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his family, on account of believing the reports of a man whom he had since found to be a thief and liar, and adding, that if he thought it worth his while to return from America, the old farm was quite at his service again, but that, at any rate, he must accept a sum of money to make up for the harm done him.

"Father will come home, then, will he not ?" cried the two children, clapping their hands.

"He will, dears, by the next steamboat. God be praised for all; and see, here is a money-order, so that you shall not want bread till he comes; but, best of all, dear father will be honoured and respected as before, as an honest man deserves to be. How true the blessed word, which says, 'He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.'"




MR. J. CLARKE, of Frome, was asked by a friend how he always kept himself from being mixed up in rels; to which he replied, " By letting the angry person have all the quarrel to himself." This afterwards became a proverb in the town. When a quarrel was rising, they would say, Come, let us remember old Mr. Clarke, and leave the angry man to quarrel with himself." If the reader will always follow this rule, he will save himself a great deal of trouble, and perhaps many hard knocks. Remember, it always takes two to make a quarrel.



THE native countries of the Lynx are Persia, India, Turkey, and other places of the east, where it lives in the woods, preying upon birds, monkeys, squirrels, and smaller animals. It avoids the face of man, but will attack him if hard pressed or wounded. Most of its time is spent among the branches of the forest; and so sly is its attack, so quiet its approach, that, until the fatal spring be taken, the victim is ignorant of its danger. In this manner the wild peacock, roosting on its perch in the depths of the wood, or the monkey sleeping on the bough, is surprised and destroyed. The Persian lynx equals a large dog in size; its eye is bright; its limbs are large, and very strong. There is, however, in its countenance a very strange look, caused, perhaps, by the tufts of long black hair which extend from the points of the cars, and which contrast in colour with the reddish or yellowish-brown of the rest of the head and body. When angry, the ears are thrown back, the eyes glare with fury, and the teeth are shown; while at the same time the animal utters a deep hissing, not unlike that of a cat, and very different from the short growl of the lion or tiger.


SEEK the Saviour, now to-day;
Life is ebbing fast away.

Hours and minutes hasten on

Time itself will soon be gone.

Run, to reach the "wicket gate,"
Lest that you should be "too late."
Jesus calls, and Mercy says,
"Come to Christ in youthful days."

"Tis "to-day" the Spirit's grace
Offers to your soul a place,

Tells you still for you there's room,
Waits to see if you will come.

No-it is not "time enough"
For to taste a Saviour's love:
Oh! the happiness they lose
Who his precious love refuse.

Turn to him without delay,
While you can, and whilst you may ;
Nought to hinder you allow:

Come unto the Saviour now.


E B.


A MESSENGER, says a missionary, came to say that Kaisara was drawing near to his end. I went directly to see him, and found him very weak, scarcely able to speak.

"Well, brother," I said, "how is it now, on the borders of Jordan ?"

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My ship," he replied, "is moored; the anchor is within the vail; all is well, there will be no shipwreck ; all is calm."

Calm indeed it was. Not a ruffle was on the surface of his soul; not a doubt of safety was expressed. We spoke together of the labours of past years, and talked of the great love of God to the South Sea islanders. It was a soul-cheering visit to one just entering the unseen state.

"What shall I say to the church after you are gone ?"

"Tell them," he replied, "to hold fast their confidence to the end-that faith in Christ is necessary to salvation;" and then, as strength would allow, his quivering lips repeated John iii. 36.

"This may perhaps be our last meeting below." "Well," said he, "ere long we shall meet again in the far brighter world above, to dwell for ever with the Lord, there to see the King in his beauty,' and THAT land (pointing to the heavens) which is afar off."

I prayed with him, and left his humble cottage.

Just as I was going to the out-station, a little after this, I was again sent for to see our dying friend.

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You will soon leave us," I said.

Yes, the chariot is at the door. The body is the clog which keeps back my spirit; but soon the thread will be cut; then shall I fly away."

"Have you any fear in the prospect of leaving

us ?"

"None at all."

"What is the reason of this peace of mind as death approaches ?"

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