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our political condition: that this variance is to be done away, not by taking from the rich the wealth that is theirs, but by keeping from that wealth the respect which is our own; and also by examining the claims of individuals to social rank, instead of judging, on the principles of other ages and lands, respecting whole classes: and lastly, that the great means to be used in this good work are-the spread and developement of Christianity, the thorough education of the leading spirits of all occupations and professions,-the continual teaching of those now educated and influential, together with the practice, by them, of receiving as equals individuals from all lines of life, and also of bringing up to agricultural and mechanical pursuits many whose birth, wealth, and education would, on present principles, place them in the professions.

To effect any thing in this great work, there must be the action of very many, and those strong and well-knit minds. In the West, where society was born Republican; where the farmer and mechanic may be always independent; where manual labor schools are growing up rapidly; and where the prejudices of Europe have less force than elsewhere; we hope to see the experiment tried; here, if anywhere, we think it must succeed. A republican government, based upon a republican state of society, the world has never yet seen; before fifty years have passed, we trust that something like it may be the strength and glory of this great valley.

J. H. P.


The nobler spirits enter upon life with joyful confidence. They believe to find in the outer world that which swells in their bosoms, and warm with lofty zeal, devote their faithful arm to Truth.

But all is so small, so narrow, that after a short experience they strive only to rescue themselves in the crush of the world; and at last, the heart in cold proud rest, closes itself against love.

Alas! the clear rays of knowledge do not always warm-happy are they who do not pay for them with their heart. Therefore join to the clearness of the man of the world the earnestness of the enthusiast. SCHILLER.


I recently made a short journey in Illinois, which has furnished me with a few facts of an encouraging nature. They are calculated to confirm us in our hopes of the rapid progress of truth, if its friends are but faithful to it. I am more than ever convinced, that if Unitarian doctrines are not extensively received in this western land, it will not be because men's minds are unprepared for them, but because those whom God has sent will not go on their mission. Let them remember that their condemnation is very great, who, when their Lord cometh to reckon with them, are constrained to answer, "We digged in the earth and buried our Lord's money." The object of my journey was to visit Peoria, on the Illinois river. This is a flourishing village, most beautifully situated at a point of the Illinois where the river widens into what is called Peoria Lake. The natural location is the most perfect that I ever saw, and could not be improved. The ground rises gradually from the river, at an angle suitable for streets, and spreads out into a wide and level table-land or prairie. There is room for a city of the largest size, without any expense being incurred in grading: the ground is all ready for houses and streets. This is an advantage rarely enjoyed by the river towns of Illinois and Missouri. The banks of the rivers are generally either so flat as to be overflowed, or so bold as to be inaccessible. Peoria will therefore profit the more by it, and will undoubtedly be a town of some magnitude and considerable importance. It has a good back country, a good river navigation, and an enterprising population. The number of inhabitants is now about eight hundred; probably more. There are among them many New Englanders, and some highly cultivated families. I went up the river by steam boat and did not reach the town until 11 o'clock Sunday morning, and supposed of course that I was too late to preach that day. But two or three individuals thought the attempt worth making, and after dinner notice was passed round from mouth to mouth, that I would preach in a public room in a tavern, at 7 o'clock. The room could not contain more than eighty or ninety, and I found it very full. The audience was remarkably respectable, and comprised, as I was told, and from their appearance should have judged, many of the most enlightened and influential members of the community. I preached from the words "In understanding be ye men," and was gratified by their close attention. On Tuesday

evening I again preached to about the same number, giving a brief statement of Unitarian doctrines.

The result of this partial and by no means systematic effort was, that a number of individuals authorised me to write for some one to come out and preach three or four months in their village, so as to make a fair experiment in forming a society; they agree to defray all his expenses in travelling and staying with them. Here then is a good opening, and if a suitable person can be obtained, who will make a small sacrifice for the sake of doing a great deal of good, there is no doubt of a large society being soon established. At present there are but two small societies in the village, both Presbyterian, one of the "old school," the other of the "new." The former has a small house of worship, but so few male members, that it was necessary to go out of the church to make up the requisite number of trustees; it is also very unpopular. The "new school" have no house, and meet in a school room. There was formerly an Episcopal minister there, who preached in the room where I preached, and his audiences were quite numerous, although there was not one Episcopalian in the place. He was a good preacher, and was supported by Unitarians, who, to their credit, be it said, are always ready to uphold any mode of public worship which is conducted with a liberal spirit, even if it is not that which they prefer. Since he left them, they have not generally attended any where, because they found little comfort or improvement in going to church, where they were preached at as heretics. In truth the church-going portion of the population embraces a very small part of the male inhabitants. Hardly any body goes to church. And this, not as I was assured by some who themselves have not been to church for several months,-not because they do not wish to go, but because there is no place where they can go profitably. Many of them have always been accustomed to attend public worship, and now read their Bibles carefully, and are ready to make personal sacrifices for the sake of regular religious instruction. The number of those who do not call themselves Unitarians, and perhaps do not know what it is, but who are ready to contribute to the support of a church founded upon broad and rational principles, is very considerable. Upon the whole, I think the prospect in Peoria nearly or quite as good as it was in St. Louis when we began here. That town will never be so important a place as this must be, but a society established there now would grow with the town and exert a great influence upon the whole vicinity. There is no part of Illinois which promises more than the section of fifty miles about Peo

ria, and already it includes several considerable villages. At Tremont, a new settlement composed chiefly of New Englanders, and not more than fifteen miles from Peoria, there is now an opening, and many have expressed their conviction that if our tenets were preached there now, the majority of the town would unite in supporting them. At present they have no formed churches, although not less than one hundred families. Why shall we lose such opportunities?

At Pekin, another village, 10 miles from Peoria, I have been requested to preach, and shall do so before long, but do not know with what probability of success. Now is the time

for our exertion. I have uniformly found that prejudice and indifference prevail in proportion with the population. Now we have a fair chance to try what our doctrines are worth; the opportunity daily grows less; and we should remember, that with very many, the question is, whether they shall become Unitarians now, or Christians never.

On my return to St. Louis, I stopped at Jacksonville, where a college under President Beecher is established. I ascertained that there was a society of Christians-or as they are often called, much to their own regret, Campbellites-in the place, and although unacquainted with any of them, called upon one of their elders, and introduced myself as a Unitarian preacher. I was received very cordially, and Sunday morning I preached in a small school room, which was, however, very crowded. Their ruling elder, or pastor, is Barton W. Stone, one of the founders of the Christian Connexion, a man of remarkable mind and the best feelings. He welcomed me as kindly as the best friend could have done, and told me that they would be always ready to hear me. In the evening I heard him preach. The room was crowded almost to suffocation, and his discourse was eminently calculated to arouse strong feeling. Four persons came forward, after the sermon, to make a profession of faith, and join the Church. The profession was just what it ought to be; "My son-my daughter," said the old man, "you profess to believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Saviour of the world. The response was given, and he continued, "and it is the earnest purpose of your heart, as God gives you strength, to receive him as your master and do his will." This was answered, and he said, "may God strengthen you in your purpose." Here was the whole, and it was inexpressibly touching. His venerable age and patriarchal manner added very much to the solemnity. The new converts were to be baptized on the next day.

The Christian connexion is increasing every day, and is

making a revolution in the religious sentiments of the West. They proceed upon the principle of perfect freedom in inquiring, and reject all creeds but the Bible. I was delighted with their true Christian liberality. For instance, I told Mr. Stone that a society might be gathered in St. Louis, if they would try the experiment. But he answered, that there was no need yet; "if you succeed, it will answer every purpose." Christian union and brotherhood is their watchword. They attribute much of their great increase to their preaching the simple unity of God. I consider their wide spread as very encouraging to us. It will make our work easier and more pleasant.

My letter is already longer than I intended, and I shall leave some things unsaid, which I will send at another time; there are other places of which I wish to speak, particularly of Alton, Illinois.

W. G. E.

St. Louis.

Since I wrote the above, I have heard from Peoria, that a gentleman there has given us a lot of ground for the erection of a church, and that perhaps a building will be erected quite soon. This summer, if they procure a preacher, their meetings will be held in the court-house, a new and large building. We expect to break ground for our church here by the first of next month, (March,) if the cold weather does not return.


The waves run under me, the carriages run over me, and my builder has kindly allowed me to go over, also myself. SCHILLER.

[Whoever has stood on one side of the bridge over our canal at Louisville, will understand Schiller's meaning. Looking at it from a little distance, it seems absolutely to be springing across the canal.]


The boy launches into the ocean with a thousand sail-the old man gets into harbor rescued by a single boat. SCHILLER.


See, we quarrel, we contend-opinion and inclination divide us; but, in the mean time, your locks and mine are both growing grey.


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