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intellect. Come along, let us reason. How far will we go with our reason? Above the atmosphere and into space. Have you got over there into space with your mind? And in space we are lost, quite lost. We do not understand these things-we are lost. Well, now let us try our souls. With our souls we get above the atmosphere, and above space—in one act, we are prostrate before the Throne of God, and say, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts, which was, and is, and is to come-Alleluia-Amen." By our souls, this Passiontide, we may creep up to Calvary, and fall down at the foot of the Cross, and feel the warm Blood of the Infinite trickle on our heads. With your souls, you can go to the Altar, and put the Chalice to your lips, and taste the Blood of your salvation. With your souls you can come and confess your sins, and know that the pardon of the penitent was secured for you more than nineteen hundred years ago on Calvary. By your souls you can go into the church and kneel down and put out your hand and feel His wounded Hand put into yours. By our bodies and minds, we live in time, and by our souls we live in eternity; and when you ask me when our religion began, which is the life of our souls, I open my Bible and read, " In the beginning God"; and if you ask me when our religion is to end, I open my Bible again, and look at the last words, and see," Come, Lord Jesus." Here it is written for your soul from cover to cover. Read it with your soul, then Genesis becomes a Revelation, and Revelation becomes a Genesis. The Lord Jesus Christ, I know, came to save the body. Good soul, I know it, but, mind you, if He had come to save the body only, there would have been no scourging, no Gethsemane,

no Crucifixion. He might have walked over the hill of Calvary, and no one would have said nay to Him. But He came to save our souls, and the High Priest stood up in the Court of the people, and said: "Art Thou the Christ, the Son of the living God?" And Jesus, the Truth, stated the truth, and said, "Thou sayest, I am." And they spat on Him and said, "He is of the devil." But it was the Truth that saved their soul, and for our soul's salvation was He first scourged and crucified. He saved others, Himself He could not save. And the Centurion, who had the execution in hand, when He saw the Truth extended upon Calvary's hill, said, “Truly, this man was the Son of God" (S. Matt. xxvii. 54).

"What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" Come, now, as a business man, what can a man give in exchange for his soul?

And I have one more point, which is this : This truth it is which greatens our life, and this truth it is which magnifies God. It greatens man and God. You might ask, What do you mean by greatening God? Isn't He eternal, the Omnipotent, Everlasting? How can man greaten God? Essentially, no created being could possibly greaten the Creator, but, accidentally, God has willed that by creation, and redemption and sanctification, His creatures could greaten Him-accidentally. So it is that Mary, God's sweet Mother, could in the flesh sing, "My soul doth greaten God," for Magnify is the Latin word for greaten. "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my trust is in God my Saviour." The Blessed Virgin Mary was no Theist or Unitarian, at any rate, for she said, her soul

magnified God, the Lord, and her Spirit rejoiced in God, her Saviour.

And now I ask you if it is possible for you and for me to magnify God with our souls; to rejoice in our Saviour by our spirits? This is the reason of our creation. This is why we were born into the world in this our day. He is our vocation on earth, and our triumph in heaven. Oh! what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose that by which he can greaten and magnify his Father? Saint once said, and said truly, it was worth being born into the world with all its miseries, trouble, sicknesses and death, once to have the opportunity of praising God.


Dear brethren, I am getting on in life, and may not have the opportunity of speaking much longer. But I should like you to remember that one Monday evening in Lent, I spoke to you of the greatness of our souls; and I plead with you to-night, that before you make your Easter Communion, by God, the Holy Spirit, you may be quite certain in your soul you are right with God, "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry" (Ps. ii. 12), and make a good Easter Communion, and be at peace with God. "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affections on the things of God, and on the things above, not on the things of the earth, for ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God" (Col. iii. 1-3).


"Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?"-Acts ii. 37.

It was the Day of Pentecost. The Holy Ghost had come down in tongues of fire on the Apostles. Peter was preaching, and preached so powerfully that those who heard him were pricked to the heart and said, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" My brethren, isn't it beautiful to think that Peter, the Apostle who denied his Lord and Master three times, now, with his soul regenerated by the grace of the Holy Ghost, can confess and preach such a sermon before men that they were pricked to the heart and cried, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" So can the grace of God, filling the hearts of men and women, turn them from the denial of faith into confession of the Saviour, to the praise and to the glory of God's grace.

And my first point to-night is this: All true repentance must be from the heart. Last time I preached to you I told you God forgives always, and always from the heart. I don't think there is anything nearer or dearer to the heart of God than the forgiveness of our sins. Don't for one moment think that you are going to drag out of God forgiveness by your penances. It is never dragged out of God. God is ever ready to forgive. He is full of loving-kindness and tender mercy.

The whole plan of salvation is that God sent the Eternal Son to be born of the Virgin Mary, to save us from our sins, and the whole of the revelation of the Son of Man shows us how dear to God's heart is our forgiveness. In the parable of the prodigal, the father runs to the prodigal, he won't let him finish his confession, he throws his arms round about his neck and kisses him. You don't drag out of God an unwilling forgiveness. When God forgives us our sins, He does that which is nearest His heart. He is ever ready to forgive and forget. Don't you, who prepare for your Easter, forget this. You take your little sins to God, and He runs towards you. Mark you: "God so loved-write ' So '-in large letters-So-that He gave His only begotten-it is the extreme height of love-that whosoever believeth-and you haven't got a better word in the dictionary than 'whosoever '-it reaches from earth to heaven-that whosoever believeth, should not perish, should not perish-whosoever you are, you shall not perish, but you shall have everlasting life." Do you believe it? That will show you how God loves you.

And, dear brethren, if we repent this Lent of our sins, mind you, we must repent from the heart. It must be heart-work. Don't make any mistake about it. Don't be deceived by the deceitfulness of sin. The Holy Ghost says, to-day, "Repent from the heart." Let it be heart-work altogether. Some people I know dress in black in Lent. Well, I should say that was meet and appropriate; some people try all sorts of penances. I have been asked once or twice whether to keep Lent you should use the discipline, which is a scourge of whip-cord. Well, I tell you quite plainly that the scourge God would have you use is the one

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