Imágenes de páginas


with the, of the; which was being done, qu'on faisait; their eyes; fixed; † (man); to lean, to go; people, personnes; weight, poids; room, place; mechanically, machinalement; did, perfect of FAIRE; imperceptibly, insensiblement; they hurried the end of them, on en pressa la fin; dark, sombre; executioners, bourreaux; carried along, entraîné; at, of; escaping, se sauver ; repaired, perfect; ‡ accosted, perfect of s'ADRESSER à; seemed, perfect of PARAÎTRE; was larking, badinait ; taken (away); and§ look for it ;|| begged of, perfect of PRIER; at the trick, du tour; which was, that one; to treat him, de le régaler; taverns, cabarets; slight, small; to be waiting;¶ came, imperf. subj. of VENIR ; guest, convive; bareheaded, la tête nue; as, vu que; while, en; honest, brave; believed, perfect of CROIRE ; came back, perfect of REVENIR ; half.**




It has been, one has; that in, qu'au; party leaders, chefs de parti; died, perfect of MOURIR ; in a melancholy

* See note *, page 199.

+Fixed, attachés, arrêtés, fixés.

See Note †, page 207.

§ The conjunction and, used in English between two verbs, is not required in French.

See note T, page 214.

See note*, page 217.

** The adjective DEMI is not declined before a substantive; but it agrees in gender with it when placed after it.

Ex.-Une demi livre. Une livre et demie.

manner, funestement; lance-thrust; vomiting, vomissant son; dressed,† box, coffre; while, in; fall from his, chute de cheval; whilst hunting, at the hunt or chase; poisoned, empoisonné; in cold blood, de sangfroid; stabbed, poignardés; (on); among, chez; shamefully, indignement; on the eve, la veille; drowned, perfect of SE NOYER; fight, combat; a monk, capucin ; lastly, enfin.



Forbidden, interdite; must, pres. ind. of DEVOIR ; for the consequences, des suites; thoughtless, irréfléchie; haste, précipitation; there is, en voici; foolish, folle; happened, s'est passé; foreigner, étranger; enjoyed, imperf. of JOUIR § de; they informed him, on lui annonce; superintendent, maître; asked, asks; dismayed, consterné; of which the severity; distresses me; m'afflige; offence, délit; raised, excited; I, me; I am ignorant, I ignore it; exceeds, dépasse; in short, enfin; to fail, manquer; disconsolate, désolé; restored, rendue; well, eh bien; vexation, contrariété ; wealth, richesses; cries, pres. ind. of S'ÉCRIER; are they going, does one wish; good heaven, bonte divine; me to undergo, me faire subir; torture, supplice; what!

* See note, page 215. + See note*, page 196.

See note, page 209.

JOUIR, this verb is only used in French, in cases like the following :-jouir d'une bonne santé ; jouir d'une bonne réputation. When to enjoy means to amuse, to divert, it is rendered by S'AMUSER.


eh quoi considerate, clémente; ago;' pray, de grâce; finish, achevez; suspense, attente; to have you stuffed, de vous faire empailler; your reason, the reason; barbarity, barbarie; to attempt, tenter; with an, of a; are still ringing in, retentissent encore à; to discharge, de vous acquitter; to depict, de PEINDRE; despair, désespoir; vent, accès; outburst, explosion ; to entreat, CONJURER; to urge, PRESSER; overcome, past part. of VAINCRE ; to yield, CÉDER; repairs ; † hastily, précipitamment; become, past part. of DEVENIR; to, chez; recital, récit; his reason, la tête; madman, insensé; set, put; returns, pres. ind. of REVENIR ; bursts of laughter, riant aux éclats; for, depuis ; gave him, had given to him; to have him, de le faire; I got, je me suis mise; solution, mot.




Stopped, pres. ind. of S'ARRÊTER; descended, entered, pres. ind.; my house; ‡ to assist, AIDER; clever, instruit; he is to, il doit; to conceal, voiler or cacher; knows, future of SAVOIR; smattering, teinture; appearance, air; well-bred, bien né; unknown, étrangères ; were it only, ne fût-ce que; character, mœurs; to agree, EN CONVENIR ; a pleasant disposition, un caractère doux; temper, humeur; who knows, qui

[blocks in formation]

Chez moi, at my house, chez vous, at your house, chez l'impératrice, to the empress.

sache; so much the more, d'autant plus; to overlook, SURVEILLER; is, doit; can teach him, puisse lui apprendre; I require, j'exige; to ride, monter à cheval; how to fence, faire des armes; expenses, frais; some sketches of scenery, quelques points de vue; to want, manquer; since people, as one; advantage, interest; that he is well informed, qu'il se mette au fait; in my house; to know how to write, sût écrire; birthday; write, imperf. of ÉCRIRE; has a good style of writing, ait une belle main; from an early age, early; as a matter of course, cela va sans dire; esteem, considération; you honour, you shall honour; his board, la table. I rose, perfect of, SE LEVER ;§ to fail,



* See note, page 222.
See note t, page 203.

+ See note, page 210.

§ See note ¶, page 211.





Hollo, allons;* stop; sugar-tongs, pince à sucre ; lumps, morceaux; at that rate, de ce train-là; will grow, will become; porpoise, marsouin; to fatten, faire engraisser; when employed, during all the time that they are occupied to; live, pres. ind. of SE NOURRIR; and grow quite plump on the sweets, and that this sweet nourishment give them a surprising plumpness; we use, il se consomme; used in, that it is necessary for; hundreds, thousand; that we a-head, each of us; hundred-weight, quintal; must be eaten, on doit en manger; if packed, if they put; to make a row, de quoi en faire une rangée; that would nearly reach, c'est à dire, à peu près de quoi aller; some from, il en vient aussi; can, could; grow it, cultivate some; I dare say you would, oh! for that I do not doubt it; fine fellow, good boy; in old, in our old; to endure, supporter; hoeing, travailler à la

* Stop, arrête; familiarly, halte-là.

+ Plumpness, embonpoint.

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