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A bleeding Saviour, seen by faith

A cloud lay cradled near the setting sun
A dying risen Jesus

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A little while, through grief and care

A mother's love! go ask the buds that live.
A mother's love-how sweet the name
A sigh can waft them to His seat in prayer.
A soul in commerce with her God is heaven
A sweet but solitary beam

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A wreath of glory circles still His head
Abash'd be all the boast of Age

Ah! give me, Lord, the tender heart
Ah! sweet and sacred Olivet

Ah! where can that Treasure be found

Ah! why should this immortal mind
All nature is society.

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Almighty Father of mankind.

And does the Lord require my prayer
And dost Thou say, Ask what thou wilt
And hast thou then His love forgot.
And have the ocean-waves no voice.
And in her other hand she fast did hold
And is there care in heaven, and is there love
And my sweet sisters, with their calm bright eyes
And shall a sinful worm complain

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And there he stood in bonds. But when he spoke
And thou, my soul, which turn'st with curious gaze
Arise, O Sun of Righteousness, and shine

Art thou a sinner, soul, He said

Art Thou our Father, we confess

As every day Thy mercy spares

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As ground, when parch'd with summer's heat
As o'er the dial flits the rapid shade.

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As the fair flow'r which shuns the golden day
Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep

At anchor laid, remote from home

At evening to myself I say

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At length the worst is o'er, and thou art laid
Awake my soul, stretch every nerve.
Awake, sweet harp of Judah, wake .

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Be this your joy; the path you tread
Be undismay'd; thy God is present here
Behold a Stranger at the door
Blessed, holy, spotless Lamb.

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Blest Saviour, on my soul impress
Blest they who walk with God
Breathe thoughts of pity o'er a brother's fall
Brother, thou art gone before us
But day by day, and year by year
But O! what offering shall I give
But raising first to heaven the eye
But see! a light divides the gloom

But whence the sudden beam that shoots along
But where, my soul, and what shall be thy fate
But who shall see the glorious day
By cool Siloam's shady rill

Cast down, but not destroy'd, I bless the hand
Chamber of sickness! much to thee I owe .
Chase every shade of doubt away

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Charity decent, modest, easy, kind.
Child of dust, corruption's son

Child of heaven, by me restored

Children of God, who pacing slow

Christ in His glory! oh, the thought

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Christ once, a victor bleeding

Clothed with Thy Son, Thou glorious Majesty

Come blessed Spirit, Source of light.

Come, holy Spirit, calm my mind

Come, Holy Spirit, come

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Come to Calvary's holy mountain

Conquer in this! though powers of earth and hell.

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Daughter of Zion, from the dust
Dear is the hallow'd morn to me
Death found strange beauty on that cherub brow
Death is the crown of life

Deathless principle, arise

Did Christ o'er sinners weep.
Divine Historian of man's heart

Dread Omnipresent! who dost dwell

Draw near, ye weary, bowed, and broken-hearted.

Earth! guard what we commit in holy trust
E'en as the needle that directs the hour
Exertion, vigilance, a man in arms

Faith, like a simple unsuspecting child
Far are the wings of intellect astray.
Far from the world, O Lord, I flee
Father! forgive the heart that clings
Father! I want a thankful heart
Father of all! in whom alone

Father of eternal grace

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Father of light, whose loveliest name is Love

Father of mercies! till the day-spring rise.
Flowers! when the Saviour's calm benignant eye
For ever! what a volume lies

Forbid it, Lord, that we

Forgive, blest shade, the tributary tear

Forsake me not, my God, my heart is sinking
From Calvary a cry was heard

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From each terrestrial bondage set me free .
From every stormy wind that blows.
From the deepest deep of sin.

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Full many a flow'r is scatter'd by the breeze

Give me, Lord, a truthful heart

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Give me the wings of faith to rise

God of all grace and majesty.

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God of my life! Thy boundless grace

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Go to dark Gethsemane


Grant me, eternal Lord, Thy light to cheer.

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Great Prophet of Thy church! 'tis Thine

Guard well thy thoughts: our thoughts are heard in heaven 13

Happy soul! thy days are ended

Happy the heart where graces reign

Hark, my soul, it is the Lord.

Hark! 'tis the breeze of twilight calling

Hark! universal nature shook and groan'd.
Hast thou not, in the lone wood's shade
Haste, haste! a man by nature is in haste
He, a man of woes

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He came, the sweet Angel my Father assign'd

He comes! with sudden stroke to smite

He that wept, and died to save

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He was a man of sorrows-He

He who for men their surety stood.

Hear, Lord, the voice of my desire
Heard'st thou that shout? It rent the vaulted skies
Heirs of unending life.

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Help me, my Father, to resign

Her angel's face, as the great eye of heaven
His eye, which comprehending in one view.
Ho! every one that thirsts, draw nigh
Holy Comforter! descend

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