Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Nicolas of Basle, i. (9) 593, 596
Noailles, Cardinal de, i. (6) 352-3
'No Jews,' ii. (4) 396-401
Nonconformity, i. (1) 2, 9, 11, 18, 25;
(3) 149, 156; (6) 347,
378-432; (8) 509, 512.

370, 375,

ii. (1) 51;
(3) 274, 317-320; (5) 514
Nonjurors, i. (1) 3, 16, 18, 21, 30;
(2) 43, 50-60, 84, 85; (3) passim ;
(5) 277; (6) 348; (7) 476. ii. (1) 2
Non-residence, i. (1) 32. ii. (1) 10-14
Non-resistance, i. (1) 13, 14; (2) 43,
50, 65, 67-70; (3) 129, 137-142
'No Popery,' ii. (4) 390-396
Norris, J., ii. (3) 229, 236-8, 252
Northington, Lord, ii. (2) 130
'Nothanker' Sermon, i. (4) 255
Nottingham, Earl of, i. (6) 425
Novalis, i. (9) 573

November 5, observance of, ii. (5) 456
Nowell, Dr., ii. (1) 43

[ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Oblation, Prayer of, i. (3) 129, 153
Observator' (L'Estrange), i. (7) 447
'Observator' (Tutchin), i. (2) 53, 64
Occasional conformity, i. (1) 27; (3)
128; (6) 423-32. ii. (4) 372 1,
Octaves of festivals, ii. (5) 452
Offertory, ii. (5) 480

Oglethorpe, General, i. (3) 133
Old Testament, abuse of, i. (4) 189,
201, &c.

Olivers, T., ii. (2) 85, 165; (3) 314
Olney, description of, ii. (2) 97, 200,

Olney Hymns, ii. (3) 324-8

Optimism, i. (4) 222, 253
Oratorios, ii. (5) 487

Order, Church, ii. (5) 463, &c.

Ordination, Lord Mansfield on, ii. (2)

Ordinances of religion and Mystics, i.
(9) 599

Organs, ii. (5) 484
Origen, i. (5) 309

Orthodoxy, Wesley on, i. (9) 415. ii.
(2) 84

Oxford, i. (2) 85, 86, 104


PAINE, T., ii. (4) 407 π

Paley, Dr. W., i. (1) 37; (5) 319,
329; (6) 437. ii. (1) 13, 40
Palladian style of architecture, ii. (5)


Paracelsus, i. (9) 539, 578

Parish churches, ii. (5) 412, 417-8,


Parker, Archbishop, i. (6) 382
Parnell, ii. (3) 250-1
Parochial system, ii. (2) 74
Parr, Dr. S., ii. (4) 403

Parties in the Church of England, ii.
(5) 411

Party Spirit, i. (1) 26–7; (2) 75; (3)

106 n; (6) 402; (7) 465. ii. (5) 466
Pascal, i. (3) 155; (6) 351; (9) 568
Passing Bell, the, ii. (5) 438
Passion Week, ii. (5) 450

Passive obedience. See Non-resis-

Pastimes, popular, ii. (1) 45

Patristic studies, i. (3) 116, 161–7; (6)
372, 419; (9) 615

Patronage, abuse of, ii. (1) 21-8

Pattison, Mark, i. (4) 213; (7) 473;
(9) 543. ii. (1) 35

Pawson, John, ii. (2) 129, 134
Peacock, Reginald, (4) 181

Pearce, Bishop Zachary, i. (4) 194. ii.
(1) II

Penal laws, i. (6) 349
Penance, ii. (5) 507
Penn, W., i. (9) 558
Pepys, i. (3) 121

Perambulations of boundaries, ii. (5)

Percy, Bishop, ii. (5) 415

Perfection, doctrine of Christian, i. (9)
602. ii. (2) 180, 183; (3) 311
Perronet of Shoreham, ii. (2) 128; (3)

Persecution, i. (6) 350. See Tolera-

'Person' in theology, i. (5) 301-2; (6)


Peter the Great, i. (3) 159–160
Pews, i. (2) 96. ii. (5) 421-4
Philanthropy, i. (3) 110, 135 "

Philanthropism' (German), i. (4) 256
Phileleutherus Lipsiensis, i. (4) 191; (8)

Physical manifestations, i. (9) 568, 597
Physical science, i. (1) 36; (9) 539
Pietists, German, i. (1) 8; (3) 120;
(4) 246-7; (9) 589
Pious frauds, i. (4) 192
Pitt, Chr., ii. (3) 266

Pitt, Wm., i. (4) 213; (6) 360. ii. (4)


Plato, i. (4) 211; (9) 579
Platonism, i. (8) 508, 517, 519, 523-5;
(9) 536-541

Platonists, Christian, ii. (3) 236
Platonists, Oxford and Cambridge, i.
(3) 158; (5) 274, 389, 411
Pluralities, i. (1) 32. ii. (1) 10-14; (5)

Poetry, sacred, ii. (3) passim
Political corruption, i. (1) 2, 39
Political churchmanship, i. (2) 71. ii.
(1) 31-4

Political influence of Church, ii. (1) 6
Political preaching, ii. (1) 43
Polycarp, i. (8) 520
Polytheism, i. (8) 498

Pomfret, J., ii. (3) 245-7

Pope, Alex., i. (4) 208, 220-3; (5)
326. ii. (2) 197

Popery, i. (2) 41, 52, 77, 90; (6) 344,
346, 357, 365

Popularity of the Church, i. (1) 26, 30
Porphyry, i. (8) 525

Porteus, Bishop B., i. (6) 442.

ii. (1)

[blocks in formation]

Preaching, ii. (5) 490-8. See also

Predestination, i. (8) 505. See also

Presbyterianism, i. (1) 2, 10, 25; (2)

90; (3) 162, (5) 283 ; (6) 354, 383-4,
389, 393, 427, 428n; (8) 510
Press, power of the, ii. (1) 42; (5) 490
Priestley, Dr., i. (1) 25; (8) 517-25.
ii. (4) 403-5

'Priestcraft,' i. (5) 298

'Primitive Christianity revived' (Whis-

ton), i. (8) 491

Primitive Church, The, ii. (2) 68
Prior, M., ii. (3) 251

Private judgment, i. (5) 292-5
'Private Thoughts' (Adams), ii. (2)

Progress, Religious, ii. (3) 286-7, 311 n
'Project for the advancement of Reli-
gion' (Swift), i. (7) 453
Proprietary chapels, ii. (5) 423
Protestantism, i. (1) 9-10, 18; (2)
41, 46-7, 62, 77, 90; (3) 155 (of


the lower and middle classes); (6)
341, 345, 347-351, 364, 368, 371,
Protestants, Foreign. See 'Foreign.'
Prudential Religion, i. (5) 330-3
Prussia, Church of, i. (6) 374-5
Psalmody, ii. (3) 270-3, 306; (5) 481
Pulpit prayer, ii. (5) 487.
Pulpits, ii. (5) 426

Punishment, Future. See Future

Puritanism, i. (1) 3, 9; (2) 86–7; (6)
344, 381-4, 387; (7) 457, 460, 471.
ii. (1) 5, 38, 50; (2) 59, 136, 179,
183, 207; (5) 411, 464, 496
Pusey, E. B., i. (4) 244n, &c.
Pyrrhonism, i. (8) 510
Pythagoras, i. (9) 596

QUAKERS, i. (3) 119; (6) 393; (9)
557-564, 597

Quakers' Tithes' Bill, ii. (1) 32; (4)
387, 388

Queen Anne's Bounty. See 'Bounty.'

'RAMBLER,' The, i, (7) 478
Randolph, Dr., i. (8) 515 n

Rational Faith, i. (4) 206
Reason, i. (1) 5, 6; (4) passim; (5)
284-6, 288, 299, 336; (6) 418; (9)
540, 543, 599. ii. (1) 49; (3) 228
'Reasonableness of Christianity,' i. (4)
226-9; (5) 284

Reform, Church, i. (1) 10; (6) 433
Reform Bill, ii. (5) 410

Reformation, The, i. (1) 2, 4, 6, 20;
(2) 42; (3) 167, (5) 267, 270, 310;
(6) 341-2; (9) 533

Refugees, French. See French.'
Regeneration in Baptism, ii. (2) 86
Regicides, ii. (2) 136

'Rehearsals, The' (Leslie), i. (2) 46;
(7) 447

Remains,' Cecil's, ii. (2) 207-8
Respect for Clergy (the Essayists), i.
(7) 467

Responding in Church, ii. (5) 473
Review' (Defoe), i. (7) 448

Revision of Liturgy, i. (6) 395, 433-5,

Revolution of 1688, i. (1) 9, 21; (2)
41, 71; (3) 141, 161; (5) 277
Revolution, French, i. (1) 12-13, 26;
(6) 363, 433; (9) 617. ii. (2) 223;
(3) 336, 346-8, 351, 355-7, 361,
368; (4) 402

Reynolds, Sir J., ii. (1) 56; (5) 432,


Richardson of York, ii. (2) 214
Rimini, Council of, i. (8) 482
Rippon, ii. (3) 277
Ritual, ii. (5) 464-474
Ritualism, i. (1) 17; (6) 400

Robinson of Leicester, ii. (2) 215-6
Robinson, Bishop, i. (6) 375
Robinson, R., ii. (3) 317
Rogation week, ii. (5) 454
Roger de Coverley, Sir, ii. (5) 473
Romaine, William, ii. (1) 17; (2) 179-
183; (3) 272, 323
Romanticists, i. (9) 573
Romilly, Sir S., ii. (3) 351 #
Rose, H. J., i. (4) 244 &c.
Rowe, Elizabeth, ii. (3) 239-241
Rousseau, J. J., i. (4) 243-4

Royal supremacy, i. (1) 20-3, 24-6;
(2) 42-3; (3) 140
Rubrics, ii. (5) 479

Rundle, Bishop, i. (8) 491", 493, 515
Ryan, Sarah, ii. (2) 88, 89
Ryland, J., ii. (3) 320

SABBATARIANISM, ii. (5) 514-5
Sabellianism, i. (5) 303; (8) 481
Sacerdotalism, i. (3) 170

Sacheverell, Dr., i. (1) 29-30; (2) 65;

(6) 401, 428. ii. (1) 4, 21; (4)
379-381, 383

Sacramental movement, ii. (5) 478
Sacrificial character of the Eucharist, i.
(3) 152-3

Saints' Days, ii. (5) 447

Salters' Hall Conference, i. (8) 510
Sancroft, Archbishop, i. (2) 58; (3)
113, 122, 139, 156; (6) 348
Sanderson, Bishop, ii. (5) 512
Saturday papers in the 'Spectator,' i.
(7) 468

Savage, R., i. (9) 569
Saville, Sir G., ii. (4) 393

Savoy Conference, i. (6) 384
Scarfs, ii. (5) 469

Scepticism, i. (4) 237

Schelling, i. (9) 620

Schism, i. (6) 379, 382, 431

Schism Bill, 1713, i. (4) 208. ii. (1)
33; (4) 382

Schlegel, F. W., i. (4) 258; (9) 573
Schleiermacher, i. (9) 590
Schurer, i. (6) 356

Scotch Episcopalians, i. (1) 18, 30; (3)

152, 157, 160; (6) 444. ii. (2) 69
Scotch Presbyterians, i. (1) 11, 24; (6)

Scotch Union, ii. (4) 378 n

Scott, Dr. J., i. (9) 542. ii. (5) 516

[blocks in formation]

Scott, Sir Walter, ii. (1) 45
Scripture, reckless use of, i. (4) 180
Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity,'
(Clark), i. (8) 494-5
Seagrave, R., ii. (3) 313

Secker, Archbishop, i. (3) 163; (5)
305; (6) 361, 404, 417, 430; (8)
511; (9) 553- ii. (1) 13, 15, 20,
24, 39, 46, 53; (2) 142n; (5) 417,

'Second Service,' ii. (5) 477

Secular uses of Churches, ii. (5) 419-


Secular notices in Church, ii. (5) 463
Seed, Jeremiah, ii. (1) 17

Sellon, Walter, ii, (2) 85, 164, 165
Semler, i. (4) 251-3; (5) 305
Sentiments of a Church of England
man' (Swift), i. (7) 453

'Serious Call' (Law's), i. (9) 575. ii.
(2) 61-3, 97, 188, 202, 219
Sermons, i. (2) 68, 89; (5) 279, 321-
8; (7) 449-455. ii. (1) 5, 37-44
Servetus, i. (8) 482

Services, division of, ii. (5) 477
Seward, i. (6) 412

Settlement, Act of, i. (2) 60
Shaftesbury, Lord, i. (4) 186-190, 218,

224, 261; (5) 328 (9) 552, 566–7
Sharp, Archbishop, i. (2) 50 n; (3)
127-130; (6) 375, 378, 401. ii. (1)
52; (4) 381; (5) 492

Shedd's Definition of Deism, i. (4) 178×
Shenstone, W., ii. (3) 268, 302
Sherlock, Dean W., i. (2) 45"; (6)
38; (8) 487

Sherlock, Bishop T., i. (4) 194, 196;
(5) 270, 324; (6) 440-7
Shirley, Lady F., ii. (2) 103, 175"
Shirley, Hon. W., ii. (2) 164; (3) 321
'Shortest Way with Dissenters' (De-
foe), i. (7) 448

Simeon, C., ii. (2) 214
Sincerity, i. (5) 291-2

Slave trade, i. (1) 38. ii. (2) 106; (3)

Smalbroke, Bishop, ii. (2) 138
Smalcaldic League, i. (6) 367
Smalridge, Bishop, i. (3) 130-1; (6)

Smart, Chris., ii. (3) 302

Smith, J. (Platonist), i. (5) 274, 289
Smollett, T., i. (2) 99. ii. (1) 47; (2)

Societies, Church, i. (1) 28, 38; (3)
109, 174

Societies for the reformation of man-
ners, i. (7) 460


Society for Promoting Christian Know-
ledge, i. (3) 109, 126, 133, 159
Socinianism, i. (4) 227; (5) 301; (8)
482, &c. ii. (2) 201
Socinus, Faustus, i. (8) 482

Somers, Lord, i. (1) 19; (3) 138; (6)

Somerville, ii. (3) 260

Sorbonne, The, i. (6) 352-4, 359
'Sortes Biblicæ,' ii. (2) 99

South, Dr. R., i. (6) 396; (7) 458; (8)

Southey, R., i. (1) 26; (9) 563, 618.
ii. (2) 62, 196, 203; (3) 351
'Spectator, The,' i. (7) passim. ii. (3)
254 &c.

Spener, i. (3) 120, 131; (4) 245; (9)
572, 589, 596

Spinckes, N., i. (3) 121; (9) 567
Spinoza, i. (4) 180 n

Spiritual discernment, i. (1) 6; (5)
285; (9) 534 &c. ii. (3) 258
Spiritual gifts, i. (9) 547, &c., 605
St. Paul's, desecration of, ii. (5) 418
St. Paul's, painting in, ii. (5) 432,

Stage, state of the, i. (3) 131n; (7)
460. ii. (1) 45

Stained glass, ii. (5) 414, 436
Star hope, Earl, i. (6) 372

State prayers, i. (2) 55, (3) 109, 144-

State services, ii. (5) 455

Steele, A., i. (3) 318

Steele, Sir R., i. (4) 239; (7) passim ;
(9) 569

Stennett, L., ii. (3) 318

Stephen, Sir James, ii. (2) 168
Stillingfleet, Bishop, i. (3) 162; (4)
225-6; (5) 274; (6) 388. ii. (2)
69, 83

Stinstra, i. (9) 593
Stuart Papers, i. (2) 100

'Study of History' (Lord Bolingbroke),
i. (4) 210

Subscription to Articles and Liturgy, i.

(1) 12; (6) 355, 435-442; (8) 515
Sunday schools, ii. (1) 36
Sunday observance, ii. (5) 513
Sundon, Lady, Memoirs of, i. (8) 509.
See also Clayton.'
Surplice, ii. (5) 467-8
Swain, J., ii. (3) 320

Swift, Dean, i. (2) 72; (3) 163; (4)
193 n, 223, 238; (5) 317; (6) 402;
(9) 552. ii. (1) 13, 15, 20, 24, 39,
46, 53; (4) 372, 378, 381, 391; (5)
441, 471

[blocks in formation]

'Tacker, A.,' i. (2) 63
Taine, H., ii. (3) 262

Talbot, Bishop, i. (2) 83
'Tale of a Tub,' i. (7) 449-451
'Task, The' (Cowper), ii. (2) 194, 200
Taste, Public, ii. (5) 412
Tate, Nahum, ii. (3) 244, 267
Tatler, The,' i. (7) passim

Tauler, J., i. (9) 564, 577, 592-3, 596,
597, 600, 601

Taylor, Is., i. (5) 318; (6) 420, 430.
ii. (2) 168

Taylor, Jer., i. (5) 273; (6) 439. ii.
(2) 188; (3) 228, 231
Teignmouth, Lord, ii. (2) 221
Temporal rewards, i. (5) 333
Tenison, Archbishop, i. (6) 428. ii.
(5) 456

Tertullian, i. (8) 519, 522

Test, Sacramental, i. (2) 58; (6) 422–9.
ii. (4) 386, 402

Theodotus of Byzantium, i. (8) 483,


Theresa, Saint, i. (9) 597

"Theron and Aspasio,' ii. (2) 170, 174
Thomas, Eliz., ii. (3) 253
Thomas, Jas., ii. (3) 283-9
Thoresby, R., i. (3) 133; (6) 401
Thornton, H., ii. (2) 180, 217
Thornton, J., ii. (2) 178, 214, 217
Thurlow, Lord, ii. (1) 23, 29
Tickell, T., i. (7) 455, 477. ii. (3)
Tillotson, Archbishop, i, (1) 22; (2)
59; (3) 107, 119, 139, 147, 162,
172; (4) 179; (5) 279-338; (6)
372, 412; (8) 487; (9) 553. ii. (1)
39; (2) 99, 102

Tindal, M., i. (2) 80, 81n; (4) 197,

200; (5) 329; (6) 351; (9) 583
Toland, J., i. (4) 182-5, 248; (9) 613.
ii. (1) 24

Toleration, i. (1) 17–20; (6) 430
Toleration Act, i. (1) 17, 21, 36. ii.
(5) 457

Tomline, Bishop, i. (6) 438. ii. (2)
144 n, 163
Toplady, A., i. (6) 417.

ii. (2) 163-6,

189; (3) 263, 321-3
Tories, i. (2) 63, 66-7, 87
Tracts, Political (1688), i. (2) 46
Transition period in eighteenth century,
ii. (1) 48-50
Trapp, J., i. (9) 583

Trent, Council of, i. (6) 343
Trevecca, ii. (2) 114, 123, 127
Triad, Platonic, i. (8) 523
Trimmell, Bishop C., i. (3) 153

[blocks in formation]

UNIFORMITY, i. (3) 149

Uniformity, Act of, i. (1) 3; (6)
384. ii. (3) 274; (5) 464, 466, 496
Unitarians, i. (5) 292, 301-5; (6) 391–3,
441; (8) 481, &c.
Unity, i. (1) 11; (3) 149
'Universal German Library,' i. (4) 255
'Universal Prayer' (Pope's), i. (4) 222
Universities, state of,, ii. (1) 44
Unpopularity of clergy, ii. (1) 20
Unwin, Mrs., ii. (2) 193n, 196, 203
Urlin, R. D., ii. (2) 69

Ursinus, i. (6) 373-4, 376. ii. (3) 345
Usages' (Nonjuror), i. (3) 151-4
Usages, Sacramental, ii. (5) 480
Ussher, Archbishop, i. (6) 384
Utilitarian views of Christianity, i. (4)
186; (5) 330

Utrecht, Peace of, i. (1) 32, 43, &c. ii.
(1) 32, &c.

VANDALISM, ii. (5) 415

Van Mildert's 'Life of Waterland,'
i. (8) 509

Vaughan, H., ii. (3) 229
Vaughan, R. A., i. (9) 536, 556
Vazeille, Widow, ii. (2) 89

Venn, H., ii. (1) 56, (2) 183-9, &c.
Venn, J., ii. (2) 216, 218

Versions of Psalms, Old and New, ii.
(3) 267-271

Vestments, ii. (5) 466

View of Deistical Writers' (Leland),
i. (4) 219

Virgin Mary, the Blessed, ii. (5) 453
Virtue, temporal rewards of, i. (5)

Voltaire, i. (4) 186, 238, 241-3. ii.
(2) 113

WAGSTAFFE, i. (3) 119

Wake, Archbishop, i. (6) 352-6.

ii. (1) 47
Wales, Church in, i. (3) 126


Walker of Truro, ii. (2) 75, 169, 189
Wall, i. (6) 366, 380
Wallin, B., ii. (3) 320
Wallis, Dr., i. (8) 487

Walpole, Horace, i. (4) 235; (7) 478.
ii. (2) 120, 136, 142 n, &c.

Walpole, Sir R., i. (6) 407; (7) 476,
478. ii. (1) 4, 24, 35, 45 n; (4) 386
Walsh, Thomas, ii. (2) 118
Walton, Dr., ii. (5) 431
Warburton, Bishop W., i. (1) 27 ; (4)
186, 199, 214-6, 222-3, 230, 239;
(5) 281; (8) 505, 510; (9) 548, 559,
573, 606, 611. ii. (1) 16, 22, 54;
(2) 58, 132, 136; (3) 262; (4) 387-9
Waterland, Dr. D., i. (6) 437; (8)
498-508. ii. (2) 58, 132, 141, 144,

Watson, Bishop R., i. (5) 270. ii. (1)

12, 16, 22, 23, 26-9

Watts, Dr. Is., i. (1) 25; (8) 513-5;

(9) 544. ii. (1) 51; (2) 132; (3)
272, 274-9

Wedgwood, Julia, ii. (2) 141 n, 143"
Wednesday and Friday services, ii. (5)

Welton, Bishop (Nonj.), i. (3) 151
Wesley, Charles, ii. (2) 89, 109–113,
137; (3) 308-312

Wesley, John, i. (1) 26; (3) 154, 163;
(4) 205 n, 208; (5) 280; (6) 409-10,
413-9; (7) 471; (9) 541, 553, 554,
573, 592, 599–608. ii. (1) 47; (2)
passim, esp. 63-92; (3) 309, 311,

Wesley, Mrs., ii. (2) 66
Wesley, S. (the elder), i. (2) 64 n; (3)
112, 134; (5) 280. ii. (3) 243-4
Wesley, S. (the younger), ii. (2) 70;
(3) 245

Westminster Abbey, i. (7) 469. ii. (5)
415, 416, 427

Weymouth, Lord, i. (3) 133
Wharton, ii. (5) 415

Whichcote, B., i. (5) 274, 289
Whigs, i. (1) 13, 33; (2) 62-4, 71, 87;
(5) 265, 277; (6) 425

Whiston, W., i. (1) 19; (3) 162; (4)
194, 202; (5) 317-8; (8) 490-4, 506,
509; (9) 567. ii. (1) 14, 23; (5)
Whitby, Dr., i. (5) 291; (8) 496
Whitefield, G., i. (5) 280, 282; (6)

411-2. ii. (2) passim, esp. 92-109
Whitewash, ii. (5) 416, 423
Whitgift, Archbishop, i. (6) 383
'Whole Duty of Man,' ii. (2) 99, 102,
Wilberforce, W., ii. (1) 29; (2) 180,
192, 217-220; (4) 408

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