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been urged upon us by so many correspondents that we have resolved upon its immediate adoption. It concerns the introduction into our pages of a proportion of Original Articles.

Exception has been taken to the present basis of the Review on two different grounds: Some friends have urged that by occupying the field with a large and cheap Quarterly of exclusively foreign production, we render the establishment of a home periodical of a kindred class and character all but impracticable, and that thereby we seriously discourage the growth of a native school of Theological Literature. Others, and these chiefly country ministers, intimate that the Review would suit their tastes, and especially their circumstances, much better than at present, did it, by the addition of a few Original Articles, together with short critical notices, and the literary intelligence of the Churches, keep them fully abreast of the current religious literature of the day. Such information they are compelled either to want altogether, or to seek elsewhere, at a cost which most of them are little able to bear.

The validity of these grounds of objection we fully admit, and all the more readily that both of them occurred to us when projecting the Review. Our sole reason for confining ourselves at first to the foreign basis, was that we entertained a doubt whether the somewhat higher price which the introduction of original matter would necessitate, would not lessen the probabilities of its success. Now, however, that the change has been suggested and approved by many friends, and that the Review occupies so favourable a position, we have reconsidered the whole matter, and have to announce as the result, that the original features above mentioned will be introduced into the periodical—the title of which will henceforth be



In making this announcement, we have simply to request attention to various matters of detail which it embraces:

First, Let it be particularly noted, that the space devoted to articles from American and Continental sources will not be greatly reduced. The Review will be enlarged to such an extent as to secure that it shall be as varied and vigorous in its Foreign department as at present.

Second, The Original department will consist of several Articles in each Number, besides shorter Critical Notices of New Books, a feature of the work to which great attention will be given. A correspondence is also being instituted with parties in America and the Continent, which will secure the earliest and most authentic information as to all literary undertakings in either hemisphere.

Third, The great additional increase in the cost of production which the supply of suitable original matter and the enlargement of the periodical will occasion, necessitate, of course, an increase in its price. The Publishers, accordingly, have fixed on Three Shillings and Sixpence as the future price of each Number-a charge far from proportionate to the estimated increase on the cost, but which they hope will ultimately prove sufficient when the evident improvements on the work shall have secured for it a corresponding increase of support.

With these explanations we commend our remodelled undertaking to the many excellent friends who have hitherto manifested so warm an interest in its welfare, and request the continuance of their kindly offices on its behalf. We are con⚫ fident that the projected changes will but enable us to bring out more fully and effectively those characteristics of the work of which they have expressed so cordial an approbation, and thereby render it even more worthy than hitherto of the great ends to which it is devoted.

N.B.-In order to afford adequate time for carrying out the new arrangements, the next Number will not be published till the first of March next (instead of 1st February). The future dates of publication will thus be-1st March, June, September, and December.

EDINBURGH, October 25, 1852.

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