos - 1986 |
Términos y frases comunes
al-Dîn al-Isfahânî al-Mu'azzam Aragon Aragonese artillery Barcelona Black Death Bloch Bologna border boundary Bowsky Burchard of Worms BUSINESS CURATOR DOWRY Byzantine Calatayud Cambridge Canterbury Tales Cantor chapter Chaucer Christ Christian chronicle church citadel city wall claims contracts counterweight trebuchet criticism crusade culture Damascus Daun John defensive planning Deuelis Perlament devils discussion edition Edmund Spenser Elizabethan English essays Faerie Queene female healers feminist feudalism Figure fortifications fuero Gilson Girona hamlets Hospital hospitaller identity Imâd Institute Ireland Irenius Irish John II Komnenos Komnenos land Macià male medieval medieval studies Memoriali Middle Ages monastery monk Munster Plantation narrative narrator nobility notarial Orvieto parliament persecution pilgrims plague poem poet poetry political prophecy reader religious Renaissance Satan scholars sexual Shakespeare's Shayzar Shipman's Tale siege Siena social society suggests Teruel thirteenth century tion towers town tradition twelfth century University Press urban View vols wiccans wife witchcraft witches women