A collection of hymns adapted to congregational worship, by W. Urwick1829 |
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A collection of hymns adapted to congregational worship, by W. Urwick Collection Vista completa - 1829 |
A Collection of Hymns Adapted to Congregational Worship, by W. Urwick Collection Sin vista previa disponible - 2016 |
A Collection of Hymns Adapted to Congregational Worship, by W. Urwick Collection Sin vista previa disponible - 2016 |
Términos y frases comunes
adore almighty angels Behold bless bless'd bliss blood bright bring celestial cheerful Christ crown darkness death divine dwell earth endless eternal eternal grace ev'ry heart everlasting everlasting song evermore eyes faith Father fear foes giv'n glorious glory God's gospel gracious guilt Hail Hallelujah hast hath hear heav'n heav'nly hell holy Holy Spirit honours hope hosannas immortal Isaiah Jehovah Jesus join joyful King Lamb Lamb of God let thy light live Lord mercy mighty mortal o'er Pardon peace pray'r proclaim promis'd Psalm raise Redeemer reigns rejoice rest righteousness rise sacred salvation Saviour seraphs shame shine sing sins skies song songs of praise sorrows souls sound Spirit sweet thee thine Thou art Thou art Lord thy church thy grace thy love thy majesty thy name thy pow'r thy praise thy throne thy word tongue triumph truth voice wonders wondrous worship ye saints Zion
Pasajes populares
Página 99 - Blow ye the trumpet, blow, The gladly solemn sound ; Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound ; The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home.
Página 31 - Saints, before the altar bending, Watching long in hope and fear. Suddenly the Lord, descending, In his temple shall appear: Come and worship. Worship Christ, the newborn King.
Página 233 - So let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we profess, So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine.
Página 7 - Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head.
Página 155 - Travelling through this wilderness. 2 Thanks we give, and adoration, For thy gospel's joyful sound; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound : May thy presence With us evermore be found. 3 So, whene'er the signal's given, Us from earth to call away, Borne on angels...
Página 57 - While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground: He comes to make his blessings flow, Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love.
Página 113 - BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he destroy.
Página 162 - FROM Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand; Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain.
Página 278 - And heaven's eternal Light. 3 The Joy of all who dwell above : The Joy of all below To whom He manifests His love, And grants His Name to know. 4 To them the Cross, with all its shame, With all its grace, is given : Their name an everlasting name, Their joy the joy of Heaven.
Página 121 - O, happy souls that pray Where God appoints to hear ! O, happy men that pay Their constant service there ! They praise thee still ; And happy they That love the way • To Zion's hill...