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2dly, That those assemblies were the life, the food, the nourishment of their souls; without which, they could neither attend unto the discipline of Christ, nor yield obedience unto his commands, nor make profession of his name as they ought, nor enjoy the benefit of evangelical institutions. Whereas, in a due observance of them, consisted the trial of their faith in the sight of God and man. For as unto God, whatever reserves men may have in their minds, that they would still continue to believe in Christ, though they attended not unto his discipline in these assemblies, he regards it not; because therein men do openly prefer their own temporal safety, before his glory. And as unto men, it is not so much faith itself, as the profession of it in those assemblies, that they hate, oppose, and persecute. Wherefore, believers in all ages, have constantly ventured their lives in the observance of them through a thousand difficulties and dangers, esteeming them always aliens from their communion by whom they were neglected.

Secondly, Wherefore, secondly, the apostle's charge concerning those assemblies, is, that we should not forsake them. There is a two-fold forsaking of these assemblies. 1. That which is total, which is the fruit and evidence of absolute apostasy. 2. That which is only partial, in want of diligence and conscientious care, in a constant attendance unto them, according as the rule and their institution do require. It is the latter that the apostle here intends, as the word in part signifies, and of the former he speaks in the following verses. And these assemblies are usually thus forsaken on some of these ac


1. From fear of suffering. These assemblies were those which exposed them unto sufferings, as those whereby they made their profession visible, and evidenced their subjection to the authority of Christ; whereby the unbelieving world is enraged. This in all ages hath prevailed on many, in the times of trial and persecution, to withdraw themselves from those assemblies; and those who have done so, are those fearful and unbelieving ones, who in the first place are excluded from the new Jerusalem, Rev. xxi. S. In such a season, all the arguings of flesh and blood, will arise in the minds of men, and be promoted with many specious pretences: life, liberty, enjoyments in this world, will all put in to be heard; reserves concerning their state in this frame, with resolutions to return to their duty when the storm is over; pleas and arguments that these assemblies are not so necessary, but that God will be merciful to them in this thing. All which, and the like false reasonings, do carry them away to ruin. For notwithstanding all these vain pleas, the rule is peremptory against these persons. Those who for their houses, lands, possessions, relations, liberty, life, prefer them before Christ, and the duties which we

owe to him, and his glory, have no interest in gospel promises. Whatever men pretend that they believe, if they confess him not before men, he will deny them before his Father which is

in heaven.

2. Spiritual sloth, with the occasions of this life, are the cause in many of this sinful neglect. Other things will offer themselves in competition with the diligent attendance unto these assemblies. If men stir not up themselves, and shake off the weight that lies upon them, they will fall under a woful neglect as unto this and all other important duties. Such persons as are influenced by them, will make use of many specious pleas, taken for the most part from their occasions and necessities. These things they will plead with men, and there is no contending with them; but let them go to Christ, and plead them immediately unto himself, and then ask of themselves how they suppose they are accepted? He requires that we should attend unto these assemblies diligently, as the principal way and means of doing that, and observing that which he commands us, the certain indispensable rule of our obedience unto him. Will it be accepted with him, if in a neglect of that, we should say unto him, we would have done so indeed, but that one thing or other, this business, this diversion, this or that attendance in our callings, would not suffer us? This may indeed fall out sometimes where the heart is sincere, but then it will be troubled at it, and watch for the future against the like occasions. But where this is frequent, and every trivial diversion is embraced unto a neglect of this duty, the heart is not upright before God, the man draws back in the way unto perdition.

3. Unbelief working gradually towards the forsaking of all profession. This is the first way, for the most part, whereby an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God, doth evidence itself, which the apostle, on this consideration, warns the Hebrews of, ch. iii. I say, hereby usually it first evidenceth itself. It hath unquestionably put forth its power before, within and in a neglect of private duties, but hereby it first evidenceth itself unto others. And if this course, from this principle, be persisted in, total apostasy lies at the door; whereof we have multiplied instances.

Obs. I. Great diligence is required of us in a due attendance unto the assemblies of the church for the ends of them, as they are instituted and appointed by Jesus Christ.-The benefit we receive by them, the danger of their neglect, sense of the authority of Christ, concernment of his glory in them, with the vanity of the pretences for their neglect, call aloud for this diligence.

Obs. II. The neglect of the authority and love of Christ in

the appointment of the means of our edification, will always tend to great and ruinous evils.

Secondly, The apostle exemplifies their sin, which he warns them against,

First, In an instance of those who are guilty of it, xatws 185 TI, as the manner of some is.' The church of the Hebrews, especially that at Jerusalem, had been exposed to great trials and persecutions, as the apostle declares, ver. 32, 33. During this state, some of the members of it, even in those early days, began so far to decline from their profession, as not to frequent the assemblies of the church. They were afraid to be taken at a meeting, or that their known persecuting neighbours should take notice of them, as they went unto, or came out from their assemblies. And it should seem, they were not a few who had fallen into this sinful neglect; for the apostle speaks of it as a thing which was well known among themselves.

Again, There were among the Hebrews at that time great disputes about the continuance of the temple worship, with the rites and ceremonies of it, with which many were entangled; and as that error prevailed in their minds, so did they begin gradually to neglect and forsake the worship and duties of the gospel, which ended with many in fatal apostasy. To prevent the effects of these two evils, was the principal design of the apostle in writing this Epistle, which is filled with cogent arguments against them. This was the last cause of their declension, before intimated, namely, unbelief secretly inclining unto a departure from the living God. And this is marked here as the ordinary beginning of an entrance into final apostasy; namely, that men do forsake the assemblies of the saints. Only observe, that it is not an occasional dereliction of them, but that which they accustomed themselves unto: it was sos, their manner,' it was an ordinary way, and manner of walking, which they accustomed themselves unto.

Óbs. III. No church order, no outward profession, can secure men from apostasy. Persons were guilty of this crime in the first, the best, the purest churches.

Obs. IV. Perfection, freedom from offence, scandal, and ruinous evils, is not to be expected in any church in this world. Obs. V. Men that begin to decline their duty in church relations, ought to be marked, and their ways avoided.

Obs. VI. Forsaking of church assemblies, is usually an entrance into apostasy.

Secondly, The apostle illustrates this great evil by the contrary duty, a zagaxaλvres, but exhorting one another." All the duties of these assemblies, especially those which are useful and needful to prevent backsliding, and preserve from apostasy, are proposed under this one, which is the head and chief of them all. The nature of this mutual exhortation among Christian

believers in church societies, hath been discoursed on chap. iii. Here it is opposed unto the evil dehorted from, Forsake not, but exhort one another.' Wherefore it is comprehensive of the general nature of all the duties of believers in church societies, and it hath a special respect unto constancy and perseverance in the profession of the faith, and diligent attendance unto the duties of gospel-worship, as is evident from the whole context. This is the duty of all professors of the gospel, namely, to persuade, to encourage, to exhort one another unto constancy in profession, with resolution and fortitude of mind against difficulties, dangers, and oppositions; a duty which a state of persecution will teach them, who intend not to leave any thing of Christ. And it is never the more inconsiderable, because the practice of it is almost lost out of the world, as we said before. The motive unto these duties is, the approach of the day.' Wherein we have,



Thirdly, A degree added unto the performance of these duties, from this motive, Toorto parλov, so much the more.' The motive itself is, the approach of the day;' the evidence they had of it, you see.' There is from this motive, an especial degree to be added unto the performance of the duties before mentioned; they are such as ought always to be attended unto. Howbeit, this is a season wherein it is our duty to double our diligence about them. For this, so much the rather,' refers distinctly unto all the duties before mentioned; being to be repeated, ATO TY XOIVE. Wherefore, although the word of Christ in his institutions and commands, do make duties constantly in their performance necessary unto us; yet there are warnings and works of Christ, whose consideration ought to excite us unto a peculiar diligence and attendance unto them. And,

1. Such warnings of Christ there are unto his church, both by his word, and by his providence. For although he speak not now immediately unto them by revelations, yet he speaks unto them mediately in his word. All the warnings he hath left on record in the Scripture, given unto his churches in the various conditions wherein they were; as for instance, those in the second and third of the Revelations; are given likewise unto all the churches now, that are in the same state or condition wherein they were. And he doth it by his providence, in threatenings, efficacious trials, and persecutions, 1 Cor. xi. 30-32.

2. The principal end of these warnings is to stir us up unto more diligence in attendance unto the duties of his worship in the assemblies of the church, as is manifest in all his dealings with the seven churches, as types of all others. For, 1. Our neglect therein, is the cause of that displeasure which he in his warnings and trials calls us unto. For this cause many are sick and weak, many are fallen asleep. Because thou art lukewarm, I will do so and so. 2. Because, without a diligent care, we can

not pass through trials of any nature, in persecution, in public calamities, unto his glory, and our own safety. For by a neglect of these duties, all graces will decay, carnal fears will prevail, counsel and help will be wanting, and the soul be betrayed into innumerable dangers and perplexities. 3. Without it, it will not be to the glory of Christ to evidence his presence amongst them in their trials, or give deliverance to them. Wherefore, we may consider what belongs unto this, and so much the rather,' what additions unto our performance of those duties is required from this motive.

1st, A recovery of ourselves from outward neglects in attendance upon church assemblies; such there have been amongst us on various pretences, which if on renewed warnings we recover not ourselves from, we are in danger of eternal ruin, for so the case is stated in this place.


2dly, A diligent inquiry into all the duties which belong to the assemblies of believers, is comprised here by the apostle, under the general head of mutual consideration,' provocation,' and 'exhortation,' that we be not found defective through our ignorance, and unacquaintedness with what he doth require. 3dly, Spiritual diligence in stirring up our hearts and minds unto sincerity, zeal, and delight in the performance of them; in all labouring after a recovery from our decays and backslidings, which is the design of most of the Epistles of Christ unto the seven churches. Wherefore,

Obs. VII. When especial warnings do not excite us unto renewed diligence in known duties, our condition is dangerous as unto the continuance of the presence of Christ amongst us.

Fourthly, The motive itself is, the approach of the day,' Bihorar Thy husgav, concerning which we must inquire, 1. What day it is that is intended? 2. How it did approach? And then, How it did evidence itself so to be, as they saw it?


1. The day, Turgay, an eminent day.' The rule whereby we may determine what day is intended, is this: it was such a day as was a peculiar motive unto the Hebrews, in their present circumstances, to attend diligently unto the due performance of gospel duties. It is not such a day, such a motive, as is always common to all, but only unto those who are in some measure in the same circumstances with them. Wherefore it is neither the day of death personally unto them, nor the day of the future judgment absolutely, that is intended; for those are common unto all equally, and at all times, and are a powerful motive in general unto the performance of gospel duties, but not an especial peculiar motive at some time unto peculiar diligence. Wherefore, this day was no other but that fearful and tremendous day, a season for the destruction of Jerusalem, the temple, city, and nation of the Jews, which our Saviour had fore

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