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that persecution over which she has twice before triumphed ; and they can further see, that every allowance should be made for inadvertences in consequence of the treatment and situation of her Majesty with respect to her husband. Did the present Committee of the Lords produce one of the blackest reports that the human mind could conceive, it would not weigh a feather in the minds of the respectable part of the community. They will reason thus:-"admitting that some portion of your report were true, of which your evidence is not sufficient to satisfy us; let us contrast the conduct of the husband; let us consider for what purpose he married her; let us reflect on the effect, that such treatment as she has received from his hands, is calculated to produce on the mind of any other female, however chaste and pure her character and mind might be: let us place ourselves in her situation, and then see what will be the state of our minds. Has not the Queen been exposed to every species of brutality that could destroy her virtues? Has she not been treated as an outcast by all the Royal Family of England, excepting her own daughter? Was not every attempt that could be devised made to alienate the affections of her daughter from her? Has any thing been neglected on the part of her husband and his family that was calculated to destroy-not only her happiness but her life too?

We have heard the rumour in the West of England, that at a time, during the residence of her Majesty at Bath, long after the husband had exiled her from his bed and house: that he should come suddenly and unexpected to the house in which she resided, in the dead of the night, and demand admittance to her bed-chamber, and that he spent a few hours with her, and drove off from the town very early in the morning, unknown to any one but the servants of his wife. We cannot vouch for the truth of this, although it was reported that her Majesty should have announced his arrival and departure in the journals of the day; we never saw it, and offer it only as we received it as mere rumour. The construction put upon it. was, that if her Majesty had neglected to announce his arrival and departure, and any thing had resulted from the meeting, that the object of the husband was, to have stigmatized her character. It almost appears incredible, but so many other similar attempts have been made to entrap her Majesty, that ́ we feel justified in propagating the rumour, pledging ourselves that we have not added a letter to it, but rather abridged it.

The misfortune of the present proceedings against the Queen is, that it will occupy at least two months before her Majesty can bring forth her evidences to show the manner in which this Green Bag has been filled. We shall find the Lords' Committee, in their report, will publish the very essence of it, and allow it to circulate during the prorogation of Parliament, whilst the Queen will not be able to meet the least part of it until another session. This is now the plan, and it is hoped that it will be discriminately weighed by every impartial mind. Every mean, every dirty, advantage has been already taken of her Majesty, and we should not allow any thing that comes from her husband, through so polluted a channel as the English parliament of the present day, to make the least impression on our minds. We know its object, and can anticipate all its proceedings; therefore we trust, that the odium it attempts to throw on this much injured Queen, will recoil and bite its own head with its own poison.

It now appears to be the determination of her Majesty not to leave the country, and it has also appeared, that Mr. Brougham went much further in his Protocols than he had any instructions to go. Her Majesty disclaims the idea of a voluntary relinquishment of her name from the Liturgy, or any one title or privilege, that she, as the Queen of England, is legally entitled to. We rejoice at this latter statement, because it will drive her enemies to the obtaining of a bill of pains and penalties, not only to divorce her, but to exile her from the country. The greater the desperation they are driven to, the greater the disgrace attending it. We have no hopes, but that the House of Commons, although they have hesitated to proceed, will consent to any thing in the shape of a bill, which Castlereagh might bring forward. We wish to see them put to the test on all such infamous purposes, that the wilfully blind part of the country may be forced to open their eyes to the acts of this hired and bribed assembly. It is not probable that any thing will be effected in this session of the Parliament. The object so far has been accomplished, to exclude her Majesty from the right of Coronation. This will be done now, without question, but what is to be done when her Majesty obtains another acquittal? The country will be put to the expence of another million for the Coronation of the Queen, just to satisfy a peevish husband. This will be pretty work indeed! Out of all this evil much good must ensue, the people will be taught to hate monarchy from the disgusting and paltry squabbles which universally attend

it. It is a system fit to amuse our children only, and wherever it predominates, it keeps a nation in a state of childhood and imbecility. Men are not allowed to dwell within its precincts, lest they should be so rude as to laugh at


We heartily wish his Majesty would take a pique, not a radical pike, but a pique, and leave the grumbling English people to rule themselves. The throne of his ancestors in Hanover will suit him much better, and there is not much danger of the Hanoverians beginning to murmur for these twenty years to come. The King of Prussia now promises to be very gracious, and to present his people with a new constitution on his birth-day! Lack-a-day! how fine! We hope his Majesty will have a new suit of clothes on that day, too, to look as neat and pretty as possible! His birth-day is the 3d. of August, and we shall soon see whether this is another promise made to be broken, or whether the new constitution is to be on the model of that of Spain. When Kings begin to reform themselves, it will be strange times indeed! However, all this makes it certain, that Reason is progressive, and that mankind are putting off some portion of the brute and assuming rationality. It is pleasing to contemplate although slow in its progress. We would wish the people of England, who are fond of the pageantry of monarchy, to feast themselves well with the sight of the ensuing coronation. for we have grounds and reasons to hope, that it will be the last that will ever occur in England. We rather think that it will require a strong military force, with ball, cartridge, and lighted matches, to keep quietness and order at this puppetshow.

The proceedings against the Queen will begin to lose their interest, when some decisive step is taken, and should the Parliament prorogue without any definitive measure, it is more than probable, that we shall hear nothing more of it. It is strange that the King in his Message to the house, to provide for his Royal brothers and sisters should neglect to provide for his Royal Wife. We presume that she is to receive just what he likes to give her. We shall expect that Alderman Wood, or one of her law officers, will make a distinct proposition to the Committee of the House of Commons on this head, and not leave the Queen to further insult. We have been told that during the time her Majesty lived in Carlton-house with her husband, that he took every opportunity to insult her, with shabby horses, shabby carriages, and in every possible shape; every thing that could be construed into an indignity was ordered by him to be observed towards hig


wife, whilst his harlots moved about in all possible splendour. This is the treatment that her Majesty has continually been subject to, because she was so unfortunate as to be entrapped into a marriage, to enable a profligate man to pay his debts at his country's expence. What a pretty Green Bag would the conduct of the King make if the true particulars of his life were filled with it! Humanity and virtue would shrink aghast at it! Let us hope that he will have his turn, and be taught the consequence of being done by in the same manner as he would do unto others.


A variety of Addresses are coming up from all parts to her Majesty, at which we rejoice, the following are a few of

them :

"TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. "The humble Address of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Livery of the City of London, in Common Hall assembled :—


"We, his Majesty's dutiful and loyal subjects, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Livery of the City of London, in Common Hall assembled, humbly approach your Majesty with our warmest congratulations upon your Majesty's safe return to this kingdom.

"We sincerely condole with your Majesty upon the loss of so many illustrious personages of your Royal House, particularly that of your Majesty's guardian and protector, our late revered Sovereign, and your amiable and beloved daughter, the Princess Charlotte, upon whom the hopes of the nation had fondly rested.

We have beheld with grief the numerous insults and indignities which have been offered to your Majesty, both at home and abroad, and lament that any persons should be found with such unchristian feelings as to advise the omission of your Majesty's name in the solemn services of the church.

"As we have before congratulated your Majesty upon your complete triumph over a foul conspiracy against your life and honour, we have never ceased to feel the most anxious solicitude for every thing connected with your peace and happiness, and sincerely trust your Majesty will prove equally triumphant over the renewed attempts to vilify your character.

"We have felt, in common with all his Majesty's subjects, the highest indignation at the insulting and degrading proposals which were made to your Majesty previous to your arrival in this country.

"We admire the prompt refusal of your Majesty to compromise your honour for a pecuniary consideration; nor can we forbear expressing equal admiration at the magnanimous and decisive conduct your Majesty has displayed, by your unhesitating confidence in the loyalty and honour of the British nation, as well as the courage you have evinced in boldly meeting your accusers, protesting against all secret investigations, and demanding an open and constitutional tribunal.

"We felt disgust at the proposal made to your Majesty to become an exile from this land, which might afford your Majesty's enemies fresh opportunity for the calumnies which probably they never would have dared to attempt, if your Majesty had remained in England.

"We sincerely hope that your Majesty will be established in the full possession of all your just rights, and reside amongst a people zealously attached to the House of Brunswick, and who feel deeply interested in every thing connected with the honour of that house, and the welfare and happiness of your Majesty."

To which her Majesty returned the following answer:

It is with peculiar satisfaction, and with most cordial thanks, that I receive this loyal and affectionate Address from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Livery of the city of London, whose manly support of my cause upon a former occasion has never ceased to live in my grateful re


"No words can give utterance to the agonies of my heart, occasioned by those losses on which you offer me your kind condolence, and which admit of no reparation on this side the grave; but, in the many and deep sorrows and afflictions with which it has pleased providence to visit me, I have derived unspeakable consolation from the zealous and constant attachment of this warm-hearted, just, and generous people, to live at home with, and to cherish whom, will be the chief happiness of the remainder of my days.

"The indignation which a long series of persecutions, plots, and conspiracies, carried on against my peace, honour, and life, is so well calculated to excite, it shall be my endeavour to suppress; and while I steadily pursue the means necessary to the full possession of all my rights, privileges, and dignities, I would fain bury past injuries and insults in total



"Conscious of my innocence, disdaining the threats intended to awe me, knowing that it was to Britain I was coming, it required no extraordinary degree of courage to place me in the face of my accusers. have acted upon this or upon any other occasion a pusillanimous part would ill become a daughter of the house of Brunswick and the Queen of a nation famed for its valour in all ages, and whose gallant sailors and soldiers have so recently been crowned with laurels in every part of the globe."

The following is the Address of the inhabitants of Southwark :

"TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. The dutiful and Loyal Address of the Inhabitant Householders of the ancient Town and Borough of Southwark, in Town-Hall assembled.

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May it please your Majesty-We his Majesty's faithful subjects, the Inhabitant Householders of the ancient Town and Borough of Southwark, in Town Hall assembled, beg leave to offer to your Majesty, our most sincere and fervent congratulations on your Majesty's accession to your Royal title; and your Majesty's safe return to the Empire in which it has been ordained by Providence that your Majesty should hold so exalted a station.

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