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fing Praises to his Name, for his continued Goodness towards her Soul, tho' under great Affliction of Body. Many Friends and Neighbours came to vifit her when she lay upon her fick Bed, and it pleafed God to open her Mouth, by way of Exhortation and good Advice, to the tendering the Hearts of many. And now the time drawing near that she must give up this natural Life, could appeal to the Beloved of her Soul, that he had done her Day's Work in the Day-time, and was at Peace with the Lord; defiring to be diffolved, and freed from this earthly Tabernacle.

She departed this Life the 7th Day of the First Month 1750, in the Seventieth Year of her Age, having been a Minifter upwards of Fifty Years.

A Teftimony from Thirfk Monthly - meeting in Yorkshire, concerning MABEL Barker.


BOUT the Year 1741, it pleased the Lord, in the Riches of his Love, to raise up our well-beloved Friend Mabel Barker to bear Testimony to his bleffed Truth; in which Service the manifefted her Love and Zeal for the Profperity thereof, by her frequent Exercise and Labour amongst us. Her Concern was great for the Welfare of our immortal Souls, and that we might demean ourselves fo, as to

give no juft Occafion for the Truth to be evil Spoken of; advifing us to be very careful in all our Deportment among Men; fometimes expreffing the great Need there was for her to be careful, upon her own Account, left she should offend in Thought, Word or Deed; and that she believed all had the like Need, but was afraid all did not fee their Need to be jo great as it really was; and fo would tenderly advise, to the Comfort and Confolation of her Friends; for the Lord bleffed her in her Labour, and often eminently attended her in her Miniftry with his divine Power, whereby the Hearts of many were reached, and the Heritage of God watered by the divine Showers, that, through her, as an Inftrument in the Hand of the Lord, fell upon them. Oh! the bedewing Seafons, and comfortable Opportunities, which we have had with this our Friend, the Impreffions whereof at times ftill revive upon our Spirits, and makes us fenfible our Lofs of her is great; but as we are well fatisfied it is her eternal Gain, we dare not murmur, but fay, as one of old, The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, bleffed be the Name of the Lord: Defiring, that others may be raised up, and made willing to labour faithfully in the Lord's Vineyard, as we believe this our Friend hath done; for it

was her great Concern, that his Work might

be done to his own Praife: And the was willing to lend a helping Hand to the Weak, that fo all might be encouraged therein.


She laboured much, and was very serviceable to our Women Friends, for the promoting of good Order amongst them, that the Church might be kept clean from the Defilements of the World, and that it might be fo, fhe fpared no Pains or Advice, which fhe thought would tend to the Glory of God, or the Good of her Friends, being willing to spend and be spent, according to her Ability, for his Caufe, as the fometimes would declare. She travelled not much abroad in the Service of Truth, fave in our own County, and the County of Durham, or Meetings adjacent, for her Labour was much about home.

She vifited the Families of Friends in our own Monthly-meeting, in which Service we have Cause to believe, fhe was an Inftrument of Good to those whom fhe fo vifited, being one who, we doubt not, was rightly qualified for fuch a Work, and did advise from her own Experience.

She was exemplary in the Course and Conduct of her Life, meek, gentle and courteous to all, a great Lover of Peace, Concord and Unity, which the laboured much to promote amongst us, being an Example of Good to those the was converfant with; a loving Wife, an affectionate Mother, a good Neighbour and kind Friend And as the lived, fo fhe died, a Pattern of Meeknefs and Innocency, and no doubt is at Reft from her Labours, and her Works follow her. And that it may be fo

with us, and all the Lord's People, is the fervent Defire and Breathing of our Souls to the Lord; that we, like her, may be concerned to work the Work of our Day, fight the good Fight of Faith, and hold out to the End, as fhe has done; that we may be entituled to that immortal Crown that will never fade away.

She departed this Life the 14th of the Third Month 1751, Aged Fifty four Years, a Minifter upwards of Nine Years. Her Corps was interred in Friends Burying Ground at Thirsk the 16th of the faid Month, being accompanied by a great many Friends and others.

A Teftimony from the Quarterly - meeting of Wiltshire, held at Chippenham, concerning JOSEPH STORRs.

Y Accounts received, he was born on


the 13th of the Third Month 1670, at Chesterfield in Derbyshire, of honourable and religious Parents, by whom he was carefully and religiously educated: His Father William Storrs being a very great Sufferer for Truth'sfake, and his Mother's Father and Mother, William and Grace Sykes, both died Prisoners for the fame.


Notwithstanding which, as he grew up towards Man's Eftate, his Mind was too much led out after the Vanity and Gaiety of Life, and drawn away from the Simplicity of the Truth, till he was mercifully vifited and reached to by an immediate Touch from God; to which being faithful, he became an Example of Religion and Virtue: And, about the Thirtieth Year of his Age, was concerned in a publick Testimony for the fame; and foon after married Katharine, Daughter of Henry Froft of Bridlington, who having, very young, a large and excellent Gift in the Miniftry, exceeding moft of her Age, fhe found it her Duty, after Marriage, as fhe had done before, frequently to travel in the Exercise thereof, in this Kingdom, Ireland, Scotland, Holland and Germany, but more efpecially in these three Kingdoms; in all which he freely gave her up, and affectionately accommodated her for her Journies and Voyages, faying, When the Lord required her to run of his Errands, She was not his, nor at his Difpofal. He was a frequent Attender of the Yearly - meeting at London, and visited Friends Meetings in fundry Counties, and especially in the North and Weft Parts of this Nation, in which his Vifits were very acceptable to Friends.

He was lively in his Ministry, ftrict in Difcipline, zealous in fupporting the refpective Teftimonies of Truth, and careful in the Education of his Children; and often expreffed

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