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lips, they went through the welter of peoples on which they looked down contemptuously. They knew, why. They kept aloof from all foreign ways lest the sanctuary which they carried about with them should be defiled by the touch of infidels. Thus the Germans of to-day ought to go through the world, proud, with heads erect, in the safe consciousness of being the people of God."



The English Review published some hitherto unknown jottings of Voltaire's in English language. Among these there is the following paragraph to be found:

When I hear Christians abuse Jews, then I feel as if children were beating their fathers.

The church is erected on the base of Semitism, and this cannot be undone. What use would it be if the whole of the Old Testament were condemned as heretical, and banished from the Church: were not the authors of the New Testament, the Apostles of the Church, also Jews? Were not the first thirteen bishops of the original congregation in Jerusalem of Jewish origin?

The race madness of a Chamberlain brought to boiling point (Chamberlain's book is dedicated to Professor Wiesner in Vienna who was born a Jew) has recourse to the insane hypothesis that Jesus was not a Jew by race (p. 214), but probably, as a Galilean, of Germanic origin. Previous to him Max Bewer roundly asserted: Christ was a German!1

(1) The Croatian daily in Agram, “Hrvatska", made a Serb of Jesus Christ; an English methodist made him an Englishman. The latter read the following address before the Malgash in Tamatave (compare Globus 1865. Vol. 7, p. 267 ff.):

"My friends, The French say that the religion which they proclaim to you is good. Do not you believe it. When Jesus Christ, the master of all of us, sanctified the earth by his presence he came to England and proclaimed his doctrine to us; but bear well in mind that he never put foot on French soil. From this alone you can see who has the true religion."

On the other hand, a Polish woman in Posen who stood before the judge, said: Jesus Christ probably spoke Polish, for was he not a Jew?

Friedrich Delitzsch, the standard-bearer of the German nationalists, is

"Researches have made it obvious that the body guard of Pilate consisted exclusively of low-German, namely Rhenish-Westphalian men" (Antisemitische Korrespondenz number 243, 1893). Friedrich Delitzsch also treads the same paths, and declares positively that Jesus of Nazareth was of non-Jewish blood. But whoever peruses his libel The Great Delusion quietly and deliberately, cannot help seeing that the declaration of war of the author is not only directed against the Old Testament. His keenest judgments and condemnations hit in a far greater degree and extent the New Testament. It is superfluous to point out that the Gospels assume it as an absolutely certain fact that Jesus Christ was of pure Jewish blood, indeed a scion of the house of David, nay, that the Gospel sees the single evidence for the Messiahship of Jesus Christ in the prophecy of the Patriarch Jacob in Gen. 49, 10. How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying, "The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?" (Matth 22, 43; 44). And Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, the husband of St. Elizabeth, prophesied on the day when his son was circumcised:

"Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David" (Luke 1, 68; 69).

having an experience similar to that of a poor theatre manager. A certain Miss T. was engaged as a visiting artist. After the performance, she was asked to call upon the manager in his office, on the following afternoon. He received her graciously, discussed the weather, inquired about her family relations, and acquaintances they have in commonz etc. Suddenly and without any preface, the manager whispers in a low key: "Tell me my dear Miss eh - You have something You look somewhat oriental?!" And eh in profound respect and admiration she replied: "You too, Mr. Manager, you too!"

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Otto Hauser, a disciple of Wahrmund and the author of "Geschichte des Judentums auf Grund neugermanischer Rassentheorien", calls Friedrich Delitzsch a half-Jew. (P. 108, 116, 155 and 156). "Delitzsch speaks with the ardor of the Jewish blood in him." The aged Delitzsch repeatedly insisted upon his Christian origin; but such testimony does not appear credible to the party and the campaign comrades of the son. "Die Reichspost" of Vienna strongly suspects that he is "interested" in the destruction of Christianity.

But King David gets a bad mark for conduct from Delitzsch. If further on, the God of the Old Testament is abused as an "infamous idol" (p. 75) and if it is asserted "that he is on a very low moral level", the "reflection of a narrow-minded and at the same time unworthy conception of God", it need not be called to mind that Jesus in the Gospels invoked only this and no other God as his father, the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob". According to Mark. 12, 29 Jesus pointed out as "the most superior prayer" the saying of the Jewish creed: "Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God, the Lord is one," which is to be found literally in Deut. IV, 4.

The authors of the New Testament are informed with the deepest conviction that Moses received the living word of God, to give it to mankind (Acts 7, 38), that the personalities of the Old Testament were holy men of God, and that their utterances were inspired by the holy spirit. (II. Petri 1, 21.) To Delitzsch they were of the lowest moral inferiority.

In the New Testament we read that Jesus himself spoke the word: "Salvation is of the Jews" (John 4, 22). Friedrich Delitzsch, however, asserts that the Jews "have killed the salvation of the world".

Hegel calls the Jews "the people of the spirit", Ibsen refers to them as the "nobility of mankind", to Friedrich Nietzsche they are the "ethical genius among the peoples". 1

All those thoughts which mankind calls its highest and most sublime were given it by the Jews, and Paul (Romans 3, 1; 2) when asked: "Which preference have the Jews?" answered, "Forsooth, very many; firstly, to them is confided what God has spoken". And in chapter 9, 4; 5: “Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Whose

(1) Aristotle tells of having met a Jew in Asia Minor compared with whom all Hellenes appeared as wild beasts. Another saying of Aristotle is reported to the effect that in India the philosophers were called Kalanders, in Syria Jews (Josephus, Contra Apionem I, 22).

Theophrastus (about 287 B. C.) calls the Jews a race of philosophers (Diogenes Laert. 8, 24; Zeller 3, 378).

are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen."

Why does not Professor Delitzsch say openly and honestly that the whole New Testament also belongs to the chapter of "The Great Delusion?"

Among the authors of the New Testament there was not a single non-Jew and all emphatically insisted that they belonged to the Jewish people.

Thus Paul (2 Corinthians 11, 22): “Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I."

When I was in Rome I came to the place which may be designated as the centre of Christianity, to the Square of St. Peter's Cathedral. Round about it is the magnificent colonnade, in the middle the great obelisk which formerly stood in the circus of Nero. Sixtus V. had it removed thither. And what words did I read there? The words: "Vincit leo de tribu Juda" (The lion of the tribe of Judah conquers).

It was Jews who trudged through the great Roman empire, fearless of the rack, of crucifixion and stoning, in order to proclaim the Christian doctrine of salvation. The twelve poor Jews are worshipped as Apostolic Princes by Christendom. When Delitzsch proclaims: Judaism killed the salvation of the world (p. 94), he is also passing sentence upon Christianity, only he lacked the courage to do so directly.

Kurt Breysig, professor of history at the university of Berlin, in his book Social History of Modern Times. Comparative History of Evolution. (Berlin 1901. Vol. 2, p. 678) says:

Everything, but really everything that exalts Christianity above the other religions is of Jewish origin; thus, above all, the unheard-of fervour of the worship of God, and the creation of the personal one God. Neither the Greeks, nor the Romans, nor the Germans conceived ever the idea of a single, supreme, and yet personal God, still less has one of these ruling nations of history brought itself to bow so humbly before the representations of its faith as did this brooding tribe of shepherds and peasants in its youngest years.

The former British Premier Balfour said, during the proceedings of Parliament in the year 1905:

27 Bloch, Israel and the Nations.

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