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muck-heap. Then they grease the cart wheels, and see that the linchpins are all right.

4. The maids go out into the cow-house to milk the cows, to feed the poultry, and to search for new-laid eggs in the hay stacks and in the barns. The housemaid lights the fire in the


house, and sweeps the rooms, while the cook bakes some nice hot cakes for the farmer's breakfast.

5. When breakfast is over, the farmer rides round his fields, to see if his men are at work. He looks at his sheep, to see how many young ones they have got, and he is glad to see

them lively and frisky, for this shows them to be in good health.

6. The FARMER then goes to the barn, where the corn is kept, and tells the man to send some of it to the mill, to be ground into flour. Then the man puts the corn into sacks, and puts the sacks into a cart, and a horse draws it to the mill.

7. When the night comes on, the men leave off their work in the fields, or in the barn, and come to the farm, or go to their homes. The boy brings the cows up to be milked, and the maids milk them. The fowls are fed, and go to roost. The horses have their beds made. The cows are turned into the meadows, if it be warm weather; and if cold, into the cow-house, where their fodder is given them. The sheep and lambs are put into the folds, and the work of the day is done.

8. We know that all good comes from GOD, and we should ask Him to bless our labours, and the labours of all those about us.

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drinking neats-foot mortar manure

meadows milked



thoughtless torment

weaned moans

plague enslave

1. THE Cow is a very useful beast, for there is no part of her that is not of use to man. Her milk is good to drink, and of it butter and cheese are made. Her flesh is used for food, and is called beef.

2. The skin of the cow is made into leather for boots and shoes. Her horns are sometimes formed into combs and cups for drinking. Her bones are made into many things. Oil is made from her feet, and called neats-foot oil; and from her hoofs glue is made.

3. The hair of the cow is used to put with

mortar, to make it hang together. Her fat is made into candles. Her blood is of great use for manure, and her gall is used by the dyer to Scour with.

4. Cows are turned out to feed soon in the morning. They range in the nice clean grass of the meadows all day long, and eat as much as they can. When the night comes, the cowboy drives them home to be milked.

5. At night, the cow has a nice warm bed to lie on, and some hay or clover to eat. In the winter, she feeds on turnips. If the cow

were not well kept, she would not give much milk; and, if she were ill-used, she would soon go dry, that is, she would give no milk at all. We must be kind to all things, if we wish them to serve us.

6. The good cow-boy, who drives the cows to feed and to water, does not speak cross to the cows; he never beats and very seldom strikes them. He calls them by their names, and says, "Come, come!" and is very kind to them. So the cows all love him, and when they see him, they will come to him. Sometimes they will lick his hand to show that they love him.

7. When the cows are brought home, the milkmaid comes to milk them, and ties a rope round the hind legs of the cow, that she may not kick when the flies tease her. She pats the cow on the neck, and speaks kindly to her;

and when she sits down on the stool to milk her, the cow stands quite still.

8. The young of a cow is called a calf. The calf sucks the milk from the cow. After a time the calf is weaned and taken away from its mother. At first the cow is very sad, and moans a good deal after its young; but, after a while, it becomes used to its loss, and then the farmer takes the milk of the cow for his use.

9. We should be very kind to all dumb animals, and to everything that lives. Some thoughtless children suppose that animals do not feel as we do, and that to torment or plague them is no great harm; but they ought to know that a dog, a horse, a cat, and even a fly or worm, feels pain the same as we do.

10. God put all things under the rule of man; but man must not without a cause hurt or enslave anything GOD has made. GOD is good to all things, and is very kind to us.

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1. The dairy is a place in which the milk of the cow is made into butter and cheese by the dairymaid.

2. The dairymaid is nice and clean in her

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