Imágenes de páginas

deed, as the voyage was undertaken for the purpose of trading, our men constantly engaged in that business; and when there were no opportunities of trading with strangers, they would carry on a traffick among themselves; but, unhappily, their treasure did not always increase so fast as the cargo diminished.

My anxiety was greatly increased by our approach to Peking. A visit to the capital of the Chinese empire-an object of no little solicitude, after many perils, and much loss of time, was now near in prospect. How this visit would be viewed by the Chinese government, I knew not; hitherto they had taken no notice of me: but a crisis had now come ;-as a missionary anxious to promote the welfare of my fellow-creatures, and more willing to be sacrificed in a great cause, than to remain an idle spectator of the misery entailed on China by idolatry, I could not remain concealed at a place where there are so many mandarins,-it was expected that the local authorities would interfere. Almost friendless, with small pecuniary resources, without any personal knowledge of the country and its inhabitants, I was forced to prepare for the worst. Considerations of this kind, accompanied by the most reasonable conjecture, that I could do nothing for the accomplishment of the great enterprise, would have intimidated and dispirited me, if a power from on high had not continually and graciously upheld and strengthened me. Naturally timid and without talent and resources in myself, yet by divine aid-and by that alone,-I was foremost in times of danger, and to such a degree, that the Chinese sailors would often call me a bravado.

Fully persuaded that I was not prompted by self-interest and vain glory, but by a sense of duty as a missionary, and deeply impressed by the greatness and all-sufficiency of the Saviour's power and gracious assistance enjoyed in former days, I grounded my hope of security on protection under the shadow of his wings, and my expectation of success on the promises of his holy word. It has long been the firm conviction of my heart, that in these latter days the glory of the Lord will be revealed to China; and that, the dragon being dethroned, Christ will be the sole king and object of adoration throughout this extensive empire. This lively hope of China's speedy deliverance from the thraldom of Satan by the hand of our great Lord, Jesus Christ-the King of kings,-to whom all nations, even China, are given as an inheritance, constantly prompts me to action, and makes me willing rather to perish in the attempt of carrying the Gospel to China, than to wait quietly on the frontiers-deterred by the numerous obstacles which seem to forbid an entrance into the country.

I am fully aware that I shall be stigmatized as a head-strong enthusiast, an unprincipled rambler, who rashly sallies forth, without waiting for any indications of Divine Providence, without first seeing the door opened by the hand of the Lord ;—as one fond of novelty, anxious to have a name, fickle in his purposes, who leaves a promising field, and restless burries away to another, all of whose endeavours will not only prove useless, but will actually impede the progress of the Saviour's cause. I shall not be very anxious to vindicate myself against such charges-though some of them are very well founded, -until the result of my labours shall be made known to my accusers. Í have weighed the arguments for and against the course I am endeavouring to pursue, and have formed the resolution to publish the Gospel to the inhabitants of China Proper, in all the ways and by all the means which the Lord our God appoints in his word and by his providence ;-to persevere in the most indefatigable manner so long as there remains any hope of success,-and rather to be blotted out from the list of mortals, than to behold with indifference the uncontrolled triumph of Satan over the Chinese. Yet still, I am not ignorant of my own nothingness, nor of the formidable obstacles, which on every side shut up the way, and impede our progress; and I can only say,-" Lord, here I am, use me according to thy holy pleasure.'

Should any individual be prompted to extol my conduct, I would meet and repel such commendation by my thorough consciousness of possessing not the least merit; let such persons, rather than thus vainly spend their breath, come forth, and join in the holy cause with zeal and wisdom superior to any who have gone before them; the field is wide, the harvest truly great, and the labourers are few. Egotism, obtrusive monster-lurks through these pages; it is my sincere wish, therefore, to be completely swallowed up in the Lord's great work, and to labour unknown and disregarded, che rishing the joyful hope, that my reward is in heaven, and my name, though a very unworthy one, written in " the book of life."-Chinese Repository.



The Subscribers and Friends to this noble Institution held their 39th Annual Meeting at Exeter-hall, on Thursday, May 9. It was by far the most numerous assembly convened during the present anniversaries. The weather was peculiarly favourable, and at an early hour every seat in the large hall was occupied. Numbers, however, continued to apply for admission, and it was found necessary to open the galleries behind the platform. These were likewise filled; and then the plan adopted on a former occasion was had recourse to, that of holding a second meeting in the lower hall; but even this would not afford all the accommodation required, and a large concourse of persons were obliged to return, regretting the disappointment.

The services were commenced by singing, at the conclusion of which the Rev. Mr. DOUGLAS offered up prayer. On the motion of Mr. DYER, THOMAS WILSON Esq. Treasurer, was called to preside.

The Rev. WILLIAM ELLIS then proceeded to read an abstract of the Report, which was in substance as follows:

In the South Seas political disturbances have retarded the progress of the mission in some of the Leeward Islands, and led, in one of them more particularly, to both civil and moral disorders; but even there the truly Christian portion of the natives have exhibited pleasing proof of the power of religion, in their commendable efforts for the preservation of peace and the suppression of immorality. In the Windward Islands the state of tranquillity has remained unbroken. The advantages of political and civil institutions appear to be better understood, and the laws to be increasingly effective. Commerce has been extended, and the culture of some of the indigenous products of the soil has advanced. The spiritual state of the mission, as might be inferred from the facts already stated, is not all that might be desired. If, however, in some of the natives piety has declined, in others it has gained strength; and it appears, that the mission in some respects, rests on a firmer basis, and affords more solid ground for confidence than ever. In China, Dr. Morrison and his two native assistants have scattered far and wide, by means of the press, the imperishable seed of the Word. At the Ultra Ganges Stations, the operations for disseminating Christian knowledge among the inhabitants of the Malayan peninsula, the islands of the Indian Archipelago, &c., have been carried on with vigour, and not without visible success. The missions in the East Indies afford greater encouragement than at any antecedent period. The disposition of the natives to attend the preaching of the Gospel, the desire for education, and the spirit of inquiry are on the increase, while the authority of the Brahmins and the influence of Hindooism continue to decline. The religious books of the mission are sought for with avidity by the people, while some of the more talented and better educated among the Hindoos are exposing the folly and condemning the evil tendency of their own. Indeed, the decided hostility displayed by some of the latter against the Hindoo system, threatens its entire overthrow: for which issue the natives generally are in a great measure prepared, by the increase of knowledge, the decline of prejudice, and the national expectation widely cherished by the Hindoos, that their own religion must soon give way to one of a purer character. We are happy to add, that the Native assistants are becoming increasingly effective in the work of the mission; while the English residents, who in great numbers receive the truth in the love of it, multiply the channels for conveying the water of life among the natives. At St. Petersburg the church still flourishes, and abounds in love and good works. In Siberia the work is progressing; and it is hoped the permission granted to print the Mongolian Scriptures, will become the harbinger of light and joy to many. At Corfu the work of education is advancing, and extending to neighbouring islands. At Malta the important labours of the press have been carried on as usual. At several of the stations in South Africa, there is a considerable advancement in spiritual religion, and in civil and social improvement. The formation of a printing establishment at Lattakoo, and of infant schools at many, and of temperance societies at some of the stations, seem to mark the beginning of a new era in the history of the South African missions. The Hottentots who, from two of the society's princi pal stations, a few years ago removed to the neutral territory, have asserted their claim to a respectable station in general society, by their intelligence, activity, and the evidence of prosperity exhibited at their settlements. The painful events which have lately occurred at Mauritius have compelled the missionary to remove from the island. At Madagascar the government has interfered, we hope for a short time only, with the Christian liberty of the newly-formed churches, but has again thrown open the door to education. Those schools which had been closed for some years, have been refilled with scholars, (increasing the aggregate number to about 6000,) and the work of instruction resumed with renewed vigour. The desire of knowledge is rapidly increasing, and the demand for books proportionably great. The Word of God has taken deep root in

the island, and persons of all classes are rejoicing under its shadow. While the Christians of Britain have been exerting themselves with commendable zeal and vigour, to restore the common rights and blessings of humanity to the slave, the God of all the families of the earth has vouchsafed, beyond all former example, to prosper the labours of the Society's Missionaries in British Guiana, especially in Berbice. The thirst for religious instruction in the latter colony, among both the free coloured people and the slaves, is also unprecedented.

The number of Missionary Stations and Out-stations, belonging to the Society, in different parts of the world, Missionaries labouring at the same, &c. is as follows:

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making, with upwards of 400 Schoolmasters, Assistants, Catechists, &c. between 500 and 600 persons, more or less dependent on the Society, exclusive of families.

The number of native churches is 54, and that of native communicants, 4,557; of schools the number is 448, and that of scholars, 27,257. The number of printing establishments is 13, from nine of which have been printed 250,050 books, including 37,500 portions of Scripture, and from eleven stations, 113,237 copies of books have been put in circulation during the past year.

The amount of the receipts of the Society, during the past year, including about 3,3001. contributed at the stations abroad, is nearly 37,5007. and the expenditure, for the same period, including that of the amount of the foreign contributions, which are applied to specific missions on the spot, nearly 41,6007.; leaving a balance against the Society of upwards of 4,000l. for the past year. An income of 45 0007., or about 10,0001. annually more than the amount contributed in the United Kingdom, during the past year, will be required to enable the directors to carry on the missions of the society, on their present scale of operation, in an efficient and satisfactory manner. In conclusion, we must again remind our Christian friends, that the calls for help, from the South Seas, India, Spanish America, &c., are numerous, loud, and urgent.


The thirty-third anniversary of this Society was celebrated at Exeter-hall, on Tuesday, the 30th April—Sir R. H. Inglis in the chair. After prayer, the Secretary read the report, which commenced with a Christian tribute of respect to the memory of the late President of the Society, Admiral Lord Gambier, a Nobleman whose praise is in all the churches. Affectionate mention was also made of the lamented deaths of Dr. Godfrey and James Stevens, Esq., Charles Elliott, Esq., and Thomas Bainbridge, Esq.-all warm friends of the society. The latter gentleman has bequeathed the sum of £1,000 three per cent. Consols in aid of the great cause. The receipts of the Church Missionary Society for the year ending 31st March, 1832, had been £40,750, and for the past year, £48,600, which, with certain sums contributed for particular objects, will realize the very considerable amount of £49,300. The students in the Mission College, Islington, are, in number, thirteen. The missionaries and catechists sent out during the year have been nine; and the whole number of missionaries and catechists, in connexion with the Society, are 110. In West Africa, the Society labours among a population of about 21,000 liberated Negroes, of whom about 4,000 constantly attend the ministry of the missionaries. Three thousand children and adults are receiving the blessings of a Christian education, and 624 are enjoying the benefits of church fellowship. At Malta the work of the Lord advances, more especially in the printing and circulation of Tracts. In Arabic, 12,368 Tracts have been printed; and in Greek, 23,393. The report noticed the safe arrival of Dr. Wilson, the newly-appointed Bishop of Calcutta.


The eighth annual meeting of this excellent institution, which has done so much to rouse Churchmen and Dissenters to a sense of their duty to their neglected

neighbours, was held at Finsbury Chapel, on Tuesday evening, the 30th April-Lord Henley in the chair, who, after prayer by Dr. Henderson, opened the meeting in a neat, catholic, and impressive speech, much calculated to rouse attention to the meeting, and to convince all that his Lordship was recommending an employment to which he was by no means a stranger. The report, which was read by the Rev. J. Blackburn, one of the secretaries, abounded in interesting disclosures. It reported in the metropolis alone an aggregate of 63 associations, 1,297 visitors, and 32,452 families, under a regular system of Christian visitation. By the labours of the visitors, 89 weekly prayer-meetings have been established, and 100,000 loan tracts have been put into circulation; 568 copies also of the Holy Scriptures have been distributed; 1603 poor children have been introduced into Sunday or dayschools, and 2,335 cases of distress have been relieved during the year. Six thousand persons, at least, attend every Lord's Day at the prayer-meetings or preaching stations of the society, which, with the regular visitation of 160,000 individuals, shows in a striking light the value of the society. More than 100 towns and villages have established associations on the plan of the Parent Society. The society's income during the past year has been £1,133 1s. 10d. The expenditure, including the amount due to the treasurer, has been £1,302 8s. 9d., leaving the institution in debt £169 6s. 11d. In the depository there are Tracts to the value of £300, and the sum due for Tracts is £162.


On Monday, the 16th May, the twenty-eighth anniversary of this important institution was celebrated at Exeter-hall-the Right Hon. Lord John Russel in the chair, who opened the proceedings of the meeting in a neat and appropriate speech. The report was read by Mr. Dunn, and it detailed many facts of a nature highly encouraging. The central Borongh-school is in a state of great efficiency. During the past year, 63 candidates have been admitted into the institution, for the purpose of acquiring the system, and of these, 51 have been appointed to the charge of schools. Eight schools have been supplied with teachers, and fifteen missionaries have been taught the peculiarities of the British system to fit them for their future labours. Fifty-one schools have been opened under the auspices of the society, in those parts of the country where the late dreadful acts of incendiarism were most prevalent. In France, 1,581 schools have been opened, in which 2,900,000 children are receiving the benefit of an education directly founded on the word of God. In the Ionian Isles, 127 schools for boys have been opened, in which 4,962 interesting youths are daily instructed. The importance of such schools in Greece can be better conceived than described. In Asia Minor, in the region of the seven churches, in Southern and Western Africa, among the Hottentots, in Macarthy's Island, among the Foulah tribes, the British and Foreign system is advancing with encouraging hopes of ultimate success. We regret to perceive that the funds of this admirable and unsectarian institution are totally inadequate to meet the rapidly increasing demands made on the committee. The income last year was £2,978 10s. 6d., and the expenditure £3,212 11s. 7d.


The anniversary meeting of this society was held at Exeter-hall, on Thursday, the 2nd May-Lord Henley in the chair. His Lordship set forth, in a luminous and Christian-like speech, the great benefits accruing from the Sunday-school system. Mr. Lloyd, the Secretary, read a report of great interest, which clearly evinced the rapid progress of Sunday schools in France, Denmark, Malta, New South Wales, and Southern Africa. In the United States of America alone, there are 9,187 Sunday-schools, 80,913 teachers, and 542,420 scholars. The accounts from the West Indies are very encouraging. At home, the total number of Sunday-schools, in connexion with the Union, are 11,275, in which 128,784 teachers are regularly employed, and 1,158,435 scholars are receiving instruction. The increase during the past year has been 329 schools, 12,468 teachers and 22,915 scholars. The sales from the depository during the past year have amounted to £7,030 3s. 24d. The balance in hand on the benevolent fund is £278 6s. 10d. and of the Jubilee fund £234 13s. 1d. During the last year and this, the sum of £915 has been voted by the committee to aid in building rooms for Sunday and day-schools, in various parts of the country. A condition, however, has been made in most cases by the committee, that an effort shall be made in proportion to the sum voted; so that the buildings raised will be worth at least £10,000.

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Meteorological Register, kept at the Surveyor General's Office, Calcutta, for the Month of September, 1833.

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Obsd. Ht.

of Barom.

29,688 80,2 78,8 78,4


84, 84,7 83,5



84,8 86,9

84,5 N.




84,6 87,2 85,6
82,6 81,7 80,8
83,6 81, 82,7 E.
84,4 88,2 85,4
83,7 88.6 85,4 s.
84,7 90,4 86,5
90,5 86,6
85,4 90,5 88,


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0,20 0,16

E.,690 87,4 90,9 88,2 CM.,662 86,7 90,5 87,3 s. w.,620 84,8 85,6 1,5 w. 0,37 0,30
,608 80,5 78,6 78,4 s. E.,660 82,5 81,3 80, N.W.,636 83, 82,2 81,3 s. w.,580 83,6 83,282,2 s. ,562 83,4 82,3 81,7 s. w.,584 82,2 80,7 80, 8.1,40 1,28
,604 81,3 81,80,7 s. ,656 83,4 85, 83,5 s. w.,648 84, 85, 83,7 8. ,618 84,7 85,8 85,1 s. E.,600 84,7 84,8, 84,3 s. E.,612 82,5 81,2 81,4 E.
,692 79,8 77,9 78, s. E.,740 82,5 82,4 81,4 s. E. 734 83,6 84,8 83, s. E.,696
E.,680 84,4 84,7 84,3 E. ,694 82,8 81,5 81,3 s. E. 0,60 0,54
,728 81, 79,8 79,4's. E.,790 83,5 86, 84,5 E. ,786 83,6 82,7 82,8 E. ,718
B.,700 83,5 85,4 84,8 s. E.,724 82,6 81,4 81,5 E. 1,20 1,00
,752 81, 80,2 80, s. E.,816 82,5 84,5 82, E.
,800 83,5 85,7 83,7 E. ,748
,722 83,5 83,6 82,8 N. E.,738 83,3 83, 82,3 s. E. 0,20 0,20
,794 80,7 80, 80,2 E. ,850 82,5 85, 83,5 E. ,832 83,4 85,7 83,7 E. ,776
E. 750 84,3 87,84,4 E. ,764 83,3 83,4 82,4 s. E. 0,08 0,08
,806 80,3 79,278,6 E. ,862 82,7 85,5 84, s. E.,840 82,7 85, 83,3 s. E.,800
E.,794 84, 88, 85,2 s. E.,778 82,8 82,3 82, 8.
,866 80,5 79,5 79,2 s. E.,916 83,5 87,5 84,5 s. E.,900 84,4 88,3 85,3 s. E.,832
w.,810 84,7 86,4 84,3 s. ,816 84, 84, 82,2 s.
,858 81,3 80, 78,8 s. ,924 84, 87,5 84,5 s. ,916 84,6 89,5 85,8 s. w.,856
s.,828 84,5 88,5 85,2 s. E.,834 83,7 83,8 81,9 s. E.
,882 82, 81, 80,8 s. E.,922 84,1 87,6 85,2 s. ,902 84,6 91, 87,5 s. ,836
806 85,3 89,4 87,5 s. E.,826 85, 85,4 84,7 s.
,900 81,7 80,6 80,4 s. E.,952 84,5 87, 84,5 E. ,934 85,6 90,4 86,5 s. ,866
,840 85,8 88,5 85,6 s.
,884 81,8 80,4 80,2 s. E.,940 84,5 87,5 84,3 s. w.,912 85,3 89,2 85,4 s. ,842
,824 85,7 88,4 84,6 s.
,840 82,3 81, 80,4 s. ,876 85, 88,2 86,5 s. ,844 85,8 90,2 88,6 s. E.,780
,760 86, 90,387, 8.
,822 82,8 82,280,8 s. ,874, 85, 88, 86,6 s. ,836 86, 89,7 87,8 s. E.,770
E.,790 87, 91,5 88,6
,844 82,4 81,9 81,6 s. ,902 85, 87,8 85,3 s. ,874 85,7 90,4 86,7 8. ,810
788 86,8 89,6 87,7
,868 83, 82,281,8 s. ,920 85,3 87,5 85,2 s. w.,876 86,3, 90, 86,5 s. ,802 86,8 91,5 87,5 s. w.,772 86,6 90,4 86,8 794 85,3 85,8 84,2 s. E.
,788,81, 81,5 80,4 s. ,840 85,5 88,7 85,5 s. ,828 86,2 90,7 87,0 s. w.,766 86,3 94, 88,3 s. E.,748 86,7 92,7 88, S. ,756 86,1 86,4 84,5 s.
,850 82,2 80,2 80,4 s. E.,890 85,5 88,6 86,2 s. E. 856 86, 92,2 87,2 s. E.,796 85,7 88,8 85,7 s. E.,788 85,7 87, 85,4 E.,794 84,8 84,2 82,3 s.. E.
,852 82, 80,2 80, s. E.,918 85, 86,2 84,3 s. w.,900 85,1 88, 85,5 s. w.,816 85,5 91,5 88,2 s. E.,794 86, 88,8 88, s. E.,808 85,4 85,1 85, s. E.
,800 81,5 80,0 79,8 N. E.,860, 85, 88, 85,3 N. E.,842 85,4 90,2 87, N. E.,750 91,7 87,5 N.,730 87,3 91,4 87,3 N. E.,744 84,7 82,8 81,8 N. E.
,774 82,1 80,3 80,2 N. E.,830 85,2 87,5 85,2 E. ,802 85,6 88,8 85,8 N. E.,746 90,5 87,2 N. E.,738 84,5 84, 82,3 N. E.,742 82,5 82,5 80,2 N. E. 0,82 0,74
,762 81,8 79,7 79,6 N. E.,818 84, 85,4 83, N E.,784 85, 87,5 83,7 N. E.,726 83,8 82,4 81,5 E. ,700 82,6 80,6 80,3 E. ,712 82, 79,4 79,3 E. 0,48 0,40
770 81, 79, 79, s. B. 820 83,1 82,5 81,5 E. ,798 84, 87,584,2 E. ,730 84, 86,2 83,6 E. ,724 82,3 81,3 80,5 E. ,750 82,2 78,879,6 E. 0,10 0,08
,770 81,3 78,2 77,4 8. E.,824 82, 83, 82,3 E. ,812 82,5 82,5 81,4 s. E.,742 82,7 84, 82,5 s. E. 738 83, 84, 82,2 s. E.,744 82,3 81,8 81,4 s. E. 0,60 0,50
,784 80,5 79, 78,8 E. ,828 83, 85, 83,2 s. E.,782 83,4 84, 82,7 s. w.,730 81,5 80,2 80, E. ,718 82,3 81,6 80,8 s. E.,726 82,4 81,4 81, s. E. 1,22 1,15
,692 80,2 78,9 78,4 s. E.,742 83,1 85,8 83,3's. E.,770 84, 89, 84,3 s. E.,706 84,7 91,5 86,2 s. ,692 85, 90,285,7 S. ,700 84, 85,3 84, s. E.
,700 81, 79,3 79, E. ,764 84, 87,4 84, s. E.,748 85,1 86,2 90,2 E.,664 85,6 90,5 87,3 s. E.,652 85,6 91, 88, s. E.,658 84,9 86,4 84,8 s. E.
,708 81,2 80, 79,8 N. E.,764 84, 86,3 84, E. 742 85, 88,3 85, E.,700 85,4 86,8 84,2 E. ,682 84,5 88,5 85,5 E. ,694 84,3 84,4 84, S. E.
,720 81, 79,5 79,2 E. ,776 82,5 82,5 81,3 N. E.,764 83,7 87, 84,1 N. E.,700 84,6 86,5 84,3 N. E.,682 84,4 85, 83,2 N. E.,700 83,2 80,2 81,2 N. E. 0,92 0,88






of Barom.

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Of an Evap.


Rain, New

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