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this speaking; but the devil never speaks good, unless sometimes for a bad end, and then not good in reality, only coloured with good or a

Keeping under this exercise, the Lord ap peared to me again, and many times refreshed my heart with his goodness. When I was in my business amongst men, I witnessed the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, to be near me; which was more to me than all the world, or the riches, glory and beauty of it. The love of God being so sweet to my soul and spirit; my breathings, prayers and supplications, were to the Lord, that my neighbours, acquaintance, and relations, might also partake of the like precious faith and love which I enjoyed; and that the children of men might answer that great and good end for which the Lord created them; which is, that glory, honour, and praise, might ascend and be given to Him.

berly asked him if he did not say thee to his Maker in his prayers? and whether he was too good, or too great, to be spoken to in the same language in which he addressed the Al-fair shew. mighty? to this he made no reply, but seemed to fall from his passion into admiration, as one smitten in himself. He bore me respect ever after; and I greatly rejoiced that I was preserved faithful. Though it may look a little thing to some, yet I found it good, as the Scripture saith, not to despise the day of small things. About the twentieth year of my age, I was pressed and carried on board of a vessel belonging to a man of war. I was put down into the hold in the dark, not having any thing to lie upon but casks; and what made it worse to me, I was among wicked, debauched men; and as we were shut up in darkness, so was their conversation dark and hellish. In the morning, for which I longed more than the watchman, the lieutenant called us up on deck, and examined us, whether we were willing to serve the king? He called me to him, and asked me, if I was willing to serve his majesty? I answered, that I was willing to serve him in my business, and according to my conscience; but as for war or fighting, Christ had forbidden it in his excellent sermon on the In this concern I felt the gospel power of mount; and for that reason I could not bear our Lord Jesus Christ to work upon my soul, arms, or be instrumental to destroy or kill and the word of God was as a seed in my men. Then the lieutenant looked on me and heart, growing and opening in me, speaking on the people, and said, "Gentlemen, what to me, and making my understanding fruitful shall we do with this fellow? he swears he in the things of his kingdom; and in that will not fight." The commander of the ves- ability which was given me of God, through sel made answer, "No, no, he will neither his grace and holy Spirit, I exhorted people to swear nor fight." Upon which they turned repentance and amendment of life; and I me on shore. I was thankful that I was de-always humbly desired the help and divine livered out of their hands; and my tender pa-influence of God's eternal Word therein. Oh! rents were glad to see me again.

As I grew in years, the world began to take too much root in me; and my unwearied enemy would tell me that it was lawful enough, and indeed I see that he hurts many with lawful things, with whom he knoweth unlawful things will not take; and here I had been lost if God had not been gracious to me. But he, in whose presence I delighted, withdrew, and deprived me of that enjoyment which was grateful and comfortable above all things to my soul. Then did I pray with tears, Oh, that it might be with me as it was at other times before! and I was willing to let the world go, rather than grace and God's glory. The Psalmist saith, "no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly."

About this time there was a great concern on my mind, rightly to distinguish between the voice of Christ, and the whisperings of satan; and thus it opened to me: that Christ, the truth, always speaketh good and for a good end, and that there is divine life to the soul in

I had such a sense and fear of dishonouring God, that I often, with tears, cried, Never let me live to dishonour thee. Oh! it had been better for me that I had never been born than that I should live to dishonour thee, or wilfully reproach the name of Christ, who, with the Father, is only worthy of divine honour.

I did fervently pray that I might minister the gospel in the power of Jesus; for I clearly discerned, in the light of the Son of God, that all ministering out of Christ's power was neither edifying nor efficacious unto souls: therefore I did earnestly beseech God for the continuance of the gift of his Spirit, that I might be enabled to preach the gospel in the power of Christ Jesus. The concern that was upon me on this account at that time, is hard to be expressed in words.

The latter end of the year 1695, my father sent me into Essex on some business, and when I had accomplished it, I visited some meetings of Friends there, and my mind being much affected with the apprehensions of an impending storm, the nation being about this time threatened with an invasion from France, in favour of the late king James, so that there was expectation of much blood-shed and confusion in the land, I wrote a letter to my pa rents, and another to Friends of the evening meeting, kept weekly at my father's house,

expressing my thankfulness to the Almighty, in the remembrance of the many precious visitations of divine love and favour we had been partakers of, uniting our hearts to him, and to one another; and my earnest prayers and supplications, that we might be preserved in true love, and the unity of the spirit, which is the bond of everlasting peace; and that the world might be made sensible of this true peace, which abounds in those who love and fear the Lord, and truly believe in the name of Jesus. Oh! surely, they would then depart from sin, and abandon iniquity, by which they incur the wrath of the Lord, and provoke the just One to anger; so that the line of confusion seems to be stretched over the city and nation, and the eyes of the faithful see it to the grief of their souls. Yet the mercy of the Lord, even of the just God, who will render a just reward to every one according to his deeds done in the body, is still handed forth to the land. Oh! that the inhabitants thereof would consider their ways, and be wise, and turn to the Lord with unfeigned repentance, while the day of mercy lasteth, before it be said, now it is hid from thine eyes; for the Lord, even the God and Father of spirits, hath said, "My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh."

After I had been two weeks at home, my dear mother departed this life, in a sweet frame of spirit, praising the Lord. She was one who lived the life of the righteous, and whose latter end was like theirs, and left a good report behind her, being well beloved, I think I may safely say, by all our neighbours; not only by those of our own society, but others also, to whom she was often very helpful.

I went to my calling and got a little money, a little being enough, which I was made willing to spend freely, in the work and service of my great master, Christ Jesus. About this time I was concerned to travel into the north of England, and part of Scotland, which I did in that ability God gave me; and that dispensation which I had freely received, I freely handed forth to the people, devoting my strength and time to serve him who had done so much for me; and I had the satisfaction to find divers confessing the truth, as it is in Jesus. In this journey I was from home about four months, being mostly alone as to any yoke-fellow in that work, travelling many hundreds of miles, as far as Edinburgh, in Scotland, where our meeting was in the street, we being locked out of our meeting-house by the then power, and great numbers of people were there. This news being carried to the provost of the city, he said, "The Quakers would do more hurt out of doors than within," and he ordered Friends their key. Since which I have understood that Friends in that city have enjoyed their meetings in the meeting-house; and sometimes when the rabble have disturbed Friends, the magistrates have sent officers to

On the expiration of my apprenticeship, having served my father faithfully seven years, I entered more strongly into covenant with my heavenly Father and master, to serve him all my days, through his assistance; and was soon after drawn forth, in the spirit and love of Christ, to visit the meetings of Friends westward from London, viz. through Surry, Sus-disperse them. sex, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Devonshire, and Cornwall to the Land's-end; in which journey I was accompanied by William Hornould. At one of our meetings at Falmouth, in Cornwall, two men called gentlemen came from the inn to hear the strangers; and after meeting, they said they could take their oath that I was a Jesuit, and that they had heard me preach in a Romish chapel in France; which was utterly false; for I never was in France. Besides, had I been a papist, or popishly inclined, which I was not, I was too young to be a Jesuit.

Indeed, I thought I was mean for the work of the ministry, but the good remembrancer brought those truths to my remembrance, which strengthened me in the work and service of God. The spirit breatheth where it listeth; out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise, &c. We having great peace in our labours in this journey, and being edified therewith, returned to London, after about four months absence from home.

After I had visited the churches of Christ in divers parts of England, and had many sweet seasons of God's love, and many good opportunities with my Friends and others in this nation; the word of life being declared in the simplicity of the gospel, in several places people were very open-hearted, and received the testimony of it with gladness. After I had been at my father's, and at my calling, a little after this north country journey, I found my. self engaged in the love of the gospel to visit Friends in America; and having acquainted my friends and relations of my mind, they being willing to give me up, in order for the voyage, Friends of the monthly meeting gave me a certificate, and I had another from the meeting of the ministers in London.

My father, and several other friends with me, took boat from London, and accompanied me to Gravesend, on the 21st of the tenth month, 1697. I went on board the ship Josiah, Thomas Lurting, master, and sailed that day from Gravesend, and got to the Downs the next day, where we tarried some days for

a fair wind; in which time several others, who to convince them of the efficacy of love to, and were concerned in the same gospel labour, faith in Christ Jesus, the physician of value; came on board, viz. Thomas Turner, William and the Lord was pleased to heal them. The Ellis, and Aaron Atkinson. In about four days mate of the ship desired that I would come and time the wind was fair for us, and we set sail, pray by him. I went to him, and prayed in and in a little time we got out of sight of the the power and name of the Lord Jesus Christ, land; soon after which the wind was contrary, and the Lord helped him, that he said he was and we proceeded but a small distance for sev-fine and easy, and thanked me for my love; eral weeks; the weather was rough, and the and in a little time he recovered. Several others sea boisterous, so that with the motion thereof, of the seamen and passengers I was instrumost of the passengers were sick. In this mental to help in their sickness. The Lord time we lost a lad, who fell into the sea as he blessed my endeavours in supplicating him on was drawing a bucket of water and was their behalf, and administering what I had to drowned; the ship running swiftly, he could them. One of the seamen said, he was bound. not be saved, although it was speedily endeav-to pray for me as long as he lived, and that oured. Several others died before we got the Lord would bless me. Another of the pasover; but for the most part we were healthful. sengers said, that I was the blessed doctor, for The Lord be praised, he was, is, and will be there was not a surgeon, or doctor in the ship. with those who faithfully serve him to the end. I was very free to communicate of what I had There were three ships in company, but by to any sick person in the ship, and several the distress of weather, soon after we came out, blessed the Lord on my behalf. Indeed I we parted. After we had been at sea about thought I could scarcely do enough for any that eight weeks, on the 25th of the twelfth month, were in distress. I write not thus, that I may we saw two vessels astern of us. One of seem popular, but with my mind bowed before them came up with us, and the people hailed the Lord. Many times in this voyage there us, and told us they came from Bristol, and were consultations in my mind, whether I had had been out ten weeks. The other came up best write a memorandum hereof; but at last, with us next day. The people informed us conceiving in my spirit that it might strengthen they had been at sea seven weeks, and had and excite love to God, and faith in his beloved had a dreadful time of it. She had lost part Son, in true believers, I wrote as aforesaid; of her topmast, and her spritsail topmast was and then I was satisfied, and gave the glory gone. She was a new ship, and never at sea to God. before, belonging to London, and bound for Before we came to the land, we saw a ketch, Virginia, as near as we could understand. which had saved the lives of some who be Our ship lost none of her tackling, through longed to a ship that was a little before foundthe great mercy of God to us, though the wind ered in the sea; who said also, that a fleet of and sea were wonderfully high at times; the New-England ships which had been upon that mate told me, I might go to sea all my life, coast, by stormy weather were forced to Barand not see the like: he said he had been at, badoes. Within a few days after, we saw the or used to, the sea for twenty years, and never land of Virginia, and also a New-England saw it so rough and high before. We had ship, which sailed from England three weeks meetings twice a week, several of which were before us. We arrived within the Capes of comfortable and refreshing, to which most of Virginia the 31st of the first month 1698, and the passengers, being in all about sixty, some- overtook the John and Margaret, a ship that times came; and several of them were affected came out of the English channel with us, the with the sense of truth, and the Lord strength- master, Thomas Salmon, being dead. Next ened our faith and hope in him. day we anchored our ship at the mouth of Oh! for ever blessed be the living and eter-Patuxent river, in Maryland, where our boats nal God, who kept my soul above the fear were hoisted out, and we were rowed up Paof death, hell, and the grave; for my trust tuxent river twelve miles, to Arthur Young's was in him, and he did bear up my spirit above house, where we lodged that night; and for the waves of the sea; and in the time of toss-our preservation and safe arrival, we blessed ing with tempests, I was comforted and cheer- the Lord our God, and my spirit praised ful, praising the Lord in my heart, both in the him who lives for ever and ever. Our voyage day time, and in the night season. was above twelve weeks, it being then winter time, and for the most part the winds so high that the ship could carry but little sail, which made our voyage the longer.

I was much concerned in my mind for many of the passengers, who, with the second mate, and several of the seamen, were very sick, and by some were thought near unto death. I cried to the Lord to heal them, in the name of his dear Son, and that it might be a means

About four days after we landed, we had a meeting, near Patuxent river; and a blessed one it was! When it was ended, we went

that night to Daniel Rawling's, and from thence to the Cliffs, to Richard Johns', a Friend who came with us from England, at whose house we had a meeting, wherein God's presence was powerfully felt. We had several meetings on that side the bay, called the Westernshore, and then we sailed over to the east side of Chesapeak bay, with Thomas Everden, in his sloop; went to his house and had a meeting, where many people came. Here we met with our friends, Jonathan Tyler, Henry Payton, and Henry Payton's sister. While I was at this Friend's house, one Robert Cathing, being very ill, sent for Thomas Everden, and he not being very well desired me to visit the sick person. So I went, and the man was near to death. Howbeit, he said he was comforted much with the visit, and that he never had received so much benefit by the parish priest, although, said he, it cost me dear for what I had; and if ever I live to get over it, by the assistance of God, I shall have nothing to do with them more. But, he said, he should not live three days. And before the end of three days he expired. He desired if I were not gone that I would be at his funeral. On notice hereof, about ten Friends went; and there was a great many people, among whom we had a good opportunity, and many weighty truths were opened to them in the love of God; and some of them were tender and wept; and the most, if not all, I think I may say, were solid and weighty.

From Thomas Everden's we went to George Truit's, at whose house we had a meeting. This Friend and I went to an Indian town not far from his house, because I had a desire to see these people, having never seen any of them before. When we came to the town they were kind to us, spoke well of Friends, and said they would not cheat them, as some others did.

visited Friends up the bay until I came to the river Choptank, about which there are many Friends. I went on and took the meetings till I came to Philadelphia, in and about which place, and in other parts of the province of Pennsylvania, I had many large and precious meetings, the power of the eternal Son of God being wonderful; in which power we many times blessed his name together. It was much in my heart to exhort Friends to love God, and to be at unity one with another, without which there is no fufilling the law or gospel. There are many Friends in that province, and many sober young people, which greatly rejoiced my spirit, so that for their encouragement, the Lord opened my mouth in a prophetic manner to declare unto them the blessings which he had in store for them, on condition of their walking in the truth. Glory to God on high! untruth decays and the branches of it mightily wither; the darkness is much past, and the true light shineth gloriously in many souls. Oh! powerful praises be given to God, who is light for ever.

From Philadelphia I went to Burlington and to Crosswicks, where we had a large meeting under the trees, and some were convinced of the truth. From hence I went to Shrewsbury and had meetings; then to Woodbridge, Staten island and Long island, being accompanied by several Friends. On Long island we had several large and good meetings, wherein Christ was preached freely; and after we had been two weeks there, we went on board a sloop bound for Rhode Island, and by the way we touched at Fisher's and Block islands, and on the first-day morning we set sail from Block island to Rhode Island, the yearly meeting being just over when we got there. That evening we sailed over to Connanicut island, and on the third-day of the week had a meeting there. From thence we went over to NarraFrom George Truit's, in Maryland, we went ganset and had a meeting, and back to Rhode down to Virgina; and in Accomack and North- Island, where Ruth Fry, a sober young woampton counties had large meetings. I hope man, was convinced and remained a Friend till they were effectual to many, and I think my her death. Here I met with several travelling hope is not without ground. In those parts Friends. From this island we went to the we had several meetings, where we were in-main, and had a large meeting on first-day at formed Friends had not had any before. And a place called Greenwich. It was thought really I cannot but bless the Lord for the op- there were about five hundred people present, portunities we had with the people; for the goodness of God, through Christ our Lord, was great, both to us and them, and with tears they did acknowledge the truth. Thomas Turner, who had hitherto accompanied me, went by the sea-side the nearest way to Philadelphia, and afterwards I had a meeting at George Truit's brother's, and on the first-day, another near the court-house, and went to Thomas Everden's, and so to Leven Denwood's, and thence to Nanticoke river, and

and many of them were tender. We went the same night to the island; and after severál open times with Friends and others on Rhode Island, about twelve Friends of that island went with me to Warwick and Providence yearly meetings. We set sail about noon, and having but little wind, it was late in the night before we got there, and very dark, insomuch that we could neither see nor know one another, only by our speech, and the darkness occasioned us to run our

vessel against the rocks; but at last we got ashore with our horses, and after going over a very dirty slough, entered a dismal wilderness. These difficulties occasioned our not getting to the Friend's house till the next day, which being the last day in the week, we had a meeting; and on the first-day also we had a very large and satisfatory meeting. Many of us were so united in the love of God, that it was hard to part one from another.

house, there being no settled meeting of Friends before I came; and after meeting he disputed with me about religion. I thought we were both but poor disputants; and cannot remember all that passed between us, but that in the close of our dispute he said, I disputed with your friends in Barbadoes, and they told me that we must eat the spiritual flesh, and drink the spiritual blood of Christ: and, said the governor, did ever any one hear of such flesh and blood; for is it not a contradiction in nature, that flesh and blood should be spiritual? Oh! surely, said I, the governor has forgotten himself; for what flesh and blood was that which Christ said, "except ye eat my flesh, and drink my blood, ye have no life in you.' Why, said he, I do not think they were to gnaw it from his arms and shoulders. I then told him he had answered himself; and thus our dispute ended. From that time forward they have continued a meeting, and there is

From Providence I went to Boston and Salem, where I had meetings, and from thence to Hampton. In those parts God Almighty hath shortened the power of persecutors, and brought his righteous judgments upon them for their unrighteousness. Oh! that New-England's professors might live in the sense of the same, and repent. I being a stranger and traveller, could not but observe the barbarous and unchristian-like welcome I had in Boston, the metropolis of New-England. Oh! what a pity it was, said one, that all of now a meeting house and a yearly meeting for your society were not hanged with the other four!* In the eastern part of New-England God hath a seed left of his people.

worship; it is a growing meeting to this day, and several public Friends are raised up amongst them, who preach the gospel of Christ freely.

From thence I returned in order to get a passage to the isle of Nantucket; and from a At this time a Friend was convinced whose place called Cushnet, we sailed over to the name was Starbuck, who became very service. said island in about ten hours, where we tar-able on that island, and lived and died an emiried several days and had five meetings. The nent minister of Christ. Several scores of people generally acknowledged to the truth, the people accompanied us to the water side; and many of them were tender-hearted. Some and when we embarked on board our sloop, of the ancient people said, it was never known they desired that I would come and visit them that so many people were together on the again. I recommended them to the grace of island at once. After the first meeting was our Lord Jesus, and we parted in great love over, one asked the minister, so called, whe- and tenderness. In the evening of the next ther we might have a meeting at his house? day we got to the main land, where we were he said, with a good will, we might. This gladly received. Now it was in my heart again minister had some discourse with me, and to visit the eastern parts of New-England beasked, What induced me to come hither, being fore I left America; therefore I went to Boston such a young man? I told him I had no other yearly meeting, thence to Lynn and Salem, view in coming there than the good of souls, where we had a sweet comfortable time; likeand that I could say with the apostle, a neces-wise to the yearly meetings at Dover, and to sity was laid upon me, and wo would be to me Piscataway, where we had several meetings, if I did not preach the gospel. Then, said he, which were profitable opportunities to many. I wish you would preach at my house in God's From Piscataway, James Goodbridge and I name. So next day we had a meeting at his went over to the isle of Shoals. We had with house; and on first-day we had the largest us a church member of the Presbyterians, meeting that we had on the island. It was whose brother invited her over with us to the thought there were above two hundred people. said island, to the meeting which was at his The Lord in his power did make his truth house; and while he was talking with her in known to the praise of his name. Oh! how the yard or garden, I saw a bible and took it was my soul concerned for that people! The and read therein. When she came into the Lord Jesus did open my heart to them, and house, she asked me, What I did with that theirs to him. They were also loving and book? I told her, if she was offended I would kind to us. The chief magistrate of the island desired that I would have a meeting at his

* Marmaduke Stevenson, William Robinson, Mary Dyer and William Ledra, who were put to death in 1659 and 1660. VOL. VI.-No. 1.

lay it down. No, no, said she, do not think to come off so, for you disown or deny that book. I told her she was mistaken; and asked who told her so. Why, said she, our minister in his pulpit. I replied, that it was a great abuse upon us, for I had been trained up from


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