Sohmitt, Mrs... 14 Sibthorp, Rev. R. 253 Spring, Rev. F. 49 Sutherland, Mrs. 371 Schneider, Daniel 243 328,371,372,408,417 Squance,RevT.53,207 Scholefeld,Rev-J.120 Sicana.
15 Squire, W.... 76 StAlban'sArchdof 292 St. David's Bish.of 292 Stables, Stach,Christian, 201 202,244,245
in Schulz. Schur Schwartz
532, 533 Schwinn 175 Simmons, Mr.. 512 Scio... 414, 429 Simms, Mr. F.W. 456 Scott, Rev. J. 254 Singer,Rev.J.168,371
Scott, Jobp esq. 254 Scott, Mrs.... 239 Scott, Miss. .. 456 Scudder, Dr. 61,458 500-502
Stach, Matthew, 201 204, 205, 213, 241 -245, 281, 283 284,287,329-334 Stafford, Archd.of, 298 Staines, Rev. W.T.338 Stally brass, Edw. 29 Stapfer,Rev.Prof. 131
Singer,,371 Singleton, Mr. W. 3.8 9,135-138 Skerrett, Patrick, 74 Skinner, Mr, 45, 46 210,211,214,216,262 Tamaahmaah,557-58
Sebright,SirJ.S.M.P. Slater, John... 65 525 Slator, Rev. J.. 460 Sedgwick Rev.Mr.254 Sleigh, Mr. J.. 512 Seeley, Capt.. 338 Smalley, Rev. Mr. 417 Seeley, Mr. Sekera, P. Pandetta, Smart, Mr. R.. 294 553,554 Smedley, John 76 Selby, Mr.. 27 Smelt, Rev. M. 226 Selkirk, Rev. T, 255 Smith, Rev. D. 168 Selwyn, Rev. E. 295 Smith, Rev, F.. 417 Serbitshap, Prince, 26 Smith, Rev. J.. 167 Serdeshab, Prince, 26 Smith, Rev. N. 336 Serle, Ambrose. 120 Smith, Rev. T. 216 Serof, Mr. ... 134 Smith, Settle, Rev. S.. 408 Smith, Sir C... 525 Sharp, Capt... 304 Smith, Hon. R. 373 Shaw, Rev. M.. 418 Smith,J. (Demarara) Shaw, Rev. Robt. 461 Shaw, Barnabas,12,17 · Smith,J. (Quilon) 52 Shaw, B. esq. 207,257 Shaw, William,14--16 145-148, 454 Shem (Greenland) 80 Sheperd,John esq.257 Shepherd, Mr. James
67, 504-506, 508 Sheppard, Rev. J. 167 Cheppard, Rev. T. 239
![[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]](,+The+gifts+of+God+are%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U2V16lOjRJT8kdE0Y7u-i6OLiutRw&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=-4,959,469,377)
Sheppard, Thomas 239 Sole, W. D. esq. 337 herer,,199,435 Solomon, Rev. B.94,98 Sherer, Mrs, 199 Somerset, Lord C. 537 herbourneR, esq.525/ bermishe. ...18 Soulier, Rev. Mr. 131 berwood, Capt. 168 Southern, Mr.. 525 hipley, Samuel, 239 Sparmeyer .. 74 hipman, John. 75 Sparrman. 178 hipperdson Ry.T417 Spaulding, L. 61, 459 hirley, Rev. W. 253 boreHon.C.210,218 hort, Rev. John 343
Spencer, Rev, W. 257 Spencer, Mr... 289 Sperling, Rev. Mr. 526 hould bam, Gen. 434 Sperling, Pesq. 373 370 Sperschneider, JGP58 @hower, Dr. brewsbury, W.73,76 Spitta,RevFrancis373 broeter ... 199 Spooner, Rev. W. 371 bunghee, 67, 68,504
![[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]](,+The+gifts+of+God+are%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U2V16lOjRJT8kdE0Y7u-i6OLiutRw&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=618,554,76,67)
![[ocr errors]](,+The+gifts+of+God+are%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U2V16lOjRJT8kdE0Y7u-i6OLiutRw&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=785,496,7,6)
Statham, J.... Stead, Abraham, Tamba, Mark J. 299 Steadman, Dr. 257 Tamba, W. 5, 10, 107 Steele, Mr. John 227 +109,299,322,581 Stein,J.J. 12,175,178 385, 989 Steinkopff, Rev. Dr. Tamoree, 71, 72, 557 210,21 Steinmann, M.. 423 Stephen, James, esq.' 207,218,270 Stephenson, RevA 337 Stephenson, Rev. W. R... Stephenson, John, 76 - Stephenson, Mr. 199 Tauchnitz, Mr.. 97 Steven,Resq.213,216' Taui Stevenson, Mrs. 239 Stewart, Rev.J.H.166 167,416,524,532 Stewart, Mr.H.H.328 Stewart, Sergeant 43' Stillingfleet, Rev.T.A
558, 501 Tamoree, George, 71 Tanney, Capt. . 8,9 Taracbund Dueet 113 Tate, Rev. W. . 227 Tattam, Rev. H. 227 512 Tattershal, Rev. T. 256, 525
Thomas, Rev. Mr.167 Thomas, Rev. Mr. (Madras) . . 54 Thomas, Rev. T. 120
Thomas, Capt.. 227 Thomas, G.6,299,382 Thomas, Mr. J. 166 Thomas, Williamn, 35 Thomason, Rev.T. 38 Thompson, Rev. C. 372, 417 Thompson, Rev. M.54
Travancore, Rauee of 'Verasawni . . . . 55 Wellesley, Marq. 251 153, 154 Ver-Huell,Count 131 Wellington, Duke of
Trawin, S.. 38,357 Trawin, Mrs... 357 Tremayne, F. 75,119 Treschow, Rev. P. 99 166, 210, 218, 371
Trew, Henry, esq.237 Trigg, J. esq... 239
Thompson, Rev. W. Trevelyan, W. C. esq. 120, 872, 417 Thompson, J. T. 45 Thomsen, C. 12,173 Thomsen, Mrs. 173 Trion Thomsen,C30,31,472 Tristram, Rv.H.B.371 Thomson, Rev.J. 119 Truscott, T. 75 343 Tsaummap ... 17 Thomson,Mr.J.72,73 Tümen, Prince. 26 Thomson, Jas. 5,10 Turner, Rev. J. 337 Thomson, W. R. 15 Turner, Rev. Mr. 166 Thorne, G. esq. 169 Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton, J. esq. 166 Thornton, S. esq. 166 Thorpe, Rev, Dr. 166 167, 207, 512, 526 Thorpe, A. esq. 254 Threlfall, Mr. 525 Threlfall, W. 14, 145 454
Turnley, F. esq. 461 Turtle, John 75 Turton, Rev. H. 256 Tyerman, Rev. D. 69 Tyndale ... 130 Tyndall, Rev. Mr. 418 Tyson, Rev. J. 335
Tzatzoe, Capt.. 146 Tzatzoe, Jan, 14, 145
Walters, Miss J. 328 Wanchope, Capt. 343 Ward, Rev. Benj. 60
62,496, 497 Ward, Mrs. 198 Ward, Rev. W. 33,40, •57,61,326,368,456
Ward, Nath.M. 64,65 Wardell, H. esq. 295' Warden, J. Bradley 38 Wardlaw, Rev. Dr. 213, 216, 218, 274 Warner, E. Lea, esq.
Warner, Warren, Rev. Dawson
Uhthoff, E. esq. 118 Ulbricht, Mr. 14 Unwin, Rev. E.. 253 Upton, Rev. J. · 215 Vaillant 178 Vale, Rev. W. 257,372 Vallentyn, David 174 Valliant, J. esq. 120 Vanderkemp.Dr. 146 Van der Hoogt, 422 Vanderlinden, Mr 500 Van Ess, Prof. Lean- der. 100,414,422 424,429 Van Gricken, Mr. 36 Vassicleff, Commo- dore..... 71 Vaughan, Rev.E. 167 Vaughan, Rv.E.1.256 Watkins,Master, 240 Vaughan, Mr. Philip Watson, Rev. J. 253 5, 158, 298-800 Watson, Rev. R. 207 306, 369, 370,379 Watson, Major. 227 - 382, 409, 416 Watts Dr.71,953,357 Wawn, Rev. J.D. 258 254, 336-338, 525 Way, Rev.L. 158,236 Way,Sir Gregory, 211 Webb, Sir John, 295 Webb, Lady. 120 438 Webster, Rev. T. 267 439** 294
430,524 Vaughan, Mrs. 299 300, 306,369--371 380,409, 411,416
207, 295 Veale, J. H. esq. 337 Trapp, Rev. J.. 226 Vengedasalam -Trash, Mrs. 240
Traveller, Cornel. 55 Venn, Rev. H.
107, 295 Wendt, Mr... 531 Wenzel, Mrs.. 6,582 Were, T. esq. S37 West,Rev.J. 279,280
454 West, Rev. M.. 336 Westlake, J. esq. 335 Westlake, 239
335 Westminster, Deau of
338 Welford, Mr... 107. Wilkinson,J ́esq. 37!
Wilks,RevM;216,218 Wilson, Rev. D. 190 Wisuwasanaden, 53
207,239 Withington, MrJ 115 Witzleben M.-Gen.97 Wolfe, Rev. Rob. 227 Wolff, Mr. Joseph, 22 95,158,211,212,228
Williams; Rev.E. 372 Williams, Rev. Henry Wilson, Rev.1.53,199 67,118,407,454,594 Wilson, Mrs. 53 Williams, Mrs.. 67 Wilson, Rev. J.. 418 Williams, Rev. W.215 Wilson, Rev.R.C. 255 Williams. Rev. W. B.
228 Williams, J. 70,199 Williams, Mr... 15 Williams, M.P.
Wilson, Rev. S.S. 94 130, 214 Wilson, Mrs. 24 Wilson, Rev. W. 227 373
525 Williams, W. esq.M.P. Wilson, Rev. W.C.255 207,214 Wilson, C. 69
Wright, Rev. G. 254 Wright, Mr. . . 434 Wright, Mr.Peter. 16 •199,418
Wright, William, 11 Wullschlegel 431 233-236 Wylde, Mr. R338,373 Wolley, S. P.. 75 Xavier, Francis, 399 Wolseley, Rev. H.461 Ximenes Cardinal233 Wood, Rev. Rob.207 Yaou-seen-sang. S1 Wood, Colonel, 338 Yates; Rev. Dr. 328 Woodd, Rv.B207,208 Yates, W. ... 36 210,328,446,532 Yates, W. esq.. 256 Woodhouse, RevJ168 Yates, Miss. 239 WoodhouseG.esq233 Young, Colonel, 337 Woodroffe, Rev.T525 Young, Robert75,114 Woods, Professor,527 115,560 Woodward, RevD461 Younker.... 119 Woodward, Rév.J461 Yuille, Robert. 29 Woodward, H. 61,62 Zaremba, Feliciau25 Worcester Bish.of212 Ziegenbalg .`. . 88 Worthington, Miss S. Zinzendorf, Count, 328 --203, 204,212 79,74 Zwellendam, Land- 75 drost of ... 174
4.22 Agimeer. 45,397 America, British, 90 Arklow 75 Agra.. 36,38,44,45
Abbott's Bromley 120 Aberford... 120 Akoremiok Abergavenny 120,240 Alabama 456 Albany
Abyssinia 19 Albion Chapel . 215 Acre 22,229 Albury 227,240 Africa, 2-4,6,10,51 Alcase 102-104,128,141 Aldershott 143, 146, 148,168, 170, 178, 208, 210 223, 225, 264,265 293,294,298,300 303,306-308,311 321, 324, 326,538 381, 382, 593,408 Alford 409, 412, 413,416 Algoa Bay 13,14,436 Apanapoora 59 436,465,466-468 Allahabad
121–2, 158, 228- Amsterdam 94,96,98 Asia, Eastern 494 231, 236, 454,512 422,469 Asia, Minor 264 529 Amsterdam, New 73 Asia, Western, 23,24 117,263,393
522, 536,537 Allepie,50,51,55,149 AngraPequena Bay 16 Asseirgurh 400
240 253 Antigua. 74,75,237 Aston Sandford, 512 304 339,540,514 Astrachan 25-28,111
478 Antioch 20,110-11 122,181, 183-185
169, 171, 339, 340 Altringham 200,328 150,155,235,236,397
416, 418,455, 513 Amblom Goddy 554 Antrim
537,541 Amboomang. 180 Arabia.
259 Athelstoneford. 343 185 Atheus. 263,349
Africa, Western 2,90 Amboyna,64-66,418 Archangel... 408 Atherstone, 120,372
Australasia, 66,90,91 Bayreuth... 424 Bishop Stortford, 215 Breton, Cape. 454 197,208,455,504,563 Beckenham, 120,167 Bishop's Waltham, Brewham.... 240 Austria.. 465,466 200,210 120,240,456,565 Bridewell. 528,368 Bishop's Wearmouth, Bridgewater, 200, 288 200,328,417,512 337,527
443 Bedale... 530 328 Bedford, 93,227,250
532 Blaenavon, 120, 240 Bridgnorth, 372,512 456 Bridlington... 527
Baddagamme, 58-60 200,227.240,250,527 Blackheath, 120,200 Brigg..... -528
Baden, Grand Duchy Beirout
295,368,408 Brighton.. 200,408 456,526,533
528, 565 of...... 423 Belfast ... 93,461 Black Sea, 19, 24, 27 Bristol, 90, 119, 129 Baffin's Bay.. 455 Belgaum
167-169, 199, 200 240,288,368,527- 530,532, 565 456
Bahamas Baikal Lake 29 Belligame61,497,498 Blatherwycke Park, Broadway Baktcheserai.. 25 Belper . . . . . 529
456 Broadway Church, Baltic Sea... 262 Benares,38,40,43,44 Bluntisham .. 120 167, 200 Baltimore 129 396,397,402,403 Blythe, 119,200,239 Broadwindsor, 240 Ball's River, 205,242 Bencoolen.. 64,65 Blackfriars. 119,328 328 Bengal, 32, 34,35,41 Boconnor 368 Bromley, 120, 167 Banana Isles, 7, 141 42,49,114,158,188 Bodenham ... 168 200, 328, 565 142,388,389 189, 199, 228, 359 Bodmin 368,529 Bromsgrove . 328 396, 399, 495, 548 Bolton 211 Brunswick. 425
461 BentinckChapel, 200 Bombay25,45--49,54 Brunswick, New, 454 48,49
78,87,117,199,251 Brussels
343,397,399,400 Bruton. 532 435,511,512,521 Buckwald ... 426 Bonny River. . 467 Buckfastleigh. 529 Bonny, Town of, 467 Buckland.. Bootsuanna Country, Bucks,South119,200 240, 328, 368, 373
Barbadoes, 73-76,94 Berbice 222,339 Berditchef Barbary.. 95,351 Berg... 425 Barby (Northam.)240 Berhampore, 42,515 Barby (Saxony) 333 Berkshire, 200, 373 Barcelona 429 408,456,512,565 Bareilly. 44 Berlin, 53,94,97,425 Borabora. . . 69,70 Barmen 481 490,531,532,537 Boston(Lincolnshire) Barnard-Castle. 529 Bermuda 75, 222 Barnsley 220,565 Bern Barripore Barth
Budworth Buenos Ayres.. 75 428 Boston(Yorksh.) 120 Bullom CountryS, 138 Boston, (N. America) Bulwa . . . 23,117,123,129 Bunny . . ... S28 407,532 Buntzlau . . . . 426 Burdwan 37,38,41
35 Berwick 565 426 Beshtaba. ... 182 Barton-on-Humber, Bethany (Palestine)
255,532 43,199,354,360,361
Bowden Boyle.... 418 Bradford (Dorsetsh.)
Burghill Burman Empire, 32 837 35, 279, 407, 552 515 Bradford (Wiltshire) Burnley . 529 200 Burslem .. 256,529 75, 339 Bradford (Yorkshire) Burton Latimer, 200 423,489,522 Bethlehem(Palestine) 119,200,253,257,328 Burton-on-Trent, 239 233,393 368,512,527,529,532
512,565 Bethesda (St. Kitt's)
Bathurst (S.Africa) 14 Beyrout 120 Buxar, 43, 44, 402— Bathurst (W. Africa) Bideford 3,5,7,8,136,137,298 Biggleswade,527,530 Breage 336,368 Byfield
527 Birbhoom, 43,45,119 Brecon . Batticaloe. 61 Birmingham,119,200 Breditshew
217,227,328,372 Breede, Revier. 178 408,456,475,512 Bremen,425,429,481 527-529,565 Brentford, 119, 240 368 525 Breslau 102,426
197,198,454,505 Birstall,240,253,512
-232, 285, 455 Calcutta, 32, 34-46 49, 54, 56, 57,59,61
114, 118, 158, 190 Cawnpore, 36,44,434 Clerkington. 343 Crowan. 194, 198, 199, 209 Cazeaul ... 182 Clifton. 167,288 Crowland 216, 225, 249, 250 Cedarhall.. 75,340 Clifton-upon- Duns- Croydon 279,289,327,351- Celebes, Island of, 64 more
425 Clonmell. 461 Curry Rivell. 65 Cochin49-51,55,56 Cutslow
Ceylon, 46, 53, 57, 58
12,13 60,61, 90, 91,117,158
94, 95, 149, 154 Cuttack.. 56,57,93 155,397,399,452 Cutwa
398 198,208,271,290,327 Cochin-China 368 328,367,407,419,448 Coire
Callucherri 152 457,468,496,497,523 Colchester, 83,200 Damascus
Calvary, Mount, 393 Chalford .... 220
525 Channel Islands, 338 Coleshill 119,372,408 Darlaston' Camamandoo . 139 Charleston 47 Collingham 200 Darlington, 119,335 Camaranca River,388 Charlestown 532 Collumpton
389 Charlotte, 7,170,298 Colmworth. .. 120 Darmstadt... 429
Camborne... 336 Cambridge, 198, 200 Chatham 227,239,292,328, 408 Chatillon-sur-Loire Colombo, 57-59,61 Dashley 524,529, 582, 565
478 87,90,501, 521, 554 Dawlish.. 240,337
Cambridgeshire, 527 Chavacherry.. 500 Camelford. 368 Cheadle
555 Daventry. 529 554 Davis's Straits. 205
Campden. 200,240 Chelmsford 120,239 Columbia72,118,532 Dean, Little 456,529 Comorin, Cape50,51 Debenham
Canada .... 279 Chelsea,120,239,240 Canada Upper454,474
88,398 Deddington, 119,328 512, 525 399 Delagoa Bay
Canada, Lower. 454 Cheltenham 532 Concan CanareseCountry399 Chenganoor,151,152 Congo Town... 6 Delaware. 118 Candenade... 156 Chepstow
Cannanore 49,55 Cheshire,119,200,228 Conjeveram 440,441 De Loss, Isles, 9,380 Canterbury 200,240 328,372,408,456, 528 Conjeveram, Great, Del Norte, Rio 76 29 Chester,119,200, 328 440 Delta. Canwick 253 372,408,456,529, 532 Cape-Coast, 303, 379 Chesterfield
Conjeveram Little440 Demarara 253 Connaught, 259,260 Demarara River. 74
407,408 Chichester, 119, 226 Connecticut, 76,118 Denbighshire200,240 Cape-Town, 11-13, 240,368,565 561 Denipitia .... 497 58 Constantine.. 368 Denmark,99,339,426 72 Constantinople 20,22 476, 477 232,429,455 Derbent.. 184, 486 122,186,187,262 Corfu 22,24 Derby, 129, 253, 529 271,418,494,537 Cork. 371,461,462 530, 532 542,543 Cornwall, 335, 336
Cappoquin... 460 China, 27, 29, 30, 56
Carmarthenshire288 Chippenham.. 565 Coromandel, 64,463 Carmel ..... 75 Chitpore . . . 114 Corringham .. 512 Carnarvonshire, 119 Chittagong,34,35,37 Corston.. 120,408 Desford Carnatic, Southern 53 Chobham. 119,408 Cossington Carleton Rode. 294 Christ Church, 200 Cossipore. Carmarthen,240,288 208,210,240 Cottingham .. 254 Carolina, North, 76 Chumie 146,148 Cotym50,55,63,150-- 118 Chunar,38,44,401-
368, 512, 565 155,157,267,398,523 Devonshire . . . 528 403 Couthenans .. 348 Dewsbury. 119, 253 118 Church Lawford,565 Covencherri . . 152 Carradive... 500 Cicacole..... 56 Coventry119,120,240 Digah ..
Carshalton 200 City-Road Chapel207 Casel-Zeitun 24 Clanwilliam... 11 Cowes.... 5,238 Dinagepore. 42,546 Caspian Sea,25,27,28 Clapham, 119, 166 Cranganore 111,181,431,481,486 200,239,240,328 Cranley
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