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bit to eat, he does not snap it up, but says Chuck, chuck, chuck, and calls his hens to eat it.

2. Hens will lay a great many eggs. A good hen will lay ten score of eggs in the season; she should not be cooped up, but left to range about. When hens can do this, they will eat snails, worms, grubs, and insects.

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3. Hens lay their eggs mostly in the spring. When they are about to lay, their eyes and combs get red, and they begin to cluck, they then scratch a hole in some quiet place among hay or straw. Some hens lay one egg every day, and some only one in two days.

4. When a hen has laid all her eggs, she


wants to hatch them, and she sits on them for three weeks, to hatch them by her warmth. When the hen sits on her eggs, her body gets very hot, and she only leaves her nest once a day for food.

5. The cock is very fond of the hen, and brings her food while she sits on her nest. He keeps watch by her, and will let no one come near to do her harm.

6. At last the young chicks break forth from the shells, and begin to run about as soon as they come out of them. In a few hours they will pick up seeds. The hen scratches for them; she brings them all the food she can find, and breaks it with her beak for them. She does not eat much herself, but gives most of what she gets to her chicks, in her great love for them.

7. The hen is very fond of her chicks. She is busy all day long to get them food, and at night she calls them all round her, and spreads her wings over them to keep them safe and warm; and she will fight for them, and sometimes even die for them.

8. The GOOSE too is seen in the farm yard, and is of great use. Its flesh is very good, and its feathers make us nice soft beds to lie on, and of its quills pens are made.

9. DUCKS also are very useful in a farm. They will eat almost all kinds of food, and will

kill snails and slugs by scores, and eat worms, and fish, and frogs, when they can get them.

10. The TURKEY is a fine bird; the turkey cock is very fierce, and struts about the farm yard in great pride.

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AND now another day is gone,

I'll sing my Maker's praise;

My comforts every hour make known
His providence and grace.

But how my childhood runs to waste!
My sins, how great their sum!
Lord, give me pardon for the past,
And strength for days to come.

I lay my body down to sleep :
Let angels guard my head,
And thro' the hours of darkness keep
Their watch around my bed.

With cheerful heart I close my eyes,

Since Thou wilt not remove;

And in the morning let me rise
Rejoicing in Thy love.

angels rejoicing

LESSON 23.-WORK GOOD FOR ALL. Write sickly idle sometimes obliged subjects invent advise studies

1. ALL must work.


When God made man, He did not make him to be idle, but put him into the garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it. Every thing that lives has something to do for its living.

2. Some work with the hands, some work with the mind. Those who study, work with the mind. Men

who make laws, and those who write

books, and those who invent new things, work with the mind. Thinking is sometimes very hard work, and will make a man weak and old sooner than working with the hands.

3. Some may think that great people have nothing to do. But this is a mistake. The Queen is obliged to work very hard. She must get up soon in the morning, and sign papers, and consult with those who advise her, so that she may know what is good for her subjects.

4. The sleep of those who work is sweet. Their health is good, their looks are fresh, their minds are cheerful; but those that are idle, have bad sleep, bad health, sickly looks, and weak minds.

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1. ANTS work, beavers work, bees work, birds work in building their nests, the mole works, the coral-worm works, moths and silkworms work, spiders work; in short, all that live have something to do.

2. Beavers work very hard. They show, also, great skill in the way they build their houses, which are mostly on the side of some lake or river, where they build a dam or dyke.

3. The mole, or dam, is formed of wood and clay. For wood, the beavers cut down a tree or two with their teeth, and float it to the spot. Then they cut the tree into pieces, and the pieces are forced into the ground, just as piles are driven in.

4. On the tops of the piles the beavers spread mud and clay. To spread the clay on the wood, the beavers make use of their broad flat tails, instead of a trowel. On the mud thus spread, they build their houses, which are of an oval form, and divided into three stories.

5. The first story is the kitchen; the second is the dining parlour and bed-room; and the third is a room in reserve, in case of any high

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