Imágenes de páginas

Fishermen, why chosen as apostles, 249,
250, 809.

Fishes, miraculous draught of, 245, 246, 810,

"Follow Me," command to Peter, 815, 816.
Force, to control conscience, contrary to
principle of God's government, 20, 352,
353.466, 759.

Forgiveness of sins, consistent with God's
justice, 37, 761, 762; Christ's power for,
demonstrated by healing of paralytic,
268, 270.

Fortress, the converted soul is Christ's, 323,

Freedom, only in Christ, 466.


ABRIEL, appears to Zacharias, 98, to
Daniel and to John the disciple, 99,
234; in rank next to Christ, 99.
Galilee, home of child Jesus, 66; Christ's
reception in, 196; the center of His work,

turning away from Jesus, 393; His last
journey from, 485, fears of disciples con-
cerning, 486; meeting on mountain in,
674, 793, 818, 819.

Galilee, sea of, Christ teaching at, 244, 245,
333, 342, 811-816; eastern shore, popula- |
tion of, 333, 334; stilling tempest on, 334,
335; Christ walking on, 381; return of
disciples to, after Christ's resurrection, 809.
Gardener, lesson in child-training from, 515,

Gentiles, inspired teachers among, 33, 35;
knowledge and expectation of Christ's
coming, 33; Christ's mention of, in syna-
gogue at Nazareth, 238, 240; why gospel
not first given to, 351; ingathering of, 317,
318; represented by visit of Greeks to
Jesus, 622-624.

Gergesa, healing of demoniacs at, 337, 338;
evidence of Christ's redeeming power, 341;
Christ driven from, 339; restored demoni-
acs the first missionaries in, 340, results of
their work in, 340, 404.

Gerizim, mount, Samaritan temple and wor-
ship on, 188.

Gethsemane, a retreat of Christ's for prayer,
674, 685, 686; His agony in, 685-694;
Peter's prayer and repentance in, 713.
Gift, to Jesus, by the magi, 63, 564; by Mary
of Bethany, 559, 560, represents God's Gift
for us, 565, 566.

Gift, of love, grateful to Jesus, 564, 565;
pleasing to God, 615; the widow's two
mites, 614, 616; of the poor should not be
repulsed, 615, 616; for the dead, give
while living, 560.

Gifts of the Spirit, promise of, 821, 823-825.
Giving, the joy of God and the angels, 19;

the law of nature, 18, 19; the condition of
receiving, 369, 370.

God, dominion and providence of, 356; care
of, for us, 313, 357. (See Love.)
Gospel invitation, for all mankind, 194, 328,

329, 403; to be given to all before Christ's
second coming, 633, 821, 822.

Gospel commission, given to apostles, 291,
349-358; renewed after Christ's resurrec-
tion, 805, 810, 811, 818, 822; for all Chris-
tians, 822, 823.

Gospel message, has no place for tradition,
human theories, church legislation, 826.
Gospel, regenerating power, 826.
Gratitude, a blessing in manifesting, 347,
348; pleasing to Jesus, 564, 565, 567.
Greatness, true, 219, 225, 436, 437, 550, 649,
650; of John the Baptist, 100, 219, 220.
Great teachers, all their light from Christ,
464, 465.

Greeks, visit Jesus, 621-625.

Greek language, prevalence of at Christ's
advent, 32, 33.

Green tree and dry, represent Christ and
the impenitent sinner, 743.


ANDWRITING of Christ in nature, 18,
19, 70.

Hand and foot that cause to stumble,
cut off, 438, 439.

Healing, physical, represents spiritual, 203,
266, 267, 270, 344, 347, 821; Christ spent
most time in, 350; object of, 366; promise
of, 821, 823-825; prayer for, and the use
of remedies, 824

Health, of Christ, 50; peace with God pro-
motes, 270.

Health, laws of, obedience to by Christ, 50,
72; by John the Baptist, 100, 101; required
of Israel, 824; of all Christians, 824; a
condition of physical healing, 824, 825.
Heathen, conversion of through captivity of
Jews, 28; inspired teachers among, 33, 35;
Christ's dealing with, 402, 404, 411; some
saved through light of nature and Holy
Spirit, 638.

Heaven, a ceaseless approaching to God, 331.
Help for all who seek, 313.

Heredity, Jesus and the law of, 48, 117.
Herod I. and the wise men, 6r-64.
Herod Antipas, conviction of, by John's
preaching, 214; regard of, for the prophet,
220; induced by Herodias to imprison and
behead John, 214, 220-222; remorse and
fear of, 223, 360; at Christ's trial, 729-
731; the last warning of mercy to, 731.
Herodias, hatred of for John the Baptist,
214; plots of for revenge, 220, 221.
Herodians, unite with Pharisees against
Christ, 601.

High priest, Jewish, appointed by Romans,
30; corrupt means of securing office, 30;
garments of, to represent character of
Christ, 709; contrast between Christ and,
594, 704, 705. (See Annas, also Caiaphas.)
Holy Spirit, Christ's representative, 352, 669;
third person of Godhead, 671; the Com-
forter, Spirit of truth, 670, 671; Christ's
greatest gift to followers, 668, 669; a con-
suming fire, 107, 108; compared to wind,

172, 173; agent in regeneration, 107, 172,
671; the beginning of life eternal, 388.
Holy Spirit, manifestation of, to Simeon and
Anna, 55, to wise men, 61, to mother of
Jesus, 69, to Zacharias, 100, to John the
Baptist, 102, to Nathanael, 139, 140, to
Nicodemus, 173, to Samaritan woman,
190, to seventy disciples, 494, to council
that plotted Christ's death, 540, to Pilate
and Herod, 726, 731, to disciples before
Christ's ascension, 805.

Holy Spirit, work of, transforms character,
172, 173, 176, 189, 671; inspires true wor-
ship, 189; helps all who seek Jesus, 302,
671, 672; imparts a sound mind, 341;
quickens all the faculties, 250, 251, 478;
dignifies and ennobles, 341; brings truth
to remembrance, 355, 670; helps disciples
in conflict with Satan's forces, and when
tried for their faith, 354; defends every
contrite soul, 490, 493; reveals deep things
of God, 412; uses us, not we use, 672;
reveals Christ in His followers, 671; co-
operates in preaching the word, 671, 672;
qualifies disciples for church duties, 805;
bestows gifts promised in gospel commis-
sion. 821, 823; hindered by unbelief and
inactivity of church, 825; outpouring of,
demands preparation, 827, 832, 833; all
power received through, 827.

Holy Spirit, the sin against, 322, 323; result

of neglecting, 323, 324, 490; slighting call
of to repentance, 323, 324; result of reject-
ing, by Jewish nation, 241, 584, 587, a warn-
ing to us, 587, 589.

Hospitality, to Christ's servants, 351, 352,
357; to needy and suffering, 358, 638, 639.
Humility, fruit of Holy Spirit, 135; before
honor, 436; at viewing the divine holiness,
246; of Christ, a cause of His rejection,
138, 242, 243.


MAGE of God, of Christ, to be restored
in humanity, 37, 38, 827.

Imagination, Christ appealed to, 254.
Impotent man at Bethesda, 201-203.
Incarnation, object of, 21, 312, 363; symbols
of, 21.

Indignation, righteous, 310, 619, 620.
Industry, Christ's example of, 72, 73.
Infidelity, some causes of, higher criticism,

257, 258; inability to comprehend divine
mysteries, 605.

Influence, depends on what we are, 142, 306.
Inscription above the cross, 745.

Intemperance, results of in the time of John
the Baptist, 100, in causing the murder of
John, 221, 222, in besotting lawmakers
and judges, 222.

"It is finished," words addressed to the
Father, 490, 755, 756, 758, 764, 834; effect
of, on centurion at the cross, 770.

[blocks in formation]

Jericho, 132; road between Jerusalem and,
499; description of and Christ's visit to,

Jerusalem (see Judea), Christ's retreat from
after resurrection of Lazarus, 541; trium-
phal entry into, 569-575; glory of, had she
accepted Christ, 597; Christ weeping over,
575-578, 580, 587; after ascension apostles'
work to begin at, 820, 821; doom of,
see Destruction.
Jesus, see Christ.

Jews, chosen to be light-bearers, 27, 188,
189; depositaries of true religion, 188,
189; God's purpose to exalt, 28; apostasy
of, 28, 193; captivity of, 28, 29; formal-
ism, bigotry, and sensualism of, 29, 30, 35,
36, 100; discontent of, under Romans, 30,
62, 63, 104, 310; priesthood, corruption of,
30; claim of, to descent from Abraham,
106, 466, 467; trust of, to their own works
for salvation, 29, 36, 113, 155, 278–280, 362;
Christ's coming announced to, 231, 351;
Christ rejected by, because of His humili-
ation and suffering, 137, 138, 237, 238, 241,
470, 471, His purity, 243, His refusal to
be made king, 391, because He spoke
the truth, 467, 468, claimed oneness with
God, 207, 208, 457, 469, 470, because they
substituted rabbis' teaching for God's
word, 489, 737, 738; represented by barren
fig-tree, 581-584; in rejecting Christ, guilty
of blood of prophets, 618, 619; prayer of,
"His blood be on us," 739, 740.

Job, history of an object-lesson, 471.
John (the apostle) follows Jesus, 138, 139:
character of, 139, 292, 295, 296, 645; yielded
to moulding power of Christ, 250, 295, 296;
youngest of apostles, 292; and James, for-
bidding one to cast out devils, 437, 438,
asked to bring down fire on Samaritans,
487, to sit nearest Christ in His kingdom,
548, 549; John at last Passover and in the
garden, 644, 645, 654, 688, 689; at Christ's
trial, the cross, and the tomb, 710, 711,
752, 772-774, 789.

John the Baptist, prophecy of his birth, 97-
100; greed and sensuality of his time,
100; qualifications required in, 100, 101;
self-abnegation and fearlessness of, 101-
103, 108, 180, 215, 218, 223, 224; belief of,
in regard to Messiah, 103, 136, 137, 215-
217, 220; opening ministry of, 104, 105;
compared to Elijah, 104, 135, 217, 225, to
Enoch, 225; effect of his work, 105, 108,
109, 132, 133, 178, 223, 224; rebuke of, to
time-servers, 105, 106; meeting with Christ,
109-III; witness for Christ, 112, 136, 137,
179, 180, 219, 220, 224, to deputation from
Sanhedrim, 133-136; waning popularity of,
178; denunciation of, by Pharisees, 275,
276; insufficient to lay foundation of church,
181; imprisonment of, 214; perplexity of,
in regard to Jesus, 215, 216; a message of
comfort to, 216-218; death of, 222, 360,
why permitted, 223, 224; greatness of, 100,

218-220; to represent those who herald |
Christ's second coming, 1OI.
Jonah, a sign, so Christ, 406.
Joseph and Mary, journey of, to Bethlehem,
44, to Egypt, 64, to and from the Passover,
75-82; purpose of, in bringing Jesus to
Passover, 75, 78; appeals to, by rabbis,
against Jesus, 86, 90 (see Mary); time of
Joseph's death, 145.

Joy of Christ, 190, 191, 410, 749-751; we to
share, 624.

Judas, appearance and character of, 293–295,
559; early experience of, in connection with
Christ, 716, 717; why accepted as an apostle,
293, 294, 717; disappointment of, at Baptist's
death, 718; instigator of plan to make Christ
king, 718; turning-point in history of, 719;
criticism by, of his fellow-disciples, 717, 718,
of Christ, 718-720; rejects reproof, 295,
717, 720; influence on disciples, 719; at
Simon's feast, 559-563, 720; at the last
Passover, the feet-washing, and the com-
munion, 644-649, 653-655, 717, 718, 720;
betrays Christ for the price of a slave, 716;
purpose of, in betraying Christ, 695, 696,
720, 721; confession and death of, 721, 722.
Judea, scene of Christ's earliest manifestation
and ministry, 60, 61, 63, 64, 231; turned
away from Christ, 164, 181, 213, 232.
Judging others, 314, 805.

Judgment, man passes on himself, 57, 58, 468;
God's justice vindicated in the, 58; work
of Christ in the, 210; condemnation in, from
neglecting truth, 490; the test in, 637, 638.
Justice, the fruit of love, consistent with mercy,
Justification by works, principle of heathen-
ism and apostate Judaism, 36, 279, 280,
385; fruits of, 37.


EDRON, brook, drawing water from, at
Feast of Tabernacles, 448, 449.

Keys of kingdom of heaven, meaning
of, 414; not given to Peter individually, 414.
Kingdom, of grace and of glory, prophecy
and announcement of each, 234; of glory,
represented in transfiguration of Christ,
421, 422; of God, not with outward show,
506, 508, 509; of Christ, service for others
the law of, 549–551 (see Messiah, also Jews);
kingdom of this world, Satan offered Christ
same in character as Jews desired, 130.
Knowledge of truth depends on renunciation
of sin, 455, 456, 494, 495.


AW (decalogue), a divine unity, 498, 606,
607; love, not selfishness, 22, 29, 30; how
fulfilled, 311, 497-505, 606-608; trans-
gressed in thought or look, 310; why pro-
claimed from Sinai, 308; Christ the giver
of, 307; to be a blessing, 288; same
principle as gospel, 308, 608; in bringing
men to Christ, 308; pattern for character-
building, 208, 209; changeless, 308, 762,
763; obedience to, fruit of faith, 126, test
of love, 668, of character, 106, 763, con-


dition of eternal life, 497, 518, will bring
persecution, 122, 763.

Law, misrepresented by Satan, 22, 29, 30,
117, 761, 762; perverted by tradition, 29
(see Tradition); obeyed and vindicated by
Christ, 22, 84-86, 89, 206, 287, 307-309,
397, 762; established by His death, 307,

Law, natural, teaches of spiritual, 516.
Laws of nature the laws of God, 824.
Lawyer, questioned Christ as to condition of
eternal life, 497, the great commandment,

Lazarus, house of, a home for Christ, 326,
524, 525; why Christ delayed visiting in
sickness, 527-529, 534; raising of, 535, 536,
co-operation with God taught in, 535, 536;
plotting of Jews to kill, 558; attends Christ
at triumphal entry, 572.

Leaven, type of sin, 407, 408; of Pharisees,
hypocrisy, and self-seeking, 408, 409, of
those who explain away God's law, 408,
409, we in danger of cherishing, 409.
Legal religion, 172, 279.

Leprosy, nature and effects of, 262, 263; and
palsy, compared to bigotry and unbelief,


Leper, isolation of, 262; cleansing of, a type
of spiritual cleansing, 263, 266; effect of
miracle on priests, 266.

Lepers, ingratitude of nine, 347, 348; mourn-
ing of, after Christ's death, 775, 776.
Lesson-book of the universe, our world, 17.
Liberty, through Christ, 466, 478.
Light from God, conditions of receiving, 190;
a blessing in heeding, 238, 239; essential
to workers with God, 279; results of reject-
ing, 322, 489, 584-588, 736, 737; light and
darkness, men free to choose between, 458.
"Light of the world," Christ, 463, 475; dis-
ciples, 306.

Light a symbol of God's presence, 463, 464.
Lilies, 313.

Link in chain let down to save the world,
every Christian, 417.

Living water, Christ the giver of, 184, 187,
453, 454.

Loaves and fishes, miracle of, 365, 404, 405,
spiritual teaching of, 366–370, 386; multi-
plied in the hands of Christ, 369, 370, 371;
fragments of, carried by people to their
homes, 368.

Lost sheep, this world, 693.

Lost child, neglect of, illustrates neglect of
souls, 825.

Love, the principle of God's government,
17-20, 353, 469, 759; of God in gift of Jesus,
37, 49, 57, 58; effect of contemplating, 302,
478; to God shown in love to neighbor,
505; of Christ, for Jerusalem, 576, 620,
for us, 327; power that draws His fol-
lowers, 480, in His healing, 92, 825, His
teaching, 91, 205, 254; His suffering on
the cross, 755; unrequited, His grief at,
393, 688, 752.

Love, condition and evidence of discipleship
and service, 285, 286, 487, 678, 815; en-
courage expression of, 327, 515, 516, 827.
Lucifer and confederate angels, glory of, in
heaven, 758, 760; rebellion of, began with
self-seeking, 20, 435 (see Satan); contrast
of, with Christ, 20, 25, 436; why not sus-
ceptible of redemption, 761, 762.
Lunatic boy, failure of disciples to restore,
427, 430; healing of, by Christ, 427-430.


AGI, rank, learning, wealth of, 59; the
"wise men" not idolaters, 59, 61; their
knowledge of Messiah from tradition,
59, 60, from Hebrew Scriptures and direct
revelation, 59, 60; visit of, to Jerusalem,
61-65, to Bethlehem, 63, 64.

Manna, a lesson of faith, 121; Christ the
giver of, 386; a type of Christ, 386, 388.
Manual labor, 72.

Marriage feast, the parties of, Christ's kin-
dred, 144; His purpose in attending, 144,
150, 151; of the redeemed with the Re-
deemer, 151.

Marriage, honored by Christ, 151.
Mary, mother of Jesus, poverty of, 44, 50,
52; faith of, in birth of Christ, 98; His
first human teacher, 70; failure of, to
understand His mission, 56, 82, 90, 147;
a sharer in His sufferings, 56, 90, 145, 744;
home life, perplexities in, 86, 89, 90, 321;
knowledge by, of John's mission, of
Christ's baptism and departure to wilder-
ness, 144; hopes of, at marriage feast, 145;
spiritual relation to Christ, 147; His last
provision for, 751, 752.

Mary and Martha of Bethany, characteristics

of both needed, 525; Mary, fall and resto-
ration of, 566-568, offering by, to Jesus,
559, 560, 564, 565, at the Saviour's tomb,
788, 790, 793.

Matthew, Levi, call of, 272, 273, effect of,
on the publicans, 273; feast of, to Jesus,
273, 274, 342.

Matthew 24, see chap. 69.

Meditation, on life of Christ, 83; and prayer,

Christ's example of, 89, 90, 114, 118, 260;
benefits of, 82, 83, 126, 362, 363, 661.
Meekness, token of connection with Christ,
301; brings rest, 330, 331; of Christ's
witnesses a testimony for Him, 353, 354;
of Christ, evidence of divinity, 734.
Mercy, day of, its limit, 587; of God con-
sistent with justice, 761, 762.
Messiah, expectation of, in patriarchal age,
31, among Jews, 27, 34, Gentiles, 33.
Samaritans, 192, 193, by John the Baptist,
103, 136, 137; prophecies of, 31-34, 55, 56,
59, 60, 103, 135, 136, 161, 166, 189, 190, 192,
193, 205, 206, 231-235, 236, 245, 261, 489,
569, 578, 580, 597, 598, 600, 608, 609, 678,
679, repeated by disciples at triumphal en-
try, 578, 579, misinterpreted by priests and
rabbis, 29, 30, 79, 80, 82, 138, 154, 193,
212, 235-238, 242, 243, 385, 457, 458; igno-,

rance concerning, 44, 52-56; unity of na-
tions, declining faith in heathenism, a
preparation for, 32; need of, to meet
world's corruption, 34-36; character of,
as revealed in prophecy, 237; announce-
ment of, 47, 61, 64, 65, 104, 105, 112, 136-
138, 231-233, in cleansing temple, 161,
590, in synagogue at Nazareth, 237, as
light of world, 55, 463-465, by entry into
Jerusalem, 569-572; rejection of, 618-620,
737, 739, 745. (See Jews, also Priests and

Millennium, before second advent, an error,

Mind, power of to discriminate between
right and wrong, 458.

Ministry, its origin in God, 649, 650; Christ's
example of, 503-505, 640, 649-651; result
of Christ's, seen after His death, 163, 165,
176 192, 266; the evidence of connection
with Christ, 439, 440, 550, 551, 637, 638,
642, 644-651; the church established for,
640, 822; healing of maniac boy a lesson
of, 430; to sick and needy, effect of, 350,
822, 823; benefits of, to workers, 640, 641,
650, 651. (See Self-sacrifice.)
Ministers of gospel, duty of, to educate
church as workers for Christ, 825.
Miracles of Christ, healing, nobleman's son,
198, 199, impotent man, 201, 202, Peter's
wife's mother and multitude, 259, 260,
leper, 262, 263, paralytic, 267-269, 271,
withered hand, 286, centurion's servant,
315, 316, woman with issue of blood, 343,
344, ten lepers, 347, 348, deaf, stammer-
ing man, 404, 471, blind beggar, 470, 824,
ear of high priest's servant, 696; casting
out devils, from demoniac at Capernaum,
255, 256, man possessed, blind and
dumb, 321, men at Gergesa, 337, 338,
daughter of the Syro-Phenician woman,
399-402, maniac boy, 427-429; raising
from dead, young man at Nain, 318,
daughter of Jairus, 342, 343, Lazarus,
535, 536, Himself, 780, 785; other mir-
acles, turning water into wine, 144, 145,
148, driving out desecraters from temple,
157, 158, 590, 591, revealing history of
Samaritan woman, 192, draught of fishes,
245, 246, 810, stilling tempest, 334, 335, feed-
ing five thousand, 365, feeding four thou-
sand, 404, 405, walking on sea and bring-
ing boat to land, 381, 382, transfiguration,
421, providing money for temple tax,
434, ascension, 790, 830, 831. (See also,
Christ the great Physician.)

Miracles, Christ did not work for Himself, 119,
120; through angels, 143; Christ accused
of working by power of Satan, 321, 322,
456; not the highest evidence of Christ's
mission, 261, 406, 799 (see Sign); revealed
power that works in nature, 367; a God-
like life the greatest of all, 407; Christ's,
a reproach to Pharisees, 243, 406; promise
of in gospel commission, 821, 823, 825;

power of apostles to work, 350, 360, 490;
not to satisfy unbelief or self-seeking, 407;
effect of, on Nicodemus, 168, on priests
and rabbis, 164, 265, 266, 270, 271, 322,
537-540, on the people, 163, 164, 208, 232,
270, 271, 318, 319, 338, 339, 377, 378.
Missionaries for Christ, restored demoniacs,
339, 340; all may become, 194, 195, 341,
822, 826.

Monuments for the dead, 618.

Moses, John the Baptist thought to be, 135;
"that prophet," 135; had Jews believed,
would have received Christ, 213; death,
resurrection, presence of on mount of
transfiguration, 421, 422; Moses and Eli-
jah, likeness to Christ in character and
experience, 120, 422, 425.

Mother and brethren, who are Christ's? 325.
Mothers, Christ the helper of, 511, 512;
their agency in conversion of children,

512, 515.

Mourning, true, not melancholy, 300; of
disciples after Christ's resurrection, 793,
Murmuring of disciples over self-created
troubles, cure of, 380; doubt and unbelief,
807, 808.

Murder, hatred is, 310.

Music among Jews, 76, 448, 449, 463. (See

JAAMAN, why favored above lepers of
Israel, 238, 239.


Nain, raising of widow's son at, 318.
Names, written in heaven, 493.
Nathanael, character and call of, 139,
140, 293.

Nature, an object-lesson of self-sacrifice, 18,
19, 622, 623, of the work of grace, 191,
192, of God's care for His handiwork, 311,
313, 356, of His miracle-working power,
367, of the order and certainty of His
providences, 31, of the ceaseless activity
of His working, a lesson in Sabbath-
keeping, 207; of the manner of Christ's
advent in humanity, 261, of the immuta-
bility of God's law, 308.

Nature, figures from, applying to Christ, 27,
50, 56, 68, 74, 77, 103, 112, 215, 253, 364,
365, 388, 389, 689; symbols of incarnation
borrowed from, 21; sign of first advent
from, 60; signs in, of second advent, 631
632; Christ's parables repeated by, 291;
other illustrations from, 27, 97, 103, 105-
107, 111, 112, 142, 262, 266, 300, 305, 306,
314, 336, 353, 390-392, 398, 468; study of, by
magi and by John the Baptist, 59, 101-103;
Christ's love of, 70, 90, 290, 291, 419;
Christ communed with patriarchs amid
scenes of, 290; Christ's use of, in teach-
ing, 168-175, 184, 187, 190-192, 206, 207,
218, 244, 245, 254, 290, 291, 308, 311, 313,
314, 333, 356, 357, 386–388, 406-408, 412,
413, 430, 431, 437-440, 453, 454, 463-465,
475, 476-484, 495, 496, 525, 581-584, 596-

[ocr errors]

599, 622, 623, 675-677, 743, 811-815; bene-
fits of communion with, 291, 360, 361;
the Sabbath points to, 281-283, 288, 289;
lessons of, for parents and children, 515,
516; light of, in heathen lands has guided
souls to God, 638; knew Christ, priests
and rabbis knew Him not, 753, 770, 771.
Nazareth, home of Jesus, 66, 68; people of,
character, 71; Christ in synagogue at, 74,
236; unbelief of people at, 196, 237, 238;
attempt to kill Jesus at, 240; Christ's last
visit to, 241.

Neighbor, who is my? 498, 500, 503.
New birth, condition of entering kingdom
of God, 168, 171; term applied to Jewish
proselytes, 171; Old Testament teaching
in regard to, 174; how accomplished, 175,
176; working of Holy Spirit in, compared
to wind, 172, 173; lesson from uplifted ser-
pent, 174, 175; self-renunciation, a condi-
tion of, 280; results of, 172, 173, 176, 189;
essential preparation for God's service,
171 189.

New commandment, 677.

Nicodemus, character and position of, 167,
171; a listener to John the Baptist, 171;
Pharisaism of, 171; a witness of Christ's
miracles, 168; night visit of, to Christ, 168-
176; defends Christ before Sanhedrim, 167,
168, 176, 460; and Joseph of Arimathea
excluded from later councils, 538, 539, 699;
faith of established by crucifixion, 775;
service of at Christ's burial, 773, 774, to
church after Christ's ascension, 176, 177;
relates to John the first visit to Jesus, 177.
Noah, days of, represent time before second
advent, 633.

Nobility, John the Baptist highest type of,


Nobleman, son of healed by Christ, 197-199;
Christ's demand of, for faith, 198, 200;
and household became disciples, 200; wit-
ness of, to Christ, 253.

ATH, judicial, sanctioned by Christ,
706, 707.


Obedience, Christ's example of to par-
ents, 72, 82, 90; to God, 22, 84-86, 89, 90,
III, 117, 121, 123, 125, 147, 190, 191, 208,
329, 330, 624, 690, 693; to God for our good
in this life, 121, 122, 307, 308, must come
from the heart, 668.

Olives, mount of, resort of Christ for prayer,
460, 674; teaching on, 168, 628; place of
ascension and second coming, 829, 830.
Order, Christ's example of, 789.

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