Imágenes de páginas

S. Eternity! what is it, sister, say ?

M. Time past-time present-time to come-to-day.

S. Where are the dead, where can their dwelling be?
M. The house of all the living-come and see.

S. What is our life? why is it called a breath?
M. Because it is a vapor, lost in death.

S. O death! how terrible that solemn thought!
M. Not to the just, who have the victory got.
S. O grave! where is thy boasted victory?
M. Sarah, ask Him who died for thee and me.
S. O Mary, tell me what and where is heaven?
M. 'Tis rest beyond the grave, to all the faithful given.


Spell and Define-1. WON' DROUs, marvelous; strange. 2. GLIT' TER ING, shining; brilliant. 3. VA' RI ED, altered; changed. 4. MIN' GLING, mixing; uniting without order. 5. CRYS' TAL, clear; transparent. 6. TIN' Y, very small; little. 7. I'CI CLE, a pendent mass of ice. 8. TINT'ING, giving a slight coloring to; tinging. 9. Az' URE, of a sky blue. 10. E ó LI AN, pertaining to Eolia, in Asia Minor. 11. U NI VER SAL, all; total; whole. 12. DELL, a hollow place. 13. TRILL, to utter tremblingly. 14. Turr ED, adorned with tufts or clusters.

How does the reading of poetry differ from that of prose ?


1. "COME forth, my son, we'll walk abroad, And view the wondrous works of God. The sun shines on the glittering plain, Where snow proclaims cold winter's reign. 2. "The little brook, we loved so well, That danced so lightly to the dell,

Has ceased its pleasant tune to sing,
Fast bound in ice, a quiet thing;
It silent glides close to the earth,
No longer teeming with the birth
Of flowers and herbs of varied work ;-
The rill no more goes babbling by
To children playing merrily.

3. "But though so still and quiet grown,
It shines in beauty all its own ;-
The glittering crust, like moonlight bright,
Spreads its white surface to the light.
And e'en the stinted pine appears,
Adorned with winter's frozen tears;
And tiny rainbows gleam and shine,
Showing the touch of hand divine;
Mingling all colors fair to see,
Upon the crystal jewelry.

Stern winter has its music shrill,
Though birds and brooks no longer trill."
4. "Where is the music, mother dear,
Why don't its tones come to my ear?
No tiny rainbows do I see,-

Show all these pretty things to me."
5. "Look on those icicles so bright,
Now sparkling in the morning light ;-
Do you not see the blue and green,
The purple and the red between?
Just like the rainbow colors fine,
Tinting the clouds at day's decline?
6. "Do you not see that wreath of snow
Upon the fir tree's rugged brow,

Glittering like pearls with azure gleam,
Catching the sun's first golden beam?
Do you not hear the morning breeze,
Sigh through the tufted cedar trees?
Or when some louder note it sings,
Through the long icicles it rings;
Making such music as you hear
From your Eolian harp, my dear?
Your little feet, as light they go
Upon the crisp hard frozen snow,
Make curious sounds you love to hear,-
Sounds that are music to your ear!"
7. "O yes, mamma, we ofter run
Upon the crackling snow for fun;
And now I see the colors gay,
The ice shows in the sunny ray.
Why did I never see alone

The things so pretty you have show 1?"

8. "Because so heedlessly you go
Around great nature's wondrous show,-
God decks the fields, the woods, the plains,-
And universal beauty reigns!

But we unmoved behold and turn
The little things of earth to learn."

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QUESTIONS.-1. What did the mother say to her son, as they walked forth? 2. How do the little brooks appear in winter ? 3. What is meant by winter's frozen tears'? 4. What is meant by 'crystal jewelry'? 5. Did the boy hear the music, and see the tiny rainbows? 6. How did the mother point them out to him? 7. Did you ever hear an E-6-li-an harp ? 8. Why could not the boy see these things, before his mother pointed them out to him?


Spell and Define-1. O BE' DI ENT, submissive to authority. 2. UN BE COMING, unsuitable; indecent. 3. BLUSH'ED, reddened in the face. 4. CoUN' TE NANCE, the human face; features. 5. SNEER' ED, manifested contempt by laughing. 6. WITNESS ED, seen in person; testified. 7. EM BRA' CED, inclosed in the arms. 8. DE STROY' ED, ruined.


1. SAMUEL, when a boy, served the Lord at Shiloh, before Eli, the priest, and was pleasing both to God and man; for he served the Lord with a pure heart, and was obedient, and increased in wisdom.

2. But the sons of Eli were wicked; they did not care for the Lord, and their sins were great. And they stood one day before the house of their father Eli, under a tree, and Samuel was with them, wearing a linen dress. 3. But the language of Hophini and Phinehas in the presence of Samuel, was highly improper and unbecoming. Then Samuel blushed deeply, so that his countenance glowed like the brightness of evening when the day is spent. It was the first blush. For he had never heard, in his youth, a single evil word from the mouth of man.

4. But the wicked sons of Eli sneered and laughed at the boy, because he blushed at their language. And Samuel turned away

his face, and wept.

5. Then Eli, who had witnessed the scene, approached and said, "My son, why weepest thou?"

6. Samuel answered, "Your sons, Hophni and Phinehas have spoken evil words before me, and my heart was moved, and there came a glow, I knew not how, upon my countenance. And they laughed in scorn.'

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7. Then Eli embraced the young Samuel, and pressed him to his heart, and lifted his voice, saying, "O, my son, weep not, and lay not their scorn to heart. You are the chosen of the Lord, but that which causes me to rejoice in you, fills my soul with pity for my own children. For they have destroyed the blossom in themselves, and how can they ever produce good fruit?"

8. And Eli wept over his sons, until his eyes were dim with tears, and they gave him nothing in return but grief. But Samuel rejoiced the heart of the priest, Eli, and walked upright before the Lord.


QUESTIONS.-1. What is said of young Samuel? 2. What is said of the sons of Eli? 3. What kind of language did they make use of before Samuel ? 4. How did their lanaffect him? 5. What did Hophni and Phinehas do, as they saw Samuel blush ? 6. Did Samuel use improper 8. Who language to them? 7. What did Samuel do? had witnessed the conduct of these boys? 9. What did Eli to Samuel ? 10. What reply did Samuel make? 11. What did Eli then do and say ?


Spell and Define-1. TRANS PORT' ED, ravished with pleasure; carried. 2. A MAZE' MENT, astonishment; wonder. 3. AB SORB' ED, wholly engaged; imbibed. 4. OcCA'SION, time; opportunity. 5. BE SET', to inclose on all

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