But at this instant he is sick, my lord, And all probation, will make up full clear. Whensoever he's convented. First, for this woman, (To justify this worthy nobleman, So vulgarly and personally accus'd,) Her shall you hear disproved to her eyes, Till she herself confess it. Duke. Good friar, let's hear it. [ISABELLA is carried off, guarded; and Do you not smile at this, lord Angelo?- Mari. Pardon, my lord; I will not show my face, Until my husband bid me. I did but smile till now: Now, good my lord, give me the scope of justice; My patience here is touch'd: I do perceive, No, my lord. These poor informal women are no more Neither, my lord. Why, you Are nothing then:--Neither maid, widow, nor wife? Lucio. My lord, she may be a punk; for many of them are neither maid, widow, nor wife. Duke. Silence that fellow: I would, he had Mari. Not that I know. Dike. No! you say your husband? Mari. Why, just, my lord, and that is Angelo, Who thinks, he knows, that he ne'er knew my body, But knows, he thinks, that he knows Isabel's. Ang. This is a strange abuse:'-Let's see thy face. Mari. My husband bids me; now I will unmask. [Unveiling. This is that face, thou cruel Angelo, That took away the match from Isabel, And did supply thee at thy garden-house, In her imagın'd person. Duke. Know you this woman? Lucio. Carnally, she says. Convened. • Publicly. • Deception. But instruments of some more mightier member, That sets them on: Let me have way, my lord, To find this practice out. Duke. Ay, with my heart; And punish them unto your height of pleasure.Thou foolish friar, and thou pernicious woman, Compact with her that's gone! think'st thou thy oaths, Though they would swear down each particular saint, Were testimonies against his worth and credit, F. Peter. Would he were here, my lord; for he, indeed, Hath set the women on to this complaint: Duke. Go do it instantly.- Escal. My lord, we'll do it thoroughly.-[Exit Duke.] Signior Lucio, did not you say, you knew that friar Lodowick to be a dishonest person? Lucio. Cucullus non facit monachum: honest in nothing but in his clothes; and one that hath spoke most villanous speeches of the duke. Escal. We shall entreat you to abide here till he come, and enforce them against him: we shall find this friar a notable fellow. Lucio. As any in Vienna, on my word. Escal. Call that same Isabel here once again; [To an Attendant.] I would speak with her: Pray you, my lord, give me leave to question; you shall see how I'll handle her. Lucio. Not better than he, by her own report. privately, she would sooner confess; perchance | ere you make that my report: you, indeed, spoke publicly she'll be ashamed. Re-enter Officers, with ISABELLA; the Duke, in the Friar's habit, and Provost. Escal. I will go darkly to work with her. Lucio. That's the way; for women are light at midnight. Escal. Come on, mistress: [TO ISABELLA.] here's a gentlewoman denies all that you have said. Lucio. My lord, here comes the rascal I spoke of; here with the provost. Escal. In very good time: speak not you to him, till we call upon you. And then to glance from him to the duke himself; But we will know this purpose :- What! unjust? Dare no more stretch this finger of mine, than he Where I have seen corruption boil and bubble, Escal. Slander to the state! Away with him to prison. Ang. What can you vouch against him, signior Lucio? Is this the man that you did tell us of? Lucio. "Tis he, my lord. Come hither, goodman bald-pate: Do you know me? Duke. I remember you, sir, by the sound of your voice. I met you at the prison in the absence of the duke. Lucio. O, did you so? And do you remember what you said of the duke ? Duke. Most notedly, sir. Lucio. Do you so, sir? And was the duke a flesh-nonger, a fool, and a coward, as you then reported hirn to be? Duke. You must, sir, change persons with me, so of him; and much more, much worse. Lucio. O thou damnable fellow! Did not I pluck thee by the nose for thy speeches? Duke. I protest I love the duke as I love myself. Ang. Hark! how the villain would close now, after his treasonable abuses. Escal. Such a fellow is not to be talked withal:Away with him to prison. Where is the provost!Away with him to prison; lay bolts enough upon him: let him speak no more. Away with those giglots too, and with the other confederate companion. [The Provost lays hands on the Duke. Duke. Stay, sir; stay awhile. Ang. What! resists he? Help him, Lucio. Lucio. Come, sir; come, sir; come, sir; foh, sir: Why, you bald-pated, lying rascal! you must be hooded, must you? Show your knave's visage! with a pox to you! show your sheep-biting face, and be hang'd an hour! Will't not off? [Pulls off the Friar's hood, and discovers the Duke. Duke. Thou art the first knave that e'er made a duke. First, provost, let me bail these gentle three: Sneak not away, sir; [To LUCIO.] for the friar and Duke. Come hither, Mariana: Say, wast thou e'er contracted to this woman? Ang. I was, my lord. Duke. Go, take her hence, and marry her in stantly.Do you the office, friar; which consummate, Return him here again:-Go with him, provost. [Exeunt ANGELO, MARIANA, PETER, and Provost. Escal. My lord, I am more amazed at his dishonor, Than at the strangeness of it. O give me pardon, You are pardon'd, Isabel: And now, dear maid, be you as free to us. Make rash remonstrance of my hidden power, Than that which lives to fear: make it your comfort, Re-enter ANGELO, MARIANA, PETER, and Provost. Whose salt imagination yet hath wrong'd (Being criminal, in double violation Of sacred chastity, and of promise-breach, Most audible, even from his proper tongue, "An Angelo for Claudio, death for death." Haste still pays haste, and leisure answers leisure; Like doth quit like, and "Measure still for Measure!" Then, Angelo, thy fault's thus manifested; Which though thou wouldst deny, denies thee vantage: We do condemn thee to the very block Where Claudio stoop'd to death, and with like haste: Away with him. Mari. Escal. I am sorry, one so learned and so wise As you, lord Angelo, have still appear'd, Should slip so grossly, both in the heat of blood, And lack of temper'd judgment afterward. Ang. I am sorry, that such sorrow I procure: O my most gracious lord, I hope you will not mock me with a husband! Duke. It is your husband mock'd you with a And so deep sticks it in my penitent heart, husband; That I crave death more willingly than mercy; "Tis my deserving, and I do entreat it. Re-enter Provost, BARNARDINE, CLAUDIO, and Duke. Which is that Barnardine? This, my lord. Duke. There was a friar told me of this man. Sirrah, thou art said to have a stubborn soul, Prov. This is another prisoner, that I sav'd, That should have died when Claudio lost his head; As like almost to Claudio as himself. Lucio. 'Faith, my lord, I spoke it but according to the trick: If you will hang me for it, you may, but I had rather it would please you, I might be whipp'd. Duke. Whipp'd first, sir, and hang'd after.Proclaim it, provost, round about the city; If any woman's wrong'd by this lewd fellow, (As I have heard him swear himself, there's one Whom he begot with child,) let her appear, And he shall marry her: the nuptial finish'd, Let him be whipp'd and hang'd. Lucio. I beseech your highness, do not marry me to a whore. Your highness said even now, I made you a duke; good my lord, do not recompense me, in making me a cuckold. Duke. Upon mine honor, thou shalt marry her. Thy slanders I forgive; and therewithal Remit thy other forfeits:-Take him to prison: And see our pleasure herein executed. • Thoughtless practice. Lucio. Marrying a punk, my lord, is pressing to death, whipping, and hanging. Duke. Sland'ring a prince deserves it.She, Claudio, that you wrong'd look you restore. Joy to you, Mariana!-love her, Angelo; I have confess'd her, and I know her virtue.Thanks, good friend Escalus, for thy much good ness: There's more behind, that is more gratulate. know. DOG BERRY, } two foolish officers. HERO, Daughter to Leonato. URSULA, Gentlewomen attending on Hero. Messengers, Watch, and Attendants. Hero. My cousin means signior Benedick of Padua. Mess. O, he is returned; and as pleasant as ever he was. Beat. He set up his bills here in Messina, and challenged Cupid at the flight: and my uncle's fool, reading the challenge, subscribed for Cupid, and challenged him at the bird-bolt.—I pray you, how many hath he killed and eaten in these wars? But how many hath he killed? for, indeed, I promised to eat all of his killing. Leon. Faith, niece, you tax signior Benedick too much; but he'll be meet with you, I doubt it not. wars. Mess. He hath done good service, lady, in these Beat. You had musty victual, and he hath holp to eat it: he is a very valiant trencher-man, he hath an excellent stomach. is Mess. And a good soldier too, lady. Beat. And a good soldier to a lady :-But what he to a lord? MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. PERSONS REPRESENTED. DON PEDRO, Prince of Arragon. BENEDICK, a young Lord of Padua, Favorite LEONATO, Governor of Messina. ANTONIO, his Brother. BALTHAZAR, Servant to Don Pedro. CONRADE, BORACHIO, Followers of Don John. SCENE, Messina. SCENE I-Before Leonato's House. ACT I. Enter LEONATO, HERO, BEATRICE, and others, with a Messenger. Leonato. I learn in this letter, that don Pedro of Arragon comes this night to Messina. Mess. He is very near by this; he was not three leagues off, when I left him. Leon. How many gentlemen have you lost in this action? Mess. But few of any sort, and none of name. Leon. A victory is twice itself, when the achiever brings home full numbers. I find here that don Pedro hath bestowed much honor on a young Florentine, called Claudio. Mess. Much deserved on his part, and equally remembered by don Pedro: He hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age; doing, in the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion: he hath, indeed, better bettered expectation, than you must expect of me to tell you how. Leon. He hath an uncle here in Messina will be very much glad of it. Mess. I have already delivered him letters, and there appears much joy in him; even so much, that joy could not show itself modest enough, without a badge of bitterness. Leon. Did he break out into tears? Leon. A kind overflow of kindness: There are no faces truer than those that are so washed. How much better is it to weep at joy, than to joy at weeping! Beat. I pray you, is signior Montanto returned from the wars, or no? Mess. I know none of that name, lady; there was none such in the army of any sort. Leon. What is he that you ask for, niece? Abundance. Mess. A lord to a lord, a man to a man; stuffed with all honorable virtues. Beat. It is so, indeed; he is no less than a stuffed man: but for the stuffing,-Well, we are all mor tal. Leon. You must not, sir, mistake my niece: there is a kind of merry war betwixt signior Benedick and her: they never meet, but there is a skirmish of wit between them. Beat. Alas, he gets nothing by that. In our last conflict, four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one: so that if he have wit enough to keep himself warm, let him bear it for a difference between himself and his horse for it is all the wealth that he hath left, to be known a reasonable creature.-Who is his companion now? He hath every month a new sworn brother. 2 A cuckold. |