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That the King of Kings will hold forth a golden sceptre to us, invite and welcome us into presence, and bid us draw near; this is no small favour, 1 Sam. xxii. 2. Every one that was distressed and in debt, drew near to David. and he became a captian over them. So that we who are distressed and in debt, may draw near to God; and that he will not only be our captain, but our husband, Isaiah liv. 5. What transcendent dignity is this! It is a wonder God doth not kick us out of his presence, but that we should be admitted to see the king's face; and that he should send us dainties off from his own table, is an honour fitter for angels than men.

To draw near to God is our safety. God is a strong tower, Prov. xviii. 10. It is good in times of danger to draw near to a fort or castle, Hab. iii. 4. He had horns coming out of his hands, and there was the hiding of his power. The horns coming out of God's hands, are to push his enemies; and the hiding of his power, is to safeguard his people. God is an impregnable srong hold. Indeed there is no safety, but in drawing nigh to God. If the sheep straggles from the fold, it is in danger of the wolf; is we straggle and wander from God, we are in danger of satan.

To draw near to God is our peace. The only thing which breaks our peace is, when we do not keep close to God: but what harmony, yea Heaven is in the soul when it draws nigh to God! Psalm cxix. 165. Great peace

have they that love thy law. This peace, like pearl, in broth, is cordial. David drew nigh to God, for he was ever with him, Psalm cxxxix. 17. And this made his pillow soft when he went to sleep, Psalm iv. 8. I will lay me down in peace; as the honey dew falls upon the leaf: O that sweet serenity which drops as honey upon the soul, while it is drawing nigh to God! How comfortable is it to draw near the sun! and how sweet is it to approach nigh to the Sun of Righteousness.

To draw near to God is our riches. It is good drawing near a golden mine. If we draw near to God, he will enrich us with promises, and divine consolations; he will enrich us with the pearl of price, Ephes. iii. 8. He will reward us as a king, yea as a God.He will make over his land and jewels to us; he will give us the spring flowers of joy here and the harvest of glory hereafter.

If we draw near to God, he will draw near to us. If we draw near to him in duty, he will draw near to us in mercy. When the prodigal approached to his father, his father drew near to him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, Luke xv. 20. If we draw near to God with repenting hearts, he will draw near to us with a compassionate heart. David prayed, Psalm. Ixix. 18. Draw nigh to my soul. It is good to have God draw nigh to us. How sweet is his presence! he is light to the eye, joy to the heart. How happy was it

for Zacheus, when Christ drew near to him! This day is salvation come to thy house, Luke xix. 9. When God draws near to the soul, Heaven and salvation draw near.

2. There is a time coming, when we shall wish we had drawn near to God. We are shortly drawing near to our grave, Psalm cvii. 18. They draw near unto the gates of death. The wicked who care not for God, yet at death they would draw near to him. Then they cry as Matt. viii. 25. Lord save or we perish; then mercy, mercy. They run to God in distress, as in a storm men run to a tree for shelter. But God will not shelter his enemies. The Lord gives the sinner abundance of mercy in his life time, (as you have seen a loving father bribing a prodigal son with money to see if he can reclaim him) but if the sinner be not wrought upon with mercy, then at death the sun of mercy sets, and a dark night of wrath overtakes the sinner.-They who would not draw nigh to God as a friend, God will draw nigh to them as an enemy.

How shall we do to draw near to God?

Let us contemplate the excellencies of God. He is the God of glory, Psalm xxix. 3. full of orient beauty in comparison of whom both angles and men are but as the small dust of the balance. He is the God of love, 2 Cor. xiii. 11. who triumphs in acts of mercy. Well may this encourage our approaches to

him who delights to display the banner of free grace to sinners. If we should hear of a person of honour, who were of a lovely disposition, obliging all that came to him by acts of kindness and civility, it would make us ambitiously desirous to ingratiate ourselves with him, and get into his acquaintance. God is the most sovereign good, the wonder of love, ready to diffuse the silver streams of his bounty to indigent creatures; this if any thing will make us willing to draw near to him, and acquiestie in him as the centre of felicity.

If we would draw near to God, let us study our own wants. Let us consider in what need we stand of God, and that we cannot be

happy without him. The prodigal never drew near to his father, till he began to be in want, Luke xv. A proud sinner who was never convinced of his want, minds not to come near God; he hath a stock of his own to live upon, Jer. ii. 31. We are the Lord's, we will come no more unto thee. A full stomach despiseth the honey-comb. It is the sense of want brings us near to God. Why did so many lame and paralitical resort to Christ, but because they wanted a cure. Why doth the thirsty man draw near a fountain but because he wants water. Why doth a condemned man draw near his prince but because he wants a pardon. When a poor souls reviews its wants, I want grace, I want the favour of God, I am damned without Christ; this makes

him draw near to God, and be an earnest supplicant for mercy.

If we would draw near to God, let it be our care to clear our interest in God, Heb. x. 22. Let as draw near in full assurance of faith. When we know him to be our God, then we draw near to him. The spouse, by virtue of the conjugal union, draws near to her husband, Psalm xlviii. 14. This God is our God. Let us beg the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God hath a magnetical virtue. Corruption draws the heart from God; the Spirit draws it to him, Cant. i. 4. Draw me, we will run after thee. The Spirit, by his omnipotent grace, draws the heart to God not only sweetly, but powerfully.

Let us get our hearts fired with love to God: which way the love goes, that way the heart is drawn. If God be the treasure delighted in, our hearts will be drawn to him. Servile fear makes the soul fly from God; sacred love makes it fly to him.


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