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Some further particulars of the calamity are contained in the following:

Extracts of a Letter from a Gentleman resident in the Colony, to Rev. Dr. Philip, dated Perseverance, March 23, 1832, containing particulars of some of the Missionary stations within the colony of the Cape of Good Hope.


I have had a long but by no means a tedious journey, and have spent delightful days at the several institutions along the road, by managing so that I arrived always on the Saturday, and spent there the Sabbath and Monday. My first stop was at Genadendaal, which I found wonderfully improved, and of which I shall say more in my next letter.

Caledon Institution.

I then came to Caledon Institution, where I was most agreeably surprised to find the state of the people far above my conception. I had been afraid that the length of time that they had been deprived of a missionary would have brought them to a very backward state, but I found a set of people whose appearance spoke immediately in their favour, and attentive and devout as I have found the people generally at the institutions, that of Caledon excels. My wonder ceased, however, when I heard the impressive addresses from Mr. Helm, and witnessed his zealous and judicious missionary labours. The temporal concerns of the people are, however, not so good as I should wish, and they are in want of some assistance, which my next letter will explain to you.


I was also much delighted with. The church is built with better taste, and in a chaster style, than any I know in the colony. The people had suffered dreadfully last year from the severe drought, but they have cultivated a great deal of land this year, and have had good crops. More of this station also in my next, as I must occupy the rest of the present letter about Hankey, where I came to see a most melancholy sight, but witnessed also a spirit of Christian resignation and persevering industry, that reflects great honour on the people.

Destructive Tempest at Hankey.

I found the house of the missionaries (in which the water had been several feet high) still quite wet, and, if the doors and windows were shut, a sickly agueish smell, and

*Or Gnadenthal, one of the principal stations of the United Brethren, in South Africa.ED.

feverish sensations, which put one in mind of the mal-aria of the Pontine marshes. The weather was excessively hot and sultry, which made it more noxious. Mr. and Mrs. Kitchingman, as well as Mr. Melvill, I was sorry to observe, showed evident symptoms of having been affected by it, so that I urged them strongly to sleep in their waggon, which they had done for some time, but discontinued, on account of the great trouble it creates, and as this is the season of thunder-storms and sudden changes in the weather. The house, particularly the walls and the foundation, has been so much damaged, that it would be throwing money away if the attempt to repair it was made. The gardens, as well of the missionaries as of the people, have also suffered much; not only part of the crops, but entire fruit-trees have been washed away, and carried down the stream to the sea. On Monday, I went with Mr. Kitchingman along the water-course, the greater part of which is much damaged, and in some places so entirely destroyed that every trace of it is swept away. All the wooden gutters are carried off, some of them to the sea, and on one spot large blocks of rocks, on which some gutters had rested, had tumbled down in the river, while, on several others, the water-sloat had been changed into what is called a Zee koi gat-that is to say, large irregular holes of immense depth. I confess that when I contemplated the present destruction, and that a similar one may occur again, I would not have undertaken the repair of it, had it been on a farm belonging to me. During these considerations, however, I arrived at the spot where the water had been led out, and found about forty men cheerfully at work, and that they had made already some progress, in cutting a new sloat through the bank, to the depth of nearly twenty feet; and, from the spirit with which they are animated, I have no doubt that they will succeed. At the same time, we must bear in mind that this calamitous visitation took place at a period when the people were in the most favourable circumstances for its reception. They had secured the greatest part of an abundant crop, by which, and the high condition of their cattle, they have a sufficiency of food, so that they are enabled to devote their time and labour to the repair of the sloat; but if a similar visitation should take place before the crops are secured, they would have to disperse in search of some earnings, and the whole would, very likely, be abandoned. As it is, if they succeed in restoring the watercourse, it puts them back in their building, and the wooden gutters will always be exposed to accidents, and nothing will do eventually but iron pipes, so that I hope a successful call will be made on behalf of Hankey to the benevolent.

The moral conduct of the people appears to be unexceptionable, and they have made

great progress under Mr. Melvill and Mr. Kitchingman.*


Letter of Rev. John Monro, Missionary at Graham's Town, dated 24th January, 1832; addressed to the Directors.


Another year of eventful changes has passed over our heads; and, in taking a retrospect of what has transpired at this station during that period, it becomes us to raise our Ebenezer, and say, "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us."


In June last it pleased the Lord to awaken several from that state of listless apathy, of which I formerly complained as being so general; they were brought under deep concern for their souls, accompanied with strong convictions of sin, and earnestly inquired what they must do to be saved. The marked change in their conduct roused many others, and particularly some individuals who had been baptized and received into the church by the late Mr. Vanderlingen, and had grievously backsliden, but who are now evidently convinced of their danger, and beg for the privilege of again joining with the people of God in the solemnities of the sanctuary. One means of this awakening was the special blessing of God on a baptismal sermon. female member of the church, who had been confined to her bed for many months, requested that I would baptize her child; and, as she could not come to the chapel, I published my intention of preaching and baptizing in one of the huts at Scots' Kloof. My congregation was numerous, probably on account of the novelty of the service, as I make it a rule to administer that ordinance always before the congregation. When near the close of the discourse, and describing the duties of the baptized, I saw my auditors were particularly moved, and the greater part in tears. These impressions have continued, and of many of them their conduct enables me to form very pleasing hopes.

During the year four have joined the church; three who had been suspended for some time were restored; ten were dedicated to God by baptism, and there are twenty-seven in the candidate classes. These I meet twice in the week, for catechetical instruction and serious conversation; and many pleasing hours are thus spent in describing their simple experience.

* Donations will be thankfully received by the Rev. John Arundel, Home Secretary, at the Mission-house, No. 26, Austin Friars, London; and at the Banking-house of Messrs. Hankey, Fenchurch Street.-ED.

The Sunday-school continues to flourish, and the attendance of both adults and children is truly encouraging. Of late that restless, wandering disposition, which so much characterized the Hottentots in former times, seems to be losing ground-I mean as it respects those who are inhabitants of Graham's Town-and this is visible from their constant and regular attendance on the Lord's day, the consequence resulting from which is, that their progress is much more rapid than ever before witnessed by me. Several who, at last year anniversary, did not know their alphabets, have, within the year, passed through the several minor classes, and are now reading in the New Testament. female (Anna Tauntaal), in her anxiety to attain the privilege of reading the word of God for herself, has been known to leave her bed several times during the night, and sit by the fire (having no other light), learning her weekly tasks. This woman is married, and has a large family, and, though living four miles from town, is never absent from public worship, and, in general, is among the first at chapel, with one babe at her back and another in her arms.


A few weeks back a Temperance Society was organized in this place, and I am happy in bearing testimony to the forwardness of our people in subscribing its fundamental principle. My list, which is confined to the coloured population, contains already one hundred and fifty names, and accessions are daily made. Oh, that they may be enabled, through divine grace, to withstand the many temptations to which they are constantly exposed, in respect to the soul-destroying sin of drunkenness !

The chapel, which is supposed to seat three hundred persons, is found to be too small, in consequence of which a deep gallery is being erected, which, when completed, will accommodate from one hundred to one hundred and fifty more. This, with ceiling the place, which cost upwards of 300 Rix dollars (it is now completed and paid for), hard presses upon the English congregation, who are, individually, characters that labour hard for a living, not one of them being in affluent circumstances.

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P.S. The pupils in our Sunday-school, from the least to the greatest, expect a reward at the anniversary, and probably some things may be sent to the Mission-house, by friends of the Society, that might be considered of little value in other places, and would be highly valued here; three hundred were rewarded, at our last anniversary, with books, bags, pincushions, frocks, pinafores, knives, pencil-cases, &c. Many friends in town kindly assisted us on the occasion, but we cannot always expect a similar supply. If you can

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A letter has been lately received from the Catechist at Campbell, dated 26th December, 1832. He states that the Lord appears to be blessing his labours. A new place of worship had been opened, on which occasion he baptized the widow of the late Captain Kok, of Namacqualand, who is understood to be upwards of ninety years of age. It appears that she heard the gospel twenty-five years ago, when it was first preached by the missionaries in that country. The people present at the administration of the ordinance were much impressed by the solemn and touching nature of the occasion, and the Catechist hopes that good results will follow. He adds, that a youth, a grandson of the aged female just mentioned, is under concern for the salvation of his soul, and inquires, with great earnestness, as to the way to heaven. The average number of children attending the school is about sixtyfive.

He then proceeds to describe, in affecting terms, the ravages which the small-pox was making at the station, and the distressing spectacles he was compelled to witness, without the means of affording the requisite relief. The total number of deaths, at the time of his writing, was fifty-two. He adds "The little medicine that I had left was soon exhausted. It is a very dear article in this country; and I have often indulged the thought, that if some of our Christian friends in England were acquainted with what affliction the Lord has been pleased to visit us with, they would sympathise with us, and render some little assistance, as to those articles which are most essentially necessary, such as MEDICINES, a few TOOLS, and a few FARMING IM


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Letter of Rev. William Buyers, Missionary at Benares, dated January 26th, 1832; addressed to the Home-Secretary.


After a tedious passage of about two months from Calcutta, I arrived here on the sixth of January. In consequence of contrary winds and the strength of the current in the Ganges, I met with considerable de

*Articles sent for the care of Rev. John Arundel, Home-Secretary, No. 26, Austin Friars, will be thankfully received, and punctually forwarded to South Africa.ED.

lay, but have reason to be thankful for being brought in health and safety to the place of my destination. On the river I experienced several gales of wind, but escaped a very severe storm which took place the day before I left Calcutta-the effects of which were long manifest. One day I think I passed upwards of a hundred vessels lying wrecked on the shore, with their crews sheltered in small temporary huts or tents.

I visited most of the towns on the river; many of them are large, and the whole country is very fertile and populous. In consequence of want of water in the branch of the Ganges on which Berhampore is situated, I was prevented from visiting brother Hill. At Monghir I spent two days with the Baptist Missionaries, and preached to a very good English congregation; but my perfect knowledge of the language prevented me, during the journey, from engaging, as I wished, in missionary exertions.


On reaching Benares I found my future colleague, Mr. Robertson, well, and our meeting has been a source of much happiness to us both, and our society, I confidently trust, will be a mutual blessing. We live together in his bungalow; and, from his extensive acquaintance with the various languages spoken in this country, and from his great readiness to assist me, I derive great advantages in my studies. I hope in a few months to be fully engaged in preaching to the natives, though in an imperfect manner; but I think it much better to blunder a little as it respects the language than remain in silence, when so wide a door is presented for proclaiming among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.

With the exception of London, I have never seen so large a city as Benares. The exact population, however, is unknown—as from various causes the people are unwilling to tell what number of inmates are in their houses, no correct census has ever been obtained. Being regarded as sacred, not only over the whole of Hindoostan, where the Brahminical faith is professed, but also wherever the Buddhist system prevails, pilgrims come even from the Burman empire and the Island of Ceylon, to wash away their sins at Benares, which some of them regard not as part of earth but of heaven!


It is impossible for a Christian to look unmoved on Benares. -a city not only 'wholly given to idolatry," but a city itself an object of superstitious veneration, with a population immense, indeed, but not equal to the number of its gods. But even this great metropolis of Hindooism stands with its gates wide open to receive the soldiers of the cross; and surely it is not to the honour of the Christian world that only one or two have entered it, presenting more the appearance of spies than of a force designed to take possession of such a strong hold.

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The prospects of the mission, considering all circumstances, are far more encouraging than I could ever have expected to find them. Mr. Robertson has just completed making the circuit of the whole city-conversing with people of all descriptions and often preaching to great crowds, and his labours seem to have produced a deep impression. A spirit of conviction seems extensively to have spread in the city, and every thing short of real success in the conversion of souls has been obtained; and there is a seriousness among inquirers which leads us to hope that we shall soon behold many turn to the Lord in sincerity of heart. Besides the labours of Mr. Robertson out of doors, he has two services in the city chapel, in Hinduwee and Urdu. The place is generally about full, and the congregation is remarkably attentive, indeed as much so as any Christian assembly. It is composed both of Hindoos and Mohammedans. We intend to commence a third service in the chapel next week, as I shall be able to deliver one sermon a week and shall gradually increase the number as I improve in the

language. Had we preachers, there would be no difficulty in finding congregations in any part of the city, and in some places bungalows might be erected at a small expense,

where the streets are too narrow for collect

ing the people in the open air. Owing to the narrowness of almost all the streets of Benares they are very crowded, and the noise and clamour render it very difficult either to speak or hear, but where there is any convenient spot the people appear very willing to attend.

I hope the Directors will consider the unequalled importance of Benares, as a missionary station, and will send as many more labourers as possible-too many they cannot send, for were all the missionaries of the Society within twenty miles of where I now write, they would find an ample field for their exertions. If we would destroy the monster Hindooism we should strike in the most vital part, and that part is undoubtedly here. Trusting still to have an interest in your prayers, and those of the Directors.




ULTRA GANGES.... Rev. Dr. Morrison........... Canton..



SOUTH AFRICA..........


...23 December, 1831.

C. H. Thomson .........
..Singapore...........30 January, 1832.

W. H. Medhurst

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


..Ditto, ditto.

Pinang ............_2 January, ditto.
.Ditto................................... .Ditto, ditto.
.Madras .............19 Ditto, ditto.

the Madras District Com-Ditto

W. Reeve....

9 and 10 March, ditto.

Dated at Madras....10 Ditto, ditto. Benares

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J. C. Thompson


R. Knill



Dr. Philip.

.26 January, ditto.

2 March, ditto.

.17 February, ditto."
.14 April, N. S., 1832.

........Cape of Good Hope..24 April, ditto.

Hamilton, Moffat, &c......... Lattakoo ...........26 December, 1831.




BELGAUM is a British military station. It is situated in the Mahratta country, in 15o. 40'. N. Lat., and E. Long. 75o. 30'., and is distant about 75 miles, E. by W., from Goa. The population, including that of the villages in its immediate vicinity, amounts to about 25,000; the natives being chiefly Hindoos, and the Europeans principally connected with

the army. The former consist of Mahrattas, Teloogoos, Canarese, and Malabars; but the language most commonly spoken is Tamil. The town (or pettah) is embosomed amidst trees, and in the direction of the populous village of Shawpore the ground is rich and well cultivated; but the rest of the surrounding country has a naked and barren appearance. The climate is one of the first in India, and even in the hot season is mild and pleasant, the heat being mitigated, by the sea and land breezes, alternately.

About twelve years ago, the brethren then composing the Society's mission at Bellary, having received applications for missionaries, from several principal towns in that part of India, after due consideration, decided that Belgaum, which was included in the number, had the first claim on the Society's attention; and, in consequence, Mr. Joseph Taylor, one of their number, with the concurrence of his brethren, Messrs. Hands and Reeve, went over to Belgaum on a visit of inspection and inquiry. His report being favourable, it was agreed that he should forthwith occupy the station; and he accordingly, accompanied by a native teacher, removed from Bellary thither, in September, 1820, at which time the Belgaum mission may be considered as having commenced. The missionary and his assistant were received with much kindness by Major General Pritzler, the British officer commanding on the station, and by several other respectable Europeans, whose solicitations, with those of the General, had, among other causes, induced the brethren at Bellary to make the attempt.

Mr. Taylor, being a native of the East Indies, and acquainted with several of the Indian dialects, was enabled to commence direct missionary labours among the natives immediately on his arrival. In 1822 some of the first-fruits of those labours appeared, in the conversion of two Hindoos, and in 1823 stated services in Canarese were begun.. These services were attended by about 20 natives, who bore a decided testimony against idolatry. In the following year the number of native converts was increased to seven; in 1827 three more were added; and in 1828 (in which year a place of worship was built for the use of the mission) a native church was formed, composed of 15 members. In 1831 it received a further addition of four. Three natives, to whose conversion the missionaries at Belgaum were instrumental, now labour usefully, as assistants, in the mission.

In 1825, in consequence of the baptism of three of the Hindoo converts, a severe persecution was raised at Shawpore, which led to the discontinuance of the native services at that out-station. But latterly several young men, belonging to the place, who withdrew at the time of the persecution, have again come forward, and now statedly attend the native services of the mission, visit the missionaries at their own dwellings, and appear to experience the power of religion.

Native schools were formed shortly after the occupation of Belgaum as a missionary station, which, from 2, gradually increased to 8 or 9; which, although several fluctuations occurred during the intermediate period, is about the present number of schools connected with the mission. The number of youths and children under instruction in 1823 was 150, and in 1831 the schools contained about the same number; but in the intervening years the number was considerably larger, and, for some time, was as high as 200. The schools, reckoning from their commencement, have embraced the Mahratta, Canarese, Tamil, and Teloogoo, but at present they include only the first three of those languages. In 1826 a native school, established at Shawpore, but suspended in consequence of the persecution, has been since resumed. The improvement of the scholars, in common learning and Christian knowledge, has been, on the whole, satisfactory. The inhabitants of the country around Belgaum manifest an earnest desire to have schools established in their respective vicinities, and their children instructed under the direction of the missionaries, who, unhappily, are unable to meet the wish of the people, in these respects, for want of funds.

At Darwar, an out-station of the Belgaum mission, where one of the three native assistants, before mentioned, labours, a native congregation has been formed, and two native schools have been established, one for adults, and one for children.

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