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Madame Catalani will remain in certs, and the rise of the numberless England some time. Nothing, it is benefits which occupy the months to be presumed, but herself

would ex- from April to August inclusive. This clude her from the King's Theatre. year has witnessed the abandonment

We have now, therefore, leisure to of the Vocal (since 1793 the most look back, and though we trust our fashionable of all concerts) and the reports have conveyed an adequate suspension of the City Amateur Conidea of the progress of music, in the certs, while the benefits of individetails we have given from time to duals were never so frequent. Intime to the public, still it may not deed, the nights have not been many be superfluous to bring into one com- enough, for some of the profession prehensive view the general and per- were obliged to occupy the mornings manent effects of the progression. with music. Now as gratuitous That there will ever be continual admissions to the single concerts are changes in the channels through much more easily obtained, from the which art diffuses itself, is assured to necessity every one feels of having us by the rise of genius in different at all events a full room and making countries, and by the revolutions in connections (often the principal oba opinions and manners which these ject of a benefit), it follows that there possessors of extraordinary talents ef- will be numbers who prefer risking fectuate. The very excess of cultiva- the chance of procuring access upon tion leads to new modifications, for such terms, to the certain and heavy where art is brought to high perfec- expense of subscribing to a set. tion, taste becomes fastidious, the Presuming a family of four persons world refuses to lend its attention to to subscribe to six concerts, it must .any but the finest models and the entail an expense of at least from 15l. finest productions, and hence a de- to 201., a consideration too heavy, gree of natural organic endowment with a great proportion of those who and of enthusiasm and labour in ac- love music, to be expended by any quirement is implied, which few en- considerable numbers. Indeed this joy, and which few can sustain. operates even more forcibly upon Hence too the remuneration required those whom we may term the floating by those who do reach the point of or disengaged body of amateurs, when adequate excellence becomes so ex- it is recollected that the Ancient and orbitantly great, as to be capable of the Philharmonic Concerts, which are satisfaction only from the united con- supported ex necessitate rei, as it were, tributions of large numbers; and here by the nobility on the one hand and again we perceive how perfection the profession on the other, carry off carries in itself the seeds of its own from one thousand to thirteen hundisorder if not dissolution. All these dred subscribers. The oratorios, phenomena are, as it seems to us, therefore, and the single concerts, visibly apparent in the progress both from the abundance of gratuitous music has made and is making in tickets distributed, and from the opEngland, though it is very difficult, portunities of an expenditure adjustnot to say impossible, to say how the ed at the pleasure and according to elements will resolve or combine the occasions of the individual, are themselves.

become, strictly speaking, the most The art, at present appears to frequent and general musical resorts be spreading, at least as much through of the public at large. private enjoyment as through public The Ancient and Philharmonic demonstrations of its power, which Concerts have both been sustained we attribute to the vast abilities re- as usual. The one is almost literally quired to sustain the public profes- unchangeable in every part of its orsion operating through expense to ganization. The same directors, the diminish the earnestness of people in same conductors, the sajne band, the general to attend public concerts, at same music, and the same audience the same time that the vast rewards from year to year. The only wonwhich some artists enjoy are con- der is, that all this sameness does tinually encouraging new competitors not weary the fashionable world, to engage in the contest for allluence whom novelty alone commonly atand fame. To these causes we trace tracts. But, the truth is, that many the fall of established periodical con

of the subscribers have grown old in their attendance upon the rehearsal and although at present the effects and the concerts at Hanover-square, are inconsiderable, there is yet somewhich, like the Baron Thunder- thing done in having awakened the tronkth's castle to his household, is emulation to engage in the defence of with them the best of all possible national character. If the object be concerts, and they lead their children patiently pursued, and patiently supalong in the same path; added to ported, there is sufficient proof in the which, no objection can be raised records of eminent English talent that against the performances, but this it will not be pursued in vain. In single word sameness. The Philhar- spite of all that has been said conmonic has relaxed a good deal from cerning the effects of climate and naits pristine regulation, the perform- tional aptitude, England has produced, ance of instrumental music. In this under all discouragements, both sinrespect, though the institution was gers and instrumentalists, quite equal founded upon the very principle, the to any of Continental growth. In directors fear the effect of want of the mean while, the establishment of variety, and more vocal music is in- a national academy ought to lay the troduced, as a necessary relief. In foundation of a national school, and other respects, the concert retains its it will do so if it be properly conducted. extraordinary perfection.*

Of this, indeed, there is at present no The rapid growth of foreign music, great hope ; but the noble committee and the universal reception and as- may possibly be taught to correct cendancy of foreign professors in their manifest and manifold errors, by England, have at length originated the neglect into which the institution a very earnest desire on the part of our must otherwise fall, and which they native musicians to make some stand already, as it appears by their reagainst the inroads of these polished port, begin to anticipate. Nothing and powerful invaders. The King can be more absurd than the delegahimself has shown his desire to en- tion of so much power to foreigners courage the domestic cultivation of and so little to the English profession, art, by giving concerts at which the whose efforts must uphold, and whose entire performance was English mu- interests are so materially affected by, sic by English singers. The Con- the establishment of the Royal Acacentores Society, as we have before re- demy. lated, began a series of three con- The Italian opera has this season certs for the promotion of the same seemed rather to stagnate, under its object. In the infancy of such an board of noble managers, in every undertaking much ought not_to be thing except the access of company, expected—the plan of the British which interest and fashion the most Concerts was exceedingly limited, effectually promoter. The new proand, we regret to say, the enterprize prietorship is now said to be settled, was scarcely conducted with that and Signor Benelli, the ostensible zeal which ought to have character manager, has set off for the Conized its proceedings. Sufficient en- tinent to make fresh engagements. couragement was nevertheless af- It wants some new impulsion. Neiforded to induce the society to an- ther have the English theatres made nounce the continuation of their ef- any advance. The state of English forts next year. At the oratorios M. opera is most disgraceful. Nothing Bochsa, the proprietor, yielded to the can be more repugnant to true mugrowing feeling, by abridging the sical feeling, or to dramatic taste, quantity of foreign selection and the than the miserable jargon of dialogue number of foreigners engaged--thus and singing that now disgraces our acknowledging the tendency in the theatres. An attempt, however, is public mind towards the hope of making through the periodical litegiving birth to a national school wor- rature to awaken the country to a thy of the country. These facts are sense of its degradation in this parindications of a sense of shame as to ticular. And here we may take octhe supremacy of our continental casion to notice the growing concompetitors, or rather instructors; nexion between literature and the

The directors for next year arv Messrs. F. Cramer, Attwood, Neate, Dance, Mori, H. Smart and Welch.


arts, which promises well for the ine theatres are well supplied by Miss creasing intellectual polish of the M. Tree, Miss Paton, and Miss Poprofession. This we hold to be a most vey. important feature in the character of if then we are able to note any the times, for nothing will so cer- striking fact any indication of tainly remove the objections which change-it is the struggle between have hitherto been brought, perhaps the English and the foreign artists; with too much reason, against the and so long as that struggle is hos cultivation of music, founded on nestly, and generously maintained, the disgraceful ignorance of too many we rejoice in it. We would have the of the profession: that stain is in a English musician emulate, not exfair way to be removed, by the ex- clude his powerful adversaries, and ample of its eminent members, by, if he can beat them, we shall like the general cultivation of letters a- our country and our countrymen so mongst men of all sciences, by the much the better. necessity for knowledge which the progress of society itself demands, Mt. Kalkbrenner has two new publica. and, lastly, by the direction of lite- tions, Gage d'Amitié, Grand Rondo poner rary talent expressly to the deve- le pianoforte avec orchestre (ad libitum) lopement of the philosophy of mu- Op. 66, and a Rondo Villagcois, Op. 67. sical art.

The first is dedicated to Mr. Moscheles, How far the range of musical and its merit proves that Mt. Kalkbrenner composition in England keeps pace worthy of himself and his friend. It is,

has taxed his strength to make the offering with the expectations that may rea, indeed, a work of genius, combining, a sonably be formed from the universal perfect knowledge of the powers of the cultivation of the science, our read. instrument with sound taste, science, and ers will have had ample opportunity judgment in the application of those powers: of judging from our reviews. It added to which every passage exhibits a strikes us that reasonable expecta- fancy and originality we have rarely seen tion is not fulfilled—which we ac- equalled in the best works of this highly count for by the exhanstion of the gifted master. The Rondo Villageois is a hitherto favourite and principal ob- piece of much less elaboration; it is light, ject of English writers, the oratorio elegant, and interesting, and somewhat in and glee-by the degraded state of the style of Mr. Kalkbrenner's Rondo Pasopera-and by the demand for ar

torale, but more simple. Both composi

tions are entitled to very high commendarangements of foreign works dif

tion. fused through the Italian opera, and A favourite Dutch song with variations for variations, in preference to ori- for the pianoforte, by J. N. Hummel ginal pieces of a higher stamp; toge- The subject is rather singular, but it has ther with the supremacy of great nothing very striking or agreeable in its foreign players, like Kalkbrenner and melody. The variations are constructed Moscheles, and of the popular ele- with superior ingenuity and contrivance, gance of Latour. The quantity of and demand neat and delicate execution. music published is, however, pro imagined with great elegance. The whole

Var. 8 is a Larghetto of beautiful expression, digious. Nor do performers rise up in such a succession as the vast sums composition bespeaks the mind and hand

of a master. expended upon public and private music would seem to imply. Bartle ed three compositions of Beethoven: 4

Messrs. Clementi, and Co. have publishman is yet without a successor, and Grand Sonata, op. 111. Sonata, op. 90, and there is no tenor likely to occupy a collection of eleven little pieces in various Braham's place in the theatre, or styles, under the title of Trifles for the Vaughan's in the orchestra. Mr. pianoforte. The first Sonata is a piece of Sapio is a man of considerable ta- great elaboration and difficulty. The selent, claiming, as it were, a middle cond is less complicated, and consequently station between these two great less difficult, but is full of beautiful ideas singers, but wanting the absolutely finely and scientifically elicited. The thirdfixed style and perfection that should the leamer to form a better idea of the

named publication will, perhaps, enable entitle him to succeed to the honours composer's style, than even his more celeof either, though perhaps with as brated works; they resemble the sketches much popularity as any singer now

of a painter, inasmuch as they exhibit the enjoys. Neither has Miss Stephens first ideas, and the rough outlines of more nor Mrs. Salmon a rival, though the complete and more finished productions.


We are happy to perceive amongst the new music, a second and improved edition of Mr. Clementi's variations on the Irish air, "the Sprig of Shillelah." We never meet with any modern music which so completely unites the grandeur and beauty of simplicity with all the resources of musical learning in such perfection as do the works of this great composer. Introduction and brilliant Rondo for two performers on the pianoforte, by J. Moscheles, op. 54. A spirited and beautiful composition full of melody, expression, and animation.

Grand march, with an Introduction and Rondo for the pianoforte, by J. S. Peile, is an agreeable lesson, having much pleasing melody and variety.

Mr. Holst has printed a series of four lessons, consisting of airs with the variations. The themes are, the Tyrolese air-Scots zoha hae-Sul margine d'un rio-and, Le Vaillant Troubadour. They are intended for beginners, and are of course in the easiest style.

Mr. Nicholson has published an Introduction and six Variations for the flute on the Fall of Paris, with an ad libitum




THIS little theatre has been courting the public with Sweethearts and Wives for the last three or four weeks pretty successfully; and Liston, who generally finds his old clothes sit easier than his new," has worn the habit of Billy Lackaday till it fits him to a T. All the points, and imperfections, and incoherencies of the character are now worn away, and Liston is as easy as an old glove in his hobby-de-hoyish sentimentality. He is not, as he always is at the commencement of a new piece, sharing himself with the public before the scenes and the prompter behind them;-but custom, having worked the matter into his memory, has given him leisure to taste the luxury of woe. And never, surely, did an alderman gloat over the verdant, fat of turtle, as he cloys himself with fat sighs and unctuous tears. The latter you can fancy trickling down his cheeks, like "that old sherry of yours" down the glass; and his sighs come up heavily laden from his heart, as though they were wound up? and lifted out by the crane of his neck. He hangs over his book more weeping-willowish

accompaniment for the pianoforte. The piece was played by the author at the Philharmonic concerts. It is calculated for performers of great execution, but Mr. Nicholson has very judiciously added a second stave, more adapted to acquirements of a lower rank than those for which he is himself so justly celebrated.

The arrangements are, Selection 3, of Mr. Bochsa's arrangement of Pietro l'Eremità. Book 1 of the airs from Ricciardo and Zoraide, arranged for the pianoforte, with an accompaniment for the flute, by Mr. Latour, and Six select airs from la Donna del Lago, for the pianoforte and flute, by Mr. Sola. The flute part is here made rather more important than in any of the selections which we have yet seen from this opera. The following airs have been selected from Rossini's operas, and arranged for the pianoforte, by Camille Pleyel, in an easy style. All'idea di qual metallo-Una voce poco fa-Ecco ridente il cielo, all from Il Barbiere di Seviglia, and part of Amor possente nome, from his Armida.

than ever ;-and when he turns that extremely full and plaintive moon of his visage-sad, yet of a harvesthue,-it is most strangely moving! The comedy of Sweethearts and Wives must have been profitable to all parties;-to Mr. Kenny-to Mr. Morris-to Mr. Liston-and to the public.

There was a new farce acted one night, which made no way with the audience, though Mrs. Chatterley and Mr. Vining clubbed their little loves-and Harley and Liston clubbed their large wits, to help it


The plot was Spanish-and the Spanish are not in luck just at this time-in spite of Liston and Sir Robert Wilson. Love and jealousy, the inseparables in Spanish plots, made up the two acts. And a more clumsy jumble of mistakes and follies we have seldom seen. The dialogue was better than that of farces in general,-and approached nearer to the dialogue of comedy than was desirable-a farce ought to be upon "the touch and go" throughout; and its language should rush on helter skelter without halting to parry point or defend itself. Comedy has leisure, and the night before it. But

farce is short-lived-flits about the midnight hour-plays late and deep -and ought to have its quick wits about it. Liston played an old Spanish Father-frilled like a bantam,yet a hearty old cock nevertheless. All he had to do was to abuse his tough lofty wife,-which he did in good set terms. Harley was a servant certainly out of place; Mrs. Chatterley, who is an easy pleasant actress, when she keeps her voice together, looked rather prettily as a young Spanish lover, and had all the ease, assurance, and pettishness of ladies in that line. But we are wasting our time over a dead farce! Readers, we forgot to tell you it was damned and as a farce, deservedly, wholesomely, well damned! There were snatches of wit, gleams of humour, which we could have wished to see spared; but as there is no damning to order, -no letting the better part turn King's evidence, we were compelled to see the whole lost. The farce was called "Spanish Bonds," because they rose but to fall, we presume, for we could really detect no other reason. The Waterman at the Hackney-stand, who said his name was given him because he opened the Coach-doors, is the only person qualified to account for this damned farce having been christened after Spanish Bonds.

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Simpson and Co. have opened a counting-house at this Little Theatre and Terry is, if possible, more amusing than ever. The real city merchant, built as he is, dressed as he is, unaffected as he is, was never before brought on the stage. Terry is the man:-fresh out of Robson's Directory. His head is powdered as if it were used to it-his coat has no theatrical cut, no fashionable turn in collar or skirt; but there he stands unadorned and adorned the most. Mincing-lane in one eye; and Marklane in the other! The lover of theatricals that has not seen Simpson and Co. may depend upon having a pleasure in store superior to any he has already enjoyed.


Presumption; or the Fate of Franken


The exertions at this theatre to give amusement to the public have been manifold and unceasing during

the month; and we are happy to be able to record a disposition on the part of the public to reward those exertions:-indeed the comfort of the house is now so increased, that untenanted boxes are not to be looked for.

A new Melodrama, founded on Mrs. Shelley's grand incoherence of a novel, called Presumption, or the Fate of Frankenstein, has been brought out with a success as strange and mysterious as the being which it brings before us. The audience crowd to it, hiss it, hail it, shudder at it, loath it, dream of it, and come again to it. The piece has been damned by full houses night after night, but the moment it is withdrawn, the public call it up againand yearn to tremble once more before it. There are very few of our readers, we conjecture, who have not read the novel of Frankenstein,-by stealth, at night, or in some misshapen hour. To them, therefore, the image of the young Frankenstein, with his mad aspirations after knowledge, must be familiar;-to them, his long and dangerous studies, his fearful labours,-his work of creation must be known. To them also, at a thought, must rise that hideous jumbled being, which Frankenstein gives life to, and which starts at all hours and at all places upon the two terrified victims-Frankenstein and the reader. The description of the first dawn-the first tremulous motion of life, is in the novel frightfully given:-and on recurring to it, we are only surprized that any Melodramatist (the wildest going) should ever have thought of bringing it out of the charmed book to the stageand we are astounded that such an attempt should have been attended with success. The management of this part of the novel in the drama is really the most perfect masterpiece of Melo-dramatic ingenuity that we ever in any piece or on any stage witnessed. We say this unreservedly and decidedly.

We do not think it necessary to give the plot of the drama, since we are sure we should be merely harassing the reader with a twice-told tale some alterations were necessarily made-but the leading features of the original work (features which, once seen, can never be forgotten)


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