Imágenes de páginas


(7) 473; (8) 527; (9) 535, 560,
583, 606, 608-10, 613. ii. (1) 2;
(2) 135; (3) 261, 286
Deprivation of Bishops, i. (2) 51; (3)
116, 126

De Quincey, T., i. (9) 618

Derbam, W., i. (1) 37

Descartes, i. (4) 180 n.

Dioceses, Division of, ii. (1) II
Dionysius the Areopagite, i. (9) 577,

Discipline, Church, i. (6) 406. ii. (1)
52-4; (5) 505-11

Discourse of Freethinking' (Collins),
i. (4) 190-2

'Discourse on Grounds, &c. of Chris-
tian Religion' (Collins) i. (4) 193
'Discourse on the Miracles' (Wools-
ton), i. (4) 195-6

'Dispensing Power' (Tillotson), i. (5)

Dissenters, i. (1) 9, 25; (2) 76. See
also Nonconformity
Dissenting interest, i. (7) 476
'Divine Legation' (Warburton), i. (4)
214-6, 222. ii. (4) 388
'Doctrine of Grace' (Warburton), i.
(9) 548-9. ii. (2) 66, 142
Doctrine and Morals, i. (5) 321-3
Doddridge, Dr. Ph., i. (1) 12, 20, 25;

(4) 207 n; (6) 604; (9) 609. ii. (2)
132; (3) 276, 279-82

Dodwell, H. (the elder), i. (2) 64;

(3) 116, 118, 165, 167, 170; (6)
348, 373

Dodwell, H. (the younger), i. (1) 8;
(4) 205-8; (9) 609, 616
Domestic Life, i. (7) 461
Dort, Synod of, i. (6) 439
Doubt, i. (5) 287
Doxologies, ii. (5) 476

Dryden, J., i. (5) 279. ii. (3) 230
Duelling, i. (7) 464-5
Duncombe, W., i. (9) 593
Du Pin, i. (6) 352-3

Durham Cathedral, ii. (5) 430, 467, 486
Duties, natural and positive, i. (5) 325

EARLY opinions about JesusChrist'
(Priestley), i. (8) 518
East, turning to, ii. (5) 474
Eastern Church, i. (3) 157-61; (6)
343, 354

Ebionites, i. (8) 483, 492, 518
Ecclesiastical Discipline. See 'Dis-

Ecclesiastical Thermometer, i. (7) 474
Eckhart, i. (9) 593, 596

Education, i. (1) 38. ii. (5) 520. See

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


'Education of the Human Race'
(Lessing), i. (4) 257

Edward VI.'s Prayer-book. See

Eighteenth Century, General remarks
on, i. (1) 5, 27; (6) 444; (9) 535.
ii. (1) 48-50; (3) 368-9; (5) 520
Ejection of 1662, i. (1) 3; (5) 275;
(6) 385. ii. (2) 170. See also Uni-
formity Act'

[ocr errors]

Ejection of 1688, i. (1) 3. See also

Elizabeth, Q., accession of, ii. (5) 456
Emlyn, T., i. (8) 484 n

Encyclopædists (French), i. (4) 244
'Enthusiasm,' i. (1) 5, 35, (9) 530 and
passim. ii. (1) 38; (2) 130

Episcopacy, i. (3) 129; (6) 371, 383-4.
ii. (2) 83

Episcopius, i. (8) 506, 521
Epitaphs, i. (7) 470. ii. (5), 440
Epworth Rectory, ii. (2) 166
Erasmus, i. (5) 272; (8) 282
Erastianism, i. (1) 24; (2) 58, 62. ii.
(4) 389

Ernesti, i. (4) 252

Error, involuntary, i. (5) 291-2, 293
Erskine, Ra., ii. (3) 364
Escutcheons, ii. (5) 425

'Essay on Man' (Pope), i. (4) 221-3;
(5) 326. ii. (3) 260-4

'Essay on Spirit' (Clayton), i. (8) 516
Essayists, i. (7) 446, and passim
Ethics and Religion, i. (5) 328. And
see 'Morality'

Ethics, foundation of, i. (9) 585
Eucharist, the, ii. (5) 477-80
Eucharistic vestments, ii. (5) 466
Eusebians, i. (8) 490

Eusebius, i. (5) 272; (9) 582
Evangelical Revival, i. (1) 7, 26, 38;
(5) 283; (6) 443; (8) 511. ii. (2)
57 and passim ; (5) 459, 518
Evangelical leaders, ii. (1) 3,56
Evidences, Christian, (1) 5, 36-7;
(5), 280, 289; (9) 584, 607, 610,
'Examiner, The,' i. (7) 452. ii. (1) 12
Excommunication, ii. (5) 506-8
Extempore preaching, ii. (5) 494

'FABLE of the Bees' (Mandeville),
i. (4) 216; (5) 334, 335-6; (9)

Faith, i. (5) 285, 288, 296-9, 322


Falkland, Viscount, i. (5) 273
Fasts, State, ii. (5) 427

Fathers, the early, i. (8) 503. See
also Patristic,' 'Ante-Nicene'
Fawcett, J., i. (3) 320

Fear in religion, i. (5) 319; (9) 607
'Feathers' Tavern Petition,' i. (6) 440
Febronius, i. (6) 359

Fénelon, i. (3) 155; (6) 351; (9)
568-70, 577

'Festivals and Fasts' (Nelson), i. (3)


Festivals, Church, ii. (5) 451
Fielding, H., i. (4) 239

Fine Gentlemen, Essayists on, i. (9)

Firmin, T., i. (5) 292, 301; (6) 393;
(8) 484

'First Philosophy' (Bolingbroke), i.
(4) 210

Flamsteed, i. (1) 36
Flavel, ii. (2) 179

Fleet Marriages, ii. (1) 19; (5) 504)
Fleetwood, Bishop W., i. (2) 74, 87,

98; (5) 280. ii. (1) 43; (4) 379 n ;
(5) 418, 492, 516

Fletcher of Madeley, ii. (2) 113-8, &c.
Fletcher, Mrs., ii. (2) 116

Fleury, Cardinal, i. (6) 353. ii. (5)

Foedus Evangelicum,' i. (6) 367
Fonts, ii. (5) 427

Foote, S., ii. (2) 142n

"Force of Truth' (Scott), ii. (2) 301-3
Foreign Protestants, i. (I) II; (3) 129;
(6) 364-77
Foundry, The, ii. (2) 180

Fowler, Professor T., i. (4) 180 n
Fox, C. J., ii. (4) 402, 408
Fox, G., i. (9) 558, 594, 598
Frampton, Bishop, i. (3) 113, 159

France, danger from, i. (9); (2) 88;
(6) 365

Francis, St., i. (9) 594-5
Francke, i. (3) 120; (9) 572, 589
Franklin, B., ii. (1) 33

Frederic I., i. (6) 373-6

Frederic William, King, i. (4) 249; (5)

Frederic the Great, i. (4) 251

Free and Candid Disquisitions,' i. (1)
12; (6) 434-5. ii. (5) 479, 480,
'Freeholder, The,' ii. (1) 34; (4) 384
Freeman, E. A., i. (6) 340

'Freethinking,' i. (4) 233, 238; (5)

283, 295-6; (7) 472-3

French Esprits forts,' i. (4) 240
French Mysticism, i. (9) 565-71, 595
French Prophets,' i. (9) 365-8


French Refugees (Protestant), i. (6)
369, 377

French Refugees (Roman Catholic), i.
(1) II; (3) 129; (6) 364-77
Funerals, ii. (5) 505

Funeral sermons, ii. (5) 498

Future state, i. (5) 308-20; (9) 586-7

GALE, Dr. J., i. (3) 162

Galleries, Church, i. (5) 424
Gallican Church, i. (1) II; (3) 155;
(6) 351

Gambold, J., i. (9) 591-2

Gastrel, Bishop F., i. (3) 133

Gay, J., ii. (3) 264

Geneva, University of, i. (6) 373

George I., i. (1) 2; (2) 60, 76, 83-7,
98-9; (3) 110, 141.
382, 384; (5) 410

George II., i. (6) 413.

ii. (1) 46; (4)

ii. (1) 46, 47


George III. i. (1) 22; (6) 422.

(1) 30, 32, 55; (2) 121; (3) 282;
(4) 401; (5) 477, 519

George of Denmark, i. (6) 428
Georgia, Orphan House, ii. (2) 98, 107
Georgian age, ii. (5) 450

German mysticism, i.(9) 571-5
Germany, influence of English Deism
on, i. (4) 244-62

Germany, religious state of, in eigh-
teenth century, ii. (1) 55

Ghostly apparitions, Addison on, i. (7)

Gibbon, E., ii. (1) 29
Gibbons, Dr., ii. (3) 319

Gibson, Bishop E., i. (5) 326. ii. (2)
87, 131, 135, 143; (5) 467
Glass, stained, ii. (5) 434
Gloucester, Duke of, i. (2) 60
.Gnosticism, i. (8) 519, 521; (9) 578
Goethe, i. (9) 610

Goldsmith, O., ii. (3) 302

Gooch, Bishop T., i. (6) 406

Goodness and Happiness, i. (5) 329
Good Friday, ii. (5) 450

Gordon Riots, i. (2) 104; (6) 357.
ii. (1) 32; (4) 393-6

'Gospel of Comfort' in Germany, i.
(4) 255

Gothic architecture, ii. (5) 413-5
Grabe, Dr. E., i. (3) 131, 157, 159,

Grahame, James, ii. (3) 363-4
Graves, Dean R., i. (9) 554, 615-6
Gray, T., ii. (3) 296; (5) 415
Greek students at Oxford, i. (3) 158.

See also Eastern Church.'
Green, T., ii. (3) 330
Gregory, Christian, ii. (3) 319

[blocks in formation]


Hales, J., i. (5) 273
Hales, R., i. (6) 374

Halle, University of, i. (4) 246
Halley, E., i. (1) 36; (3) 108, 133
Hamilton, W., ii. (3) 293
Hammond, W., ii. (3) 313
Happiness, i. (5) 329
Hardwicke, Lord, ii. (1) 21

Hare, Bishop F., i. (4) 191; (5) 291
Harley, R., i. (9) 566
Hart, J., ii. (3) 317

Harte, W., ii. (3) 294; (5) 432
Hartley, D., i. (5) 321; (9) 595. ii.
(3) 345

Haweis, T., ii. (2) 129; (3) 320
Hawker, R., ii. (3) 330

Hearne, i. (5) 326; (6) 358

Henry, M., i. (5) 427.

ii. (2) 206

Herbert, G., ii. (2) 198; (3) 367; (5)
454, 481

Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, i. (4) 182,225
Herder, i. (4) 195n, 234n, 259-62
Herring, Archbishop, i. (5) 270; (6)
404, 406; (8) 510. ii. (1) II
Herrnhut, i. (9) 590. ii. (2) 73.



Hervey, James, i. (6) 434n; (9) 608.
ii. (2) 76, 108, 163, 169, 170-6, 190
Hervey, Lord J., ii. (1) 24, 45
Hickes, Dr. G., i. (2) 64, 71, 74n;

(3) 118-9, 152, 166; (4) 199; (5)
282; (6) 348. ii. (3) 234-5
High Church party, i. (1) 15, 17, 28;
(2) 59n, 71, 89; (3) 106, 134-6, 140,
150, 155, 170, 173-6; (5) 277-8;
(6) 370; (7) 451-2. ii. (2) 2, 8-9;
(5) 411, 464, 465
Hildersley, Bishop M., i. (6) 404
Hill, Aaron, ii. (3) 265

Hill, Rowland, i. (6) 415, 417; (9)
607, 608. ii. (2) 88, 125, 165; (3)

Hill, Sir R., ii. (2) 88
Hoadly, Bishop B., i. (1) 25, 31-5;

(2) 66, 88; (4) 191; (5) 270, 291,
296, 334-5; (6) 423, 426, 439; (8)


493, 509n; (9) 553, 566. ii. (1) 42 ;
(4) 380

Hobbes, T., i. (4) 179

Hogarth, ii. (1) 56; (2) 129

Holland, Church of, i. (1) 11; (5) 277
Holy Ghost, i. (8) 497, 514-5; (9)
547, &c.

Homilies, ii. (5) 495

Homoousion, i. (8) 484, 514
Hoods, Academical, ii. (5) 465
Hooker, R,, i. (5) 273; (6) 383, 384
Hooper, Bishop G., i. (3) 172

Horne, Bishop G., i. (9) 611. ii. (2)
161; (3) 330

Horsley, Bishop S., i. (3) 138; (5)
327; (6) 363; (8) 511, 520-5. ii.
(1) 10, 13, 40; (2) 68, 140; (4)
405; (5) 494

Hort, Archbishop, i. (6) 420
Hour-glasses in pulpits, ii. (5) 426
Howard, Sir J., i. (5) 280

Howe, J., i. (6) 386, 389, 427. ii. (2)
179, 188

Howell, L., i. (3) 166; (6) 348
Hughes, J., ii. (3) 252

Hugo, i. (9) 596

Hume, D., i. (4) 179, 237, &c.; (9).
545. ii. (2) 95, 105, 120; (5) 486
Hunt, Dr. J., i. (4) 212, &c.
Huntingdon, Countess of, ii. (2) 118-
28; (3) 320

Hurd, Bishop R., i. (4) 238. ii. (1)

Hurdis, J., ii. (3) 339

Hutchinson, J., i. (9) 585, 594, 611
Hutton, Archbishop M., i. (6) 404
Hutton, Mr., ii. (4) 404
Hymnody, ii. (1) 51; (3) 267-83,

IGNATIUS LOYOLA, i. (9) 594-5
Illuminism, German, i. (4) 252, 256
Imitators of Tatler' and 'Spectator,'
i. (7) 478

[ocr errors]

Immorality, i. (1) 38; (4) 233; (7)
'Importance of the Doctrine of the
Trinity' (Waterland), i. (8) 507
Imputed righteousness, i. (9) 602
Incarnation, The, i. (5) 304
Incense, ii. (5) 481

Independents. See Congregationalists'
Indian Kings at St. Paul's, i. (7) 478
Ingham, B., i. (6) 414. ii. (2) 81; (3)

Inspiration, i. (1) 4; (9) 560, 605
Intellectual activity in the Church of
England, i. (1) 5. ii. (1) 54
Intolerance, i. (1) 18-20

[blocks in formation]

Johnson, J., i. (3) 133, 153; (6) 348
Johnson, S., i. (6) 370

Johnson, Dr. S., i. (4) 209; (5) 281,
319; (6) 363; (7) 471, 478. ii. (1)
19, 22, 37, 38, 39, 47, 55; (2) 61,
130, 173, 221; (3) 277, 301

Jones, Inigo, ii. (5) 413
Jones, J., of Alconbury, i. (6) 434
Jones, W., of Nayland, i. (9) 611. ii.
(2) 68

Jortin, Dr. J., i. (6) 436; (9) 569
Judgment, private. See 'Private.'
Julian, Emperor. i. (4) 207

Justification by faith, i. (5) 282, 322,

Justin, Martyr, i. (5) 309; (8) 517,

KAHLMAN, i. (9) 573

Kant, E., i. (5) 334; (9) 620.
ii. (3) 345, 351

Keble, J., ii. (3) 359, 387
Kempenfelt, Admiral, ii. (3) 315
Ken, Bishop T., i. (2) 45, 58; (3) 107.
112, 171-2; (6) 348, 370. ii. (3)
230-4, 240

Kennet, Bishop White, ii. (5) 431
Kettlewell, J., i. (3), 114-5, 139, 144;
(5) 291


Kidder, Bishop R., i. (3) 172
King, P., Lord Chancellor, i. (3) 162;
(4) 231 n. ii. (2) 83

Kingswood, ii. (2) 69, 106, 123
Kirwan, Dean, ii. (5) 493

Knox, Alexander, i. (6) 420. ii. (2)
67; (3) 233

LACY, J., i. (9) 560

Lake, Bishop i. (3) 138
Lamb, C., i. (9) 618. ii. (3) 360.
L'Amy, M., i. (8) 483

Lardner, Dr. N., i. (8) 513. 528
Latitudinarian Churchmen, (5) and (6)

Laud, Archbishop, i. (3) 152, 157;
(5) 272

Lavington, Bishop, i. (9) 594-5, 604.
ii. (2) 87, 99, 132, 128

Law, Bishop E., i. (6) 440n; (9)
608 n. ii. (3) 311n

Law, W., i. (1) 8; (3) 149; (5) 298,
321, 329; (6) 415; (9) 573-89, 592.
ii. (2) 61-3, &c.

Lay Baptism, ii. (5) 499

Lechler on Deism, i. (4) 180, 198, 200,

202, &c.

Le Clerc, i. (5) 213; (6) 355; (8) 488
Lectures, ii. (5) 495

Lee, F., i. (3) 107, 120, 140; (5) 321 ;
(9) 567

Leibnitz, i. (4) 248, 250, 253; (6) 376
Leland, i. (4) 186, 208, 219-20
Lent, ii. (5) 448

Leslie, C., i. (2) 64, 71, 91-3, 100;
(3) 121; (5) 282, 300, 305, 309;
(6) 348; (7) 447, 458; (3) 489; (9)
537, 560, 570. ii. (4) 373
Lessing, i. (4) 257

Libraries, Parochial and Clerical, i. (1)
18; (3) 130

'Life, &c. of Faith' (Romaine), ii. (2)
179-83, 189

Limborch, i. (6) 372

Lindsey, Theoph., i. (6) 349, 441; (S)

Liturgical unity, ii. (5) 475

Liturgy, revision of. (See Revision.)
Lloyd, Bishop W., i. (3) 109

Locke, J., i. (1) 19, 21; (4) 179, 223-
31; (5) 280, 297, 312; (8) 488π;
(9) 543-7

Logan, J., ii. (3) 365

Logos, The, i. (8) 510, 517, 518, 519
London Clergy, i. (3) 128, 173
Lord's Table, The, ii. (5) 428
Love, Divine, i. (9) 587

Low Church party, i. (1) 16, 27, 33;


(2) 71, 89; (3) 100, 174; (5) 263;
(6) 387
Lowth, Bishop R., i. (4) 222 n. ii. (2)
91; (3) 330

Loyalty, i. (1) 15, (2) 42-3, 96; (9)

Ludolph, i. (3) 158
Luther, i. (9) 602

Lutheran, i. (1) 11; (2) 86; (3) 131,

156; (6) 355-6, 368, 373, 428
Lyttelton, Lord, i. (9) 546, 554, 569,
570, 594. ii. (5) 414

MACAULAY, Lord, i. (7) 475
Madan, M., ii. (3) 338
Maddox, Bishop, i. (6) 404, 430
Madeley, description of, ii. (2) 113-4
Maistre, Count de, i. (6) 354, 364
Mallet, D., i. (4) 209

Mandeville, i. (4) 216; (5) 334, 335-6;

(7) 455; (9) 536, 585

Mansfield, Lord, i. (6) 424; (7) 455
Mapletoft, Dr., i. (3) 133
Marcionites, i. (8) 502

Marlborough, Duke of, i. (9) 533, 568.
ii. (5) 455
Marriages, ii. (5) 504
Marriage Act, ii. (1) 19
Marshall, N., i. (3) 166
Martineau, James, i. (4) 214

Martyn, H., ii. (3) 314; (5) 432 n
Mason, W., ii. (3) 297, 301
Mather, Alex., ii. (2) 129

Matter, M. J., i. (9) 562

Maxfield and Bell, ii. (2) 140

Mediatorial Worship, i. (8) 499
Medievalism, ii. (5) 415

Meditations,' Hervey's, ii. (2) 170,

Medley, J., ii. (3) 319
Melbourne, L., ii. (3) 244

'Memorial of the Church of England,'
ii. (4) 375

Mendelssohn, Moses, i. (4) 257
Merrick, James, ii. (3) 305
Methodism, i. (1) 7, 12; (5) 318, 326;
(6) 403, 408-422, 433; (9) 563-4,
591-610. ii. (1) 8; (2) 59, and passim;
(4) 391

Michaelis, i. (4) 252

Middleton, Dr. Conyers, i. (3) 163,
165; (4) 236

Milner, Isaac, ii. (2) 213-4, 218
Milner, Joseph, ii. (2) 192, 209-213,

'Minor, The,' ii. (2) 142 n
Miracles, i. (4) 228, &c. ; (5) 299
Missions, i. (1) 28; (3) 110; (9) 561,



Mobs, High Church, ii. (1) 2
'Moderation,' i. (6) 402; (7) 474. ii.
(4) 375, &c.

Moderate Calvinism,' ii. (2) 185-6
Monasteries, Protestant, i. (6) 362
Monk, Dr., i. (4) 237

Monogram, the Sacred, ii. (5) 429
Montanism, i. (9) 567, 594
Montgomery, James, ii. (3) 277, 361
Moravians, i. (6) 410; (9) 573, 589-
593. ii. (2) 67, 73, 111
Morality, preaching, i. (5) 321-8
Morality, low state of, ii. (1) 44-46
Moore, H., ii. (3) 320
More, Hannah, i. (9) 554.

ii. (2) 192,

211n, 218, 222-224; (3) 336-338 ;
(5) 458

More, Henry, i. (5) 274-5,

311; (6) 415; (9) 536,

573, 599, 600, 619, 620.
More, Sir T., i. (6) 343
Morell, i. (4) 231n

ii. (3) 229

Morgan, Dr., i. (4) 201; (9) 616
Morrison, J., ii. (3) 365
Morrison, J. C., i. (4) 232n
Mortmain Bill, ii. (4) 387

Mosheim, i. (1) 19; (6) 404. ii. (2)

Murray, Grace, ii. (2) 89

Music, Church, ii. (3) 272–3 ; (5) 481-7
Mysteries, i. (5) 297-9

Mystic societies, i. (3) 120; (9) 536
Mystical Judaism,' i. (4) 194


NAKED Gospel, The,' i. (8) 488
Nantes, edict of, i. (9) 505
'Nathan the Wise' (Lessing), i. (4) 258
National Church, i. (1) 20, 24-6; (2)
42; (9) 563

Natural Science, progress of, i. (4) 181
Nature, religion and law of, i. (4) 197,

213, 228; (5) 324-5; (6) 340, 343-6,
353, 365-6, 377, 383, 388-9, 397,
405-14, 422, 427, 431-2
Nazarenes, i. (8) 518
'Nazarenus' (Toland), i. (4) 185
Needham, J., ii. (3) 320

Nelson, John, ii. (2) 128; (5) 511, 515
Nelson, Robert, i. 3 passim; (5) 279,
280; (6) 347
Neophytos, i. (3) 158

Neoplatonists, i. (9) 596, 619; (8) 508
Newcastle, Duke of, ii. (1) 5 n

Newton, Bishop T., ii. (1) 11, 22,
25-6; (4) 392; (5) 432

Newton, John, i. (1) 26. ii. (1) 17;
(2) 167, 180, 185, 190-7, 201, 209,
217; (3) 324-7; (5) 487

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