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BE IT REMEMBERED that I, FRANK S. HOGAN, the District Attorney of the County of New York, by this information accuse the above-mentioned defendant of the crime of CRIMINAL CONTEMPT, committed as follows:

On September 23, 1964, the Second Grand Jury of the County of New York for the August, 1964 Term, having been duly and properly impanelled, was conducting an investigation to determine whether violations of the Penal Law relating to conspiracy to incite a riot had occurred.

On that date and pursuant to that investigation, the above-named defendant was called as a witness before that Grand Jury, in the County of New York, was duly sworn, and was advised that the Grand Jury had voted to confer immunity upon him from prosecution for any crimes that might be revealed by his testimony.

Whereupon, the defendant contumaciously and unlawfully refused to answer a legal and proper interrogatory as the following testimony demonstrates:

Q. "Mr. Barnett, where were you during the riots here in New York City in July of this year?"

A. "Upon advice of Counsel I'd like to take the fifth amendment and-on the grounds it may tend to incriminate me, * * *"

Q. "Mr. Foreman, I respectfully request that you direct the witness to answer that question."

The FOREMAN: "I so direct you."

A. "Again, I would like, upon advice of counsel, take the fifth ammendment." [sic]

Q. "Mr. Barnett, do you realize that when you refuse to answer the question after the foreman has directed you to answer that question that you commit a contempt of Court, which is a misdemeanor punishable by one year imprisonment and a $500 fine?"

A. "I do understand that."

Q. "You realize that?"

A. "I do."

Q. "Your counsel has told you-"

A. "That's right."

Q. "And you still persist?"

A. "That's right."


District Attorney.



Part 2






Washington, D.C.

The subcommittee of the Committee on Un-American Activities met, pursuant to recess, at 10 a.m., in Room 311, Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C., Hon. Edwin E. Willis (chairman) presiding. (Subcommittee members: Representatives Edwin E. Willis, of Louisiana, chairman; William M. Tuck, of Virginia; Richard H. Ichord, of Missouri; John M. Ashbrook, of Ohio; and Albert W. Watson, of South Carolina; also John C. Culver, of Iowa, in absence of Mr. Willis.)

(Subcommittee members present: Representatives Willis, Tuck, and Ashbrook.)

Staff members present: Francis J. McNamara, director; Chester D. Smith, general counsel; Alfred M. Nittle, counsel; and Donald T. Appell, chief investigator.

The CHAIRMAN. The subcommittee will come to order.

Mr. Wood, will you please raise your right hand?

Do you solemnly swear, sir, that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Mr. WOOD. I do.

The CHAIRMAN. Again I ask the press, please refrain from taking photographs. I would like their cooperation. I know that I will receive it. Proceed.


Mr. SMITH. Please state your name?

Mr. WOOD. My name is Raymond Wood.

Mr. SMITH. Where are you employed, Mr. Wood?

Mr. WOOD. I am a member of the New York City Police Department. Mr. SMITH. What is your rank in the police department?

Mr. Wood. I am a detective.

Mr. SMITH. To what part of the city were you assigned?
Mr. WOOD. I was assigned to the Bronx.

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Mr. SMITH. Were you invited to join the Congress of Racial Equality?

Mr. Wood. Yes, sir; in April of 1964, I was invited to join the Bronx chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality.

Mr. SMITH. Did you attend a citywide Congress of Racial Equality sit-in demonstration on May 11, 1964?

Mr. Wood. Yes, sir, I did. I was assigned as one of the members of the Bronx chapter to sit in on this particular demonstration.

The CHAIRMAN. And I suppose you joined with the knowledge of your superiors?

Mr. WOOD. Yes, sir, I did.

The CHAIRMAN. Probably at their suggestion?
Mr. WOOD. Pardon, sir?

The CHAIRMAN. Probably at their suggestion?
Mr. Wood. Yes, sir; that is correct.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much. Go on.

Mr. SMITH. Where was the sit-in demonstration held?

Mr. Wood. The sit-in demonstration was held at the Plumbers Local Union Number 2. It was on 14th Street and Union Square, New York City.

Mr. SMITH. What was the purpose of the sit-in?

Mr. Wood. The purpose of the sit-in was to insure the hiring of minority group apprentices so that they may be employed as members of this particular local.

Mr. SMITH. Was one of the organizers of this demonstration Blyden Jackson?

Mr. WOOD. Yes, sir. Blyden Jackson was one of the organizers, along with Herbert Callender from the Bronx chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality.

Mr. SMITH. Was he a member of CORE?

Mr. WOOD. Yes, sir; he was the chairman of the East River chapter of CORE.

Mr. SMITH. Detective Wood, I show you the Spring-Summer 1967 issue of a publication entitled Party Affairs, a publication of the Communist Party of the United States of America, which on page 9 thereof contains a picture of the Communist Party contingent at the Spring Peace Mobilization march in New York in 1967. Can you identify anyone in this picture?

Mr. WOOD. Yes, sir; I recognize Blyden Jackson.

Mr. SMITH. Mr. Chairman, permission is requested to enter into the record as Exhibit 1 the face page and page 9 of the stated publication.

The CHAIRMAN. Permission is granted.

(Document marked "Wood Exhibit No. 1." The photograph mentioned appears on p. 1033.)

Mr. SMITH. In July 1964 did you participate with other members of the Bronx chapter CORE in an attempt to make a "citizen's" arrest of Mayor Robert Wagner of New York?

Mr. WOOD. Yes, sir, I did. Actually there were three of us who participated in this particular venture. One was Herb Callender, chairman of the Bronx CORE, and John Valentine was housing chairman of the Bronx chapter of CORE, and myself.


[Party Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 2-Spring-Summer Quarter, 1967]

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Upon legal counsel received by Mr. Callender, we were informed that the best way that the Bronx chapter could redress its grievances would be to make a civilian arrest upon the mayor. We went down to the mayor's office and attempted a "citizen's" arrest, and at that time Mr. Callender was arrested by the New York City Police Department.

Mr. SMITH. Were you arrested as a result of this attempt?

Mr. WOOD. Yes, sir, I was.

Mr. SMITH. What activities were you engaged in during the Harlem riot of 1964 ?

Mr. WOOD. Well, sir, actually I was told by CORE to act as a liaison between the various CORE chapters. Our particular purpose was to coordinate demonstrations carried on throughout the city of New York during these particular riots. The purpose of this committee was twofold. Number one, it was to draw the New York City policemen out of the Harlem riot area and, secondly, it was to, an attempt to weaken the powers of the New York City Police Department by dispersing its forces.

Mr. SMITH. In addition to CORE, were you affiliated with the Freedom Now Party?

Mr. WOOD. Yes, sir, I was.

Mr. SMITH. Did you subsequently meet a man named Robert Collier?

Mr. Wood. Yes, I did.

Mr. SMITH. How did you make contact with him?

Mr. Wood. On December 14, 1964, I attended a rally upon the suggestion of my superiors at the Manhattan Center, which is located on 34th Street in New York City. While I was there I met Mr. Paul Boutelle, who invited me to take a seat with him during this particular rally. At the conclusion of the rally I was invited by Mr. Boutelle to meet one Robert Collier.

Mr. SMITH. Mr. Chairman, for the record, Paul Boutelle is a member of the Socialist Workers Party and has been designated as their candidate for Vice President of the United States in 1968.

Permission is requested to introduce into the record as Exhibit 2 an article by Mr. Paul Boutelle in the Socialist Workers Party official publication, The Militant, for Monday, May 24, 1965, titled, 'Why I Joined the Socialist Workers Party.'

The CHAIRMAN. Permission is so granted.

(Document marked "Wood Exhibit No. 2," appears on pp. 1035 and 1036.)

Mr. SMITH. Could you describe Freedom Now Party for us?

Mr. Woop. According to Mr. Boutelle, the Freedom Now Party's central headquarters was located in Detroit, Michigan. The purpose of this particular organization, it was to serve as a political organization whereby so-called members who felt that they had no means of getting into the regular course or the regular stream of political life in America, this would be their means of getting into the stream. Mr. SMITH. Did you have any further contact with Collier! Mr. WOOD. Yes, sir, I did. I met Mr. Collier again on December 15, 1964, at a local rallying point or ballroom up in Harlem. The name of it is the Renaissance Ballroom. While I was there, Mr. Collier spotted me as I was coming in the door, and we had a brief conversa

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